In the end,
life lived to its fullest
is its own ultimate gift.
Jason turned with a bewildered look on his face and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Hamilton. We did all twelve of the gifts that Uncle Red mentioned, and he said that this month would be the last one.”
“Well, as Red Stevens’ attorney and as executor of his estate,” I replied, “I can tell you that he had one last bequest in his will that would only be made available if all the conditions were met. As the sole arbiter of each of the conditions, I can tell you that they have all been met and exceeded.”
Jason continued to appear perplexed and said, “I really don’t know what you are talking about. I thought—”
Miss Hastings interrupted and said, “I realize you thought you were done. But there is one more step. If you’ll follow me into the conference room, I do believe all things will become clear.”
We adjourned to the conference room, and in a few moments, Red Stevens was once again speaking to us from the video screen.
“Jason,” he said, “I want to tell you how proud of you I am. You have completed each element and received each part of the ultimate gift I had planned for you. I wish that I had come into possession of all twelve gifts as early in life as you have. Now that you have received the ultimate gift, not only do you have the privilege of enjoying it, but you have the responsibility of living your life to its fullest with each gift in balance. You have the further responsibility of passing along the ultimate gift whenever it is possible.
“I wish I could be with you to simply watch the wonderful things that are going to happen in your life, but somehow—in my own way—I suspect I will be with you.
“Jason, I have done a lot of things in my life, but the best of them may well be passing the ultimate gift on to you. Please don’t let me down. Make the gift grow and be fruitful. Make your life an extension of the ultimate gift you have received. If you will do all of these things, you will have—in your own way—given to me your version of the ultimate gift.”
The image of Red Stevens faded away for what would be the last time.
As the lights came up, Jason leaped to his feet and, with a confident look on his face, said, “I am going to do it! I am going to use every element of the ultimate gift, and I am going to find a way to pass it on to deprived people who are as I was a year ago. I had no idea that the greatest gift anyone could be given is the awareness of all of the gifts he or she already has. Now I know why God made me and put me on this earth. I understand the purpose for my life and how I can help other people find their purpose.”
Jason, once again, headed for the door, and, once again, I stopped him—this time by saying, “Young man, I have never seen anybody in such a hurry to leave.”
Jason turned around with that same bewildered expression on his face. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hamilton,” he said, “I just thought—”
“I know, you thought we were done,” I interrupted. “If you will just sit back down, I will discharge my final duty with regard to Red Stevens’ last will and testament.”
Miss Hastings handed me the voluminous document, and I turned to the appropriate page. I was just getting my reading glasses out of my pocket when Jason blurted out, “I just thought—”
I interrupted Jason again by scolding him playfully, “Young man, never interrupt a duly appointed attorney when he is trying to discharge his final duty.”
Miss Hastings laughed and added, “Especially when the attorney is eighty years old.”
We all laughed together, and I read from the document. “And to my great-nephew, Jason Stevens, I leave control of my charitable trust fund. Its current value is somewhere slightly over $1 billion. As my great-nephew has shown himself to be responsible and able in every area of life, he will have the sole control of this charitable trust fund which supports the Red Stevens Home for Boys, the Red Stevens Library Program, several scholarship programs, hospitals, and many other worthy institutions.
“I direct Jason to use the wisdom and experience he has gained as a recipient of the ultimate gift to manage these projects and any others that he deems significant.”
Jason sat back in his chair, totally stunned. Finally, after several false starts, he said, “Do you mean that I am in charge of all of those things?”
I gave him a formal look and tone, answering, “As I read the document, it would seem to be the case. You are in charge of all of the aforementioned, and anything else you feel to be important.”
Jason lit up. A smile spread across his face. He looked toward Miss Hastings and back to me, saying, “I could use part of the charitable trust to spread the ultimate gift all around the world.”
Miss Hastings replied, “If I’m not mistaken, I believe that’s what Red Stevens had in mind all along.”
Jason hugged both of us again, thanked us profusely, and parted.
Miss Hastings and I sat back down at the conference room table and simply drank in the feeling of elation and success.
“Did you notice,” she observed, “that he never asked about his income or wages or anything else like that?”
I nodded with a smile, as we both reflected on the amazing transformation that Jason had made in one year.
Finally, ever vigilant Miss Hastings left the conference room to complete her many duties for the day. I was left alone in the conference room, and I couldn’t resist rewinding the videotape and watching Red Stevens’ last message one more time.
When it was over, I spoke to the darkened screen. “Well, old friend, I believe this is where we finally do part company. I wish I could tell you how thankful I am to be included in the ultimate gift, and I wish I could tell you all of the wonderful things Jason has done and is going to do.”
As I walked out of the conference room, I realized Red did know and—in his own way—would be watching with me as Jason lived out and passed on The Ultimate Gift.