The analysis of data obtained from a
clinical trial represents the outcome of the planning and
implementation already described. Primary and secondary questions
addressed by the clinical trial can be tested and new hypotheses
generated. Data analysis is sometimes viewed as simple and
straightforward, requiring little time, effort, or expense.
However, careful analysis usually requires a major investment in
all three. It must be done with as much care and concern as any of
the design or data-gathering aspects. Furthermore, inappropriate
statistical analyses can introduce bias, result in misleading
conclusions and impair the credibility of the trial.
In the context of clinical trials, the
term bias has several senses. One is what we might call
experimenter bias. This sense applies to a difference in the
behavior, conscious or unconscious, of investigators depending on
what they believe about the intervention. For example, in an
unblinded trial, or a trial in which the intervention assignment
can be guessed, the investigator may treat a participant or data
from a participant differently depending on whether she believes
that participant has received the experimental intervention. These
differences in behavior can lead to a second sense of the term
bias, one with a more technical definition which we may call
estimation bias. If the goal of the trial is to estimate how the
intervention affects an outcome measured in a specified population,
bias is any difference between that estimate and the true effect
which is not attributable to random variation.
Even in a randomized, double-blind
clinical trial which has been conducted without any experimenter
bias, the estimated effect can be biased by excluding randomized
participants or observed outcomes, by inappropriate choice of
analytic techniques, and by missing or poor quality data caused by
mechanisms which were not the same in the intervention and control
groups. This chapter will focus on how to avoid introducing
estimation bias into the analysis of clinical trial data.
Several introductory textbooks of
statistics [1–8] provide excellent descriptions for many basic
methods of analysis. Chapter 15 presents essentials for analysis
of survival data, since they are frequently of interest in clinical
trials. This chapter will focus on some issues in the analysis of
data which seem to cause confusion in the medical research
community. Some of the proposed solutions are straightforward;
others require judgment. They reflect a point of view toward bias
developed by the authors of this text and many colleagues in
numerous collaborative efforts over three to four decades. Whereas
some [9–12] have taken similar positions, others
[13–16] have opposing views on several issues, and
some published trials are more consistent with these opposing views
(e.g. [17]).
The analytic approaches discussed here
primarily apply to late phase (III and IV) trials. Various
exploratory analysis approaches may be entirely reasonable in early
phase (I and II) studies where the goal is to obtain information
and insight to design better subsequent trials. However, some the
fundamentals presented may still be of value in these early phase
trials. We have used early examples that were instrumental in
establishing many of the analytic principles and added new examples
which reinforce them. However, given the multitude of clinical
trials, it is not possible to include even a small proportion of
the many excellent examples that exist.
Fundamental Point
Removing randomized participants or observed
outcomes from analysis and subgrouping on the basis of outcome or
other response variables can lead to biased results. Those biases
can be of unknown magnitude and direction.
Which Participants Should Be Analyzed?
In the context of clinical trials the
term ‘withdrawal’ is used in different ways. For this chapter,
‘withdrawing a participant’ generally means removing from an
analysis the data contributed by a participant who has been
randomized and perhaps followed for some length of time. A common
and related meaning of the term ‘withdrawal’ refers to a
participant who is randomized but from whom follow-up data is
deliberately not collected, or only partially collected, as a
result of decisions made by the study investigators. Yet another
meaning indicates someone who is randomized but refuses to continue
participating in the trial. The term ‘excluded’ can also be
ambiguous, sometimes referring to a participant who does not meet
eligibility criteria during screening, sometimes to a participant’s
data which was not used in an analysis. Since removing or not using
data collected from a randomized participant can lead to bias, the
question of which participants’ data should be analyzed is an
important one. This chapter has adopted, in part, the terminology
used by Peto and colleagues [12]
to classify participants according to the nature and extent of
their participation.
Discussion about which participants are
to be included in the data analysis often arises in clinical
trials. Although a laboratory study may have carefully regulated
experimental conditions, even the best designed and managed
clinical trial cannot be perfectly implemented. Response variable
data may be missing, adherence to protocol may not be complete, and
some participants, in retrospect, will not have met the entrance
criteria. Some investigators may, after a trial has been completed,
be inclined to remove from the analysis participants who did not
meet the eligibility criteria or did not follow the protocol
perfectly. In contrast, others believe that once a participant is
randomized, that participant should always be followed and included
in the analysis.
The intention-to-treat principle states
that all participants randomized and all events, as defined in the
protocol, should be accounted for in the primary analysis
[12]. This requirement is stated
in the International Conference on Harmonisation and FDA guidelines
[18, 19]. There are often proposed “modified
intention-to-treat” analyses, or “per protocol” or “on treatment”
analyses, that suggest that only participants who received at least
some of the intervention should be included. However, as we will
discuss, any deviations from strict intention-to-treat offer the
potential for bias and should be avoided, or at a minimum presented
along with an intention-to-treat analysis. Many published analyses
claim to have followed the intention-to-treat principle yet do not
include all randomized participants and all events. Although the
phrase is widely used, “per protocol” analysis suggests that the
analysis is the one preferred in the trial’s protocol. For such
analyses we think that “on treatment” analysis more accurately
reflects what is done.
Exclusions refer to people who are
screened as potential participants for a randomized trial but who
do not meet all of the entry criteria and, therefore, are not
randomized. Reasons for exclusion might be related to age, severity
of disease, refusal to participate, or any of numerous other
determinants evaluated before randomization. Since these potential
participants are not randomized, their exclusion does not bias any
intervention-control group comparison (sometimes called
internal validity).
Exclusions do, however, influence the broader interpretation and
applicability of the results of the clinical trial (external validity). In some
circumstances, follow-up of excluded people, as was done in the
Women’s Health Initiative [20,
21], can be helpful in determining
to what extent the results can be generalized. If the event rate in
the control group is considerably lower than anticipated, an
investigator may want to determine whether most high risk people
were excluded or whether she was incorrect in her initial
Withdrawals from analysis refer to
participants who have been randomized but are deliberately excluded
from the analysis. As the fundamental point states, omitting
participants from analyses can bias the results of the study
[22]. If participants are
withdrawn, the burden rests with the investigator to convince the
scientific community that the analysis has not been biased.
However, this is essentially impossible, because no one can be sure
that participants were not differentially withdrawn from the study
groups. Differential withdrawal can occur even if the number of
omitted participants is the same in each group, since the reasons
for withdrawal in each group may be different and consequently
their risk of primary, secondary and adverse events may be
different. As a result, the participants remaining in the
randomized groups may not be comparable, undermining one of the
reasons for randomization.
Many reasons are given for not
including certain participants’ data in the analysis, among them
ineligibility and nonadherence.
A previously common cited reason for
withdrawal is that some participants did not meet the entry
criteria, a protocol violation unknown at the time of enrollment.
Admitting unqualified participants may be the result of a simple
clerical error, a laboratory error, a misinterpretation, or a
misclassification. Clerical mistakes such as listing wrong sex or
age may be obvious. Other errors can arise from differing
interpretation of diagnostic studies such as electrocardiograms,
x-rays, or biopsies. It is not difficult to find examples in
earlier literature [23–31]. The
practice of withdrawal for ineligibility used to be common, but
appears to be less frequent now, at least in papers published in
major journals.
Withdrawals for ineligibility can
involve a relatively large number of participants. In an early
trial by the Canadian Cooperative Study Group [30], 64 of the 649 enrolled participants (10%)
with stroke were later found to have been ineligible. In this
four-armed study, the numbers of ineligible participants in the
study groups ranged from 10 to 25. The reasons for the
ineligibility of these 64 participants were not reported, nor were
their outcome experiences. Before cancer cooperative groups
implemented phone-in or electronic eligibility checks, 10–20% of
participants entered into a trial may have been ineligible after
further review. By taking more careful care at the time of
randomization, the number of ineligible participants was reduced to
a very small percent [32].
Currently, web based systems or Interactive Voice Recording Systems
are used for multicenter and multinational clinical trials
[33]. These interactive systems
can lead clinic staff through a review of key eligibility criteria
before randomization is assigned, cutting down on the ineligibility
rate. For example, several trials employed these methods
A study design may require enrollment
within a defined time period following a qualifying event. Because
of this time constraint, data concerning a participant’s
eligibility might not be available or confirmable at the time the
decision must be made to enroll him. For example, the Beta-Blocker
Heart Attack Trial looked at a 2–4 year follow-up mortality in
people administered a beta-blocking drug during hospitalization for
an acute myocardial infarction [23]. Because of known variability in
interpretation, the protocol required that the diagnostic
electrocardiograms be read by a central unit. However, this
verification took several weeks to accomplish. Local investigators,
therefore, interpreted the electrocardiograms and decided whether
the patient met the necessary criteria for inclusion. Almost 10% of
the enrolled participants did not have their myocardial infarction
confirmed according to a central reading, and were “incorrectly”
randomized. The question then arose: Should the participants be
kept in the trial and included in the analysis of the response
variable data? The Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial protocol
required follow-up and analysis of all randomized participants. In
this case, the observed benefits from the intervention were similar
in those eligible as well as in those “ineligible.”
A more complicated situation occurs
when the data needed for enrollment cannot be obtained until hours
or days have passed, yet the study design requires initiation of
intervention before then. For instance, in the Multicenter
Investigation for the Limitation of Infarct Size [26], propranolol, hyaluronidase, or placebo was
administered shortly after participants were admitted to the
hospital with possible acute myocardial infarctions. In some, the
diagnosis of myocardial infarction was not confirmed until after
electrocardiographic and serum enzyme changes had been monitored
for several days. Such participants were, therefore, randomized on
the basis of a preliminary diagnosis of infarction. Subsequent
testing may not have supported the initial diagnosis. Another
example of this problem involves a study of pregnant women who were
likely to deliver prematurely and, therefore, would have children
who were at a higher than usual risk of being born with respiratory
distress syndrome [24].
Corticosteroids administered to the mother prior to delivery were
hypothesized to protect the premature child from developing this
syndrome. Although, at the time of the mother’s randomization to
either intervention or control groups, the investigator could not
be sure that the delivery would be premature, she needed to make a
decision whether to enroll the mother into the study. Other
examples include trials where thrombolytic agents are being
evaluated in reducing mortality and morbidity during and after an
acute myocardial infarction. In these trials, agents must be given
rapidly before diagnosis can be confirmed [39].
To complicate matters still further,
the intervention given to a participant can affect or change the
entry diagnosis. For example, in the above mentioned study to limit
infarct size, some participants without a myocardial infarction
were randomized because of the need to begin intervention before
the diagnosis was confirmed. Moreover, if the interventions
succeeded in limiting infarct size, they could have affected the
electrocardiogram and serum enzyme levels. Participants in the
intervention groups with a small myocardial infarction may have had
the infarct size reduced or limited and therefore appeared not to
have had a qualifying an infarction. Thus, they would not seem to
have met the entry criteria. However, this situation could not
exist in the placebo control group. If the investigators had
withdrawn participants in retrospect who did not meet the study
criteria for a myocardial infarction, they would have withdrawn
more participants from the intervention groups (those with no
documented infarction plus those with small infarction) than from
the control group (those with no infarction). This would have
produced a bias in later comparisons. On the other hand, it could
be assumed that a similar number of truly ineligible participants
were randomized to the intervention groups and to the control
group. In order to maintain comparability, the investigators might
have decided to withdraw the same number of participants from each
group. The ineligible participants in the control group could have
been readily identified. However, the participants in the
intervention groups who were truly ineligible had to be
distinguished from those made to appear ineligible by the effects
of the interventions. This would have been difficult, if not
impossible. In the Multicenter Investigation for the Limitation of
Infarct Size (MILIS) for example, all randomized participants were
retained in the analysis [26].
An example of possible bias because of
withdrawal of ineligible participants is found in the Anturane
Reinfarction Trial, which compared sulfinpyrazone with placebo in
participants who had recently suffered a myocardial infarction
[27–29]. As seen in Table 18.1, of 1,629 randomized
participants (813 to sulfinpyrazone, 816 to placebo), 71 were
subsequently found to be ineligible. Thirty-eight had been assigned
to sulfinpyrazone and 33 to placebo. Despite relatively clear
definitions of eligibility and comparable numbers of participants
withdrawn, mortality among these ineligible participants was 26.3%
in the sulfinpyrazone group (10 of 38) and 12.1% in the placebo
group (4 of 33) [27]. The eligible
placebo group participants had a mortality of 10.9%, similar to the
12.1% seen among the ineligible participants. In contrast, the
eligible participants on sulfinpyrazone had a mortality of 8.3%,
less than one-third that of the ineligible participants. Including
all 1,629 participants in the analysis gave 9.1% mortality in the
sulfinpyrazone group, and 10.9% mortality in the placebo group
(p = .20). Withdrawing the
71 ineligible participants (and 14 deaths, 10 vs. 4) gave an almost
significant p = .07.
Mortality by study group and eligibility
status in the Anturane Reinfarction Trial
Percent mortality
Percent mortality
Percent mortality
Stimulated by criticisms of the study,
the investigators initiated a reevaluation of the Anturane
Reinfarction Trial results. An independent group of reviewers
examined all reports of deaths in the trial [29]. Instead of 14 deceased participants who
were ineligible, it found 19; 12 in the sulfinpyrazone group and
seven in the placebo group. Thus, supposedly clear criteria for
ineligibility can be judged differently. This trial was an early
example that affirmed the value of the intention-to-treat
Three trial design policies that
relate to withdrawals because of entry criteria violations have
been discussed by Peto et al. [12]. The first policy is not to enroll
participants until all the diagnostic tests have been confirmed and
all the entry criteria have been carefully checked. Once enrollment
takes place, no withdrawals from the trial are allowed. For some
studies, such as the one on limiting infarct size, this policy
cannot be applied because firm diagnoses cannot be ascertained
prior to the time when intervention has to be initiated.
The second policy is to enroll
marginal or unconfirmed cases and later withdraw from analysis
those participants who are proven to have been misdiagnosed. This
would be allowed, however, only if the decision to withdraw is
based on data collected before enrollment. Any process of deciding
upon withdrawal of a participant from a study group should be done
blinded with respect to the participant’s outcome and group
A third policy is to enroll some
participants with unconfirmed diagnoses and to allow no
withdrawals. This procedure is always valid in that the
investigator compares two randomized groups which are comparable at
baseline. However, this policy is conservative because each group
contains some participants who might not benefit from the
intervention. Thus, the overall trial may have less power to detect
differences of interest.
A modification to these three policies
has been recommended [22]. Every
effort should be made to establish the eligibility of participants
prior to any randomization. No withdrawals should be allowed and
the analyses should include all participants enrolled. Analyses
based on only those truly eligible may be performed. If the
analyses of data from all enrolled participants and from those
eligible agree, the interpretation of the results is clear, at
least with respect to participant eligibility. If the results
differ, however, the investigator must be very cautious in her
interpretation. In general, she should emphasize the analysis with
all the enrolled participants because that analysis is always
Any policy on withdrawals should be
stated in the study protocol before the start of the study. Though
the enrolled cohort is never a random sample, in general, the
desired aim is to make the recruited cohort as similar as possible
to the population in which the intervention will be used in
clinical practice, so withdrawal of participants from the trial or
participants’ data from an analysis after the decision to treat
should be extremely rare. The actual decision to withdraw specific
participants should be done without knowledge of the study group,
ideally by someone not directly involved in the trial. Of special
concern is withdrawal based on review of selected cases,
particularly if the decision rests on a subjective interpretation.
Even in double-blind trials, blinding may not be perfect, and the
investigator may supply information for the eligibility review
differentially depending upon study group and health status.
Therefore, withdrawal should be done early in the course of
follow-up, before a response variable has occurred, and with a
minimum of data exchange between the investigator and the person
making the decision to withdraw the participant. This withdrawal
approach does not preclude a later challenge by readers of the
report, on the basis of potential bias. It should, however, remove
the concern that the withdrawal policy was dependent on the outcome
of the trial. The withdrawal rules should not be based on knowledge
of study outcomes. Even when these guidelines are followed, if the
number of withdrawals is high, if the number of entry criteria
violations is substantially different in the study groups, or if
the event rates in the withdrawn participants are different between
the groups, the question will certainly be raised whether bias
played a role in the decision to withdraw participants.
Nonadherence to the prescribed
intervention or control regimen is another reason that participants
are withdrawn from analysis [40–59]. One
version of this is to define an “on treatment” analysis that
eliminates any participant who does not adhere to the intervention
by some specified amount, as defined in the protocol. One form of
nonadherence may be drop-outs and drop-ins (Chap. 14). Drop-outs are participants in
the intervention arm who do not adhere to the regimen. Drop-ins are
participants in the control arm who receive the intervention. The
decision not to adhere to the protocol intervention may be made by
the participant, his primary care physician, or the trial
investigator. Nonadherence may be due to adverse events in either
the intervention or control group, loss of participant interest or
perceived benefit, changes in the underlying condition of a
participant, or a variety of other reasons.
Withdrawal from analysis of
participants who do not adhere to the intervention regimens
specified in the study design is often proposed. The motivation for
withdrawal of nonadherent participants is that the trial is not a
“fair test” of the ideal intervention with these participants
included. For example, there may be a few participants in the
intervention group who took little or no therapy. One might argue
that if participants do not take their medication, they certainly
cannot benefit from it. There could also be participants in the
control group who frequently receive the study medication. The
intervention and control groups are thus “contaminated.” Proponents
of withdrawal of nonadherent participants argue that removal of
these participants keeps the trial closer to what was intended;
that is, a comparison of optimal intervention versus control. The
impact of nonadherence on the trial findings is that any observed
benefit of the intervention, as compared to the control, will be
reduced, making the trial less powerful than it planned. Newcombe
[11], for example, discusses the
implication of adherence for the analysis as well as the design and
sample size. We discuss this in Chap. 8.
A policy of withdrawal from analysis
because of participant nonadherence can lead to bias. The
overwhelming reason is that participant adherence to a protocol may
be related to the outcome. In other words, there may an effect of
adherence on the outcome which is independent of the intervention.
Certainly, if nonadherence is greater in one group than another,
for example if the intervention produces many adverse events, then
withdrawal of nonadherent participants could lead to bias. Even if
the frequency of nonadherence is the same for the intervention and
control groups, the reasons for nonadherence in each group may
differ and may involve different types of participants. The concern
would always be whether the same types of participants were
withdrawn in the same proportion from each group or whether an
imbalance had been created. Of course, an investigator could
probably neither confirm nor refute the possibility of bias.
For noninferiority trials (see Chaps.
3 and 5), nonadherence may make the two
interventions arms to look more alike and thus create bias towards
the claim of noninferiority [13,
60]. Any attempt to use only
adherers in a noninferiority trial, though, could be biased in
unknown directions, thus rendering the results uninterpretable.
Again, the best policy is to design a trial to have minimum
nonadherence, power the trial to overcome non-preventable
nonadherence and then accept the results using the principle of
The Coronary Drug Project evaluated
several lipid-lowering drugs in people several years after a
myocardial infarction. In participants on one of the drugs,
clofibrate, total 5-year mortality was 18.2%, as compared with
19.4% in control participants [31,
57]. Among the clofibrate
participants, those who had at least 80% adherence to therapy had a
mortality of 15%, whereas the poor adherers had a mortality of
24.6% (Table 18.2). This seeming benefit from taking
clofibrate was, unfortunately, mirrored in the group taking
placebo, 15.1% vs. 28.2%. A similar pattern
(Table 18.3) was noted in the Aspirin Myocardial
Infarction Study [58]. Overall, no
difference in mortality was seen between the aspirin-treated group
(10.9%) and the placebo-treated group (9.7%). Good adherers to
aspirin had a mortality of 6.1%; poor adherers had a mortality of
21.9%. In the placebo group, the rates were 5.1% and 22%.
Percent mortality by study group and level
of adherence in the Coronary Drug Project
Drug adherence
Percent mortality by study group and degree
of adherence in the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study
Good adherence
Poor adherence
A trial of antibiotic prophylaxis in
cancer patients also demonstrated a relationship between adherence
and benefit in both the intervention and placebo groups
[43]. Among the participants
assigned to intervention, efficacy in reducing fever or infection
was 82% in excellent adherers, 64% in good adherers, and 31% in
poor adherers. Among the placebo participants, the corresponding
figures were 68%, 56%, and 0%.
Another pattern is noted in a
three-arm trial comparing two beta-blocking drugs, propranolol and
atenolol, with placebo [59].
Approximately equal numbers of participants in each group stopped
taking their medication. In the placebo group, adherers and
nonadherers had similar mortality: 11.2% and 12.5%, respectively.
Nonadherers to the interventions, however, had death rates several
times greater than did the adherers: 15.9% to 3.4% in those on
propranolol and 17.6% to 2.6% in those on atenolol. Thus, even
though the numbers of nonadherers in each arm were equal, their
risk characteristics as reflected by their morality rates were
obviously different.
Pledger [51] provides an analogous example for a trial of
schizophrenia. Participants were randomized to chlorpromazine or
placebo and the 1-year relapse rates were measured. The overall
comparison was a 27.8% relapse rate on active medication and 52.8%
for those on placebo. The participants were categorized into low or
high adherence subgroups. Among the active medication participants,
the relapse rate was 61.2% for low adherence and 16.8% for high
adherence. However, the relapse rate was 74.7% and 28.0% for the
corresponding adherence groups on placebo.
Another example of placebo adherence
versus nonadherence is reported by Oakes et al. [49]. A trial of 2,466 heart attack participants
compared diltiazem with placebo over a period of 4 years with time
to first cardiac event as the primary outcome. Cardiac death or
all-cause mortality were additional outcome measures. The trial was
initially analyzed according to intention-to-treat with no
significant effect of treatment. Qualitative interaction effects
were found with the presence or absence of pulmonary congestion
which favored diltiazem for patients without pulmonary congestion
and placebo in patients with pulmonary congestion. Interestingly,
for participants without pulmonary congestion, the hazard ratio or
relative risk for time to first cardiac event was 0.92 for those
off placebo compared to those on placebo. For participants with
pulmonary congestion, the hazard ratio was 2.86 for participants
off placebo compared to those on placebo. For time to cardiac death
and to all-cause mortality, hazard ratios exceeded 1.68 in both
pulmonary congestion subgroups. This again suggests that placebo
adherence is a powerful prognostic indicator and argues for the
intention-to-treat analysis.
The definition of nonadherence can
also have a major impact on the analysis. This is demonstrated by
reanalysis of a trial in breast cancer patients by Redmond et al.
[52]. This trial compared a
complex chemotherapy regimen with placebo as adjuvant therapy
following surgery with disease-free survival as the primary
outcome. To illustrate the challenges of trying to adjust analyses
for adherence, two measures of adherence were created. Adherence
was defined as the fraction of chemotherapy taken while on the
study to what was defined by the protocol as a full course. One
analysis (Method I) divided participants into good adherers (≥85%),
moderate adherers (65–84%) and poor adherers (<65%). Using this
definition, placebo adherers had a superior disease-free survival
than moderate adherers who did better than poor adherers
(Fig. 18.1). This pattern of outcome in the placebo
group is similar to the CDP clofibrate example. The authors
performed a second analysis (Method II) changing the definition of
adherence slightly. In this case, adherence was defined as the
fraction of chemotherapy taken while on study to what should have
been taken while still on study before being taken off treatment
for some reason. Note that the previous definition (Method I)
compared chemotherapy taken to what would have been taken had the
participant survived to the end and adhered perfectly. This subtle
difference in definition changed the order of outcome in the
placebo group. Here, the poor placebo adherers had the best
disease-free survival and the best adherers had a disease-free
survival in-between the moderate and poor adherers. Of special
importance is that the participants in this example were all on
placebo. Thus, adherence is itself an outcome and trying to adjust
one outcome (the primary response variable) for another outcome
(adherence) can lead to misleading results.

Percentage of disease free survival related
to adherence levels of placebo; methods I and II definition of
compliance in National Surgical Adjuvant Breast Program (NSABP).
Three levels of compliance are: Good (>85%) Moderate (65–84%)
Poor (<65%) [52]
Detre and Peduzzi have argued that,
although as a general rule nonadherent participants should be
analyzed according to the study group to which they were assigned,
there can be exceptions. They presented an example from the VA
coronary bypass surgery trial [40]. In that trial, a number of participants
assigned to medical intervention crossed over to surgery. Contrary
to expectation, these participants were at similar risk of having
an event, after adjusting for a variety of baseline factors, as
those who did not crossover. Therefore, the authors argued that the
non-adherers should be kept in their original groups, but can be
censored at the time of crossover. This may be true, but, as seen
in the Coronary Drug Project [57],
adjustment for known variables does not always account for the
observed response. The differences in mortality between adherers
and nonadherers remained even after adjustment. Thus, other unknown
or unmeasured variables were of critical importance.
Some might think that if rules for
withdrawing participants are specified in advance, withdrawals for
nonadherence are legitimate. However, the potential for bias cannot
be avoided simply because the investigator states, ahead of time,
the intention to withdraw participants. This is true even if the
investigator is blinded to the group assignment of a participant at
the time of withdrawal. Participants were not withdrawn from the
analyses in the above examples. However, had a rule allowing
withdrawal of participants with poor adherence been specified in
advance, the results described above would have been obtained. The
type of participants withdrawn would have been different in the
intervention and control groups and would have resulted in the
analysis of non-comparable groups of adherers. Unfortunately, as
noted, the patterns of possible bias can vary and depend on the
precise definition of adherence. Neither the magnitude nor
direction of that bias is easily assessed or compensated for in
Adherence is also a response to the
intervention. If participant adherence to an intervention is poor
compared to that of participants in the control group, widespread
use of this therapy in clinical practice may not be reasonably
expected. An intervention may be effective, but may be of little
value if it cannot be tolerated by a large portion of the
participants. For example, in the Coronary Drug Project, the niacin
arm showed a favorable trend for mortality over 7 years, compared
with placebo, but niacin caused “hot flashes” and was not easily
tolerated [31]. The development of
slow release formulations that reduce pharmacologic peaks has
lessened the occurrence of side effects.
It is therefore recommended that no
participants be withdrawn from analysis in superiority trials for
lack of adherence. The price an investigator must pay for this
policy is possibly reduced power because some participants who are
included in the analysis may not be on optimal intervention. For
limited or moderate nonadherence, one can compensate by increasing
the sample size, as discussed in Chap. 8, although doing so is costly.
Missing or Poor Quality Data
In most trials, participants have data
missing for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they were not able to
keep their scheduled clinic visits or were unable to perform or
undergo the particular procedures or assessments. In some cases,
follow-up of the participant was not completed as outlined in the
protocol. The challenge is how to deal with missing data or data of
such poor quality that they are in essence missing. One approach is
to withdraw participants who have poor data completely from the
analysis [26, 61, 62].
However, the remaining subset may no longer be representative of
the population randomized and there is no guarantee that the
validity of the randomization has been maintained in this
There is a vast literature on
approaches to dealing with missing data [63–73]. Many of
these methods assume that the data are missing at random; that is,
the probability of a measurement not being observed does not depend
on what its value would have been. In some contexts, this may be a
reasonable assumption, but for clinical trials, and clinical
research in general, it would be difficult to confirm. It is, in
fact, probably not a valid assumption, as the reason the data are
missing is often associated with the health status of the
participant. Thus, during trial design and conduct, every effort
must be made to minimize missing data. If the amount of missing
data is relatively small, then the available analytic methods will
probably be helpful. If the amount of missing data is substantial,
there may be no method capable of rescuing the trial. In this
section, we discuss some of the issues that must be kept in mind
when analyzing a trial with missing data.
Rubin [72] provided a definition of missing data
mechanisms. If data are missing for reasons unrelated to the
measurement that would have been observed and unrelated to
covariates, then the data are “missing completely at random.”
Statistical analyses based on likelihood inference are valid when
the data are missing at random or missing completely at random. If
a measure or index allows a researcher to estimate the probability
of having missing data, say in a participant with poor adherence to
the protocol, then using methods proposed by Rubin and others might
allow some adjustment to reduce bias [66, 71,
72, 74]. However, adherence, as indicated earlier,
is often associated with a participant’s outcome and attempts to
adjust for adherence can lead to misleading results.
If participants do not adhere to the
intervention and also do not return for follow-up visits, the
primary outcome measured may not be obtained unless it is survival
or some easily ascertained event. In this situation, an
intention-to-treat analysis is not feasible and no analysis is
fully satisfactory. Because withdrawal of participants from the
analysis is known to be problematic, one approach is to “impute” or
fill in the missing data such that standard analyses can be
conducted. This is appealing if the imputation process can be done
without introducing bias. There are many procedures for imputation.
Those based on multiple imputations are more robust than single
imputation [75].
A commonly used single imputation
method is to carry the last observed value forward. This method,
also known as an endpoint analysis, requires the very strong and
unverifiable assumption that all future observations, if they were
available, would remain constant [51]. Although commonly used, the last
observation carried forward method is not generally recommended
[71, 73]. Using the average value for all
participants with available data, or using a regression model to
predict the missing value are alternatives, but in either case, the
requirement that the data be missing at random is necessary for
proper inference.
A more complex approach is to conduct
multiple imputations, typically using regression methods, and then
perform a standard analysis for each imputation. The final analysis
should take into consideration the variability across the
imputations. As with single imputation, the inference based on
multiple imputation depends on the assumption that the data are
missing at random. Other technical approaches are not described
here, but in the context of a clinical trial, none is likely to be
Various other methods for imputing
missing values have been described [63–73,
75]. Examples of some of these
methods are given by Espeland et al. for a trial measuring carotid
artery thickness at multiple anatomical sites using ultrasound
[61]. In diagnostic procedures of
this type, typically not all measurements can be made. Several
imputation methods, based on a mixed effects linear model where
regression coefficient and a covariance structure (i.e., variances
and correlations), were estimated. Once these were known, this
regression equation was the basis for the imputation. Several
imputation strategies were used based on different methods of
estimating the parameters and whether treatment differences were
assumed or not. Most of the imputation strategies gave similar
results when the trial data were analyzed. The results indicated up
to a 20% increase in efficiency compared to using available data in
cross sectional averages.
For repeated measures, imputation
techniques such as these are useful if the data are missing at
random; that is, the probability of missing data is not dependent
on the measurement that would have been observed or on the
preceding measurements. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that data are
missing at random. The best that can be offered, therefore, is a
series of analyses, each exploring different approaches to the
imputation problem. If all, or most, are in general agreement
qualitatively, then the results are more persuasive. All analyses
should be presented, not just the one with the preferred
In long-term trials participants may
be lost to follow-up or refuse to continue their participation. In
this situation, the status of the participant with regard to any
response variable cannot be determined. If mortality is the primary
response variable and if the participant fails to return to the
clinic, his survival status may still be obtained. If a death has
occurred, the date of death can be ascertained. In the Coronary
Drug Project [31] where survival
experience over 60 months was the primary response variable, four
of 5,011 participants were lost to follow-up (one in a placebo
group, three in one treatment group, and none in another treatment
group). The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention
Trial [47] followed over 3,800
participants for an average of 7.4 years, and was able to
assess vital status on all. The Physicians’ Health study of over
20,000 US male physicians had complete follow-up for survival
status [76]. Many other large
simple trials, such as GUSTO [39],
have similar nearly complete follow-up experience. Obtaining such
low loss to follow-up rates, however, required special effort. In
the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), one portion evaluated the
possible benefits of hormone replacement therapy (estrogen plus
progestin) compared with placebo in post-menopausal women. Of the
16,025 participants, 3.5% were lost to follow-up and did not
provide 18 month data [77].
For some conditions, e.g., trials of
treatment for substance abuse, many participants fail to return for
follow-up visits, and missing data can be 25–30% or even more.
Efforts to account for missing data must be made, recognizing that
biases may very well exist.
An investigator may not be able to
obtain any information on some kinds of response variables. For
example, if a participant is to have blood pressure measured at the
last follow-up visit 12 months after randomization and the
participant does not show up for that visit, this blood pressure
can never be retrieved. Even if the participant is contacted later,
the later measurement does not truly represent the 12-month blood
pressure. In some situations, substitutions may be permitted, but,
in general, this will not be a satisfactory solution. An
investigator needs to make every effort to have participants come
in for their scheduled visits in order to keep losses to follow-up
at a minimum. In the Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing
(IPPB) trial, repeated pulmonary function measurements were
required for participants with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease [62]. However, some
participants who had deteriorated could not perform the required
test. A similar problem existed for the Multicenter Investigation
of the Limitation of Infarct Size (MILIS) where infarct size could
not be obtained in many of the sickest participants [26].
Individuals with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease typically decline in their pulmonary function and
this decline may lead to death, as happened to some participants in
the IPPB trial. In this case, the missing data were not missing at
random and censoring was said to be informative. One simple method
for cases such as the IPPB study is to define a decreased
performance level considered to be a clinical event. Then the
analysis can be based on time to the clinical event of
deterioration or death, incorporating both pieces of information.
Survival analysis, though, assumes that loss of follow-up is random
and independent of risk of the event. Methods relaxing the missing
at random assumption have been proposed [78, 79], but
require other strong assumptions, the details of which are beyond
the scope of this text.
If the number of participants lost to
follow-up differs in the study groups, the analysis of the data
could be biased. For example, participants who are taking a new
drug that has adverse effects may, as a consequence, miss scheduled
clinic visits. Events may occur but be unobserved. These losses to
follow-up would probably not be the same in the control group. In
this situation, there may be a bias favoring the new drug. Even if
the number lost to follow-up is the same in each study group, the
possibility of bias still exists because the participants who are
lost in one group may have quite different prognoses and outcomes
than those in the other group.
An example of differential follow-up
was reported by the Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, and
Defibrillation in Chronic Heart Failure (COMPANION) trial
[80]. COMPANION compared a cardiac
pacemaker or a pacemaker plus defibrillator with best pharmacologic
treatment in people with chronic heart failure. Over 1,500
participants were randomized. Two primary outcomes were assessed;
death and death plus hospitalization. Individuals randomized to one
of the device arms did not know to which device they had been
assigned, but those on the pharmacologic treatment arm were aware
that no device had been installed. During the course of the trial,
the pacemaker plus defibrillator devices, made by two different
manufacturers, were approved by a regulatory agency. As a result,
participants in the pharmacologic treatment arm began to drop-out
from the trial and some also withdrew their consent. Many requested
one of the newly approved devices. Thus, when the trial was nearing
completion, the withdrawal rate was 26% in the pharmacologic
treatment arm and 6–7% in the device arms. Additionally, no further
follow-up information could be collected on those who withdrew
consent. Clearly, censoring at the time of withdrawal was not
random and the possibility that it was related to disease status
could not be ruled out, thus creating the possibility of serious
bias. This situation could have jeopardized an otherwise well
designed and conducted trial in people with a serious medical
condition. However, the investigators initiated a complicated
process of reconsenting the participants to allow for collection of
the primary outcomes. After completing this process, assessment of
the status for death plus hospitalization and vital status were 91%
and 96%, respectively, in the pharmacologic treatment group.
Outcome ascertainment for the two device arms was 99% or better.
The final results demonstrated that both the pacemaker and the
defibrillator plus pacemaker reduced death plus hospitalization and
further that the defibrillator plus pacemaker reduced mortality.
These results were important in the treatment of chronic heart
failure. However, not correcting for the initial differential loss
to follow-up would have rendered the COMPANION trial data perhaps
uninterpretable. In Fig. 18.2, the Kaplan Meier curves for mortality for
the two intervention arms are provided with the most complete data

Kaplan-Meier estimates in COMPANION trial.
(a) The time to primary end
point of death from hospitalization for any cause. (b) The time to the secondary end point of
death from any cause [80]
Often, protocol designs call for
follow-up to terminate at some period, for example 7, 14, or 30
days, after a participant has stopped adhering to his or her
intervention, even though the intended duration of intervention
would not have ended. The concept is that “off intervention” means
“off study”; i.e., assessment for nonadherent participants ends
when intervention ends. We do not endorse this concept. Although
time to event analysis may be censored at the time of last
follow-up, going off intervention or control is not likely random
and may be related to participant health status. Important events,
including serious adverse events, may occur beyond the follow-up
period and might be related to the intervention. As noted above,
though, survival analysis assumes that censoring is independent of
the primary event. The practice of not counting events at the time
of, or shortly after, intervention discontinuation is all too
common, and can lead to problems in the interpretation of the final
results. An instructive example is the Adenomatous Polyp Prevention
on Vioxx (APPROVe) trial [81].
This randomized double blind trial compared a cyclo-oxygenase
(COX)-II inhibitor with placebo in people with a history of
colorectal adenomas. Previous trials of COX-II inhibitors had
raised concern regarding long term cardiovascular risk. Thus, while
the APPROVe trial was a cancer prevention trial, attention also
focused on cardiovascular events, in particular thrombotic events
and cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and
nonfatal stroke. However, participants who stopped taking their
medication during the trial were not followed beyond 14 days after
the time of discontinuation. The Kaplan-Meier cardiovascular risk
curve is shown in Fig. 18.3. Note that for the first 18 months the two
curves are similar and then begin to diverge. Controversy arose as
to whether there was an 18-month lag time in the occurrence of
cardiovascular events for this particular COX-II inhibitor
[82, 83].

APPROVe—Kaplan-Meier estimates of time to
death from the AntiPlatelet Trialists’ Collaborative (APTC)
outcomes (cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction of
nonfatal stroke) with censoring 14 days after participants stopped
therapy [84]. Reproduced with the
permission of Elsevier Ltd. for Lancet
Due to the controversy, the
investigators and sponsor launched an effort to collect information
on all trial participants for at least a year after stopping study
treatment. This extended follow-up, referred to here as
APPROVe + 1, was able to collect selected cardiovascular events of
nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke and cardiovascular
death [84], as shown in
Fig. 18.4. The time to event curves begin to separate
from the beginning and continue throughout the extended follow-up,
with a hazard ratio of 1.8 (p = 0.006). There was a corresponding
statistically nonsignificant increase in mortality.

APPROVe Kaplan-Meier estimates of time to
death for the AntiPlatelet Trialists’ Collaborative (APTC) outcome
(cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction or nonfatal
stroke) counting all events observed for an additional year of
follow-up after trial was initially terminated [84]. Reproduced with the permission
Censoring follow-up when participants
go off their intervention is a common error that leads to problems
like those encountered by the APPROVe trial. Going off
intervention, and thus censoring follow-up at some number of days
afterwards, is not likely to be independent of the disease process
or how a participant is doing. At least, it would be difficult to
demonstrate such independence. Yet, survival analysis and most
other analyses assume that the censoring is independent. The
principle lesson here is that “off intervention should not mean off
An outlier is an extreme value
significantly different from the remaining values. The concern is
whether extreme values in the sample should be included in the
analysis. This question may apply to a laboratory result, to the
data from one of several areas in a hospital or from a clinic in a
multicenter trial. Removing outliers is not recommended unless the
data can be clearly shown to be erroneous. Even though a value may
be an outlier, it could be correct, indicating that on occasions an
extreme result is possible. This fact could be very important and
should not be ignored. Long ago Kruskall [85] suggested carrying out an analysis with and
without the “wild observation.” If the conclusions vary depending
on whether the outlier values are included or excluded, one should
view any conclusions cautiously. Procedures for detecting extreme
observations have been discussed [86–89], and the
publications cited can be consulted for further detail.
An interesting example given by Canner
et al. [86] concerns the Coronary
Drug Project. The authors plotted the distributions of four
response variables for each of the 53 clinics in that multicenter
trial. Using total mortality as the response variable, no clinics
were outlying. When nonfatal myocardial infarction was the outcome,
only one clinic was an outlier. With congestive heart failure and
angina pectoris, response variables which are probably less well
defined, there were nine and eight outlying clinics,
In conclusion, missing data can create
problems. Though methods which allow for missing data exist, they
require certain assumptions which are not likely to be true. Every
attempt should made to minimize missing data, and investigators
should be aware of the potential for bias
Competing Events
Competing events are those that
preclude the assessment of the primary response variable. They can
reduce the power of the trial by decreasing the number of
participants available for follow-up. If the intervention can
affect the competing event, there is also the risk of bias. In some
clinical trials, the primary response variable may be
cause-specific mortality, such as death due to myocardial
infarction or sudden death, rather than total mortality
[90–93]. The reason for using cause-specific death
as a response variable is that a therapy often has specific
mechanisms of action that may be effective against a disease or
condition. In this situation, measuring death from all causes, at
least some of which are not likely to be affected by the
intervention, can “dilute” the results. For example, a study drug
may be anti-arrhythmic and thus sudden cardiac death might be the
selected response variable. Other causes of death such as cancer
and accidents would be competing events.
Even if the response variable is not
cause-specific mortality, death may be a factor in the analysis.
This is particularly an issue in long term trials in the elderly or
high risk populations. If a participant dies, future measurements
will be missing. Analysis of nonfatal events in surviving
participants has the potential for bias, especially if the
mortality rates are different in the two groups.
In a study in which cause-specific
mortality is the primary response variable, deaths from other
causes are treated statistically as though the participants were
lost to follow-up from the time of death (Chap. 15) and these deaths are not counted
in the analysis. In this situation, the analysis, however, must go
beyond merely examining the primary response variable. An
intervention may or may not be effective in treating the condition
of interest but could be harmful in other respects. Therefore,
total mortality should be considered as well as cause-specific
fatal events. Similar considerations need to be made when death
occurs in studies using nonfatal primary response variables. This
can be done by considering tables that show the number of times the
individual events occur, one such event per person. No completely
satisfactory solution exists for handling competing events. At the
very least, the investigator should report all major outcome
categories; for example, total mortality, as well as cause-specific
mortality and morbid events.
In many cases, there may be recurring
events. Many trials simply evaluate the time to the first event and
do not count the additional events in the time to event analysis.
Tables may show the total number of events in each intervention
arm. Some attempts to further analyze recurrent events have been
made, using for example the data from the COMPANION trial
[80, 90]. Software exists for these methods
[94, 95]; however, the technical details of these
methods are complicated and will not be covered in this text.
Composite Outcomes
In recent years, many trials have used
combinations of clinical and other outcomes as a composite response
variable [90–93]. One major motivation is to increase the
event rate and thus reduce the sample size that might otherwise
have been required had just one of the components been selected as
the primary outcome. Another motivation is to combine events that
have a presumed common etiology and thus get an overall estimate of
effect. The sample size is usually not based on any single
There are challenges in using a
composite outcome [96,
97]. The components may not have
equal weight or clinical importance, especially as softer outcomes
are added. The components may go in opposite directions or at least
not be consistent in indicating intervention effect. One component
may dominate the composite. Results with any single component are
based on a smaller number of events and thus the power for that
component is greatly reduced. Rarely do we find significance for a
component, nor should we expect it in general. Regardless of the
composition of the composite, analyses should be conducted for each
component, or in some cascading sequence. For example, if the
composite were death, myocardial infarction, stroke or heart
failure hospitalization, the analysis sequence might be death,
death plus myocardial infarction or stroke, and death plus heart
failure hospitalization. The reason for including death is to take
into account competing risk of death for the other components, in
addition to its obvious clinical importance.
As pointed out in Chap. 3, it is essential that follow-up
continue after the first event in the composite outcome occurs.
Analysis will include looking at the contribution of each component
to the overall but should also include time to event for each
component separately. As indicated, if follow-up does not continue,
only partial results are available for each component and analysis
of those events separately could be misleading.
There are several examples where the
use of a composite such as death, myocardial infarction and stroke
has been used as a primary or leading secondary outcome
[34, 36–38]. These
outcomes are all clinically relevant. In these trials, the outcomes
all trended in the same direction. However, that is not always the
In the Pravastatin or Atorvastatin
Evaluation and Infection Therapy (PROVE IT) trial, the 80 mg
atorvastatin arm was more effective than the 40 mg pravastatin
arm in reducing the incidence of death, myocardial infarction,
stroke, required hospitalization due to unstable angina and
revascularization [91]. Stroke
results, one of the key components, went in the opposite direction.
These results complicate the interpretation. Should investigators
think that the atorvastatin improves the composite or just those
components that are in the same direction as the composite? As
would be expected, the differences for the components were not, in
themselves, statistically significant.
Another interesting example is
provided by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) which was a large
factorial design trial post-menopausal women [77]. As discussed earlier and in Chap.
16, one part involved hormone
replacement therapy which contained two strata, women with a uterus
and those without. Women with a uterus received estrogen plus
progestin or matching placebo; those without a uterus received
estrogen alone or a matching placebo. Due to the multiple actions
of hormone replacement therapy, one response variable was a global
outcome mortality, coronary heart disease, bone loss reflected by
hip fracture rates, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, pulmonary
embolism, and stroke. As seen in Fig. 16.7, for the estrogen plus
progestin stratum, there was essentially no effect on mortality and
a small but nonsignificant effect in the global index, when
compared to placebo. However, as shown in Fig. 16.6, the various components went in
different directions. Hip fracture and colorectal cancer had a
favorable response to hormone replacement therapy. Pulmonary
embolism, stroke and coronary heart disease went in an unfavorable
direction. Thus, any interpretation of the global index, which is a
composite, requires careful examination of the components. Of
course, few trials would have been designed with adequate power for
the individual components so the interpretation must be
qualitative, looking for consistency and biological
The Look AHEAD trial examined whether
a long-term lifestyle intervention for weight loss would decrease
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in overweight or obese
patients with type 2 diabetes [98]. The primary outcome was a composite of
death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction,
or nonfatal stroke. During follow-up, the Data and Safety
Monitoring Board (DSMB) alerted the investigators that the event
rate for the primary outcome was dramatically lower than expected,
less than a third [99]. The
protocol was changed to include hospitalization for angina as a way
of increasing the event rate, and this turned out to be the most
frequent component in the revised composite, which had an incidence
about 50% higher than the original composite. Unfortunately,
hospitalization for angina showed markedly less effect of the
intervention [100]. Using the
original composite would not have changed the trial’s outcome,
which was negative, but this experience underscores the importance
of giving full consideration of a candidate component’s likely
response to the intervention, as well as to its incidence
Experience suggests that composite
outcome variables should be used cautiously and only include those
components that have relatively equal clinical importance,
frequency, and anticipated response to the presumed mechanism of
action of the intervention [96].
As softer and less relevant outcomes are added, the interpretation
becomes less clear, particularly if the less important component
occurs more frequently than others, driving the overall result.
Significance by any individual component cannot be expected but
there should be a plausible consistency across the
Covariate Adjustment
The goal in a clinical trial is to
have study groups that are comparable except for the intervention
being studied. Even if randomization is used, all of the prognostic
factors may not be perfectly balanced, especially in smaller
studies. Even if no prognostic factors are significantly imbalanced
in the statistical sense, an investigator may, nevertheless,
observe that one or more factors favor one of the groups. In either
case, covariate adjustment can be used in the analysis to minimize
the effect of the differences. However, covariate adjustment is not
likely to eliminate the effect of these differences. Covariance
analysis for clinical trials has been reviewed in numerous articles
Adjustment also
reduces the variance in the test statistic. If the covariates are
highly correlated with outcome, this can produce more sensitive
analyses. The specific adjustment procedure depends on the type of
covariate being adjusted for and the type of response variable
being analyzed. If a covariate is discrete, or if a continuous
variable is converted into intervals and made discrete, the
analysis is sometimes referred to as “stratified.” A stratified analysis, in general terms,
means that the study participants are subdivided into smaller, more
homogeneous groups, or strata. A comparison of study groups is made
within each stratum and then averaged over all strata to achieve a
summary result for the response variable. This result is adjusted
for group imbalances in the discrete covariates. If a response
variable is discrete, such as the occurrence of an event, the
stratified analysis might take the form of a Mantel-Haenszel
If the response variable is
continuous, the stratified analysis is referred to as analysis of covariance. This uses a
model which, typically, is linear in the covariates. A simple
example for a response Y
and covariate X would be
Y = α j + β(X − μ) + error where β is a coefficient representing the
importance of the covariate X and is assumed to be the same in each
group, μ is the mean value
of X, and α j is a parameter for the
contribution of the overall response variable jth group (e.g., j = 1 or 2). The basic idea is to
adjust the response variable Y for any differences in the covariate
X between the two groups.
Under appropriate assumptions, the advantage of this method is that
the continuous covariate X
does not have to be divided into categories. Further details can be
found in statistics textbooks [1–6,
8, 123]. If time to an event is the primary
response variable, then survival analysis methods that allow for
adjustments of discrete or continuous covariates may be used
[106]. However, whenever models
are employed, the investigator must be careful to evaluate the
assumptions required and how closely they are met. Analysis of
covariance can be attractive, but may be abused if linearity is
assumed when the data are nonlinear, if the response curve is not
parallel in each group, or if assumptions of normality are not met
[122]. If measurement errors in
covariates are substantial, the lack of precision can be increased
[112]. For all of these reasons,
covariate adjustment models may be useful in the interpretation of
data, but should not be viewed as absolutely correct.
Regardless of the adjustment
procedure, covariates should be measured at baseline. Except for
certain factors such as age, sex, or race, any variables that are
evaluated after initiation of intervention should be considered as
response variables. Group comparisons of the primary response
variable, adjusted for other response variables, are discouraged.
Interpretation of such analyses is difficult because group
comparability may be lost.
Surrogates as a Covariate
Adjustment for various surrogate
outcomes may be proposed. In a trial of clofibrate [101], the authors reported that those
participants who had the largest reduction in serum cholesterol had
the greatest clinical improvement. However, reduction in
cholesterol is probably highly correlated with adherence to the
intervention regimen. Since, as discussed earlier, adherers in one
group may be different from adherers in another group, analyses
that adjust for a surrogate for adherence can be biased. This issue
was addressed in the Coronary Drug Project [56]. Adjusted for baseline factors, the 5-year
mortality was 18.8% in the clofibrate group (N = 997) and 20.2% in
the placebo group (N = 2,535), an insignificant difference. For
participants with baseline serum cholesterol greater than or equal
to 250 mg/dl, the mortality was 17.5% and 20.6% in the
clofibrate and placebo groups, respectively. No difference in
mortality between the groups was noted for participants with
baseline cholesterol of less than 250 mg/dl (20.0% vs. 19.9%).
Those participants with lower baseline cholesterol in the
clofibrate group who had a reduction in cholesterol during the
trial had 16.0% mortality, as opposed to 25.5% mortality for those
with a rise in cholesterol (Table 18.4). This would fit the
hypothesis that lowering cholesterol is beneficial. However, in
those participants with high baseline cholesterol, the situation
was reversed. An 18.1% mortality was seen in those who had a fall
in cholesterol, and a 15.5% mortality was noted in those who had a
rise in cholesterol. The best outcome, therefore, appeared to be in
participants on clofibrate whose low baseline cholesterol dropped
or whose high baseline cholesterol increased. As seen earlier,
adherence can affect outcomes in unexpected ways, and the same is
true of surrogates for adherence.
Percent 5-year mortality in the clofibrate
group, by baseline cholesterol and change in cholesterol in the
Coronary Drug Project’s
Baseline cholesterol
<250 mg/dl
≥250 mg/dl
Fall in cholesterol
Rise in cholesterol
Modeling the impact of adherence on a
risk factor and thus on the response has also received attention
[109, 115]. Regression models have been proposed that
attempt to adjust outcome for the amount of risk factor change that
could have been attained with optimum adherence. One example of
this was suggested by Efron and Feldman [109] for a lipid research study. However,
Albert and DeMets [115] showed
that these models are very sensitive to assumptions about the
independence of adherence and health status or response. If these
assumptions using these regression models are violated, misleading
results emerge, such as that for the clofibrate and serum
cholesterol example described above.
Clinical trials of cancer treatment
commonly analyze results by comparing responders to nonresponders
[104, 108]. That is, those who go into remission or
have a reduction in tumor size are compared to those who do not.
One early survey indicated that such analyses were done in at least
20% of published reports [122].
The authors of that survey argued that statistical problems, due to
lack of random assignment, and methodological problems, due both to
classification of response and inherent differences between
responders and nonresponders, can occur. These will often yield
misleading results, as shown by Anderson et al. [104]. They pointed out that participants “who
eventually become responders must survive long enough to be
evaluated as responders.” This factor can invalidate some
statistical tests comparing responders to nonresponders. Those
authors present two statistical tests that avoid bias. They note,
though, that even if the tests indicate a significant difference in
survival between responders and nonresponders, it cannot be
concluded that increased survival is due to tumor response. Thus,
aggressive intervention, which may be associated with better
response, cannot be assumed to be better than less intensive
intervention, which may be associated with poorer response.
Anderson and colleagues state that only a truly randomized
comparison can say which intervention method is preferable. What is
unsaid, and illustrated by the Coronary Drug Project examples, is
that even comparison of good responders in the intervention group
with good responders in the control can be misleading, because the
reasons for good response may be different.
Morgan [48] provided a related example of comparing
duration of response in cancer patients, where duration of response
is the time from a favorable response such as tumor regression
(partial or total) to remission. This is another form of defining a
subgroup of post-treatment outcome, that is, tumor response. In a
trial comparing two complex chemotherapy regiments (A vs. B) in
small cell lung cancer, the tumor response rates were 64% and 85%,
with median duration of 245 days and 262 days respectively. When
only responders were analyzed, the slight imbalance in prognostic
factors was substantially increased. Extensive disease was evident
at baseline in 48% of one and 21% of the other treatment responder
groups. Thus, while it may be theoretically possible to adjust for
prognostic factors, in practice, such adjustment may decrease bias,
but will not eliminate it. Because not all prognostic factors are
known, any model is only an approximation to the true
The Cox proportional hazards
regression model for the analysis of survival data (Chap.
15) allows for covariates in the
regression to vary with time [116]. This has been suggested as a way to
adjust for factors such as adherence and level of response. It
should be pointed out that, like simple regression models, this
approach is vulnerable to the same biases described earlier in this
chapter. For example, if cholesterol level and cholesterol
reduction in the CDP example were used as time dependent covariates
in the Cox model, the estimator of treatment effect would be biased
due to the effects shown in Table 18.4.
Rosenbaum [121] provides a nice overview of adjustment for
concomitant variables that have been affected by treatment in both
observational and randomized studies. He states that “adjustments
for post-treatment concomitant variables should be avoided when
estimating treatment effects except in rather special
circumstances, since adjustments themselves can introduce a bias
where none existed previously.”
A number of additional methodologic
attempts to adjust for adherence have also been conducted. Newcombe
[11], for example, suggested
adjusting estimates of intervention effect on the extent of
nonadherence. Robins and Tsiatis [110] proposed a causal inference model. Lagakos
et al. [46] evaluated censoring
survival time, or time to an event, at the point when treatment is
terminated. The rationale is that participants are no longer able
to completely benefit from the therapy. However, the hazard ratio
estimated by this approach is not the hazard that would have been
estimated if participants had not terminated treatment. The authors
stated that it is not appropriate to evaluate treatment benefit by
comparing the hazard rates estimated by censoring for treatment
termination [46]. Models for
causal interference have also been used to explore the effects of
adherence in clinical trials [124–127].
Though promising, these approaches require strong assumptions
usually either known to be untrue or difficult to validate and so
are not recommended as part of a primary analysis.
Baseline Variables as Covariates
The issue of stratification was first
raised in the discussion of randomization (Chap. 6). For large studies, the
recommendation was that stratified randomization is usually
unnecessary because overall balance would nearly always be achieved
and that stratification would be possible in the analysis. For
smaller studies, baseline adaptive methods could be considered but
the analysis should include the covariates used in the
randomization. In a strict sense, analysis should always be
stratified if stratification was used in the randomization. In such
cases, the adjusted analysis should include not only those
covariates found to be different between the groups, but also those
stratified during randomization. Of course, if no stratification is
done at randomization, the final analysis is less complicated since
it would involve only those covariates that are imbalanced at
baseline or to be of special interest associated with the
As stated in Chap. 6, randomization tends to produce
comparable groups for both measured and unmeasured baseline
covariates. However, not all baseline covariates will be closely
matched. Adjusting treatment effect for these baseline disparities
continues to be debated. Canner [111] describes two points of view, one which
argues that “if done at all, analyses should probably be limited to
covariates for which there is a disparity between the treatment
groups and that the unadjusted measure is to be preferred.” The
other view is “to adjust on only a few factors that were known from
previous experience to be predictive.” Canner [111], as well as Beach and Meier
[107], indicate that even for
moderate disparity in baseline comparability, or even if the
covariates are moderately predictive, it is possible for covariate
adjustment to have a nontrivial impact on the measure of treatment
effect. However, Canner [111]
also points out that it is “often possible to select specific
covariates out of a large set in order to achieve a desired
result.” In addition, he shows that this issue is true for both
small and large studies. For this reason, it is critical that the
process for selecting covariates be specified in the protocol and
adhered to in the primary analyses. Other adjustments may be used
in exploratory analyses.
Another issue is testing for
covariate interaction in a
clinical trial [105,
113, 114, 118,
119]. Treatment-covariate
interaction is defined when the response to treatment varies
according to the value of the covariate [105]. Peto [118] defines treatment covariate interactions
as quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative interactions indicate
that the magnitude of treatment effect varies with the covariate
but still favors the same intervention (Fig. 18.5a). Qualitative
interaction involves a favorable intervention effects for some
values of the covariate and unfavorable effects for others
(Fig. 18.5b). A quantitative interaction, for example,
would be if the benefit of treatment for blood pressure on
mortality varied in degree by the level of baseline blood pressure
but still favoring the same intervention (See
Fig. 18.5a). A qualitative interaction would exist if
lowering blood pressure was beneficial for severe hypertension, but
less beneficial or even harmful for mild hypertension. Intervention
effects can vary by chance across levels of the covariate, even
changing direction, so a great deal of caution must be taken in the
interpretation. One can test formally for interaction, but
requiring a significant interaction test is much more cautious than
reviewing the magnitude of intervention effect within each
subgroup. Byar [105] presents a
nice illustration example shown in Table 18.5. Two treatments,
A and B, are being compared by the difference
in mean response,
, and
S is the standard error of
Y. In the upper panel, the
interaction test is not significant, but examination of the
subgroups is highly suggestive of interaction. The lower panel is
more convincing for interaction, but we still need to examine each
subgroup to understand what is going on.

Two types of intervention–covariate
interactions [118]
Examples of apparent treatment-covariate
interactions [105]
![]() |
of Y
value (2 tail)
Overall test
Y = 2S
1 = 3S
![]() |
2 = 1S
![]() |
1 − Y
2 = 2S
Overall test
Y = 2S
1 = 4S
![]() |
2 = 0
![]() |
1 − Y
2 = 4S
Methods have been proposed for testing
for overall interactions [114,
119]. However, Byar’s concluding
remarks [105] are noteworthy when
he says,
one should look for treatment-covariate interactions, but, because of the play of chance in multiple comparisons, one should look very cautiously in the spirit of exploratory data analysis rather than that of formal hypothesis testing. Although the newer statistical methods may help decide whether the data suffice to support a claim of qualitative interactions and permit a more precise determination of reasonable p values, it seems to me unlikely that these methods will ever be as reliable a guide to sensible interpretation of data as will medical plausibility and replication of the findings in other studies. We are often warned to specify the interactions we want to test in advance in order to minimize the multiple comparisons problem, but this is often impossible in practice and in any case would be of no help in evaluating unexpected new findings. The best advice remains to look for treatment-covariate interactions but to report them skeptically as hypotheses to be investigated in other studies.
As indicated in Chap. 6, the randomization in multicenter
trials should be stratified by clinic. The analysis of such a study
should, strictly speaking, incorporate the clinic as a
stratification variable. Furthermore, the randomization should be
blocked in order to achieve balance over time in the number of
participants randomized to each group. These “blocks” are also
strata and, ideally, should be included in the analysis as a
covariate. However, there could be a large number of strata, since
there may be many clinics and the blocking factor within any clinic
is usually anywhere from four to eight participants. Use of these
blocking covariates is probably not necessary in the analysis. Some
efficiency will be lost for the sake of simplicity, but the
sacrifice should be small.
As Fleiss [10] describes, clinics differ in their
demography of participants and medical practice as well as
adherence to all aspects of the protocol. These factors are likely
to lead to variation in treatment response from clinic to clinic.
In the Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT) [23], most, but not all, of the 30 clinics showed
a trend for mortality benefit from propranolol. A few indicated a
negative trend. In the Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study (AMIS)
[102], data from a few clinics
suggested a mortality benefit from aspirin, although most clinics
indicated little or no benefit. Most reported analyses probably do
not stratify by clinic, but simply combine the results of all
clinics. However, at least one of the primary analyses should
average within-clinic differences, an analysis that is always
valid, even in the presence of clinic-treatment interaction
Subgroup Analyses
While covariance or stratified
analysis adjusts the overall comparison of main outcomes for
baseline variables, another common analytic technique is to
subdivide or subgroup the enrolled participants defined by baseline
characteristics [128–156].
Here the investigator looks specifically at particular subgroups
rather than the overall comparison to assess whether different
groups of patients respond differently to the intervention. One of
the most frequently asked questions during the design of a trial
and when the results are analyzed is, “Are the intervention effects
the same across levels of important baseline factors?” It is
important that subgroups be examined. Clinical trials require
considerable time and effort to conduct and the resulting data
deserve maximum evaluation. Subgroup analyses can support or
elaborate a trial’s overall primary result, or provide exploratory
results for the primary outcome that may have special interest for
a particular subgroup. For example, analysis of data from the
V-HeFT I trial suggested that the combination of isosorbide
dinitrate and hydralazine might reduce mortality in blacks but not
whites [157, 158]. This lead to the initiation of a
follow-up trial of the combination which enrolled only blacks with
advanced heart failure [159]. The
A-HeFT trial concluded that this therapy increased survival
[160]. However, such success
stories are not common, and care must be exercised in the
interpretation of subgroup findings.
How to perform subgroup analyses when
reporting clinical trial data has long been a controversial topic
[140, 156]. Manuscripts reporting the results of
clinical trials commonly include statements about and estimates of
effects in subgroups, but the results of subgroup analyses are
often misleading, having been over-interpreted or presented in a
way that makes their interpretation ambiguous [129, 149].
Most published advice since the early 1980’s has included a common
set of specific recommendations for subgroup analyses: they should
be adjusted for multiple comparisons, they should be prespecified,
and they should be assessed using interaction tests (rather than by
within group estimates of the treatment effect) [142, 143,
153, 155, 156].
Making public a well-written protocol which specifies the proposed
subgroups together with biologically plausible hypotheses for each
and including plans for performing and presenting the subgroup
analyses is often recommended as well.
As the number of subgroups increases,
the potential for chance findings increases due to multiple
comparisons [132, 143, 144,
155]. Therefore, if one were to
perform tests of significance on a large number of subgroup
analyses, there will be an increased probability of false positive
results unless adjustments are made. Adjustment for multiple
interaction tests on a set of variables defining subgroups is
necessary to control the number of false positive results. This can
be done by such familiar methods as the Bonferroni correction or
variants of it. An alternative suggested by guidelines for the New
England Journal of Medicine is to report the expected number of
false positives associated with a set of tests reported with
nominal p-values [143,
153]; for example, this approach
was taken for the ACCORD BP results [152]. Even with adjustments for multiplicity,
however, over-interpretation of the results of treatment effects
within subgroups can lead to irreproducible conclusions.
Ideally, the subgroups to be analyzed
should be pre-specified. Since it is almost always possible to find
at least one suggestive subgroup effect by persistent exploration
of the data after a trial is over, even when the intervention is
completely inert, defining the groups to be analyzed in advance,
preferably with argument for their biological plausibility, confers
the greatest credibility. There is likely to be, however, low power
for detecting differences in subgroups [132, 155],
and they are more likely to be affected by imbalances in baseline
characteristics [161,
162]. Therefore, investigators
should not pay as much attention to statistical significance for
subgroup questions as they do for the primary question. Recognizing
the low chance of seeing significant differences, descriptions of
subgroup effects are often qualitative. On the other hand, as
mentioned previously, testing multiple questions can increase the
chance of a Type I error. Even when prespecified, there are reasons
to be cautious.
The Clopidogrel for High
Atherothrombotic Risk and Ischemic Stabilization, Management, and
Avoidance (CHARISMA) trial [131]
tested the effectiveness of long term dual antiplatelet therapy
with clopidogrel plus low-dose aspirin to aspirin alone for the
prevention of cardiovascular events among patients with either
clinically evident CVD or multiple risk factors. Enrolled patients
had either clinically evident cardiovascular disease (symptomatic)
or multiple risk factors for atherothrombotic disease
(asymptomatic). There was no difference between the two randomized
arms, but 20 subgroup analyses were pre-specified in the protocol.
For symptomatic vs. asymptomatic patients, the p-value for the
interaction test was 0.045 and the p-value for benefit among the
symptomatic patients was 0.046. This was reported as a suggestion
of benefit for clopidogrel. Two accompanying editorials
[143, 148] took issue with this conclusion for
several reasons. The authors made no adjustment for multiple
comparisons: had any correction been done, none of the subgroup
analyses would have been even close to significant. The subsequent
interpretation of the p-value for the symptomatic patients
overstated its significance, which was marginal in any case.
Furthermore the significance of the interaction test seemed to be
driven more by a harmful effect in the asymptomatic patients than
by any beneficial effect in the symptomatic patients. Finally, from
the clinical point of view, the distinction between symptomatic and
asymptomatic was not clear, since some of the patients in the
asymptomatic group had a history of major cardiovascular events at
baseline. A subsequent re-analysis of subgroups with patients
identified as primary prevention and secondary prevention found no
within-subgroup benefit for the primary endpoint [153].
Even if not explicitly pre-specified,
subgroup analyses may be identified in several ways with different
implications for the reliability of their results. For example, it
might be reasonable to infer that subgroup hypotheses related to
factors used to stratification of the randomization, such as age,
sex or stage of disease, were in fact considered in advance.
Factors that are integrated into the study design may be implied as
subgroups even if they are not explicitly stated in the
Of course, the same problems in
interpretation apply here as with formally prespecified subgroups.
The Prospective Randomized Amlodipine Survival Evaluation Study
(PRAISE), a large multicenter trial [146], pre-specified several subgroups, but in
addition analyzed a baseline characteristic used to stratify the
randomization, ischemic vs. non-ischemic etiology of chronic heart
failure, as an additional subgroup. The randomization of
participants with chronic heart failure was stratified by ischemic
and non-ischemic etiology. While the primary outcome of death or
cardiovascular hospitalization was nonsignificant and the secondary
outcome of overall survival outcome was nearly significant
(p = 0.07), almost all of the risk reduction was in the
non-ischemic subgroup. The risk reduction was 31% for the primary
outcome (p = 0.04) and 46% for mortality (p < 0.001). However,
the more favorable result was expected to be in the ischemic
subgroup, not the non-ischemic subgroup. Thus, the investigators
recommended that a second trial be conducted in the patient
population with non-ischemic chronic heart failure using a nearly
identical protocol to confirm this impressive subgroup result
[146]. The results of the
PRAISE-II trial proved disappointing with no reduction in either
the primary or secondary outcome [147]. Thus, the previous predefined subgroup
result could not be confirmed.
On occasion, during the monitoring of
a trial, particular subgroup findings may emerge and be of special
interest. If additional participants remain to be enrolled into the
trial, one approach is to test the new subgroup hypothesis in the
later participants. With small numbers of participants, it is
unlikely that significant differences will be noted. If, however,
the same pattern emerges in the newly created subgroup, the
hypothesis is considerably strengthened. Subgroups may also emerge
during a trial by being identified by other, similar trials. If one
study reports that the observed difference between intervention and
control appears to be concentrated in a particular subgroup of
participants, it is appropriate to see if the same findings occur
in another trial of the same intervention, even though that
subgroup was not pre-specified. Problems here include comparability
of definition. It is unusual for different trials to have baseline
information sufficiently similar to allow for characterization of
identical subgroups. In the Raloxifene Use for The Heart (RUTH)
[133], age groups were among a
number of pre-specified subgroups, but the definition of the groups
was modified to match what was used for the Women’s Health
Initiative [77]. Though the
subgroup effects from RUTH and WHI were consistent, their
interpretation as real clinical effects was vigorously challenged
The weakest type of subgroup analysis
involves post hoc analysis, sometimes referred to as
“data-dredging” or “fishing.” With this approach subgroups are
suggested by the data themselves. Because many comparisons are
theoretically possible, tests of significance become difficult to
interpret and should be challenged. Such analyses should serve
primarily to generate hypotheses for evaluation in other trials. An
example of subgrouping that was challenged comes from a study of
diabetes in Iceland. Male children under the age of 14 and born in
October were claimed to be at highest risk of ketosis-prone
diabetes. Goudie [138] challenged
whether the month of October emerged from post-study analyses
biased by knowledge of the results. The ISIS-2 trial
[141] illustrated a spurious
subgroup finding that suggested treatment benefit of aspirin after
myocardial infarction was not present in individuals born under
Gemini or Libra astrological signs. A similar example
[135] suggests twice as many
participants with bronchial carcinoma were born in the month of
March (p < 0.01)
although this observation could not be reproduced [130, 134].
Subgroups unsupported by a biologically plausible hypothesis should
be regarded with heightened caution.
Even subgroups supported by a
biologically plausible rationale and suggesting beneficial effects
can turn out to be irreproducible. Post-hoc subgroup analyses were
performed for a number of trials of beta-blocking drugs were
conducted in people who had had a myocardial infarction. One found
that the observed benefit was restricted to participants with
anterior infarctions [145].
Another claimed improvement only in participants 65 years or
younger [128]. In the
Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial, it was observed that the greatest
relative benefit of the intervention was in participants with
complications during the infarction [137]. These subgroup findings however, were not
consistently confirmed in other trials [136].
Post-hoc subgroups may be specified
by comparing participants from two groups who experience the same
event, or have similar outcomes; an early example is the
discriminant analysis done for the Multicentre International Study
[145]. Investigators frequently
want to do this in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of
action of an intervention. Sometimes this retrospective look can
suggest factors or variables by which the participants could be
subgrouped. As discussed earlier in this chapter, categorization of
participants by any outcome variable, e.g., adherence, can lead to
biased conclusions. If some subgroup is suggested in this way, the
investigator should create that subgroup in each randomized arm and
make the appropriate comparison. For example, she may find that
participants in the intervention arm who died were older than those
in the control arm who died. This retrospective observation might
suggest that age is a factor in the usefulness of the intervention.
The appropriate way to test this hypothesis would be to subgroup
all participants by age and compare intervention versus control for
each age subgroup.
An interesting post hoc subgroup analyses was reported
by the Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial (MERIT)
[154]. This trial, which
evaluated the effect of a beta-blocker in participants with chronic
heart failure, had two primary outcomes. One was all-cause
mortality and the other was death plus hospitalization. MERIT was
terminated early by the monitoring committee due to a highly
significant reduction in mortality, as shown in
Fig. 18.6, and similar reductions in death plus
hospitalization. The results are remarkably consistent across all
of the predefined subgroups for mortality, mortality plus
hospitalization and mortality plus heart failure hospitalization as
shown in Fig. 18.7. Moreover, the results were very consistent
with those from two other beta-blocker trials [37, 38], as
shown in Figs. 18.8 and 18.9. However, post hoc analyses during review
by regulatory agencies compared results among countries. These
results are shown in Fig. 18.10. Of note is that for mortality, the
relative risk in the United States slightly favors placebo, in
contrast to the mortality results for the trial as a whole. With
respect to outcomes of mortality plus hospitalization, and
mortality and hospitalization for heart failure, the U.S. data are
consistent with the overall trial results. As noted by Wedel et al.
[154] the analysis for
interaction depends on how the regional subgroups are formed.
Whether the observed regional difference is due to chance or real
has been debated, but Wedel and colleagues argued that is not
consistent with other external data, not internally consistent
within MERIT and not biologically plausible, and thus is most
likely due to chance. This result does however point out the risks
of post hoc subgroup analyses.

MERIT Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative
percentage of total mortality after randomization—p value nominal
and adjusted for two interim analyses (MERIT) [37]. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Ltd.
for Lancet

Relative risk and 95% confidence intervals
for selected subgroups in the MERIT trial, for total mortality,
total mortality and all hospitalization, and total mortality and
heart failure hospitalization [154]. Reproduced with the permission of
Elsevier Ltd. for the Amer Heart

Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the
CIBIS-II trial, comparing bisoprolol and placebo [34]. Reproduced with the permission of Elsevier
Ltd. for Lancet

Kaplan-Meier Analysis of Time to Death for
COPERNICUS trial, comparing Placebo and Carvedilol Group. The 35%
lower risk in the carvedilol group was significant: p = 0.00013 (unadjusted) and
p = 0.0014 (adjusted)

Relative risk and 95% confidence intervals
for the MERIT trial, for outcomes of total mortality, total
mortality and hospitalization for any cause, and total mortality
and heart failure hospitalization [154]. Reproduced with the permission of
Elsevier Ltd. for the Amer Heart
Regardless of how subgroups are
selected, several factors can provide supporting evidence for the
validity of the findings. As mentioned, similar results obtained in
several studies strengthen interpretation. Internal consistency
within a study is also a factor. If similar subgroup results are
observed at most of the sites of a multicenter trial, they are more
likely to be true. And of course, not all follow-up analyses and
replication studies refute the initial subgroup finding. In
contrast, however, plausible post hoc biological explanations for
the findings, while necessary, are not sufficient. Given almost any
outcome, reasonable sounding explanations can be put forward.
The two most common approaches to
analysis of subgroup effects are (1) multiple hypothesis tests for
effects within subgroups and (2) interaction tests for homogeneity
of effects across subgroups defined by each variable of interest.
Of these two the consensus in the literature strongly favors the
interaction test. The interaction test provides a single, global
assessment of whether a categorical variable partitioning the study
cohort is associated with different magnitudes of treatment effect.
Estimates of those effects, with confidence intervals, provide
exploratory indications of the consistency of the treatment effect
across the population. Testing for treatment effects within
subgroups, in contrast, requires a greater number of hypothesis
tests and inflates the probability of a false positive result over
the nominal significance level [132]. Statistical power and other
considerations make the overall trial result a better guide to the
effect in subgroups than the subgroup specific treatment effects
[155, 156].
Often, attention is focused on
subgroups with the largest intervention-control differences.
However, even with only a few subgroups, the likelihood of large
but spurious differences in effects of intervention between the
most extreme subgroup outcomes can be considerable [136, 140,
150]. Because large, random
differences can occur, subgroup findings may easily be
over-interpreted. Peto has argued that observed quantitative
differences in outcome between various subgroups are to be
expected, and they do not imply that the effect of intervention is
truly inhomogeneous [118].
It has also been suggested that,
unless the main overall comparison for the trial is significant,
investigators should be particularly conservative in reporting
significant subgroup findings [150, 163].
Lee and colleagues conducted a simulated randomized trial, in which
participants were randomly allocated to two groups, although no
intervention was initiated [144].
Despite the expected lack of overall difference, a subgroup was
found which showed a significant difference. Further simulations
[132] have emphasized the
potential for spurious results even when the main comparison is
significant, and the importance of basing statements about
significance on interaction tests rather than subgroup-specific
In summary, subgroup analyses are
important. However, they must be defined using baseline data and
interpreted cautiously.
Not Counting Some Events
In prevention trials, the temptation
is not to count events that are observed in the immediate
post-randomization follow-up period. The rational for this practice
is that events occurring that rapidly must have existed at
screening, but were not detected. For example, if a cancer
prevention trial randomized participants into a vitamin versus
placebo trial, any immediate post randomization cancer events could
not have been prevented since the cancer had to have already been
present subclinically at entry. Because the intervention could not
have prevented these cases, their inclusion in the design only
dilutes the results and decreases power. While such an argument has
some appeal, it must be viewed with caution. Rarely are mechanisms
of action of therapies or interventions fully understood. More
importantly, negative impact of interventions having a more
immediate effect might not be seen as easily or as quickly with
this approach. If used at all, and this should be rarely, the data
must be presented both ways; i.e., with and without the excluded
An extreme case of dropping early
events might be in a surgical or procedure trial. Participants
assigned to the procedure might be put at higher risk of a fatal or
irreversible event. These early risks to the participant are part
of the overall intervention effect and should not be eliminated
from the analysis.
Some trials have defined various
counting rules for events once participants have dropped out of the
study or reached some level of nonadherence. For example, the
Anturane Reinfarction Trial [28]
suggested that no events after 7 days going off study medication
should be counted. It is not clear what length of time is
appropriate to eliminate events to avoid bias. For example, if a
participant with an acute disease continues to decline and is
removed from therapy, bias could be introduced if the therapy
itself is contributing to the decline due to adverse effects and
toxicity. In the APPROVe trial [81–84]
described earlier in this chapter, the decision not to count events
after 14 days and not to follow participants after that period of
time led to controversy. In fact, the results and the
interpretation were different once the almost complete follow-up
was obtained [84].
Comparison of Multiple Variables
If enough hypothesis tests are done,
some may be significant by chance even if all the hypotheses being
tested are false. This issue of multiple comparisons includes
repeated looks at the same response variable (Chap. 15) and comparisons of multiple
variables. Many clinical trials have more than one response
variable, and prespecify several subgroups of interest. Thus, a
number of statistical comparisons are likely to be made. For
example, when performing 20 independent comparisons, one of them,
on the average, will be significantly different by chance alone
using 0.05 as the level of significance. The implication of this is
that the investigator should be cautious in the interpretation of
results if she is making multiple comparisons. The alternative is
to require a more conservative significance level. As noted
earlier, lowering the significance level will reduce the power of a
trial. The issue of multiple comparisons has been discussed by
Miller [164], who reviewed many
proposed approaches.
One way to counter the problem is to
increase the sample size so that a smaller significance level can
be used while maintaining the power of the trial. However, in
practice, most investigators could probably not afford to enroll
the number of participants required to compensate for all the
possible comparisons that might be made. As an approximation, if
investigators are making k
comparisons, each comparison should be made at the significance
level α/k, a procedure
known as the Bonferonni correction [164]. Thus, for k = 10 and α = 0.05, each test would need to be
significant at the 0.005 level. Sample size calculations involving
a significance level of 0.005 will dramatically increase the
required number of participants. The Bonferonni correction is quite
conservative in controlling the overall α level or false positive error rate if
the test statistics are correlated, which is often the case.
Therefore, it may be more reasonable to calculate sample size based
on one primary response variable, limit the number of comparisons
and be cautious in claiming significant results for other
However, there are other procedures
to control the overall α
level and we summarize briefly two of them [165, 166].
Assume that we prespecify m hypotheses to be tested, involving
multiple outcomes, multiple subgroups, or a combination. The goal
is to control the overall α level. One implementation of the Holm
procedure [166] is to order the
p values from smallest to
largest as p(1), p(2),…..,p(m), corresponding to the m hypotheses H(1),
Then the Holm procedure would reject H(1), if p(1) ≤ α/m. If and only if H(1) is rejected can we consider the
next hypothesis. In that case, H(2) can be rejected if p(2) ≤ α /(m − 1). This process continues until we
fail to reject and then the testing must stop. The Holm procedure
can also be applied if the m hypotheses can be ordered according
to their importance. Here, the most important hypothesis
H(1) can be rejected only
if the corresponding p
value is less than α/m. If
rejected, the next most important hypothesis H(2) can be rejected if the
p value is less than
α/(m − 1).
Hochberg’s procedure [165] also requires that the m hypotheses be specified in advance
and orders the p-values from smallest to largest as does Holm’s.
The Hochberg procedure allows all m hypotheses to be rejected if
p(m) ≤ α/m. If this is not the case, then
the remaining m − 1
hypotheses can be rejected if p(m − 1) ≤ α/(m − 1). This process is carried out for
all of the m hypotheses
until a rejection is obtained and then stops. These two procedures
will not give exactly the same rejection pattern so it is important
to prespecify which one will be used.
In considering multiple outcomes or
subgroups, it is important to evaluate the consistency of the
results qualitatively, and not stretch formal statistical analysis
too far. Most formal comparisons should be stated in advance.
Beyond that, one engages in observational data analysis to generate
ideas for subsequent testing.
Use of Cutpoints
Splitting continuous variables into
two categories, for example by using an arbitrary “cutpoint,” is
often done in data analysis. This can be misleading, especially if
the cutpoint is suggested by the data. As an example, consider the
constructed data set in Table 18.6. Heart rate, in beats
per minute, was measured prior to intervention in two groups of 25
participants each. After therapies A and B were administered, the
heart rate was again measured. The average changes between groups A
and B are not sufficiently different from each other (p = 0.75)
using a standard t-test. However, if these same data are analyzed
by splitting the participants into “responders” and
“non-responders,” according to the magnitude of heart rate
reduction, the results can be made to vary. Table 18.7 shows three such
possibilities, using reductions of 7, 5, and 3 beats per minute as
definitions of response. As indicated, the significance levels,
using a chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, change from not
significant to significant and back to not significant. This
created example suggests that by manipulating the cutpoint one can
observe a significance level less than 0.05 when there does not
really seem to be a difference.
Differences in pre- and post-therapy heart
rate, in beats per minute (HR), for Groups A and B, with 25
participants each
Observation number
Pre HR
Post HR
Change in HR
Pre HR
Post HR
Change in HR
Standard deviation
Comparison of change in heart rate in Group
A versus B by three choices of cutpoints
Group A
Group B
p = 0.15
p = 0.009
p = 0.76
Fisher’s exact
p = 0.49
p = 0.022
p = 0.99
Noninferiority Trial Analysis
As discussed in Chap. 5, noninferiority trials are
challenging to design, conduct and analyze. We pointed out the
special challenges in setting the margin of noninferiority.
However, once that margin of noninferiority is established prior to
the start of the trial, there remain several issues that must be
included in a rigorous analysis and reported because of the
clinical and regulatory implications [13, 167–183]. If
we define I to be the new
intervention, C to be the
control or standard, and P
to be the placebo or no treatment, then we obtain from the
noninferiority trial an estimate of the relative risk (RR) of
I to C, RR(I/C) or an absolute difference. In the
design, the metric must be established since the sample size and
the interim monitoring depend on it. The first analytic challenge
is to establish whether the new intervention met the criteria for
noninferiority, a part of which is demonstrating that the upper
limit of the 95% confidence interval of the estimate was less than
the noninferiority margin.
As shown in Fig. 18.11, from Pocock and
Ware [181], if the upper limit of
the 95% confidence interval for the relative risk is less than
unity, various degrees of evidence exist for superiority (See case
A). For noninferiority trials, if the upper limit of the 95%
confidence interval is less than the margin of non-inferiority, δ,
then there is evidence for noninferiority (see cases B and C).
Failure to be less than this margin does not provide evidence for
noninferiority (see case D). The design must have sufficient sample
size and power to rule out a margin of noninferiority as discussed
in Chap. 8. Although not expected when the
study was designed, a noninferiority trial might also indicate harm
(See E).

Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals
for a series of superiority and non-inferiority trials
The second desired goal of a
noninferiority analysis is to demonstrate that the new intervention
would have beaten a placebo or no treatment if it had been
included; that is, the estimate of RR(I/P). Analytically, this can be
accomplished by recognizing that RR(I/P) = RR(I/C) RR(C/P). However, for this imputation step
to work requires at least two critical assumptions: (1) there is
constancy of the control effect over time, and (2) the population
where the control was tested against placebo is relevant to the
current use where the intervention (I) is being tested. These
assumptions are difficult, perhaps impossible, to establish (see
Chap. 5). In this chapter, we will focus
our attention on the first challenge of establishing whether or not
the intervention versus control comparison was less than the
noninferiority margin.
Assuming that an appropriate active
control was selected, the trial must implement it according to best
practice and as good or better than that what was done in the
initial trial establishing its benefit [172]. Otherwise, the new intervention is being
compared to a control that is handicapped, making it easier for the
new intervention to appear similar or even better than the control.
Poor adherence and conduct will favor the new intervention in a
noninferiority trial, instead of handicapping the new intervention
as in a superiority trial [179].
Thus, as discussed in Chap. 14, adequate measures of adherence
must be collected during the trial in order to make this critical
assessment. Adherence in this case does not only mean whether the
participant took all or almost all of the intervention and control
drugs. What else participants were taking as concomitant medication
is also a consideration. If there is a substantial imbalance,
interpretation of the results would be difficult.
Another key factor is whether the
outcomes chosen are true measures of the effect of both the new
intervention and the control. This is sometimes referred to as
assay sensitivity
[177]. Thus, whether consciously
or not, an investigator might select an outcome that would show no
change no matter what intervention was being studied, and thus
guarantee that the noninferiority margin would be achieved.
Outcomes should be similar to those used in the positive control
versus placebo trials.
There is a debate whether the
intention-to-treat analysis or the “on treatment” analysis is most
appropriate for a noninferiority designed trial. If
intention-to-treat is used, nonadherence dilutes whatever
differences may exist and thus is biased towards noninferiority. An
“on treatment” analysis compares only those who are good adherers,
or at least took some predefined portion of the intervention and
thus is closer to testing the true effect. However, as we
demonstrated earlier in this chapter, analyzing trials by adherence
to an intervention can be substantially biased, the direction of
which cannot be predicted. Thus, we do not recommend such an
analysis because of the uncertainty of bias and its direction, and
instead recommend that a trial be designed to minimize
nonadherence. The true comparison of the new intervention may be
somewhere in between the intention-to-treat and the “on treatment”
but there is no dependable way to tease that estimate out. If both
analytic approaches confirm noninferiority, then the conclusion is
more robust, assuming that the noninferiority margin is reasonable
Any trial relies on an adequate
sample size to have power to test hypotheses of interest, whether
for superiority or noninferiority. For a superiority trial,
inadequate sample size works against finding differences but for
noninferiority, inadequate sample size favors finding
noninferiority. There is a difficult balance between having a
noninferiority margin that is too small and thus requiring an
unachievable sample size and having a margin that is so large that
the sample size is appealing but the results would not be
There are many examples of
noninferiority trials but we will use one to illustrate the
challenges. The Stroke Prevention using an ORal Thrombin Inhibitor
in atrial Fibrillation (SPORTIF)-V trial in participants with
atrial fibrillation comparing a new intervention, ximelegatran,
against a standard warfarin intervention [183], with a primary outcome of stroke
incidence. A number of issues were involved. First, there were no
very good warfarin versus placebo trials to set the noninferiority
margin. Second, the trial used absolute difference as the metric,
assuming the event rate would be around 3%, but instead observed an
event rate less than half that. Thus, the noninferiority margin of
2% that was prespecified was too large given the small event rate.
If the observed event rate of 1.5% had been assumed, the
prespecified margin would have been much less, perhaps closer to
1%. The observed stroke rates were 1.2% in the warfarin group and
1.6% in the ximelegatran group with a 95% CI of −.13% to 1.03%
which would meet the initial margin of noninferiority. However,
this was not adequate for a margin of 1%. Therefore, even though
margins may be set in advance, results may invalidate the
assumptions and thus the margin itself.
Analysis Following Trend Adaptive Designs
As discussed in Chaps. 5 and 17, the design of a trial may have an
adaptive element. This might be a group sequential design for early
termination due to overwhelming benefit or a strong signal for
harm, or perhaps futility. Among the adaptive designs discussed
some involved changing the sample size. Some of these sample size
changes are due to overall lower event rates or higher variability
in the primary outcome than was assumed in the original sample size
estimate. In these instances, the final analysis proceeds as
normal. However, another method for sample size change relies on
trend adaptive designs. In these designs, which depend on the
emerging trend in the data, the final critical value or
significance level will be affected and thus must be kept in mind
for the final analysis.
For example, some trials may monitor
accumulating interim data and may terminate the trial early for
evidence of benefit or harm. If a group sequential design using a
0.05 two-sided significance level O’Brien-Fleming boundary were
used five times during the trial, approximately equally spaced, the
final critical value would not be +1.96 and −1.96 for the upper and
lower bounds but a value closer to 2.04.
For trend adaptive sample size
changes, the final critical value depends on which methodology was
used but all will require typically a more conservative value, for
example, than a two-sided nominal alpha level of 0.05 (a critical
value of 1.96).
Other than adjusting the final
critical value, the analyses for these trend adaptive designs may
also utilize a modified test statistic. For example, if the method
of Cui et al. [184] is used in
increasing the sample size, a weighted test statistic as described
in Chap. 17 is required. Future observations
are given less weight than the early existing observations. The
usual test statistic is not appropriate in this situation. For the
other trend adaptive methods described in Chaps. 5 and 17, the final analysis can proceed
with the standard statistics in a usual straightforward fashion,
adjusting for the final critical value from sequential testing as
Meta-analysis of Multiple Studies
Often in an area of clinical research
several independent trials using similar participants and similar
intervention strategies are conducted over a period of a few years.
Some may be larger multicenter trials, but there may be a
substantial number of small trials none of which were conclusive
individually, though they may have served as a pilot for a larger
subsequent study. Investigators from a variety of medical
disciplines often review the cumulative data on similar trials and
try to develop a consensus conclusion of the overall results
[185–193]. If this overview is performed by a formal
process and with statistical methods for combining all the data
with a single analysis, the analysis is usually referred to as a
meta-analysis or systematic review. Methods suitable for this
purpose were described in 1954 by Cochran [194] and later by Mantel and Haenszel
[195]. Other authors have
summarized the methodologic approaches [196–207]. The
Cochrane Collaboration has been a major contributor to systematic
reviews of controlled trials [208], often organized around a specific health
care area or issue, including systematic reviews of adverse effects
and advice on how to conduct such systematic reviews. Guidelines
intended to improve the conduct and reporting of meta-analyses have
been published [209,
210]. There are numerous examples
of meta-analysis in a variety of medical disciplines and a few are
referenced here [211–221]. A
great deal has been written and discussed about the usefulness and
challenges of meta-analyses [222–233].
Rationale and Issues
Researchers conduct systematic
reviews and meta-analyses to address a number of important
questions [190]. Probably the
most common reason is to obtain more precise estimates of an
intervention effect and to increase the power to observe small but
clinically important effects. Very often the potential for
increased power to detect small but clinically important effects
motivates the meta-analysis. However, meta-analyses can also
evaluate the generalizability of results across trials,
populations, and specific interventions. Subgroup analyses based on
small numbers of participants may not lead to firm conclusions and
miss qualitative differences in effect. Post hoc subgroup analyses
are unreliable due to multiplicity of testing. Prespecified
meta-analysis offers the opportunity to examine a limited number of
hypotheses identified in individual trials. Meta-analysis of
subgroups can guide clinicians in their practice by selecting
participants most suitable for the intervention. In addition,
meta-analysis can support submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. If a major clinical trial is being initiated, a
sensible approach is to base many aspects of the design on the
summary of all existing data. Meta-analysis is a systematic process
that can provide critical information on definitions of population
and intervention, control group response rates, expected size of
the intervention effect, and length of follow-up. Finally, if a new
treatment or intervention gains widespread popularity early in its
use, a meta-analysis may provide a balanced perspective and may
suggest the need for a single, large, properly designed clinical
trial to provide a definitive test. Furthermore, meta-analyses are
mandated if the opportunity to conduct a new large study no longer
exists due to a loss of equipoise, even if this loss is not well
justified. In this case, a meta-analysis may be the only solution
for salvaging a reliable consensus.
As indicated, a meta-analysis is the
combination of results from similar participants evaluated by
similar protocols and interventions. The standard analysis of a
multicenter trial, stratified by clinical center is in some ways an
ideal meta-analysis. Each center plays the role of a small study.
Protocols and treatment strategies are identical, and participants
are more similar than those in a typical collection of
This contrast between a meta-analysis
and a multicenter trial points out some limitations of the former.
While the implementation of a clinical protocol can vary across
centers, such differences are negligible compared to those in a
collection of independently conducted large or small trials. Even
when the analysis is done by pooling participant-level data from
each trial [212, 217], meta-analysis cannot be expected to
produce the same level of evidence as a single, large clinical
trial. In a typical meta-analysis, important differences exist in
actual treatment, study population, length of follow-up, measures
of outcome, level of background medical care in international
trials and quality of data [222,
225–228, 233].
Because of these differences, the potential for meta-analysis
should never be a justification for conducting a series of small,
loosely connected studies with the expectation that a definitive
result can be produced by combining after the fact. Perhaps the
most fundamental problem is the potential to create bias when
deciding on which studies to include in a meta-analysis. Two
examples of such bias are selection bias and investigator
Many support the concept that the
most valid overview and meta-analysis requires all relevant studies
conducted be available for inclusion or at least for consideration
[190, 226]. Failing to do so can produce selection
bias; that is, a mis-estimation caused by analysis of a
non-representative sample. For example, Furberg [228] provides a review of seven meta-analyses
of lipid lowering trials. Each article presents different inclusion
criteria, such as the number of participants or the degree of
cholesterol reduction. The results vary depending on the criteria
used. Another example of selection bias in meta-analysis involves
the investigation of whether adding manual thrombus aspiration to
primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) reduces total
mortality. Between 1996 and 2009, about 20 small clinical trials
and one larger trial, the Thrombus Aspiration during Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study (TAPAS)
trial [234], were conducted to
address whether PPCI with thrombus aspiration might have benefits
over PPCI alone. These trials were not powered for total mortality
and the smaller trials were not consistently positive; however, the
largest suggested a possible 50% mortality benefit for manual
thrombus aspiration. A series of meta-analyses sought to clarify
the situation [212,
235–240]. Despite having identical aims, nearly
identical inclusion criteria, and access to the same small set of
trial results, no two meta-analyses included the same set of
studies, and results varied. Because there were conflicting
conclusions, no consensus was produced. The Thrombus Aspiration in
ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Scandinavia (TASTE) trial,
designed with mortality as its primary outcome, concluded that
there was no effect [20,
241], but a subsequent
meta-analysis including the TASTE trial, while finding a
non-significant effect on mortality, concluded that a modest
reduction in clinical outcomes exists [242].
While it is clearly difficult enough
to decide which well-known and published trial results to include,
a further serious complication is that some relevant trial results
may not be readily accessible in the literature due to publication
bias [223, 231]. Published trials are more likely to be
statistically significant (p < 0.05) or to favor a novel
intervention. Trials that yield neutral or indifferent results are
less likely to be published. One example described by Furberg and
Morgan [227] illustrates this
problem. An overview [223] of the
use of propranolol in patients following a heart attack reported 7
of 45 patients died in the hospital compared to a non-randomized,
placebo-control where 17 of 46 died, indicating a clear benefit of
propranolol. Controversy over design limitations motivated the
investigator to conduct two additional randomized trials. One
showed no difference and the other a negative (harmful) trend.
Neither was ever published. Identifying yet another obstacle to
inclusion of all relevant studies, Chalmers et al. [224] pointed out that a MEDLINE literature
search may only find 30–60% of published trials. This is due in
part to the way results are presented and searches of typical key
words may not uncover relevant papers. Although search engines may
be better now, there are undoubtedly still limitations. Work by
Gordon and colleagues found that only 57% of 244 NHLBI-supported
trials completed between January 2000 and December 2011 published
their main results within 30 months after completion
[243]. These difficulties in
determining and accessing the entire population of relevant studies
may lead to analysis of a subset of trial results which are not
representative, producing conclusions which do not reflect the
totality of evidence because of selection bias.
Another type of bias, referred to as
investigator bias, occurs when an investigator ignores or goes
beyond any pre-specified plan and makes subjective decisions about
which trials and outcome variables will get reported. If protocols
were written well and adhered to strictly, investigator bias would
not be a problem. However, post-hoc repeated testing of multiple
subgroups and multiple outcomes may not be easy to detect from the
published report [229]. Promising
early results may draw major attention, but if later results show
smaller intervention effects, they may go unnoticed or be harder to
find for the systematic review. Furthermore, authors of systematic
reviews are also to subject to investigator bias. That is, unless
the goals of the meta-analysis are clearly stated a priori in a
protocol, a positive result can be found in this analysis by
sifting through numerous attempts. A great deal of time and
persistence are required in order to get access to all known
conducted trials and accurately extract the relevant data. Not all
meta-analyses are conducted with the same degree of
The medical literature is filled with
meta-analysis of trials covering a wide range of disciplines
[211–221]. Several examples from the cardiology
literature will provide an overview. Chalmers and colleagues
[214] reviewed six small studies
that used anticoagulants in an effort to reduce mortality in heart
attack patients. While only one of the six was individually
significant, the combined overall results suggested a statistically
significant 4.2% absolute reduction in mortality. The authors
suggested no further trials were necessary. However, due to issues
raised, this analysis drew serious criticism [229]. Several years later, Yusuf and colleagues
[221] reviewed 33 fibrinolytic
trials, focusing largely on the use of streptokinase. This overview
included trials with much dissimilarity in dose, route and time of
administration, and setting. Although the meta-analysis for
intravenous use of fibrinolytic drugs was impressive, and the
authors concluded that results were not due to reporting biases,
they nevertheless discussed the need for future large-scale trials
before widespread use should be recommended. There were issues, for
example, as to how quickly such an intervention needed to be
started after onset of a heart attack. That is, timing needed to be
resolved. Canner [213] conducted
an overview of 6 randomized clinical trials testing aspirin use in
participants with a previous heart attack to reduce mortality. His
overall meta-analysis suggested a 10% reduction that was not
significant (p = 0.11). However, there was an apparent
heterogeneity of results and the largest trial had a slightly
negative mortality result. The Canner overview was repeated by
Hennekens et al. [215] after
several more trials had been conducted. This updated analysis
demonstrated favorable results. May et al. [218] conducted an early overview of several
modes of therapy for secondary prevention of mortality after a
heart attack. Their overview covered anti-arrhythmic drugs,
lipid-lowering drugs, anticoagulant drugs, beta-blocker drugs, and
physical exercise. Although statistical methods were available to
combine studies within each treatment class, they chose not to
combine results, but simply provided relative risks and confidence
interval results graphically for each study. A visual inspection of
the trends and variation in trial results suggests a summary
analysis. Yusuf et al. [220]
later provided a more detailed overview of beta blocker trials.
While using a similar graphical presentation, they calculated a
summary odds ratio and its confidence interval. Meta-analysis of
cancer trials have also been conducted including the use of
adjuvant therapy for breast cancer [216]. While using multiple chemotherapeutic
agents indicated improved relapse-free survival after 3 and 5 years
of follow-up, as well as for survival, the dissimilarity among the
trials led the authors to call for more trials and better
Thompson [232] pointed out the need to investigate
sources of heterogeneity. These differences may be in populations
studied, intervention strategies, outcomes measured, or other
logistical aspects. Given such differences, inconsistent results
among individual studies might be expected. Statistical tests for
heterogeneity often have low statistical power even in the presence
of a moderate heterogeneity. Thompson [232] argued that we should investigate the
influence of apparent clinical differences between studies and not
rely on formal statistical tests to give us assurance of no
heterogeneity. In the presence of apparent heterogeneity, overall
summary results should be interpreted cautiously. Thompson
described an example of a meta-analysis of 28 studies evaluating
cholesterol lowering and the impact on risk of coronary heart
disease. A great deal of heterogeneity was present, so a simple
overall estimate of risk reduction may be misleading. He showed
that factors such as age of the cohort, length of treatment, and
size of study were contributing factors. Taking these factors into
account made the heterogeneity less extreme and results more
interpretable. One analysis showed that the percent reduction in
risk decreased with the age of the participant at the time of the
event, a point not seen in the overall meta-analysis. However, he
also cautioned that such analyses of heterogeneity must be
interpreted cautiously, just as for subgroup analyses in any single
Meta-analysis, as opposed to typical
literature reviews, usually puts a p-value on the conclusion. The
statistical procedure may allow for calculation of a p-value, but
it implies a precision which may be inappropriate. The possibility
that not all relevant studies have been included may make the
interpretation of the p-value tenuous. Quality of data may vary
from study to study. Data from some trials may be incomplete
without being recognized as such. Thus, only very simple and
unambiguous outcome variables, such as all-cause mortality and
major morbid events ought to be used for meta-analysis.
Statistical Methods
Since meta-analysis became a popular
approach to summarizing a collection of studies, numerous
statistical publications have been produced addressing technical
aspects [186, 194–196,
198–201, 203,
205, 207]. Most of this is beyond the technical
scope of this text, but a number of texts on the subject of
meta-analysis are available [197,
202, 204, 206].
Two common technical approaches were first suggested by Cochran
[194] in 1954. If all trials
included in the meta-analysis are estimating the same true (but
unknown) fixed effect of an intervention, the Mantel-Haenszel
method [195] can be used with a
slight variation. This is similar to the logrank or Mantel-Haenszel
method in the chapter on survival analysis. If the trials are
assumed to have dissimilar or heterogeneous true intervention
effects, the effects are described by a random effects model, as
suggested by DerSimonian and Laird [200]. Another valid but less common approach
relies on a Bayesian analysis [204] which was used to assess the literature on
adjunctive thrombotomy for acute myocardial infarction
The method of DerSimonian and Laird
[200] compares rate differences
within each study, and obtains a pooled estimate of the rate
difference as well as the standard error. The pooled estimate of
the rate difference is a weighted average of the individual study
rate differences. The weights are the inverse of the sum of the
between and within study variance components of intervention
effect. If the studies are relatively similar or homogeneous in
intervention effect, this approach and the fixed effects method
produce very similar results [196]. Heterogeneity tests generally are not as
powerful as the test for main effects. However, if studies vary in
intervention effect, these two methods can produce different
results as illustrated by Berlin et al. [196] as well as Pocock and Hughes
Typically, when presenting the
results of a meta-analysis, the OR estimate and 95% confidence
interval are plotted in a single graph for each trial to provide a
visual summary. Figure 18.12, from Yusuf et al. [221], summarizes the effects of 24 trials of
fibrinolytic treatment on mortality in people with an acute heart
attack. The hash mark represents the estimated OR and the line
represents the 95% confidence interval. They [221] include a single estimate of the OR,
combining all studies. The size of the symbol in this plots,
sometimes referred to as “forest plots,” is an indication of the
size of each individual studies. In the presence of serious
heterogeneity of treatment effect, however, the appropriateness of
obtaining a single point estimate must be questioned. If the
heterogeneity is qualitative; that is, some estimates of the OR are
larger than unity and others less than unity, then a combined
single estimate is perhaps not wise. This would be especially true
if these estimates indicated a time trend, which could occur if
dose and participant selection changed as more experience with the
new intervention was obtained.

Apparent effects of fibrinolytic treatment
on mortality in the randomized trials of IV treatment of acute
myocardial infarction (Reproduced with permission of the Editor,
European Heart Journal and Dr. S. Yusuf)
Which model to use for meta-analysis
is a matter of debate, but none are exactly correct. The random
effects model has an undesirable aspect, in that small trials may
dominate the final estimate. With the fixed effect model, larger
trials get greater weight. Since the meta-analysis is conducted on
available trials, however, the sample of participants included is
not likely to be very representative of the general population to
which the intervention may be applied. That is, the trials that are
available do not contain a random sample of people from the
targeted population but rather are participants who volunteered and
who in other respects may not be representative. Thus, the estimate
of the intervention effect is not as relevant as whether or not the
intervention has an effect. We prefer a fixed effects model but
suggest that both models should be conducted to examine what, if
any, differences exist.
Chalmers, a strong advocate of
clinical trials, argued that participants should be randomized
early in the evolution and evaluation of a new intervention
[244]. Both as a result of that
kind of advocacy and the fact that small trials are always done
before large ones in the development of new interventions, an early
meta-analysis is likely to consist of many small studies.
Sometimes, meta-analyses of just small trials might yield
significant results.
Thus, meta-analyses are seen by many
as alternatives to the extraordinary effort and cost often required
to conduct adequately powered individual trials. Rather than
providing a solution, they perhaps ought to be viewed as a way of
summarizing existing data; a way that has strengths and weaknesses,
and must be critically evaluated. It would clearly be preferable to
combine resources prospectively and collaborate in a single large
study. Pooled results from distinct studies cannot replace
individual, well-conducted multicenter trials.
Analysis for Harmful Effects
While the analyzing the primary and
secondary outcome variables for benefit is challenging, the
analysis of adverse event data for safety is even more complex and
challenging. Of course, if any of the primary or secondary outcome
variables trend in the wrong direction, then there is evidence of
harm, not benefit. However, harmful effects may manifest themselves
in other variables than these primary or secondary outcomes. Some
adverse event measures can be prespecified such as changes in the
QT interval in an ECG or an elevated liver function test (LFT). But
there are many other possibilities.
The typical way that adverse event
data are collected in current Phase III trials is a passive system
where patient complaints or physician observations are summarized
in text fields which are later coded by various adverse event
coding systems (See Chap. 12). Such events are usually not
solicited actively so that if the patient does not complain or the
physician does not record the event or problems, they do not get
coded. In fact, if a patient complains about the adverse event in a
different manner from one visit to the next, the event may be coded
differently. If the physician records the event using different
language, the event may get coded differently. It can be
challenging to even track an adverse event from one visit to the
next within a patient. Another one of the problems of these types
of coding systems is that a very large number of categories can be
generated for the same essential problem, depending on how the
patient complained or the physician recorded his observations in
the patient chart.
Thus, tables of adverse events using
these systems can have very many rows with only a few events in
each row, even for the same basic adverse problem. Such data are
not likely to produce statistically significant comparisons or flag
potential problems. The data are so granular that an adverse event
signal cannot be seen easily. These coding systems can collapse
these detailed categories into higher order terms but in doing so
add adverse events that are a real signal with typically a lot more
events that are not very serious or clinical important. That is,
the noise drowns out the signal.
Thus, analysis of this type of data
requires a careful scrutiny of the numerous detailed categories to
find ones that seem to indicate a meaningful clinical issue, and
these items may come from different higher level categories. This
process is or can be very subjective and may be hard for another
investigative team to reproduce this same categorization.
One alternative to this passive
adverse event reporting is to specify in the protocol the special
adverse events of interest, and actively solicit the participants
for information on their occurrence or conduct whatever laboratory
measures are necessary to assess whether that event did occur.
Examples of a deal breaker might be QT interval increase or an
increase in LFT measures. Any substantial, statistically
significant or clinically important imbalance in these type of
events would be sufficient to perhaps terminate a trial early or
kill the further development of the intervention, whether drug,
device or biologic. There are probably more than 10 such “deal
breakers” but less than 100, depending on the disease and
intervention. Of course other adverse event data may be collected
in a patient chart as text and later retrieved as necessary using
more recent developed natural language processing (NLP) algorithms.
If imbalances are found in such review, confirmation should be
sought whenever possible using warehouse data from large electronic
health record (EHR) systems.
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