Some people are born
into wonderful families.
Others have to find or create them.
Being a member of a family
is a priceless privilege
which costs nothing but love.
into wonderful families.
Others have to find or create them.
Being a member of a family
is a priceless privilege
which costs nothing but love.
The following day,
Jason Stevens, Miss Hastings, and I gathered in the conference room
for our monthly meeting which was becoming a welcomed ritual for
me. We sat in our established places. I was lost in thoughts of
what the next month might bring as Miss Hastings started the
Red Stevens greeted
Jason warmly. “Hello, and congratulations on learning to value the
gift of problems. That lesson will serve you well all the days of
your life. You are now entering the sixth month of our one-year
remedial lesson in life. This month, you will begin to understand
and respect the gift of family.
“Now, Jason, I
realize that our family is about as messed up as a family can be,
and I accept my full share of responsibility for that. However, the
best or the worst family situation can teach us a lesson. We either
learn what we want or, unfortunately, we learn what we don’t want
in life from our families. Out of all the young men in the world, I
have selected you. I have asked Mr. Hamilton to undertake this
monumental task on my behalf for you because you are my
great-nephew. It’s hard to understand why that means something, but
I want you to know that it does.
“Families give us our
roots, our heritage, and our past. They also give us the
springboard to our future. Nothing in this world is stronger than
the bond that can be formed by a family. That is a bond of pure
love that will withstand any pressure as long as the love is kept
in the forefront.
“It’s important for
you to realize that families come in all shapes and sizes. Some
very blessed people are able to live their whole lives as part of
the families they were born into. Other people, like you,
Jason—through a set of circumstances—are left without family other
than in name. Those people have to go out and create
“I know this seems
odd to you, but by the end of this month, I believe you will begin
to understand what I am trying to tell you. This month, you, Mr.
Hamilton, and Miss Hastings will be going on another trip. You will
be meeting people who seem to have no family, and in this way I am
hoping you will learn the value that a family can
“At the end of this
month, I will ask you to demonstrate to Mr. Hamilton that you know
and understand what the gift of family means.
“Mr. Hamilton has all
the details for your trip, and assuming you accomplish this
objective, I will talk to you next month.”
Jason turned to me
and said, “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me where we’re
going, what we’re going to do, or whom we’re going to meet, are
I smiled and said,
“All in good time, young man. I have been instructed to tell you
only what you need to know and only when you need to know
Miss Hastings
interrupted. “I believe we have made arrangements to pick you up at
your home at 7:30 in the morning. We will be traveling several
hours by automobile. Please be prepared to stay one month in a
climate similar to the one which we are enjoying here in
The next morning,
Miss Hastings and I were comfortably installed in the back of a
long, black limousine driven by a very large gentleman selected
especially for this mission. We pulled up in front of Jason’s
palatial home, which his great-uncle had purchased for him via a
trust fund.
Our driver got out
and went to the front door to collect Jason and his luggage. A few
moments later, I saw the chauffeur—easily carrying both of Jason’s
suitcases in one hand—leading Jason toward the car. Jason seemed a
bit timid around the giant, and when the back door was opened to
let Jason in, he appeared relieved to be in the company of Miss
Hastings and me.
“Who in the world is
that huge guy?” asked Jason.
Miss Hastings replied
cheerily, “Oh, you mean Nathan? He is a very nice young man
selected especially for this trip.”
“What does that
mean?” Jason asked.
Miss Hastings just
smiled and sipped on a cup of coffee.
I turned and shook
hands with Jason, greeting him. “Good morning, Jason. All will
become clear at the appropriate time. For now, I suggest you sit
back and relax, and I will tell you some of the details as we
approach our destination.”
We enjoyed a
beautiful drive out of Boston, across eastern Massachusetts, and
into New Hampshire. As we turned north along the coast, I began to
explain our trip to Jason.
“Before too long, we
will be entering the state of Maine. We will travel several miles
into a private forest, and we will arrive at the Red Stevens Home
for Boys, where you will be a substitute houseparent for the next
month. This will give the resident houseparent an opportunity for a
well-deserved vacation and will give you an opportunity to get very
well acquainted with thirty-six boys ranging in age from six to
Jason stared at me
dubiously and said, “I thought I was supposed to be learning about
family. How in the world did that old man think I would learn about
family from a bunch of orphans?”
“That old man, as you so eloquently put it, started
this place over thirty years ago and has funded it ever since,” I
responded. “He knew it inside and out, and I am sure the lesson he
has planned for you can be found there. I just hope for your sake
you can keep an open mind and find it.”
“Well, it doesn’t
make any sense to me,” Jason mumbled.
“Nevertheless, you’re
in for a unique month, to say the least,” I said. “As your
great-uncle made me the chairman of the board of this institution
upon his death, Miss Hastings and I will spend the month working in
the office, dealing with some of the donors, and seeing to next
year’s budget.”
A few moments later,
we drove off of the main highway and onto a gravel side road. We
passed a rustic sign reading, Red
Stevens Home for Boys. Several moments
later, our excellent driver, Nathan, guided the limousine to a stop
in the middle of a courtyard surrounded by several buildings,
including a dining commons, a dormitory, a classroom building, a
gymnasium, and an administration building.
Nathan got out of the
limousine and opened the rear door for the three of us to get out.
As he was getting the luggage out of the trunk, the door to the
dormitory burst open, and an entire herd of young boys rushed to
Nathan and began to mob him. He picked several of them up in the
air, hugged several more, and slapped hands with still others. They
were all calling his name and seemed to be terribly excited to see
Finally, the
enthusiastic greeting seemed to be over when Nathan said in a tone
that would be hard to ignore, “Now, men, let’s get into our
dormitory and make sure everything is squared away, because we have
a new houseparent here for the month.”
The boys responded
immediately and rushed back into their dormitory. Nathan, somehow
carrying all the luggage at once without seeming to be burdened
down, led us into the dormitory. There were two rows of bunks
lining each wall with lockers in between.
Nathan dropped
Jason’s luggage onto the first bunk and said, “Welcome home. This
will be your palace for the next thirty days. Mr. Hamilton and Miss
Hastings will be staying in the private apartments connected to the
administration building.”
Nathan turned back to
Jason and said, “I would suggest you get unpacked and settled in.
You have a lot of catching up to do.”
We all agreed to meet
in the dining room in approximately twenty minutes. Nathan showed
Miss Hastings and me to the two comfortable apartments adjoining
the administration building.
At the agreed upon
time, we were all seated at the end of a long table in the dining
room. Several dozen boys streamed in and sat at what appeared to be
assigned places. They were talking excitedly and seemed to be
curious about us as a group of outsiders gathered at the end of
their table.
After several
moments, Nathan stood to his full height, which was, indeed,
impressive. I estimated at least 6 feet, 8 inches. At that point,
the boys went silent, and Nathan spoke.
“Boys, as you know,
your regular houseparent, Brad, will be on vacation for the next
month. Jason Stevens will be filling in for him.”
Nathan turned to
Jason and said, “Stand up, Jason.”
Jason stood slowly,
and a chorus of young boys called out in ragged unison, “Hi,
Jason cleared his
throat and stammered, “Hi.” Jason sat back down
Nathan resumed his
address to the young boys. “Also, Mr. Hamilton and Miss Hastings
will be with us for the next month as well. Some of you will
remember them being here during our board of director visits with
Mr. Stevens. They are very fine people that we are lucky to have
Then Nathan bowed his
head and gave thanks for the food. All of the boys followed suit
and were polite and respectful throughout the meal.
As we enjoyed our
lunch, Jason asked Nathan, “Have you been here
Nathan laughed and
responded, “You better believe it. The first time I came here, I
was smaller than the smallest kid at this table. I was in and out
of a few foster homes, but when I think of the good things from my
childhood, they all happened here.”
“Do you work here now
or something?” Jason asked.
Nathan laughed, which
sounded like a low rumble of thunder. “Yes and no,” he said. “I
guess people would think of my main job as being the tight end for
the New England Patriots, but as soon as the season’s over, I do
whatever I can to be useful around here.”
Jason seemed shocked
and said, “I’m sorry. I thought you were just a limo
“Well, today I am,
and proud to do it,” Nathan responded. “Tomorrow I may be the head
maintenance man or disciplinarian here. One of the things we
learned from Red Stevens when I was growing up is that we all do
what needs to be done because it’s the right thing to
“Well, what am I
supposed to do here?” Jason asked.
“I believe Mr.
Stevens’ instructions through Mr. Hamilton were to let the boys
help you figure out what you’re supposed to do here,” Nathan
answered. “So, if they’re done eating, I will take Mr. Hamilton and
Miss Hastings to the administration building to discuss next year’s
budget and let your lessons begin.”
Nathan slapped Jason
on the back with a giant hand and led Miss Hastings and me from the
dining room building. As we were passing through the door, I heard
Jason calling to us, “Look, I don’t have a clue here. I’ve never
been around any kids.”
The young boys around
the table all erupted into laughter which could be heard as we
walked across the courtyard and into the administration
For the next month,
Miss Hastings and I did all of the legal and budgetary work
required for the coming year. We did have several opportunities
each day to look in on Jason, and Nathan told us he would keep us
For the first several
days, Jason seemed like a stranger. But, eventually he settled into
his duties as father, brother, teacher, and friend to three dozen
boys. On the last day, as Nathan was loading our luggage into the
limousine, each of the boys came out, one at a time, to tell Jason
good-bye. Hugs were exchanged, a few tears were shed, and Jason
received a number of gifts which would be considered exceedingly
valuable to young boys. I noticed several oddly shaped rocks, a
four-leaf clover, and an arrowhead, among other heartfelt
As Nathan drove us
out of the courtyard along the gravel driveway, Jason was turned in
the seat waving to the boys until they were out of sight. We sat in
silence until we were well along the highway back to
Finally, Jason spoke.
“You know what’s amazing? Not one of those boys has a family, but
each of them knew more about a family than I did. I think family is
not as much about being related by blood as it is about relating
through love.”
The limousine horn
honked, and Nathan let out a blood-curdling yell which I am sure
serves him well on the football field. “You finally got it!” he
shouted. “I thought you were pretty useless when you got here, but
I knew that if you were related to Red Stevens, we had a chance.
You see, you come from a great family, and so do I.”