Section 3

Persuasive Moving Images



As we move from still images into video, everything we learned about still images also applies to video with one big exception: In video, everything moves! Talent moves, cameras move, titles and graphics move. Because of this movement, our persuasive options expand.

In this section, we explore just what all this movement means; plus, two chapters on interviews and audio that apply to most video projects. The chapters in this section are:


  • Image   Persuasion is a choice we ask each individual viewer to make.

  • Image   To deliver our message, we must first attract and hold a viewer’s attention.

  • Image   For greatest effect, a persuasive message must contain a cogent story, delivered with emotion, targeted at a specific audience, and end with a clear Call to Action.

  • Image   The Six Priorities and the Rule of Thirds provide guidelines we can use to effectively capture and retain the eye of the viewer.


These determine where the eye looks first in an image:

  1. Movement

  2. Focus

  3. Difference

  4. Brighter

  5. Bigger

  6. In front