Assessment of harm is more complex than
the assessment of benefit of an intervention. The measures of
favorable effects are or should be prespecified in the protocol and
they are limited in number. In contrast, the number of adverse
events is typically very large and they are rarely prespecified in
the protocol. Some may not even be known at the time of trial
initiation. These facts introduce analytic challenges.
Most intervention effects have three
dimensions. The major objective of any trial is to measure change
in the incidence or rate of a clinical event, symptom, laboratory
test, or other measure. For benefit, the hoped-for difference in
rate between the two study groups is prespecified and forms the
basis for the sample size calculation. Such prespecifications
rarely exist for the adverse events and clinical trials are often
underpowered statistically for the documentation or dismissal of
evidence of harm. There are two other dimensions of
interest—severity of the event and recurrence or duration of its
occurrence. In terms of severity, a clinical event can be
uncomplicated or complicated, including being fatal, while a
symptom can vary from mild to severe. There are few good objective
scales for quantifying symptoms; their severity is based on the
participants’ perceptions. In arthritis trials, a pain scale is
commonly used to determine treatment benefit although it could also
be used to determine adverse effects. Their recurrence can vary
substantially from occasional to being constant. As a result of
these methodological limitations the reporting of harm is often
limited to whether adverse events occurred or not; rarely are
severity and recurrence reported.
Contributing to the complexity of
assessment and reporting of harm is a common confusion about the
terminology. An adverse
event is “any untoward event that occurs during a drug or
medical treatment whether or not a causal relationship with the
treatment is suspected or proven” [1]. Thus, adverse events might be experienced by
treated as well as untreated patients. The incidence of adverse
events is assessed in and reported for both study groups. One
objective of trials is to compare the adverse event experiences in
participants receiving active intervention or control. An
adverse effect has been
described as “a noxious or unintended response to a medical product
in which a causal relationship is at least a reasonable
possibility” [1]. In this text we
will use these definitions of adverse events and adverse effects,
except that they are broadened to include not just medical
treatment, but any intervention.
Harm is the sum of all adverse effects
and is used to determine the benefit-harm balance of an
intervention. Risk is the
probability of developing an adverse effect. Severe is a measure of intensity.
Serious is an assessment of
the medical consequence (see below). Expected adverse events or effects are
those that are anticipated based on prior knowledge. Unexpected are findings not previously
identified in nature, severity, or degree in incidence.
Fundamental Point
Careful attention needs to be paid to the
assessment, analysis, and reporting of adverse effects to permit
valid assessment of harm from interventions.
Assessment of Harm
There are three categories of adverse
events—serious adverse events, general adverse events and adverse
events of special interest. Serious adverse events are defined by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as those events that
are (a) life threatening (b) result in initial or prolonged
hospitalization, (c) cause irreversible, persistent or significant
disability/incapacity, (d) are a congenital anomaly/birth defect,
(e) require intervention to prevent harm, or (f) have other
medically serious consequences [2].
General adverse events are those which patients or trial
participants have complained about or clinicians have observed.
These may range in intensity from very mild and not of much
consequence to severe. Adverse events of special interest are
typically derived from studies of mechanisms of action of the
intervention (for example immunosuppression), animal studies, or
observations from chemically similar drugs or related
interventions. Assessment of adverse events of special interest
requires prospective definition, specific ascertainment, and plans
for reporting. Another area of importance is the evaluation of
adverse drug interactions.
There are four distinct advantages to
assessment of harm in clinical trials, as opposed to other kinds of
clinical research. First, adverse events can be defined
prospectively, which allows proper hypothesis testing and adds
substantial credibility. Post hoc observations, common in the area
of harm, are often difficult to interpret in terms of causation and
therefore often lead to controversy.
Second, randomized clinical trials by
definition have a proper and balanced control group which allows
for comparisons between the study groups. Randomization assures
that intervention and control groups have similar
characteristics—even those unknown to science at the time the trial
was conceived. Other study designs have a dilemma when comparing
users of a particular intervention to non-users. In observational
studies, there is no guarantee that the user and non-user groups
are comparable. There are clinical reasons why some people are
prescribed a particular intervention while others are not. Observed
group differences can be intervention-induced, due to differences
in the composition and characteristics of the groups, or a
combination thereof. Statistical adjustments can help but will
never be able to control fully for unmeasured differences between
users and non-users.
Third, clinical trials with a blinded
design reduce potential biases in the collection, assessment and
reporting of data on harm (Chap. 7).
Fourth, participants in clinical
trials are closely and systematically assessed, including physical
examinations, regular blood work, weekly or monthly clinic visits,
vital signs, clinical events, and detailed assessment of
concomitant medications.
There are also four potential
limitations in relying on clinical trials for evaluation of harm.
First, the trial participants are a selected non-random sample of
people with a given condition who volunteered for the trial. The
selectivity is defined by the scope of the trial inclusion and
exclusion criteria and the effects of enrolling only volunteers. In
general, trial participants are healthier than non-participants
with the same disease. In addition, certain population groups may
be excluded, for example, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Trials conducted prior to regulatory agency approval of a product
are typically designed to document clear findings of benefit and,
therefore, often exclude from participation those who are old, have
complicating medical conditions and/or are taking other medications
which may affect the outcome. Trial sponsors also exclude
participants at higher risk of suffering an adverse event. This
reduces the incidence of such events and contributes to the
likelihood of not documenting harm. The absence of serious adverse
effects observed in low-risk participants in pre-approval trials is
no assurance that a drug lacks harmful effects when it reaches the
marketplace. Another limitation is that the ascertainment of
adverse events often relies on volunteered information by the
participant rather than specific, solicited information (see
below). An early survey showed that most FDA-approved drugs have
one serious adverse effect detected after approval when there is
more exposure to higher-risk patients and longer treatment duration
[3]. More recent high-profile cases
of serious adverse effects not detected pre-approval are the
treatments of osteoarthritis with COX-2 inhibitors [4–7], of type II
diabetes with rosiglitazone [8–10], and
prevention of thromboembolic events with oral anticoagulants
[11–13]. The reported high rates of new Boxed
Warnings and drug withdrawals over the past two decades illustrate
a limitation of FDA’s current process for documenting real and
potential harm pre-approval [14].
A second limitation relates to the
statistical power of finding a harm, if it exists. Small sample
sizes and short trial durations, as well as the focus on low-risk
populations, reduce the likelihood of detecting serious adverse
effects. Drug manufacturers often conduct a large number of small,
short-term trials, and their large trials are often not of long
duration. Due to limited statistical power, clinical trials are
often unreliable for attributing causality to rare serious adverse events.
Approximately 3,000 participants are required to detect a single
case with 95% probability, if the true incidence is one in 1,000; a
total of 6,500 participants are needed to detect three cases
[15]. When a new drug is approved
for marketing, approximately 500–2,000 participants have typically
been exposed to it in both controlled and uncontrolled settings.
More commonly, rare serious adverse effects are initially
discovered through case reports, other observational studies or
reports of adverse events filed with regulatory agencies after
approval [16, 17]. However, clinical trials can detect
precursors of serious adverse effects through measurements such as
elevated ALT levels (acute liver failure) or prolonged QT interval
on the electrocardiogram (sudden cardiac death). Vandenbroucke and
Psaty [18] properly concluded that
“the benefit side [of drugs] rests on data from randomized trials
and the harms side on a mixture of randomized trials and
observational evidence, often mainly the latter.”
Third, inability to detect
late serious adverse
effects is another potential limitation of clinical trials. When a
new compound is introduced for long-term treatment of a non-life
threatening disease, the minimum regulatory standard is only
several hundred participants exposed for 1 year or longer
[19]. This is obviously inadequate
for evaluation of drugs intended for chronic or long-term use.
Moreover, a long lag time to harm must be considered for drugs that
may be carcinogenic or have adverse metabolic effects. For example,
the lag time for carcinogens to cause cancer may often be longer
than most long-term trials. We support the view that evaluation of
harm should continue the entire time a drug intended for chronic
use is on the market [20].
Fourth, the investigators or sponsors
may be unaware of some adverse effects because they are unexpected,
or, in the case of known adverse effects, not ascertained.
Potentially lethal cardiac rhythm disturbances may not be
identified because electrocardiographic studies are not performed.
Diabetes risk may be overlooked because laboratory testing does not
include periodic assessment of HbA1c. Adverse effects
related to sexual function or suicidal ideation may be
underestimated because participants rarely volunteer information
about sexual problems or suicidal ideation in response to general
questions about changes in their health status. Ascertaining
withdrawal and rebound effects require a special protocol to
monitor discontinuation symptoms. Drug interactions may be
overlooked because of rigid exclusion criteria in the protocol and
failure to analyze concomitant medication data in relation to
adverse events. Additionally, it is very challenging to be rigorous
in these analyses.
The methods for collecting information
on harm should take advantage of the strengths of clinical trials
and to supplement them with properly designed and conducted
observational studies post-trial, especially if issues or signals
of harm emerge. Establishment of such long-term safety registries
as one tool for post-marketing surveillance is becoming more common
Identification of Harm in Clinical Trials
As pointed out earlier in this
chapter, randomized clinical trials are not optimal for the
detection of rare, late and unexpected serious adverse events.
Experience has shown that critical information on serious reactions
comes from multiple sources.
The role of clinical trials in
identifying serious adverse reactions was investigated in an early
study by Venning [16], who
reviewed the identification and report of 18 adverse reactions in a
variety of drugs. Clinical trials played a key role in identifying
only three of the 18 adverse effects discussed. Another comparison
of evidence of harm of various interventions in 15 large randomized
and observational studies showed that the non-randomized studies
often were more likely to find adverse effects [22].
A clinical trial may, however, suggest
that further research on adverse reactions would be worthwhile. As
a result of implications from the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention
Trial [23] that high doses of
thiazide diuretics might increase the incidence of sudden cardiac
death, Siscovick and colleagues conducted a population-based
case-control study [24]. This
study confirmed that high doses of thiazide diuretics, as opposed
to low doses, were associated with a higher rate of cardiac
Drugs of the same class generally are
expected to have a similar effect on the primary clinical outcome
of interest. However, they may differ in degree if not in kind of
adverse effects. One illustration is cerivastatin which was much
more likely to cause rhabdomyolysis than the other marketed statins
[25]. Longer acting preparations,
or preparations that are absorbed or metabolized differently, may
be administered in different doses and have greater or lesser
adverse effects. It cannot be assumed in the absence of appropriate
comparisons that the adverse effects from similar drugs are or are
not alike. As noted, however, a clinical trial may not be the best
vehicle for detecting these differences, unless it is sufficiently
large and of long duration.
Genomic biomarkers have assumed an
increasing and important role in identifying people at an increased
risk of adverse effects from medications. A large number of FDA
approved drugs have pharmacogenomics information in different
sections of the labeling [26].
Thus, adverse drugs effects observed in genetically defined
subgroups of people are reflected in label additions of Boxed
Warnings, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions and Drug
Classification of Adverse Events
Since the late 1990s, adverse drug
events in clinical trials and many other clinical studies around
the world are classified and described with a common terminology,
the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA)
[27]. It was established by the
International Conference on Harmonisation, a global organization
created by the pharmaceutical industry to coordinate requirements
among the world’s regulatory agencies.
The structure and characteristics of
the MedDRA terminology have an effect on how adverse events are
collected, coded, assessed, and reported in clinical trials. The
most important feature is its pyramidal, hierarchical structure
with highly granular terms at the bottom and 26 System Organ
Classes at the top. The structure is shown in
Table 12.1.
MedDRA terminology
Number of terms
System Organ Class
High Level Group Term
High Level Term
Preferred Term
Low Level Term
The number of Low Level Terms is very
large and intended to facilitate human MedDRA coders using
auto-coding software in assigning MedDRA terms to adverse event
narratives by including a large number of phrases that might
appear. These terms are aggregated at the Preferred Term level, the
most granular level normally used in study reports. A key feature
of Preferred Terms is that they do not necessarily describe an
adverse event. A term could be a sign, symptom, diagnosis, surgical
treatment, outcome (such as death), or person characteristic (such
as bed sharing, aged parent, or surrogate mother). They are often
coded based on a participant complaint noted in the medical record
or data collection form.
The terminology designers sought to
overcome some of the limitations of the hierarchical structure by
allowing links across categories (a multi-axial structure) and the
creation of Standardized MedDRA Queries (SMQs). For example an “Air
embolism” has a primary link to the Vascular Disorder System Organ
Class and a secondary link to Injury and Poisoning. SMQs, on the
other hand, are designed to capture specifically adverse events
independent of the hierarchical structure. Version 16.1 of MedDRA
included 211 SMQs organized on four hierarchical levels
The methodological strengths of the
MedDRA terminology include the following: It is an accepted global
standard with multiple language translations, which facilitates
comparisons among trials. As a granular terminology it provides for
detailed and accurate coding of narratives without requiring
complex medical judgment in each case. The hierarchical structure
and SMQs provide alternative tools for identifying adverse
While the MedDRA terminology design
provides for simple and accurate coding of narratives, the terms
thus selected do not necessarily describe adverse events. If
analysis is limited to the approximately 20,000 Preferred Terms,
the result is so granular that the number of participants for each
listed event often becomes too few to evaluate meaningfully. See
Table 12.2 for the large number of synonyms for
depression. The SMQs in particular vary widely in design,
specificity, sensitivity and other features and need to be assessed
specifically in each case. By design, the terminology is
continuously revised, with new versions appearing twice a year.
This complicates replication of previous study results and
comparisons among studies, and may even require special procedures
to update an ongoing clinical trial that lasts for longer than 6
months. A participant may express the same complaint differently on
two clinical visits. As a result, they are likely to be recorded
differently, and thus coded differently, which makes it impossible
to track a particular adverse event across visits.
MedDRA preferred terms describing
depression in a clinical trial
Agitated depression
Childhood depression
Decreased interest
Depressed mood
Depression postoperative
Depression suicidal
Depressive symptom
Dysthymic disorder
Feeling guilty
Feeling of despair
Feelings of worthlessness
Major depression
Menopausal depression
Negative thoughts
Post stroke depression
Postictal depression
Postpartum depression
Psychomotor retardation
Data monitoring based on the MedDRA
terminology has turned out to be a challenge. The small numbers of
events for each term due to the granular terminology are very
difficult to interpret, and the aggregation of individual granular
terms into a category with more events requires judgment in order
to be clinically meaningful.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0 is another
advanced system for reporting adverse events [29]. One strength is the 5-step severity scale
for each adverse event ranging from mild to any fatal adverse
event. It is available without charge.
The issue often arises whether one
should elicit adverse events by means of a checklist or rely on the
participant to volunteer complaints. Eliciting adverse events has the
advantage of allowing a standard way of obtaining information on a
preselected list of symptoms. Thus, both within and among trials,
the same series of events can be ascertained in the same way, with
assurance that a “yes” or “no” answer will be present for each.
This presupposes, of course, adequate training in the
administration of the questions. Volunteered responses to a question
such as “Have you had any health problems since your last visit?”
have the possible advantage of tending to yield only the more
serious episodes, while others are likely to be ignored or
forgotten. In addition, only volunteered responses will give
information on truly unexpected adverse events.
The difference in the yield between
elicited and volunteered ascertainment has been investigated. In
the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study [30] investigators first asked a general question
about adverse events, followed by questions about specific
complaints. The results for three adverse events are presented in
Table 12.3. Two points might be noted. First, for each
adverse event, eliciting gave a higher percent of participants with
complaints in both intervention and placebo groups than did asking
for volunteered problems. Second, similar aspirin-placebo
differences were noted, regardless of the method. Thus, in this
case the investigators could detect the adverse effect with both
techniques. Volunteered events may be of greater severity but fewer
in number, reducing the statistical power of the comparison.
Percent of participants ever reporting
(volunteered and solicited) selected adverse events, by study
group, in the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study
Tarry stools
Bloody stools
Spontaneously volunteered events also
may substantially undercount some types of adverse effects, notably
psychiatric symptoms. For example, when specifically queried using
the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale, 46.5% reported sexual
dysfunction in one study, compared to 1–2% as spontaneously
ascertained in clinical trials of fluoxetine [31]. Spontaneous reports could also
underestimate new onset diabetes occurring in an unrelated
treatment, as well as effects that are not typically characterized
medically, such as falls, anger, or tremor.
Prespecified Adverse Events
The rationale for defining adverse
events in the protocol is similar to that for defining any
important benefit variable; it enables investigators to record
something in a consistent manner. Further, it allows someone
reviewing a trial to assess it more accurately, and possibly to
compare the results with those of other trials of similar
Because adverse events are typically
viewed as secondary or tertiary response variables, they are not
often systematically and prospectively evaluated and given the same
degree of attention as the primary and secondary benefit endpoints.
They usually are not defined, except by the way investigators apply
them in their daily practice. A useful source is the Investigator’s
Brochure for the study drug. The diagnosis of acute myocardial
infarction may be based on non-standardized hospital records.
Depression may rely on a patient-reported symptom of non-specified
severity and duration rather than a careful evaluation by a
psychiatrist or responses to a standardized depression
questionnaire. Thus, study protocols seldom contain written
definitions of adverse events, except for those that are recognized
clinical conditions. Multicenter trials open the door to even
greater levels of variability in event definitions. In those cases,
an adverse event may be simply what each investigator declares it
to be. Thus, intrastudy consistency may be as poor as interstudy
However, given the large number of
possible adverse events, it is not feasible to define all of them
in advance and, in addition, many do not lend themselves to
satisfactory definition. Some adverse events cannot be defined
because they are not listed in advance, but are spontaneously
mentioned by the participants. Though it is not always easy,
important adverse events which are associated with individual signs
or laboratory findings, or a constellation of related signs,
symptoms, and laboratory results can and should be well-defined.
These include the events known to be associated with the
intervention and which are clinically important, i.e. adverse
events of special interest. Other adverse events that are purely
based on a participant’s report of symptoms may be important, but
are more difficult to define. These may include nausea, fatigue, or
headache. Changes in the degree of severity of any symptom should
be part of the definition of an adverse event. The methods by which
adverse events were ascertained should be stated in any trial
Characteristics of Adverse Events
The simplest way of recording presence
of an adverse event is with a yes/no answer. This information is
likely to be adequate if the adverse event is a serious clinical
event such as a stroke, a hospitalization or a significant
laboratory abnormality. However, symptoms have other important
dimensions such as severity, duration and frequency of
The severity of subjective symptoms is
typically rated as mild, moderate or severe. However, the clinical
relevance of this rating is unclear. Participants have different
thresholds for perceiving and reporting their symptoms. In
addition, staff’s recorded rating of the reported symptom may also
vary. One way of dealing with this dilemma is to consider the
number of participants who were taken off the study medication due
to an adverse event, the number who had their dose of the study
medication reduced and those who continued treatment according to
protocol in spite of a reported adverse event. This classification
of severity makes clinical sense and is generally accepted. A
challenge may be to decide how to classify participants who
temporarily are withdrawn from study medication or have their doses
temporarily reduced.
The duration or frequency with which a
particular adverse event occurs in a participant can be viewed as
another measure of severity. For example, episodes of nausea
sustained for weeks rather than occasionally is a greater safety
concern. Investigators should plan in advance how to assess and
present all severity results.
Length of Follow-up
The duration of a trial has a
substantial impact on adverse event assessment. The longer the
trial, the more opportunity one has to discover adverse events,
especially those with low frequency. Also, the cumulative number of
participants in the intervention group complaining will increase,
giving a better estimate of the incidence of the adverse event. Of
course, eventually, most participants will report some general
complaint, such as headache or fatigue. However, this will occur in
the control group as well. Therefore, if a trial lasts for several
years, and an adverse event is analyzed simply on the basis of
cumulative number of participants suffering from it, the results
may not be very informative, unless controlled for severity and
recurrences. For example, the incidence could be annualized in
long-term trials.
Duration of follow-up is also
important in that exposure time may be critical. Some drugs may not
cause certain adverse effects until a person has been taking them
for a minimum period. An example is the lupus syndrome with
procainamide [32]. Given enough
time, a large proportion of participants will develop this
syndrome, but very few will do so if treated for only several
weeks. Other sorts of time patterns may be important as well. Many
adverse effects even occur soon after initiation of treatment. In
such circumstance, it is useful, and indeed prudent, to monitor
carefully participants for the first few hours or days. If no
effects occur, the participant may be presumed to be at a low risk
of developing these effects subsequently.
In the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial (DCCT) [33],
cotton exudates were noted in the eyes early after onset of the
intervention of the participants receiving tight control of the
glucose level. Subsequently, the progression of retinopathy in the
regular control group surpassed that in the tight control group,
and tight control was shown to reduce this retinal complication in
insulin-dependent diabetes. Focus on only this short-term adverse
effect might have led to early trial termination. Fortunately, DCCT
continued and reported a favorable long-term benefit-harm
Figure 12.1 illustrates the first
occurrence of ulcer symptoms and complaints of stomach pain, over
time, in the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study [30]. Ulcer symptoms rose fairly steadily in both
the aspirin and placebo groups, peaking at 36 months. In contrast,
complaints of stomach pain were maximal early in the aspirin group,
then decreased. Participants on placebo had a constant, low level
of stomach pain complaints. If a researcher tried to compare
adverse effects in two studies of aspirin, one lasting weeks and
the other several months, the findings would be different. To add
to the complexity, the aspirin data in a study of longer duration
may be confounded by changes in aspirin dosage and concomitant

Percent of participants reporting selected
adverse events, over time, by study group, in the Aspirin
Myocardial Infarction Study
An intervention may cause continued
discomfort throughout a trial, and its persistence may be an
important feature. Yet, unless the discomfort is considerable, such
that the intervention is stopped, the participant may eventually
stop complaining about it. Unless the investigator is alert to this
possibility, the proportion of participants with symptoms at the
final assessment in a long-term trial may be misleadingly
Analyzing Adverse Events
Analysis of adverse events in clinical
trial results depends in part on the intended use of the analysis.
On one hand, drug regulators may provide detailed specifications
for both required format and content of information of harm. On the
other, peer reviewed journals typically provide space limited to a
single table and a paragraph or two in the Results section
(although electronic publication can allow considerably more
space). Analysis will also depend on specifics of the participant
population and intervention under study. Collection, analysis and
reporting for prevention in a largely healthy population may differ
substantially from an intervention in hospitalized patients with
pre-existing heart failure. Nevertheless many trials provide
important opportunities unavailable outside a clinical study
setting to evaluate potential harm of interventions and public
health is served by thorough analysis, even if results are reported
in appendixes or on-line supplements.
This section will review four basic
types of analysis: standard reporting of adverse events occurring
in the trial, prespecified analysis of adverse events of interest,
post hoc data-mining, including other exploratory analysis and
Standard Reporting
The most basic form of assessment of
harm is a complete accounting for all participants including those
who did not complete the trial. Overall dropout rates are a useful
measure of the tolerability of the drug or other interventions, and
can be compared across many interventions. Dropout reporting is
typically divided into at least three subcategories: dropout due to
adverse events, dropouts for lack of efficacy and dropouts for
administrative reasons. Assignment of a case to these subcategories
may be more subjective than it appears. Lack of efficacy dropouts
may rise because symptomatic adverse events might persuade some
participants that they are not getting enough benefit to continue.
Withdrawals of consent or other administrative departures may
conceal problems with the drug, or the conduct of the trial. The
overall dropout rate across all categories should be presented. If
the dropouts have characteristics over time (such as dropouts
related to short-term, early onset adverse events), some form of
survival analysis of dropout rate over time may provide useful
insights for managing treatment or suggest a need for dose
Another standard analysis consists of
a table of reported adverse events at the MedDRA level of Preferred
Terms, with control and each intervention arm forming a column for
easy comparison across groups. To make the list manageable in
length, investigators typically set a threshold value for a subset
of adverse events that total more than 1%, 5%, or 10% of patients.
This has the major drawback of excluding less common adverse events
which may be the more serious ones. Tests of statistical
significance may be presented, but must be interpreted cautiously.
Longer tables are usually organized by body system using the MedDRA
System Organ Class. These standard event tables do not distinguish
the severity and frequency of adverse events and are typically
dominated by frequently occurring symptoms such as headache, nausea
or dizziness.
Standard safety analysis may also
include a listing of deaths, serious adverse events, clinically
significant laboratory abnormalities, and changes in vital
Prespecified Analysis
Possible adverse effects that could be
reasonably expected from the known mechanism of action of the
evaluated intervention, prior studies, or underlying participant
conditions could be defined and analyzed from the perspectives of
ascertainment, classification, and in particular statistical power,
but these are rarely done. An investigator needs to consider
prospectively and in the analysis the possibility of Type I or Type
II error in the context of all three.
Adjudication is a tool frequently used
when adverse events are of particular importance or are difficult
to define. Adjudicated events are typically assessed by expert
panels blinded to study group and following written protocols.
While adjudicated results are typically seen as increasing the
credibility and objectivity of the findings they may also reduce
already limited statistical power by discarding cases with
incomplete information. Adjudication can also be abused to suppress
adverse event counts though unreasonably specific and restrictive
case definitions. In addition, bias may be introduced if the
adjudicators are not fully blinded. In the Randomized Evaluation of
Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy (RE-LY) trial, a team of
adjudicators reviewed the outcome documents after reported to have
been blinded [11]. Subsequently,
the FDA took a closer look at the documents and concluded that
information on intervention group assignment was available in 17%
of the cases [34]. The credibility
of adjudication results can be enhanced by accounting for possible
but excluded cases.
Post Hoc Analysis
All post hoc analyses of adverse
events may be subject to the criticism that it introduces bias
because the analyses were not prospectively defined. Bias may also
be introduced by problems of ascertainment and classification.
These concerns are valid, but must be considered in light of two
factors. First, analyses of prespecified events may themselves have
biases and additional, even post hoc, analyses may provide further
insight. Second, good clinical research is expensive, difficult to
conduct, and seldom repeated without addressing new scientific
issues. Therefore, post hoc analysis may yield important
information and clues not otherwise obtainable.
One straightforward post hoc analysis
addresses limitations of adverse event classification that occur
due to the underlying MedDRA terminology. With approximately 20,000
Preferred Terms to describe an adverse event, this terminology
permits substantial precision at the cost of disaggregating adverse
events and is raising issues about accuracy. For example, at the
Preferred Term level, a case of depression could be coded into any
of 22 different terms (Table 12.2). Problems of
gastrointestinal tolerability might be divided into nausea,
vomiting, dyspepsia, and various forms of abdominal pains. Adverse
event tables can be examined at all three key levels of the MedDRA
hierarchy (Preferred, High Level and High Level Group Terms) as
well through other categories created or Standardized MedDRA
Queries. Additional understanding of adverse events could be
expanded through examining time to reaction, effect duration, or
severity. While these post hoc analyses may provide valuable
insights into the harm of drugs and medical interventions, they
should be specifically identified as separate from prospectively
defined analyses.
Statistical techniques for data mining
may provide additional opportunities to detect new signals of harm
overlooked by clinical investigators in blinded trials. These
techniques can be applied initially to the analysis of spontaneous
adverse event reports but can be used both for signal detection in
individual clinical trials and pooled data sets. With large
populations, repeated visits, multiple outcome measures, many
concomitant medications, and measures of underlying disease
severity, the accumulated data are often too massive to exploit
effectively with a prospective data analysis plan. However, the
results of data mining analysis should be regarded as hypothesis
generating that, after evaluation, would require additional
investigation. Such signals may provide a useful basis for
additional post hoc studies of existing data or enable prespecified
analysis in future clinical trials. Data mining results may also
provide context and focus to interpret particular results that were
prespecified. Statistical tools such as the false discovery rate
estimation [35] can help identify
reliable associations in larger spontaneous reporting databases;
other analysis might point to the need to explore associations that
appeared borderline initially.
When individual trials are
inconclusive, one approach is the combination of data on harm from
multiple trials in a meta-analysis or systematic review (see Chap.
Meta-analyses or pooled analyses
conducted by manufacturers are commonly included in New Drug
Applications submitted to regulatory agencies. Meta-analyses of
treatment harm are now being published in leading medical journals.
Singh and colleagues published three meta-analyses showing that
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone double the risk of heart failure and
fractures (in women) in type 2 diabetes [36, 37] and
that rosiglitazone, in contrast to pioglitazone, also increases the
risk of heart attacks [38]. None
of these adverse effects was recognized at the time of regulatory
approval of these drugs. Singh and colleagues concluded that
cumulative clinical trial data revealed increased cardiovascular
harm associated with rofecoxib a couple of years before the drug
was withdrawn from the U.S. market. It has been recommended that
cumulative meta-analysis be conducted to explore whether and when
pooled adverse effect data reveal increased harm [39].
It is important to keep in mind that
meta-analyses of harm have many limitations. Adverse event data in
published studies are usually limited and event ascertainment
seldom disclosed. Individual trials revealing unfavorable results
may never be reported or published leading to publication bias and
underestimation of the true rate of adverse effects. Experience has
shown that conclusions from meta-analyses of a large number of
small trials are not always confirmed in subsequent large
Even though the clinical trials were
prospectively designed, meta-analysis for harm is vulnerable to all
the biases of a post hoc study design about a controversial safety
issue when both the relevant trials and the number of events in
each trial are already known by the study investigators. Small
differences in inclusion or exclusion criteria can have large
effects on the relative risk calculation, but are not evident in
published results.
A substantial problem arises when
investigators report that a meta-analysis of numerous trials
detected no evidence of an adverse drug event reported using other
methods. The failure to disprove the null hypothesis (no difference
observed) is then claimed to be an assurance of safety. In this
setting, additional evidence is required to rule out a simple Type
II statistical error—that a difference existed but could not be
detected in this study. In comparative clinical trials with an
active drug control this problem is managed with relatively
rigorous statistical standards for demonstrating non-inferiority.
No such standards exist for meta-analysis of drug adverse events.
Finally, when the magnitude of reported harm is small (for example
a relative risk <2) all these imperfections in this technique
mandate caution in interpreting the results.
Reporting of Harm
Selecting the appropriate and relevant
data about harm from the large amount of data collected is a
substantial challenge and may vary by the type and duration of the
clinical study.
The usual measures of harm include:
- (a)
Participants taken off study medication or device removed;
- (b)
Participants on reduced dosage of study medication or on lower intensity of intervention;
- (c)
Type, severity and recurrence of participant symptoms or complaints;
- (d)
Abnormal laboratory measurements, including X-rays and imaging;
- (e)
Clinical complications
- (f)
In long-term studies, possible intervention-related reasons participants are hospitalized;
- (g)
Combinations or variations of any of the above.
All of these measures can be reported
as the number of participants with the occurrence at any point
during the trial. Presenting data about how frequently these
occurred in the same participant requires more detailed data and
may consume considerable space in tables (again, electronic
publication may allow considerably more space). Another method is
to select a frequency threshold and assume that adverse events
which recur less often in a given time period are less important.
As an example, of ten participants having nausea, three might have
it at least twice a week, three at least once a week, but less than
twice, and four less than once a week. Only those six having nausea
at least once a week might be included in a table, with the
criteria fully disclosed.
Severity indices may be used. It can
be assumed that a participant who was taken off study drug because
of an adverse event had a more serious episode than one who merely
had his dosage reduced. Someone who required dose reduction
probably had a more serious event than one who complained, but
continued to take the dose required by the study protocol. Data
from the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study [30], using the same adverse events as in the
previous example, are shown in Table 12.4. In the aspirin and
placebo groups, the percent of participants complaining about
hematemesis, tarry stools, and bloody stools are compared with the
percent having their medication dosage reduced for those adverse
events. As expected, numbers of participants complaining were many
times greater than those prescribed reduced dosages. Thus, the
implication is that most of the complaints were for relatively
minor occurrences or were transient in nature.
Percent of participants with drug dosage
reduced or complaining of selected adverse events, by study group,
in the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study
Aspirin (N = 2,267)
Placebo (N = 2,257)
Dose reduced
Tarry stools
Dose reduced
Bloody stools
Dose reduced
As mentioned above, another way of
reporting severity is to establish a hierarchy of consequences of
adverse events, such as permanently off study drug, which is more
severe than permanently on reduced dosage, which is more severe
than ever on reduced dosage, which is more severe than ever
complaining about the effect. Unfortunately, few published clinical
trial reports present such severity data.
Scientific Journal Publication
Published reports of clinical trials
typically emphasize the favorable results; the harmful effects
attributed to a new intervention are often incompletely reported.
This discordance undermines an assessment of the benefit-harm
balance. A review of randomized clinical trials published in 1997
and 1998 showed that reporting of harm varied widely and, in
general, was inadequate [40].
Adverse effect reporting was considered adequate in only 39% of 192
clinical trial articles from seven therapeutic areas. The 2001
CONSORT statement included a checklist of 22 items that
investigators ought to address in the reporting of randomized
clinical trials. However, it only included one item related to
adverse events which recommended that every report presents “All
important adverse events or side effects in each intervention
group” [41].
In 2004 [42], the checklist was extended to include ten
new recommendations related to the reporting of harm-related issues
and accompanying explanations (Table 12.5). The authors
encouraged the investigators to use the term “harm” instead of
“safety”, which is a reassuring term. In the first two years after
the publication of the 2004 CONSORT guidelines the impact was
negligible. Pitrou et al. [43]
analyzed 133 reports of randomized clinical trials published in six
general medical journals in 2006. No adverse events were reported
in 11% of the reports. Eighteen percent did not provide numerical
data by treatment group and 32% restricted the reporting to the
most common events. The data on severity of adverse events were
missing in 27% of the publications and almost half failed to report
the proportion of participants withdrawn from study medication due
to adverse events.
Endorsed recommendations regarding better
reporting of harms in randomized trials [42]
If the study collected data on harms and
benefits, the title or abstract should so state
If the trial addresses both harms and
benefits, the introduction should so state
List adverse events with definitions for
each (with attention, when relevant, to grading, expected vs.
unexpected reactions, reference to standardized and validated
definitions, and description of new definitions)
Clarify how harms-related information was
collected (mode of data collection, timing, attribution methods,
intensity of ascertainment, and harms-related monitoring and
stopping rules, if pertinent)
Describe plans for presenting and analyzing
information on harms (including coding, handling of recurrent
reactions, specification of timing issues, handling of continuous
measures, and any statistical analyses)
Describe for each arm the participant
withdrawals that are due to harms and the experience with the
allocated treatment
Provide the denominators for analyses on
Present the absolute risk of each adverse
event (specifying type, grade, and seriousness per arm), and
present appropriate metrics for recurrent reactions, continuous
variables and scale variables, whenever pertinent
Describe any subgroup analyses and
exploratory analyses for harms
Provide a balanced discussion of benefits
and harms with emphasis on study limitations, generalizability, and
other sources of information on harms
Ioannidis [44] proposed six explanations for inadequate
reporting of adverse events that reflects diverse motives. (1) the
study design ignored or undervalued adverse events, (2) collection
of adverse events during the trial was neglected, (3) reporting of
adverse events was lacking, (4) reporting of adverse events was
restricted, (5) reporting of adverse events was distorted, and (6)
the evidence of harm was silenced. The same recommendations are
included in the 2010 CONSORT statement [45].
This is clearly an area in reporting
of trial results that is not handled well. It is imperative that
investigators devote more attention to reporting the key data on
harm from their clinical trials. If not in the main results
article, additional data on harm could be included in appendices to
this paper or, if possible, covered in separate articles.
Regulatory Considerations
The regulatory issues related to the
reporting of harm and efficacy in clinical trials are discussed in
more detail in Chap. 22 (Regulatory Issues). Guidance for
safety evaluation can be found in documents issued by the US
Department of Health and Human Services [46–51].
The purpose of premarketing assessment
of harm is to identify adverse effects prior to regulatory approval
for marketing. This assessment is typically incomplete for several
reasons. Very few early phase studies are designed to test
specified hypotheses about harm. They are often too small to detect
less common serious adverse events or adverse events of special
interest. Additionally, the assessment of multiple adverse events
raises analytic questions regarding multiplicity and thus proper
significance levels. Moreover, the premarketing trials tend to
focus on low-risk participants by excluding elderly persons, those
with other medical conditions, and those on concomitant
medications, which also reduces the statistical power.
The major drug regulatory agencies in
the world have requirements for expedited reporting of adverse
events in clinical trials. These requirements apply to serious,
unexpected, and drug-related events. As described earlier, a
serious adverse event is defined as death, life-threatening event,
hospitalization initial or prolonged, persistent or significant
disability, congenital anomaly/birth defect, or required
intervention to prevent harm or other medically serious event.
Unexpected means an effect is not listed in the Investigator’s
Brochure or product label at the severity observed. The unexpected
events in trials registered with the FDA must be reported by the
trial sponsor in writing within 15 calendar days of being informed.
For an unexpected death or life-threatening reaction, the report
should be made within 7 days of notification. The regulations do
not specify deadlines for sites to report these reactions to the
study sponsor, although sponsors typically establish their own
To deal with often limited information
on harm, special regulatory attention is given to adverse trends in
the data. The regulatory term safety signal [49] is defined as “a concern about an excess of
adverse events compared to what would be expected to be associated
with a product’s use.” These signals generally indicate a need for
further investigation in order to determine whether they are
drug-induced or chance findings. As part of the approval decision,
the sponsor may be required to conduct post-approval phase IV
Rules for reporting adverse events to
the local ethics review committees vary. Many require that
investigators report all events meeting regulatory agency
definitions. These committees have, based on the safety report,
several options. These include making no change, requiring changes
to the informed consent and the trial protocol, placing the trial
on hold, or terminating approval of the trial. However, the
committees seldom have the adequate expertise or infrastructure to
deal with serious adverse event reports from multicenter trials, or
even local trials. When the trial is multicenter, different rules
and possible actions from different ethics committees can cause
considerable complications. These complications can be reduced when
the ethics review committees agree to rely on safety review by a
study-wide data monitoring committee.
Recommendations for Assessing and Reporting Harm
Substantial improvements are needed in
the ascertainment, analysis, and reporting of harm in clinical
trials. One advance would be to match better sample size, patient
population, and trial duration to clinical use, especially when
long-term treatment is intended.
Second, to meet higher standards in
the evaluation of harm, efforts should be made in pre-approval
trials to prespecify and collect data on known or potential
intervention-induced adverse effects. The data ought to be
solicited with special questions asked of the participants rather
than left completely open-ended and be based on a volunteered
response. Asking participants whether they had any general problem
since the last contact will underestimate the true rate of reported
adverse events, especially those that are sensitive. Collection of
known adverse effects is also important in trials of new
populations or when new indications are investigated in order to
permit determination of the benefit-harm balance. If groups of
participants are believed to be susceptible to adverse events or
effects, prespecified subgroup analyses ought to be identified in
the protocol. As stated above, subgrouping based on genetic
variations has been very informative.
Third, limiting the assessment of harm
to the simple frequency of adverse events is a crude approach. As
stated above, many adverse events have additional
dimensions—severity, time of onset, and duration. By ignoring
these, one episode of a mild adverse symptom is given equal weight
to a severe, constant symptom leading to discontinuation of the
intervention. As a minimum, the number of participants taken off
the study intervention due to an adverse event, the number who had
their dose reduced and those who continued treatment according to
protocol in spite of an adverse event, ought to be assessed and
reported in publications.
Fourth, all serious events should be
fully disclosed, by study group. There is no reason to omit,
restrict or suppress these events especially if they are of a
serious nature. Even non-significant imbalances are important. In
the disclosure, it is also essential to account for all randomized
Fifth, we endorse the ten CONSORT
recommendations regarding better reporting in the literature of
harms in randomized trials (Table 12.5). There should be a
full and open accounting of all important adverse effects in the
main trial publications.
Sixth, we support cooperation with
investigators who are pooling and analyzing adverse effect data
from multiple clinical trials. This type of data sharing has strong
support in the academic community [52–58]. Support
for data sharing has also been given by industry [59–61], funders
of research [62], major
organizations [63] and medical
journals [64]. A 2015 report from
the Institute of Medicine recommends responsible data sharing for
completed trials, with focus on data used in trial publications as
well as data used in the complete study report submitted for
regulatory review [65]. More
details of this report are presented in Chap. 20.
Seventh, we have limited sympathy for
investigators who question the existence of adverse effects unless
clearly documented in randomized clinical trials. Other types of
studies, systematically analyzed case reports, and use of
registries have a role in the identification of serious adverse
effects. A detailed discussion of these falls outside the scope of
this book. Very large observational studies have been successfully
used in the past [22]. Spontaneous
adverse event reporting continues to be a critical and primary
source for identifying new serious adverse drug reactions that were
not fully evident in clinical trials. One study of all new major
safety warnings from the FDA in 2009 showed that 76% of new Boxed
Warnings in the drug label were based on spontaneous reports
[17]. A subsequent paper from the
FDA confirmed that spontaneous reports accounted for over half of
all safety-related drug label changes [66]. Thus, these data can establish
associations, but the incidence of such adverse effects needs to be
determined through additional studies.
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