There had been times when a line for
coffee fifteen people deep would have sent Emma into a state of
abject despair. Today, the tour bus that had just finished its
morning trip through the ruins, dumping a load of caffeine-deprived
tourists near the coffee kiosk, was the bit of luck she’d been
hoping for.
“I’m not going to make it through this line,” Emma
said, crossing her arms and looking anxiously up and down the
street. “I’m going back to the Laundromat to find a
“I’ll come with you. I like to watch women
Emma laughed despite herself. “You’re sick.”
“I’m kidding. Let’s go. I—”
“No, you’ll lose our place in line.” She stopped
him with a hand on his chest that she almost immediately moved
away. Even that small connection made her self-conscious, aware of
all the other ways she wanted to touch him. “And I’m a big girl. I
can make potty all by myself.”
“I don’t want you going anywhere alone,” he said,
humor fading from his expression. “Just in case.”
Emma’s conscience pinged, but she ignored it. “It’s
just the end of the block. You can see it from here. Stay. Get me a
triple shot of espresso with three sugars and a sandwich with lots
of meat.”
“A triple shot? Are you sure your body can handle
that much caffeine?”
“My body can handle lots of things,” she said,
leaning in to give Andre a good-bye hug that seemed to shock
He was so surprised, he didn’t notice that she’d
slipped the stun gun from his suit pocket and eased it down to a
not-so-great hiding place on the outside of her thigh. Thankfully,
none of the tourists surrounding them noticed that she’d pulled a
gun, either. Of course, they’d all been lured into a false sense of
security by the shiny brochures and Southie maps handed out by
their tour guide. They probably had no idea there was a major gang
stronghold a few blocks away or that demon drugs were being sold
out of the basement of the souvenir shop across the street.
Still, shocked by her hug or not, Andre was smiling
as she turned to go, pleased with the unexpected intimacy. He
looked almost sweet when he smiled like that. It made it harder to
shove her stolen weapon down the front of her jeans with one hand
as she waved good-bye with the other.
How would Andre look at her once he learned she’d
lied to his face?
Hopefully, if luck—and complicated coffee
orders—were on her side, he would never have to find out.
Emma walked straight to the door of Soaps Up and
went in, taking a few steps down the rumbling rows of washers and
dryers before turning and moving back to the window. As she’d
hoped, Andre had spun around and was once more facing the front of
the line. Moving fast, she slipped out the door and hurried around
the corner, retracing their steps back toward the shelter.
Now all she had to do was figure out a way to get
Stewart alone. He didn’t seem that interested in women—he hadn’t
even glanced at her shirt, which she’d deliberately left unbuttoned
after her and Andre’s interlude in the apartment, perversely
enjoying catching Andre sneak glances at her chest. But Stewart had
barely noticed that she was a woman, let alone a woman with a bit
of cleavage showing and skintight jeans.
So luring him with the usual seduction routine was
probably out. She’d have to think of some—
Like a shaking, twitching answer to an unspoken
prayer, Stewart himself appeared, emerging from the basement of one
of the tenement buildings a few feet ahead. He looked as surprised
to see her as she was to see him. And guilty. Very guilty.
Emma pulled the stun gun from her jeans. Even
before her logical mind figured out the why, her gut knew
the what. Stewart was up to no good; that was what. And he
didn’t seem surprised to see her gun, which was more bad
She didn’t realize how bad until a pair of meaty
arms grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms to her sides, giving
her no choice but to move her finger away from the trigger of the
gun, or risk stunning her own legs into painful immobility. Her
mouth opened to cry for help, but Stewart was suddenly there in
front of her, pushing his thin fingers into her mouth, grabbing her
bottom teeth in his fist like she was a dog he’d bring to
She gagged at the taste of salt and sickeningly
sweet lotion, her eyes tearing as whoever held her from behind
tightened his arms, lifting her off the ground. Together, the two
of them dragged her down the street, toward the basement steps from
which Stewart had emerged. Emma thrashed and kicked, but the man
behind her was enormous and unbelievably strong. She’d never felt
so small and powerless, so very aware of her delicate human
Or mostly human body.
Despite the two hearty meals it had been fed in
less than twenty-four hours, the dark craving rushed to life
beneath her skin, responding to her fear. Emma could feel her cells
opening up, surging with demon power, searching for the energy they
craved. She twisted her arms, willing to dislocate her shoulder if
it meant she could get her hands on the monster of a man behind
her, but it was impossible. Every wiggle made him squeeze her
tighter, until her forehead felt like it was swelling to twice its
normal size.
Pulling in her next breath became her first
priority, followed closely by somehow maintaining her hold on the
stun gun as her hands tingled and grew numb. She was going to need
that gun. When the time came, it might be her only shot at escape.
She couldn’t take down both of these men with her demon mark, even
if she managed to get one hand on each of them.
Emma coughed and gagged again as Stewart pulled on
her jaw. Behind her closed eyes, the world darkened. Seconds later,
knees jabbed into her dangling legs as the man holding her
descended the stairs.
They were taking her down to a basement, just like
the basement Ezra had trapped her in for what had seemed like
years. Even with books to read and a small radio that Ezra’s
girlfriend had brought down to her in a moment of empathy, her
captivity had been almost unbearable, and she knew these men
wouldn’t worry about making her a happy prisoner.
If they cared about keeping her alive at all.
Emma’s nerves sizzled, and a jolt of adrenaline
dumped into her bloodstream. She wasn’t going to become a prisoner
or a casualty. Not now, not when she’d lived through so much.
Arching her back until it felt like her spine would
snap and her lower jaw would be ripped from her face if Stewart
didn’t loosen his hold, Emma managed to slip one hand behind her
and grab a handful of Strong Man’s crotch. It wasn’t what she’d
been aiming for, but she fisted her fingers and held on tight. Even
if the dark craving couldn’t find the memories it needed from this
particular position, she still might be able to do some damage, to
injure the man just enough to force him to loosen his hold.
She squeezed with every last bit of strength in her
body even as she willed the dark craving into her fingertips,
sending it to seek out the evil it needed. Seconds later, the
Strong Man’s memories flew into her mind so quickly, she could
barely focus on one image before the next flashed in its
The interior of a place made of concrete, old
showers on the wall, and the man who held her crouched on the
ground with another man pinned beneath him. It was ... Stewart.
Emma caught a flash of Stewart’s face, fear and pain in his wide
eyes as the Strong Man smashed his huge fist into his abdomen again
and again. A few feet away, a man in a suit watched the beating,
pacing back and forth and screaming words Emma couldn’t hear.
The Strong Man couldn’t hear anything when he was
like this. The blood rushing through his head when he delivered a
beating was too loud, overwhelming, the only thing that made him
whole. The violence of skin and bone connecting with flesh was what
he lived for, the reason he’d joined the Death Ministry. He was
ready to earn his second kill scar, ready to pound Stewart into the
cracked tile beneath him until he was nothing but blood smeared on
The man with the suit punched the Strong Man in the
face, his large gold watch catching him under the nose and tearing
away a patch of skin. The Strong Man growled and lunged for the
man’s feet, intent on cutting his fancy shoes right off his body
when another DM member grabbed him from behind and pulled him to
his feet, screaming that he can’t beat the boss.
More images flooded Emma’s brain, less coherent,
shifting back and forth with a speed that made her head spin.
Stewart crying as the man in the suit shoved a
child’s sand sieve into his hands; the Strong Man running outside
and into the ruins, hunting for something upon which to unleash his
unspent rage. Stewart shivering and cold on the floor, shaking
uncontrollably; the Strong Man using his knife on an Inuago demon,
gutting the large creature with a few swift jerks of his blade.
Stewart slipping the key from the collection at the homeless
shelter; the Strong Man helping to rip apart her apartment.
It took some time for Emma to assimilate the
meaning of the contrasting memories, to realize not all of them
belonged to the man whose arms were now growing limp around
Some of these memories weren’t Strong Man’s. Some
of these memories were Stewart’s.
Emma cracked her eyes and sucked in a surprised
breath around the fingers still curled softly into her mouth. Her
entire face was glowing blue. The craving was feeding on the man
through her mouth. She supposed there was no reason that
shouldn’t happen—just because she’d always fed through her hands
didn’t mean that was the only way for it to be done. There was so
much she didn’t know about her power, so much she’d never wanted to
learn. She’d always tried to survive by doing the bare minimum,
giving the darkness only enough to keep it sated. She’d never
wanted to give it free rein to explore just how far it could go,
how much of her humanity it could consume.
But now she didn’t have the choice. Adrenaline
dumped into her bloodstream in response to fear. The demon mark
sensed danger—and it was rising to fight back.
Still, seeing Stewart’s second face, the face of
his soul, shrivel in the blue light sickened her—terrified her. It
made that part of her that feared the craving would someday take
over scream for her to stop feeding no matter how dangerous these
men were.
Emma spit Stewart’s hand from her mouth as she
twisted from Strong Man’s arms. With a guttural cry, she shoved
Stewart away, sending him flying down the stairs to crumple at the
bottom. Without waiting to see whether Stewart would be getting up
again, she turned, lifting the gun that still remained in her hand,
ready to finish off the man who’d grabbed her.
Instead, she found herself aiming at the face of
another man, a very pissed-off man in a perfectly fitting
The Strong Man was at his feet on the narrow
landing, passed out cold but still breathing, if the light snuffles
erupting from his crooked nose were any indication. Emma’s fingers
went limp. When Andre reached for the gun, she handed it over
without protest.
“What the hell—?” His words ended in a light grunt
as Emma threw her arms around him, burying her face in his suit,
inhaling his safe, clean smell.
All the angry words he’d been planning tripped on
their way out of his mouth and fell into the softness of Emma’s
hair. Andre hugged her tight, squeezing her to him, dropping his
lips and pressing a long, hard kiss to her forehead, willing her to
realize how stupid she’d been to ditch him.
“I’m sorry. I was going back to talk to Stewart. I
thought he’d tell me something if I was alone, but I shouldn’t
“Damn straight you shouldn’t have.” Andre pulled
away from Emma when a groan sounded from the bottom of the stairs.
Looked like Stewart would live, unfortunately. Andre wouldn’t have
been sad to see the man dead. He’d heard the struggle and looked
down the stairs in time to see Emma spit the man’s hand from her
The fact that the man had dared to touch her in any
way made him want to smash someone’s head in. Luckily, the
thick-armed bastard holding Emma had been in the perfect position
for a fist to the back of the head. He too was going to live,
however, which meant he and Emma should move. Now.
“Come on. We’ll talk about how dumb you are later,”
Andre said, taking Emma’s hand and trying to pull her up the
stairs, but she snatched it away before he could take a step.
He turned to see her fingers clutched to her chest,
her breath coming faster. “I’m sorry, I just ... I don’t want to
touch you right now.”
Andre’s jaw clenched, and hurt tightened his chest.
“Fine. But we need to leave. I’ll call Francis and ask him to send
a team over to pick these two up and take them back to headquarters
for questioning. We need to find out why they were—”
“I have a good idea why they were after me.” Emma
turned and ran to the bottom of the stairs.
“Emma, stop. Get your ass—Shit.” He hurried after
her as Emma stumbled over Stewart’s writhing body and opened the
door leading to the basement of the apartment building. Andre
reached her side in time to grab her around the waist and keep her
from taking another step. “We’re not going in there. We don’t
“I do know. Look.” She pointed into the darkness.
Across the hard dirt floor, on the opposite side of the low,
cramped space, a lamp stood on a wooden table next to a cage big
enough to hold a midsized demon.
Or a small human woman.
“There really is someone after you.” Andre’s arm
tightened around Emma’s waist instinctively, everything in him
insisting that he had to keep her safe.
“There is. And I’m betting money it’s because of
the spell book. But here’s the kicker—the Death Ministry is
involved in some way. Look at that guy,” she said, motioning to the
giant man still lying on the landing above them. “He’s got a kill
“But how is this sack of shit involved?” Andre
glanced down at Stewart, who was conscious but not saying a word.
He looked like he was in too much pain to do much more than
Good. Andre hoped his goddamned neck was
“I don’t know, but he’s the one who stole the key
to plant in my apartment. He and the other guy wanted to get me
down here. I’m guessing they were planning to put me in that cage
and wait for whoever’s calling the shots to tell them what to do
Andre was pretty sure his teeth were going to crack
if his jaw got any tighter. He grabbed Emma’s wrist and held tight
as he started back up the stairs. This time, she didn’t pull away.
“Okay. So we’re going to find out who that is and we’re going to
make sure he or she realizes what a very bad idea it was to fuck
with our family.” Andre ordered his bud to call Francis.
“It’s a man in a suit, the guy in charge,” Emma
said softly as they emerged onto the street and started back toward
the homeless shelter. “I saw him when I was feeding on the guy you
hit. I couldn’t see his face, but I saw ... his shoes. I
Andre shot her a look but didn’t have a chance to
say anything before Francis answered on the second ring.
“What the fuck, Andre? Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck is Emma? What the fuck are you—”
“Shut the fuck up and I’ll tell you,” Andre said, a
little louder than he’d intended. A pair of young women in faded
brown maid’s uniforms scurried to the other side of the sidewalk as
he and Emma passed by.
Andre took a deep breath and lowered his voice as
he detailed their search of Emma’s apartment, finding the key, and
Emma’s attack to his cousin. By the time he finished, he and Emma
had reached the end of the block. He stepped to the side of the
building and paused, wanting to keep an eye on the basement steps
to make sure neither of the men who’d attacked Emma was going to
try to make a run for it. He didn’t want to think about what would
have happened to her if his gut feeling that she was headed back to
the homeless shelter had been wrong.
“Shit. Is she okay?” Francis asked. “Did the
bastards hurt her?”
“No, she’s fine. But they would have locked her in
a cage if I hadn’t found her in time.” Andre lowered his voice
further and did a scan of the immediate area. Aside from an older
man with a walker on the opposite side of the street, they were
still alone. “One of them was Death Ministry and the other one a
guy who worked at the shelter. We need to find out what they know
and who they’re working for.”
“Where are they?”
Andre gave him directions and the street address of
the apartment. “It’s number ten. They’re both on the stairs leading
down into the basement. One was unconscious a few minutes ago, and
the other one fell down the stairs and is pretty messed up.” Andre
shot a glance at Emma, who huddled next to him, her arms wrapped
around herself as if she was cold despite the increasingly brutal
heat of the day. “He wasn’t moving, but—”
“I’ll have two men there in ten. Get Emma back here
so we can keep her safe.”
“I think we should wait to make sure these guys are
here when the—”
“Doesn’t sound like they’re going anywhere, Andre,”
Francis interrupted. “And what if there are more where those two
came from? You got nothing but a stun gun. You need to get out of
“You’re right,” Andre said, though it pained him to
say the words. Francis was making sense.
He, on the other hand, was still too disturbed by
seeing Emma in danger to form any kind of real plan. He just wanted
to reach out to her, to put his arms around her and pull her close,
but he kept seeing her face when she’d told him she didn’t want to
touch him—so serious, so disgusted, as if she’d suddenly realized
he was as repulsive as the rest of the men on earth.
But could he really blame her? When she’d just had
two guys roughing her up?
“We’ll be back at the office in twenty
“Make it less if you can.” Francis sighed. Even
before he spoke, Andre knew he wasn’t going to like what Francis
had to say next. “The police found that Death Ministry kid who went
missing this morning down near the park.”
Shit. And shit again. This just kept getting worse.
“Dead, I assume?”
“Yep. His stomach was ripped open. The rumor is
that it was a demon attack, but I’m not so sure the rest of the DM
is going to go for that explanation,” Francis said. “They may
decide a revenge killing is in order. The girl this dude was last
seen with would be a good target.”
“This goes deeper than that, Francis. I don’t know
how, but Emma has a few ideas. She can tell you about them when we
get to the office.” And Andre was going to have to tell Francis
about his phone call to Mikey, as well. That wasn’t going to
be fun. But at this point, he needed to be absolutely honest with
his cousin. Emma’s life might depend on it.
“Sounds good.” Francis shouted something to
Douglas. “Okay, two of ours just left the building. You get back
here and start working that big brain of yours. Whatever shit’s
going down, we need to head it off before it gets any worse.”
“You’re right. Have you thought about calling your
Francis made an unhappy sound. “I put a call in
when I got the news about the Death Ministry guy, but he’s not
answering his fucking phone.”
“You don’t think something’s happened, do you? Do
you think—”
“No, he’s fine. We talked earlier. He was getting
on a plane to Vancouver for a meeting. They’re probably still in
the air. I left a message. He’ll call me as soon as they
“Okay. We’ll see you in a few,” Andre said, ending
the call as Emma tugged on his sleeve.
“You didn’t tell him about the man in the suit,”
she said, her voice unusually soft.
“I figured you could do that when you explain to
him about the spell book. The supernatural stuff is your
territory.” He tried to take her hand, but she pulled away again,
so Andre stuffed his hands in his pockets and took off down the
street toward Conti Bounty, leaving her to follow. It was only a
half dozen long blocks, but he wished he hadn’t sent his driver
home earlier in the day. The sooner he got Emma off the street, the
better he’d feel.
“So do you believe me now?” She stayed close to his
side, though still kept very much to herself.
“I do. Obviously those guys were after you.
Probably because of that book, just like you thought.” He turned to
look at her as they walked. “You’re a pretty smart kind of crazy,
turns out.”
Emma nodded, her long lashes sweeping down as she
dropped her gaze to the ground. She really was so beautiful, and
she kept getting prettier with every minute he spent in her
company. It had been like that with Katie, but not nearly this
intense. He’d fallen for Katie over the course of several weeks,
not several hours.
Oh, hell no. He couldn’t believe he was even
thinking about emotions like that. He wasn’t ready, and Emma
certainly wasn’t willing. She might be attracted to him, she might
flirt with him, but she didn’t particularly like him or trust
him—she’d proven that.
“Can we stop by Sam’s shop on the way to the
office?” Emma asked. “It’s only a couple blocks over.”
“No. We don’t have time. They found that missing
Death Ministry guy you were with last night. He’d been
“What? But when I left him, he was fine.” Emma
shook her head. “I mean, not fine, obviously, he was dead, but he
was whole.”
“All I know is what Francis told me, and he said
the body was ripped open,” Andre said, dropping his voice as they
turned a corner onto a busier street. “For now, the police are
calling it a demon attack, but—”
“But they’ll know better once they do the
postmortem,” she said. “It will show that he was cut open after he
was already dead.”
“Maybe a demon did do it.” Andre hoped his words
would prove true. Demon violence was so much easier to deal with
than the human variety. “Maybe something found the body and pulled
it away for a snack.”
“Except that demons big enough to drag a full-grown
man out from between those Dumpsters and into the ruins don’t
usually eat carrion, only things they’ve killed themselves. And
they wouldn’t have left anything behind.”
“Shit,” she said, suddenly veering to the left.
“Come on, let’s go to Sam’s. Really quickly.”
“No!” Andre grabbed at her arm, but she easily
avoided him.
“Then I’m going to have to stop somewhere else,”
she said, the hint of her usual hardness in her tone. No matter how
much he loathed her stubbornness, he was glad to hear that surly
note return. The soft, deferential Emma had been scaring him. “I
really do have to go to the bathroom.”
“Well, you can wet yourself, then, because we’re
not going anywhere except—”
“I will not wet myself.” She stopped dead in the
street, turning to him with her hands on her hips. “I’m sorry I
stole your gun and pissed you off, but I thought I was doing what I
had to do. And we are closer to figuring out what’s really
going on than we were before. So give me a break. A pee break. Is
that too much to ask?”
Without another word, she spun on her heel and
headed in the opposite direction from the Conti Bounty offices,
clearly intending to take her potty break in the comfort of her
sister’s shop. Andre sighed and followed, but for the first time he
wasn’t tempted to stare at Emma’s ass. Right now, he didn’t want to
fuck her; he just wanted to hold her. To have her want him
to hold her.
The realization was nearly as frightening as seeing
Emma locked in that Death Ministry guy’s arms.