Defining the study population in the
protocol is an integral part of posing the primary question.
Additionally, in claiming an intervention is or is not effective it
is essential to describe the type of participants on which the
intervention was tested. Thus, the description requires two
elements: specification of criteria for eligibility and description
of who was actually enrolled. This chapter focuses on how to define
the study population. In addition, it considers two questions.
First, what impact does selection of eligibility criteria have on
participant recruitment, or, more generally, study feasibility?
Second, to what extent will the results of the trial be
generalizable to a broader population? This issue is also discussed
in Chap. 10.
In reporting the study, the
investigator needs to say what population was studied and how they
were selected. The reasons for this are several. First, if an
intervention is shown to be successful or unsuccessful, the medical
and scientific communities must know to what population the
findings apply [1].
Second, knowledge of the study
population helps other investigators assess the study’s merit and
appropriateness. Unfortunately, despite guidelines for reporting
trial results [2], many
publications contain inadequate characterization of the study
participants [3]. Therefore,
readers may be unable to assess fully the merit or applicability of
the studies.
Third, in order for other investigators
to be able to replicate the study, they need data descriptive of
those enrolled. Before most research findings are widely accepted,
they need to be confirmed by independent scientists. Although it is
small trials that are more likely to be repeated, these are the
ones, in general, that most need confirmation.
Fundamental Point
The study population should be defined in
advance, stating unambiguous inclusion (eligibility) criteria. The
impact that these criteria will have on study design, ability to
generalize, and participant recruitment must be taken into
Definition of Study Population
The study population is the subset of
the population with the condition or characteristics of interest
defined by the eligibility criteria. The group of participants
actually studied in the trial, which constitutes the trial
participants, is selected from the study population. (See
Fig. 4.1). There are two main types of exclusions.
First, patients who have absolute or relative contraindications to
the study intervention. Second, trial design issues that may
interfere with the optimal conduct of the trial and factors that
could interfere with participant adherence (see below).

Relationship of study sample to study
population and general population (those with and those without the
condition under study)
The extent to which the obtained trial
results can be generalized depends on its external validity [1]. External validity refers to the questions
whether the trial findings are valid for participants other than
those meeting the protocol definition of the study populations, but
from a comparable clinical setting. Rothwell identified six issues
that could potentially affect external validity—trial setting,
selection of participants, characteristics of randomized
participants, differences between the trial protocol and clinical
practice, outcome measures and follow-up, and adverse effects of
treatment. External validity is a measure of generalizability. The
term internal validity
refers to the question whether the trial results are valid for all
participants meeting the eligibility criteria of the trial
protocol, i.e., the definition of the study population.
Considerations in Defining the Study Population
Inclusion criteria and reasons for
their selection should be stated in advance. Those criteria central
to the study should be the most carefully defined. For example, a
study of survivors of a myocardial infarction may exclude people
with severe hypertension, requiring an explicit definition of
myocardial infarction. However, with regard to hypertension, it may
be sufficient to state that people with a systolic or diastolic
blood pressure above a specified level will be excluded. Note that
even here, the definition of severe hypertension, though arbitrary,
is fairly specific. In a study of antihypertensive agents, however,
the above definition of severe hypertension is inadequate. To
include only people with diastolic blood pressure over
90 mmHg, the protocol should specify how often it is to be
determined, over how many visits, when, with what instrument, by
whom, and in what circumstances. It may also be important to know
which, if any, antihypertensive agents participants were on before
entering the trial. For any study of antihypertensive agents, the
criterion of hypertension is central; a detailed definition of
myocardial infarction, on the other hand, may be less
If age is a
restriction, the investigator should ideally specify not only that
a participant must be over age 41, for example, but when he must be over 41. If a subject
is 40 at the time of a pre-baseline screening examination, but 41
at baseline, is he eligible? This should be clearly indicated. If
valvular heart disease is an exclusion criterion for a trial of
anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation, is this any significant
valve abnormality, or is restricted to rheumatic heart disease?
Does it apply to prior valve repair? Often there are no “correct”
ways of defining inclusion and exclusion criteria and arbitrary
decisions must be made. Regardless, they need to be as clear as
possible, and, when appropriate, with complete specifications of
the technique and laboratory methods.
In general, eligibility criteria
relate to participant safety and anticipated effect of the
intervention. It should be noted, however, that cultural or
political issues, in addition to scientific, public health, or
study design considerations, may affect selection of the study
populations. Some have argued that too many clinical trials
exclude, for example, women, the elderly, or minority groups, or
that even if not excluded, insufficient attention is paid to
enrolling them in adequate numbers [4–7]. Some
patient groups may be underrepresented due to practical issues (the
frail might not be able to attend frequent follow-up visits) and
the need for informed consent might exclude individuals with
cognitive dysfunction. Policies from the U.S. National Institutes
of Health now require clinical trials to include certain groups in
enough numbers to allow for “valid analysis” [8]. The effect of these kinds of policies on
eligibility criteria, sample size, and analysis must be considered
when designing a trial.
The following five categories outline
the framework upon which to develop individual criteria:
Potential for Benefit
Participants who
have the potential to benefit from the intervention are obviously
candidates for enrollment into the study. The investigator selects
participants on the basis of his scientific knowledge and the
expectation that the intervention will work in a specific way on a
certain kind of participants. For example, participants with a
urinary infection are appropriate to enroll in a study of a new
antibiotic agent known to be effective in vitro against the
identified microorganism and thought to penetrate to the site of
the infection in sufficient concentration. It should be evident
from this example that selection of the participant depends on
knowledge of the presumed mechanism of action of the intervention.
Knowing at least something about the mechanism of action may enable
the investigator to identify a well-defined group of participants
likely to respond to the intervention. Thus, people with similar
characteristics with respect to the relevant variable, that is, a
homogeneous population, can
be studied. In the above example, participants are homogeneous with
regard to the type and strain of bacteria, and to site of
infection. If age or renal or liver function is also critical,
these too might be considered, creating an even more highly
selected group.
Even if the mechanism of action of the
intervention is known, however, it may not be feasible to identify
a homogeneous population because the technology to do so may not be
available. For instance, the causes of headache are numerous and,
with few exceptions, not easily or objectively determined. If a
potential therapy were developed for one kind of headache, it would
be difficult to identify precisely the people who might
If the mechanism of action of the
intervention is unclear, or if there is uncertainty at which stage
of a disease a treatment might be most beneficial, a specific group
of participants likely to respond cannot easily be selected. The
Diabetic Retinopathy Study [9]
evaluated the effects of photocoagulation on progression of
retinopathy. In this trial, each person had one eye treated while
the other eye served as the control. Participants were subgrouped
on the basis of existence, location and severity of vessel
proliferation. Before the trial was scheduled to end, it became
apparent that treatment was dramatically effective in the four most
severe of the ten subgroups. To have initially selected for study
only those four subgroups who benefited was not possible given
existing knowledge. This is an example, of which there are many, of
the challenge in predicting differential intervention effects based
on defined subgroups. For most interventions, there is uncertainty
about the benefits and harms that makes enrolling a broader group
of participants with the condition prudent.
Some interventions may have more than
one potentially beneficial mechanism of action. For example, if
exercise reduces mortality or morbidity, is it because of its
effect on cardiac performance, its weight-reducing effect, its
effect on the person’s sense of well-being, some combination of
these effects, or some as yet unknown effect? The investigator
could select study participants who have poor cardiac performance,
or who are obese or who, in general, do not feel well. If he chose
incorrectly, his study would not yield a positive result. If he
chose participants with all three characteristics and then showed
benefit from exercise, he would never know which of the three
aspects was important.
One could, of course, choose a study
population, the members of which differ in one or more identifiable
aspects of the condition being evaluated; i.e., a heterogeneous group. These differences
could include stage or severity of a disease, etiology, or
demographic factors. In the above exercise example, studying a
heterogeneous population may be preferable. By comparing outcome
with presence or absence of initial obesity or sense of well-being,
the investigator may discover the relevant characteristics and gain
insight into the mechanism of action. Also, when the study group is
too restricted, there is no opportunity to discover whether an
intervention is effective in a subgroup not initially considered.
The broadness of the Diabetic Retinopathy Study was responsible for
showing, after longer follow-up, that the remaining six subgroups
also benefited from therapy [10].
If knowledge had been more advanced, only the four subgroups with
the most dramatic improvement might have been studied. Obviously,
after publication of the results of these four subgroups, another
trial might have been initiated. However, valuable time would have
been wasted. Extrapolation of conclusions to milder retinopathy
might even have made a second study difficult. Of course, the
effect of the intervention on a heterogeneous group may be diluted
and the ability to detect a benefit may be reduced. That is the
price to be paid for incomplete knowledge about mechanism of
Large, simple trials are, by nature,
more heterogeneous in their study populations, than other sorts of
trials. There is a greater chance that the participants will more
closely resemble the mix of patients in many clinical practices. It
is assumed, in the design, that the intervention affects a diverse
group, and that despite such diversity, the effect of the
intervention is more similar among the various kinds of
participants than not. In such trials, not only are the
interventions relatively easy to implement, and the baseline and
outcome variables limited, so too are the eligibility criteria.
Definitions of eligibility criteria may not require repeated visits
or special procedures. They may rely on previously measured
variables that are part of a diagnostic evaluation, or on variables
that are measured using any of several techniques, or on
investigator judgment. For example, a detailed definition of
myocardial infarction or hypertension may be replaced with, “Does
the investigator believe a myocardial infarction has occurred?” or
“Is hypertension present?” The advantage of this kind of criteria
is their simplicity and greater generalizability. The disadvantage
is the possible difficulty that a clinician reading the results of
the trial will have in deciding if the results are applicable to
specific patients under his care. It should be noted, however, that
even with the large simple trial model, the criteria are selected
and specified in advance.
Homogeneity and heterogeneity are
matters of degree and knowledge. As scientific knowledge advances,
ability to classify is improved. Today’s homogeneous group may be
considered heterogeneous tomorrow. Patients with mutations in BRCA1
and BRCA2 genes discovered in the 1990s have different
susceptibility and course of breast and ovarian cancer. Patients
with breast cancer tissue with HER2 and/or estrogen receptors
respond differently to chemotherapy treatments [11]. Thus, breast cancer is now defined and
treated based on genomically defined subsets.
High Likelihood of Showing Benefit
In selecting participants to be
studied, not only does the investigator require people in whom the
intervention might work, but he also wants to choose people in whom
there is a high likelihood of detecting the hypothesized effects of
the intervention. Careful choice will enable investigators to
detect results in a reasonable period of time, given a reasonable
number of participants and a finite amount of funding.
For example, in a trial of an
antianginal agent, an investigator would not wish to enroll a
person who, in the past 2 years, has had only one brief angina
pectoris episode (assuming such a person could be identified). The
likelihood of finding an effect of the drug on this person is
limited, since his likelihood of having many angina episodes during
the expected duration of the trial is small. Persons with frequent
episodes would be more appropriate. One option is to enrich the
population with high risk patients, as was done in the ROCKET-AF
trial of rivaroxaban versus warfarin for stroke prevention in
atrial fibrillation [12]. Patients
were required to have three risk factors for stroke that resulted
in a population with higher risk and higher stroke rate than the
general population with indication for oral anticoagulation. This
allowed for a smaller sample size, since the calculation of sample
size (Chap. 8) takes into account the expected
incidence of the primary outcome. The results were consistent
across the risk levels of patients enrolled, and the FDA provided
approval for the drug across the spectrum of risk, including even
lower risk patients who were not included in the trial. Although
one might have somewhat less confidence that the treatment is safe
and effective in lower risk patients, trials of related drugs have
subsequently shown consistency across risk and thus it seems
reasonable to extrapolate to the lower risk population.
Another approach is to begin with a
higher risk population and if the results from a first trial are
positive, the investigator can then enroll groups with lower risk
levels. The initial Veterans Administration study of the treatment
of hypertension [13] involved
people with diastolic blood pressure from 115 through
129 mmHg. After therapy was shown to be beneficial in that
group, a second trial was undertaken using people with diastolic
blood pressures from 90 to 114 mmHg [14]. The latter study suggested that treatment
should be instituted for people with diastolic blood pressure over
104 mmHg. Results were less clear for people with lower blood
pressure. Subsequently, the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up
Program [15] demonstrated benefit
from treatment for people with diastolic blood pressure of
90 mmHg or above. The first trial of angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitors in heart failure, the Cooperative North
Scandinavian Enalapril Survival Study (CONSENSUS) [16], enrolled 253 patients with advanced heart
failure. There was a 40% relative risk reduction in mortality at 6
months with enalapril versus placebo. Subsequent larger trials
defined the treatment effects in patients with less severe heart
failure with lower event rates. Studies Of Left Ventricular
Dysfunction (SOLVD) consisted of two individual trials. One
involved symptomatic participants [17] and the other asymptomatic participants with
reduced ejection fraction [18].
Medical conditions with low event
rates represent a challenge. One example is the relapse-remitting
disease, multiple sclerosis. Its attack or relapse rate is reported
to average 0.54 episodes annually with a slightly higher rate in
the first year [19]. Properly
designed clinical trials in this population would have to be very
large and/or have a long duration. Similarly, many people accept
the hypothesis that LDL-cholesterol is a continuous variable in its
impact on the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Theoretically, an investigator could take almost any population
with moderate or even relatively low LDL-cholesterol, attempt to
lower it, and see if occurrence of cardiovascular disease is
reduced. However, this would require studying an impossibly large
number of people. From a sample size point of view it is,
therefore, desirable to begin by studying people with greater
levels of risk factors and a consequent high expected event
Generally, if the primary response is
continuous (e.g., blood pressure, blood sugar, body weight), change
is easier to detect when the initial level is extreme. In a study
to determine whether a new drug is antihypertensive, there might be
a more pronounced drop of blood pressure in a participant with
diastolic pressure of 100 mmHg than in one with diastolic
pressure of 90 mmHg or less. There are exceptions to this
rule, especially if a condition has multiple causes. The relative
frequency of each cause might be different across the spectrum of
values. For example, familial hypercholesterolemia is heavily
represented among people with extremely high LDL-cholesterol. These
lipid disorders may require alternative therapies or may even be
resistant to usual methods of reducing LDL-cholesterol. In
addition, use of participants with lower levels of a variable such
as cholesterol might be less costly due to lower screening costs
[20]. Therefore, while in general,
use of higher risk participants is preferable, other considerations
can modify this.
Sometimes, it may be feasible to
enroll people with low levels of a risk factor if other
characteristics elevate the absolute risk. For example, the
Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention
Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) [21] used C-reactive protein to select those with
LDL-cholesterol levels under 130 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) but
who were likely to be at higher risk of developing coronary heart
disease. The cholesterol-lowering agent rosuvastatin was shown to
significantly lower the incidence of coronary heart disease.
The concept of enrichment has received
considerable attention from the FDA (Guidance for Industry:
Enrichment strategies for clinical trials to support approval of
human drugs and biological products) [22]. Enrichment is used in order to enroll those
participants with a high likelihood of demonstrating an effect from
the intervention. Participants with characteristics, including
genetic features, that put them at high risk, are entered into the
trial. As discussed in Chap. 5, withdrawal studies are also a way
of preferentially assessing participants who are more likely to
show benefit from the intervention.
The increased FDA focus on fast-track
approval has already had implications for the design of randomized
clinical trials and their study populations [23]. Regulatory approval without proper phase 3
trials or only based on surrogate efficacy or pharmacodynamic
markers limits sample sizes and places focus on highly selected
populations. These trials provide limited information about the
safety of the intervention. For specific information see Chap.
22 on Regulatory Issues.
Avoiding Adverse Effects
Most interventions are likely to have
adverse effects. The investigator needs to weigh these against
possible benefit when he evaluates the feasibility of doing the
study. However, any person for whom the intervention is known to be
harmful should not, except in unusual circumstances, be admitted to
the trial. Pregnant women are often excluded from drug trials
(unless, of course, the primary question concerns pregnancy)
particularly if there is preclinical evidence of teratogenicity.
Even without preliminary evidence the amount of additional data
obtained may not justify the risk. Similarly, investigators would
probably exclude from a study of almost any of the
anti-inflammatory drugs people with a recent history of gastric
bleeding. Gastric bleeding is a fairly straightforward and absolute
contraindication for enrollment. Yet, an exclusion criterion such
as “history of major gastric bleed,” leaves much to the judgment of
the investigator. The word “major” implies that gastric
hemorrhaging is not an absolute contraindication, but a relative
one that depends upon clinical judgment. The phrase also recognizes
the question of anticipated risk vs. benefit, because it does not
clearly prohibit people with a mild bleeding episode in the distant
past from being placed on an anti-inflammatory drug. It may very
well be that such people take aspirin or similar agents—possibly
for a good reason—and studying such people may prove more
beneficial than hazardous.
Note that these exclusions apply only
before enrollment into the trial. During a trial participants may
develop symptoms or conditions which would have excluded them had
any of these conditions been present prior to randomization. In
these circumstances, the participant may be removed from the
intervention regimen if it is contraindicated, but should be kept
in the trial and complete follow-up should be obtained for purposes
of analysis. As described in Chap. 18, being off the intervention does
not mean that a participant is out of the trial.
Competing Risk
The issue of competing risk is
generally of greater interest in long-term trials. Participants at
high risk of developing conditions which preclude the ascertainment
of the outcome of interest should be excluded from enrollment. The
intervention may or may not be efficacious in such participants,
but the necessity for excluding them from enrollment relates to
design considerations. In many studies of people with heart
disease, those who have cancer or severe kidney or liver disorders
are excluded because these diseases might cause the participant to
die or withdraw from the study before the primary response variable
can be observed. However, even in short-term studies, the competing
risk issue needs to be considered. For example, an investigator may
be studying a new intervention for a specific congenital heart
defect in infants. Such infants are also likely to have other
life-threatening defects. The investigator would not want to enroll
infants if one of these other conditions were likely to lead to the
death of the infant before the effect of the intervention could be
evaluated. This matter is similar to the one raised in Chap.
3, which presented the problem of the
impact of high expected total mortality on a study in which the
primary response variable is morbidity or cause-specific mortality.
When there is competing risk, the ability to assess the true impact
of the intervention is, at best, lessened. At worst, if the
intervention somehow has either a beneficial or harmful effect on
the coexisting condition, biased results for the primary question
can be obtained.
Avoiding Poor Adherers
Investigators prefer, ordinarily, to
enroll only participants who are likely to adhere to the study
protocol. Participants are expected to take their assigned
intervention (usually a drug) and return for scheduled follow-up
appointments regardless of the intervention assignment. In
unblinded studies, participants are asked to accept the random
assignment, even after knowing its identity, and abide by the
protocol. Moreover, participants should not receive the study
intervention from sources outside the trial during the course of
the study. Participants should also refrain from using other
interventions that may compete with the study intervention.
Nonadherence by participants reduces the opportunity to observe the
true effect of intervention.
One approach of enrichment of patients
who are more likely to adhere to study interventions is to use a
run-in phase, either a passive run-in (in which all patients are
assigned to placebo for a period of time), active run-in (in which
all patients are assigned to the active treatment to assure that
they tolerate and adhere to it), or a combination. The PARADIGM HF
trial [24] used such an approach.
In this trial, 10,521 patients were entered into run-in phase, of
which 2,079 were discontinued prior to randomization during the two
run-in phases that consisted of a 2 week treatment period with
enalapril, followed by a 4 week treatment period with LCZ696
(valsartan-neprolysin inhibitor) in a dose escalation. This
resulted in a population more likely to tolerate and adhere to the
treatments, although at the potential cost of having to apply the
findings to the large number of patients excluded due to early
intolerance. For a further discussion of run-in, see Chap.
An exception to this effort to exclude
those less likely to take their medication or otherwise comply with
the protocol is what some have termed “pragmatic” clinical trials
[25, 26]. These trials are meant to mimic real-world
practice, with inclusion of participants who reflect general
practice and who may fail to adhere consistently to the
intervention. To compensate for the lower expected difference
between the intervention and control groups, these trials need to
be quite big, and have other characteristics of large, simple
The field of pharmacogenetics is
growing rapidly and so is also its role in clinical trials.
Pharmacogenetic markers have been used to identify subgroups of
patients in whom an intervention is particularly beneficial or
harmful. Many of these observations have been based on post-hoc
analyses of markers identified in stored samples collected at
baseline. There are also situations in which the markers were known
and measured in advance and used to select the study population
[27, 28] or for prespecified subgroups
The regulatory agencies, in particular
the FDA, are paying more attention to subgroups defined by
pharmacogenetic markers in their review and labeling. These markers
include specific alleles, deficient gene products, inherited
familial conditions and patterns of drug metabolism, such as
ultra-rapid, normal, intermediate and poor metabolizer phenotypes.
Thus, a very large number of drug labels in the U.S. now contain
information linked to these markers. The drug labeling according to
the FDA may describe:
- ▪
Drug exposure and clinical response variability
- ▪
Risk for adverse effects
- ▪
Genotype-specific dosing
- ▪
Mechanisms of drug action
- ▪
Polymorphic drug target and disposition genes
An FDA website lists approximately 140
different drugs with labeling related to genetic markers
[30]. The most prevalent
therapeutic areas to date are oncology, psychiatry, infectious
diseases and cardiology. The experience with pharmacogenomics and
psychotropic medications has been thoroughly reviewed
Many large trials today collect
genetic materials at baseline and store them for possible future
use. We recommend investigators and sponsors to consider collection
of DNA samples from participants at baseline. In doing so it is
important that the informed consent specifies that permission is
given for comprehensive analyses and sharing of these data in
large-scale databases [32,
Study samples of participants are
usually non-randomly chosen from the study population, which in
turn is defined by the eligibility criteria (Fig. 4.1). As long as selection
of participants into a trial occurs, and as long as enrollment is
voluntary, participants must not be regarded as truly
representative of the study population. Therefore, investigators
have the problem of generalizing from participants actually in the
trial to the study population and then to the population with the
condition in a comparable clinical setting (external validity). It
is often forgotten that participants must agree to enroll in a
study. What sort of person volunteers for a study? Why do some
agree to participate while others do not? The requirement that
study participants sign informed consent or return for periodic
examinations is sufficient to make certain people unwilling to
participate. Sometimes the reasons are not obvious. What is known,
however, is that volunteers can be different from non-volunteers
[34, 35]. They are usually in better health, and they
are more likely to comply with the study protocol. However, the
reverse could also be true. A person might be more motivated if she
has disease symptoms. In the absence of knowing what motivates the
particular study participants, appropriate compensatory adjustments
cannot be made in the analysis. Because specifying how volunteers
differ from others is difficult, an investigator cannot confidently
identify those segments of the study population or the general
population that these study participants supposedly represent. (See
Chap. 10 for a discussion of factors that
people cite for enrolling or not enrolling in trials.)
Defined medical conditions and
quantifiable or discrete variables such as age, sex, or elevated
blood sugar can be clearly stated and measured. For these
characteristics, specifying in what way the study participants and
study population are different from the population with the
condition is relatively easy. Judgments about the appropriateness
of generalizing study results can, therefore, be made. Other
factors of the study participants are less easily characterized.
Obviously, an investigator studies only those participants
available. If he lives in Florida, he will not be studying people
living in Maine. Even within a geographical area, many
investigators are based at hospitals or universities. Furthermore,
many hospitals are referral centers. Only certain types of
participants come to the attention of investigators at these
institutions. It may be impossible to decide whether these factors
are relevant when generalizing to other geographical regions or
patient care settings. Multicenter trials typically enhance the
ability to generalize. The growth of international trials, however,
raises the important issue of relevance of results from
geographical areas with very different clinical care systems.
Many trials now involve participants
from community or practice-based settings. Results from these
“practical” or “pragmatic” trials may more readily be translated to
the broader population. Even here, however, those who choose to
become investigators likely differ from other practitioners in the
kinds of patients they see.
Many trials of aspirin and other
anti-platelet agents in those who have had a heart attack have
shown that these agents reduce recurrent myocardial infarction and
death in both men and women [36].
The Physicians’ Health Study, conducted in the 1980s, concluded
that aspirin reduced myocardial infarction in men over age 50
without previously documented heart disease [37]. Although it was reasonable to expect that a
similar reduction would occur in women, it was unproven.
Importantly, aspirin was shown in the Physicians’ Health Study and
elsewhere [38] to increase
hemorrhagic stroke. Given the lower risk of heart disease in
premenopausal women, whether the trade-off between adverse effects
and benefit was favorable was far from certain. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration approved aspirin for primary prevention in men,
but not women. The Women’s Health Study was conducted in the 1990s
and early 2000s [39]. Using a
lower dose of aspirin that was used in the Physicians’ Health
Study, it found evidence of benefit on heart disease only in women
at least 65 years old. Based on that, generalization of the
Physicians’ Health Study results to primary prevention in all women
would not have been prudent. A subsequent meta-analysis, however,
suggested that the benefits of aspirin for primary prevention were
similar in women and men. A trial published in 2014 found no
overall benefit of low dose aspirin in a Japanese population of men
and women [40]. We must always be
open to consider new information in our interpretation of study
results [41].
One approach to addressing the
question of representativeness is to maintain a log or registry
which lists prospective participants identified, but not enrolled,
and the reasons for excluding them. This log can provide an
estimate of the proportion of all potentially eligible people who
meet study entrance requirements and can also indicate how many
otherwise eligible people refused enrollment. In an effort to
further assess the issue of representativeness, response variables
in those excluded have also been monitored. In a study on timolol
[42], people excluded because of
contraindication to the study drug or competing risks had a
mortality rate twice that of those who enrolled. The Coronary
Artery Surgery Study included a randomized trial that compared
coronary artery bypass surgery against medical therapy and a
registry of people eligible for the trial but who declined to
participate [43]. The enrolled and
not enrolled groups were alike in most identifiable respects.
Survival in the participants randomly assigned to medical care was
the same as those receiving medical care but not in the trial. The
findings for those undergoing surgery were similar. Therefore, in
this particular case, the trial participants appeared to be
representative of the study population.
With more attention being paid to
privacy issues, however, it may not be possible to assess outcomes
in those not agreeing to enter a trial. Some people may consent to
allow follow-up, even if they do not enroll, but many will not.
Thus, comparison of trial results with results in those refusing to
enter a trial, in an effort to show that the trial can be
generalized, may prove difficult.
A group of Finnish investigators
conducted a retrospective chart review [44]. The typical eligibility criteria for
clinical trials of patients with gastric ulcer were applied to 400
patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of gastric ulcer. Only 29%
of the patients met the eligibility criteria and almost all deaths
and serious complications such as gastric bleeding, perforation and
stenosis during the first 5–7 years occurred among those patients
who would have been ineligible. Clearly, the testing of
H2-blockers or other compounds for the prevention of
long-term complications of gastric ulcer in low-risk patients
should not be generalized to the entire ulcer population, as the
external validity may be low.
Since the investigator can describe
only to a limited extent the kinds of participants in whom an
intervention was evaluated, a leap of faith is always required when
applying any study findings to the population with the condition.
In taking this jump, one must always strike a balance between
making unjustifiably broad generalizations and being too
conservative in one’s claims. Some extrapolations are reasonable
and justifiable from a clinical point of view, especially in light
of subsequent information.
The impact of eligibility criteria on
recruitment of participants should be considered when deciding on
these criteria. Using excessive restrictions in an effort to obtain
a pure (or homogeneous) sample can lead to extreme difficulty in
obtaining sufficient participants and may raise questions regarding
generalization of the trial results. Age and sex are two criteria
that have obvious bearing on the ease of enrolling subjects. The
Coronary Primary Prevention Trial undertaken by the Lipid Research
Clinics was a collaborative trial evaluating a lipid-lowering drug
in men between the ages of 35 and 59 with severe
hypercholesterolemia. One of the Lipid Research Clinics
[45] noted that approximately
35,000 people were screened and only 257 participants enrolled.
Exclusion criteria, all of which were perfectly reasonable and
scientifically sound, coupled with the number of people who refused
to enter the study, brought the overall trial yield down to less
than 1%. As discussed in Chap. 10, this example of greater than
expected numbers being screened, as well as unanticipated problems
in reaching potential participants, is common to most clinical
trials. We believe that exclusion criteria should include only
those with clear rationale such that the negative impact on
enrollment and generalizability will likely be outweighed by
benefits of limiting the population.
One reason that large international
trials are including a larger proportion of patients from low and
middle income countries is to increase enrollment potential. This
trend for globalization of trials raises a number of important
issues as discussed in Chap. 22. For the results of trials to be
applicable across countries and health care systems, inclusive
enrollment is important. But ethical issues arise when therapies
are developed in countries in which those treatments will not be
used, often due to cost. And enrolled patients may be
systematically different in certain countries. The TOPCAT trial
enrolled patients from Russia with heart failure who, in retrospect
based on B-type natriuretic peptide levels, may not have had the
same degree of heart failure, and who appeared to have less
treatment effect from spironolactone [46]. Careful consideration of the advantages and
disadvantages of including different health care environments is
If entrance criteria are properly
determined in the beginning of a study, there should be no need to
change them unless interim results suggest harm in a specific
subgroup (see Chap. 16). The reasons for each criterion
should be carefully examined during the planning phase of the
study. As discussed earlier in this chapter, eligibility criteria
are appropriate if they include participants with high likelihood
of showing benefit and exclude those who might be harmed by the
intervention, have competing risks, and conditions and are not
likely to comply with the study protocol. If they do not fall into
one of the above categories, they should be reassessed. Whenever an
investigator considers changing criteria, he needs to look at the
effect of changes on participant safety and study design. It may be
that, in opening the gates to accommodate more participants, he
increases the required sample size, because the participants
admitted may have lower probability of developing the primary
response variable. He can thus lose the benefits of added
recruitment. In summary, capacity to recruit participants and to
carry out the trial effectively could greatly depend on the
eligibility criteria that are set. As a consequence, careful
thought should go into establishing them.
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