“A-albionic Research Weekly” (Daugherty)
Abbot Scaglia Adoring the Virgin and Child, The (Van Dyck)
Aberdeen, Lord
Adrianople, Treaty of (1829)
Aguado (banker)
Ailesbury, Lady
Aix-la-Chappelle, Congress of
Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince Consort of England
Alkan, Salomon
Allen, Don
Allgemeine Zeitung
Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums
Alliance Assurance Company
Nathan and
Alliance Marine Assurance Company
Almadén mercury mines
Alsager, Thomas Massa
Althorp, Lord
Alvars, Parish
American War of Independence
Andrássy, Gyula, Count
“Angel, The” (Heine)
Angoulême, duc D’
Anson, George
anti-Rothschild criticism and
1848 revolution and
emancipation issue and
Tommaso affair and
Anti-Semitic League
Anti-Slavery Society
Apotheosis and Adoration of the Idol of our Time (Kretschmer)
Apponyi, Count
Arari, David
Arbuthnot, Charles
Arbuthnot, Mrs.
Argent’ (Zola)
Argout, comte d’
Arkwright, Richard
Arliss, George
Armida abbandonata (Cherubini)
Arnim, Achim von
Arnstein & Eskeles
Asis, Francisco de
Atta Troll (Heine)
Audubon, John James
Auerstadt, battle of
Augsburger Zeitung
August Belmont & Co.
crises of 1831 and
1834 fiscal policy of
1848 revolution in
Hungary’s conflict with
intervention in Italy by
Jewish emancipation issue in
Papal states and
postwar reparations owed to
railway investment in
Rothschild banking relationship with
Rothschild loans to
Rothschilds and British debt of
subsidy deal and
Tolerance Edict of 1782 of
Austrian Nationalbank
Austrian Steamship Company

Bagehot, Walter
B. A. Goldschmidt
Baguenault (banker)
Bakunin, Michael
Balfour, Arthur
Balzac, Honoré de
James’s relationship with
Bank Charter Act, British
Bank Committee, British
Bank of England
crisis of 1825 and
crisis of 1836and
1848 revolution and
Nathan’s relationship with
Peel’s financial reforms and
Rothschilds and
Bank of San Fernando
Bank of the United States (BUS)
Banque de Belgique
Banque de Bordeaux
Banque de France
1848 revolution and
Banque foncière
Banque Rothschild
Barandon (merchant)
Barber, Joseph
Barbès (socialist)
Barbier (Austrian official)
Baring, Alexander
Baring, Francis
Baring, John
Baring Brothers
Baruch, Bernard
Baruch, Jacob
Baruch, Juda Low, see Börne, Ludwig
Bastide (foreign minister)
Bates, Joshua
“Baths of Lucca, The” (Heine)
Bathurst, Earl
Bauer, Bernhard
Bauer, Bruno
Bauer, Ignaz
Bauer, Max
Beauharnais, Hortense de
Beauties of Brighton (Cruikshank)
Beck, Karl
Bedford, Duke of
Beechey, William
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Behrens (banker)
crisis of 1831- and
crisis of 1838- in
Dutch invasion of
Bellini, Vincenzo
Belmont, August
Bender, Johann Heinrich
Bentheim-Tecklenburg, Prince von
Bentinck, George
Berchem, Nicolaes
Berend (clerk)
Berghoeffer, G. H.
Berlin Convention (1808)
Berlioz, Hector
Bermudez, Cea
Berry, duc de
Berry, duchesse de
Bethmann, Johann Philipp
Bethmann, Simon Moritz von
Rothschilds resented by
Bethmann Brothers
Bethnal Green Society for the Relief of the Sick Poor
Beyfus, Mayer
Beyfus, Seligmann
Biddle, Nicholas
Bills of Exchange Act (1882), British
“Biographical Notes on the House of Rothschild” (Gentz)
Birds of America (Audubon)
Bismarck, Herbert
Bismarck, Otto von
Bismarck and Rothschild (Bauer)
Blanc, Louis
Blanqui, Auguste
Blanvalet, Henri
Bleichröder, Gerson
Bleichröder, Samuel
Blount, Edward
see also Laffitte-Blount Group
Blücher, Gebhard von
Blum, Robert
Board of Deputies of the British Jews
Bocher, Charles
Boer War
Bonaparte, Jérôme
Bon Ton
“Book of Snobs” (Thackeray)
Borch, Gerard ter
Börne, Ludwig
on Carl’s papal audience
Judengasse described by
on reactionary power of Rothschilds
Boulton & Watts
Brandt (banker)
Braun (Rothschild employee)
Bread, Meat and Coal Society
Bridgewater, Earl of
British Admiralty
British Association for the Relief of the Extreme Distress in the Remote Parishes of Ireland and Scotland
Brockhaus, F. A.
Broglie, Achille-Charles de
Buccleuch, Duke of
Buckingham, Duke of
Buckinghamshire General Infirmary
Buddenbrooks (Mann)
Buderus, Karl
Bullion Committee
Bülow, Prince von
Buol-Schauenstein, Karl Ferdinand von
Burger, Anton
Burgman, George
Burke, Edmund
Bute, Marquess of
Buxton, Edward
Buxton, Thomas Fowell
Byron, George Gordon, Lord

Cadiz mutiny
Caisse Générale
Cambridge, Duchess of
Cambridge, Duke of
Campe, Julius
Camphausen, Ludolf
Canard Enchaîné, Le
Canning, George
Canning, Stratford
Judaism equated with
Carême, Antonin
Carlos, Don
Carlos IV, King of Spain
Carlsbad agreement (1830)
Carlyle, Thomas
Caroline, Queen of England
Cassel, Joseph
Castellane, Maréchal de
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Lord
Catholic Church
Caussidière, Marc
Cavaignac, Eugène
Cavour, Camillo di,
Cazenove, James
Central Hungarian Railway Company
Chamber of Deputies, French
Chamberlain, Joseph
Champmartin, Charles-Emile
Changarnier, Nicolas
Charles Albert, King of Sardinia-Piedmont
Charles X, King of France
1830 revolution and
Charlotte, Princess of England
Chartreux Madonna (Van Eyck and Christi)
Chateaubriand, François-Auguste-René de
Chaumont, Treaty of (1814)
Chekhov, Anton
Chelius, Professor
Cherubini, Luigi
Chirac, Auguste
Chopin, Fryderyk
Chotek, Count
Christ as the Good Shepherd (Murillo)
Christi, Petrus
Churchill, Randolph
Circular to Bankers
Civil War, U.S.
Clancarty, Earl of
Clarence, Duke of
Clarendon, George William Villiers, Lord
Clarisse Harlowe ( Janin)
Clary, Edmond de
Clay, Henry
Cleveland, Duke of
C. M. von Rothschild
Cobbett, William
Cockerill, John
Cohen, Hannah, see Rothschild, Hannah Cohen
Cohen, Joseph
Cohen, Juliana, see Rothschild, Juliana Cohen
Cohen, Levi Barent
Cohen, Salomon
Cohen, S. J.
Cohn, Albert
Cologne Reinsurance Society
Comédie humaine (Balzac)
Committee on the Bank Charter, British
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Nord
Confederation of the Rhine
Congress, U.S.
Congress of Aix-la-Chappelle
Congress of Laibach
Congress of Troppau
Congress of Verona
Congress of Vienna
Jewish emancipation issue and
Coningsby (Disraeli)
“Conspiracy Nation” (Skolnick)
Constitutional Assembly, French
Continental System
Convention of Berlin (1808)
Convention of London (1832)
Corn Laws, British
Corti, Luigi
Corvetto (finance minister)
Coston, Henry
Cotton, W.
Courier (London)
Courrier Français
Courrier des Spectacles
Cousine Bette, La (Balzac)
Coutts & Co.
Cranach, Lucas
Crawshay, Richard
Crédit Mobilier
Crémieux, Adolphe
Crimean War
Cruikshank, George
Cruikshank, Robert
Curtis, Timothy
Customs Union (Zollverein), Prussian
Custozza, battle of
Cuyp, Aalbert
“Czar in Rothschild’s Castle, The,”

Dairnvaell, Georges
Dalberg, Karl Theodor Anton von
Damas, Baron de
Dantan, Jean-Pierre
Darby, John
Darmstadt, Grand Duke of
Dashwood, John
Daugherty, James
David, Feidel
Davidson, Benjamin
Davidson, Lionel
Davidson, Meyer
Davillier, J. C.
Decembrist movement
Decree for the Future Management of the State Debt (1819), Prussian
Delaporte (cartoonist)
Delaroche, Paul
Delessert, Benjamin
Denison, William J.
Derby, Earl of
Devonshire, Duke of
Dibdin, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dietrichstein, Count
Dighton, Richard
Dino, duchesse de
Disraeli, Benjamin
on Rothschild family unity
Rothschilds in writings of
Doloret (businessman)
Domenichino (artist)
Don Juan (Byron)
Dreux, Alfred de
Drummond (businessman)
Drumont, Edouard
Duckwitz, Arnold
Dudley, Earl of
Dufour, M.
Dumas, Alexandre
Dumon (French minister)
Duncombe, Thomas
Dundas, Henry
Dunmore, Commissary-General
Duponchel, Charles-Edmond
Duras, duc de
Duras, duchesse de

East India Company
Eckart, Dietrich
Edict of Fontainebleau (1810)
Edict of Toleration (1782)
Edict of Trianon (1810)
Edifying and Curious History of Rothschild I, King of the Jews, The (Dairnvaell)
Edward VII, King of England
Eichendorff, Joseph von
Eichtal, Adolph d’
Elector of Hesse, see William IX, Landgraf of Hesse-Kassel
Elector’s treasure myth
Eliot, George
Endymion (Disraeli)
Enfantin, Prosper
Entente Cordiale
Ernst August, King of Hanover
Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg
Espartero, Baldomero
Esterházy, Carl
Esterházy, Marie
Esterházy, Paul
Ewige Jude, Der (“The Eternal Jew”)
Exemplary Life of the Immortal Banker Mr. Meyer Amschel Rothschild, The (Cohen)
Eyck, Jan van

False Industry, The (Fourier)
Farrakhan, Louis
Federal Reserve System
Feidel (clerk)
Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria
Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinand II, King of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain
Ferdinand VIII, King of Spain
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg
Fesch, Joseph Cardinal
Fettmilch, Vincenz
Feydeau, Ernest
Fidelio (Beethoven)
Filtsch, Karl
First Official Response of M. Baron James Rothschild
Fitzroy, Arthur
Fitzroy, Blanche
Fitzroy, Charles
Fitzroy, Henry
Flandrin, Hippolyte
Fleury, Joseph-Nicholas-Robert
Fontainebleau, Edict of (1810)
Forster, W. E.
Fouché, Joseph
Fould, Achille
Fould, Benoît
Fourier, Charles
Fournier-Verneuil (publisher)
anti-Rothschild literature of
Belgian question and
bond conversion scheme and
containment policy directed against
crises of 1831-32 and
1830 revolution in
1841 loan to
1847 banking crisis and
1848 revolution in
fiscal policy of 1834-41 of
Jewish emancipation issue and
Jews of
July monarchy of
Napoleonic War debt of
post-Napoleonic War reparations by
railway investment and
Rothschild leverage and loans of 1831 to
Second Peace of Paris and
Spanish intervention by
Spanish succession conflict and
Thiers’s government and
Tommaso affair and
Francis Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Coburg
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Franco-Prussian War
1848 revolution and
Fettmilch riots in
French Revolution and
as grand duchy
“Hep” riots in
intermarriage law of
Judengasse of, see Judengasse
Lionel’s dislike of
reform movement and
Rothschild family roots in
Rothschilds’ ennoblement and
Rothschilds’ fame and
Frankfurt Jews and the Mulcting of the People’s Well-being, The (“Germanicus”)
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick, Prince of the Netherlands
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick V, King of Denmark
Frederick William III, King of Prussia
Frederick William IV, King of Prussia
French Revolution
Fries & Co.
Frimont, Johann von
Froelicher, Joseph-Antoine
Fugger (banking family)

Gainsborough, Thomas
Galsworthy, John
Garnier-Pagès, Louis Antoine
Gasser (agent)
Gautier, Théophile
Gaviria, Manuel
Geiger (clerk)
Geisenheimer, Seligmann
General German Encyclopaedia for the Educated Classes
Generalpumpe, Die
Gentz, Friedrich von
Rothschild financial relationship with
George II, King of England
George III, King of England
George IV, King of England
death of
Rothschilds as bankers for
German Confederation
anti-Rothschild literature of
1848 revolution in
Jews of
railway investment in
“Germany” (Heine)
“Germany in October 1849” (Heine)
Gervais (Russian diplomat)
Geymüller & Co.
Gille, Bertrand
Gladstone, William
Globe (Paris)
Gloucester, Duchess of
Glyn’s (banking house)
Goderich, Lord. See Robinson, Frederick
Goebbels, Joseph
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
on Jewish-Gentile intermarriage law
Judengasse described by
Goethe in the Campagna di Roma (Tischbein)
Goldschmidt (banking house)
Goldschmidt, Alexander
Goldschmidt, Hermann
Goldschmidt, Jacob
Goldschmidt, Julius
Goldschmidt, Moritz
Goldsmid, Abraham
Goldsmid, Benjamin
Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon
Goldsmid & D’Eliason
gold standard
Gompertz, Benjamin
Goncourt brothers
Gontard, Jakob Friedrich
Gontard family
Goudchaux (finance minister)
Goulborn (British minister)
Grafton, Duke of
Grand Process between Rothschild I, King of the Jews, and Satan, Last King of the Impostors
Grant, Francis
Grant, Robert
Granville, Lord
Great Britain
anti-Rothschild literature of
Austrian subsidy deal and
Bank Charter Act of
banking crisis of 1825 in
Belgian question and
Bills of Exchange Act of
consols investments and
“Corn Laws” of
Eastern Question and
1830 Reform Bill of
1830 revolution in
exchange rate speculation and
Hundred Days and
Industrial Revolution in
Irish Famine Loan of 1847 and
Jewish emancipation issue and
Jews of
Napoleonic War financial crisis of
19th century birth rate in
Peel’s financial reforms in
Prussian subsidy deal and
reform crisis of 1830 in
Rothschild financial influence in
Russian subsidy deal and
slavery abolished by
Spanish succession conflict and
Tommaso affair and
Wellington’s campaign and
Rothschild loans to
Green, Samuel
Greffulhe (banker)
Gregory I, Pope
Gregory XVI, Pope
Grenville, Lady
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
Greville, Charles
Grey, Earl
Grillparzer, Franz
Grosclaude, Louis Amié
Grosvenor, Earl
Grouchy, Emmanuel de
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of (1848)
Guizot, François
Gumprecht, Isaac
Gysels, Peter

Haber, house of
Hagermann (banker)
Hallé, Charles
Hals, Franz
Hamburg (clerk)
Hamilton, Alexander
Hanau, Eva, see Rothschild, Eva Hanau
Hanau (agent)
Hansemann, David
Hardenberg, Karl August von
Harman & Co.
Harnier, Louis
Harrison, George
Harrowby, Lord
Harvey, “Coin,”
Hassenpflug, Ludwig
Hattersley, Roy
Head of a Magdalene (Domenichino)
Hebrew Talisman
Hecht (agent)
Heckscher (banker)
Heem, Jan David de
Heine, Carl
Heine, Heinrich
Betty and
death of
James in conversation with
James as described by
James as portrayed by
James’s ball as described by
James’s relationship with
James’s residence described by
Judaism as viewed by
on railways’ impact
Rothschilds as seen by
Salomon and
Heine, Salomon
Heinrich & Wertheimer
Heisler (clerk)
Henckel von Donnersmarck, Hugo
Hennings (merchant)
“Hep” riots
Herries, John Charles ,
crisis of 1825 and
Huskisson’s conflict with
Herz, Adelheid, see Rothschild, Adelheid Herz
Herz, Naftali
Herzen, Alexander
James’s friendship with
Herzl, Theodor
Heseltine, William
Hess, Michael
1830 revolution in
Jewish emancipation issue in
Heyden, Jan van der
Hirschell, Solomon
Histoire de la Grandeur et de la Décadence de César Birotteau (Balzac)
History of the House of Rothschild (von Scherb)
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbema, Meindert
Hobday, William Armfield
Hobson, J. A.
Holland, Lady
Holland, Lord
Holland, Swinton
Hollander (Henrietta’s suitor)
Holstein, duchy of
Holstein-Glücksburg, Prince of
Holy Alliance
Austria’s Italian intervention and
containment policy and
France’s Spanish intervention and
German states’ loans and
Prussian loans and
Russian loans and
South American “bubble” and
Holy Roman Empire
Holy Society for the Assistance of the Poor for the Needs of the Sabbath
Holy Society of the House of Learning of the Ashkenazim
Homme d’affaires, Un (Balzac)
Hooch, Pieter de
Hope & Co.
Hoppner, John
Horwood (land agent)
Hottinguer (banker)
House of Commons, British
Household Law (1809), Prussian
House of Lords, British
House of Nucingen, The (Balzac)
House of Rothschild, Its History and Transactions, The (Steinmann)
House of Rothschild, The
Howard, Mrs.
Hue and Cry, The
Hugelmann (poet)
Hugo, Victor
Humann, Théodore
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humboldt, Caroline von
Humboldt, Wilhelm von
Hummelauer (Austrian official)
“Hundred Days,”
Hunyady, Joseph
Huskisson, William
Herries’s conflict with
Huth (banker)
Huysum, Jan van

Ibrahim Pasha
Icke, David
Imperialism: A Study (Hobson)
Incognito, Das (Eichendorff )
“Incredible Chamber,”
Industrial Revolution
Infant Christ as the Good Shepherd (Murillo)
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
Inzághy, Count
famine in
Isaaköw Beer
Isabella II, Queen of Spain
Isak, son of Elchanan (ancestor)
Isenburg, Karl Friedrich Ludwig Moritz zu
Isenburg, Viktor zu
Israel, John Helbert
Austrian intervention in
1831 revolts in
1848 revolution in
railway investment in
Itzstein (police commissioner)

Jackson, Andrew
Jakob (clerk)
James (land agent)
Jamnitzer, Wentzel
Janin, Jules
Jardin, Karel du
Jassoy, August
Jaudon, Samuel
Jena, battle of
Jew and the Doctor, The (Cruikshank)
Jew and the Doctor, The (Dibdin)
Jewish France (Drumont)
Jewish Lying-in Charity
Jewish Society for Relieving the Aged Needy
Jews, Judaism
in anti-Jewish literature
anti-Rothschild criticism and
capitalism equated with
conversion to Christianity by
emancipation issue and
evolving social status of
of Frankfurt
in Great Britain
Heine’s attitude toward
intermarriage by
Marx on
Mayer Amschel’s charitable acts for
as money-changers
Napoleon I and
in Nazi propaganda
reform movement and
Rothschilds’ activism on behalf of
Rothschilds’ observance of
Tommaso affair and
see also anti-Semitism
Jews and Economic Life, The (Sombart)
“Jews of England, their History and Wrongs, The” (Duncombe)
Jews’ Free School
Jews’ Hospital
Jews, Kings of the Epoch, The: A History of Financial Feudalism (Toussenel)
Joachim, Joseph
Jones, Thomas
Jordan (Prussian representative)
Joseph, J. L.
Joseph, S. I.
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
Josephine, Empress of France
Journal des Débats
Journal des Théâtres
Judengasse (Jews’ Lane)
commerce and banking in
culture of
French Revolution and
“Hep” riots in
intermarriage in
Mayer Amschel’s community role in-
Rothschilds’ ennoblement and
Judgement Passed against Rothschild and Georges Dairnvaell (anonymous)
Juste de Noailles, comte

Kaiser (clerk)
Kankrin, Yegor Frantsevich, Count
Kann family
Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg
Karl Ludwig, Archduke
Karloff, Boris
Kaufmann (Henrietta’s suitor)
Kent, Duchess of
Kent, Duke of
Kessler (broker)
King Bestowing Favors on a Great Man’s Friends, A
Kings of the Republic (Chirac)
Kirchner (Austrian official)
Kiselev, Count
Kleinwort family
Knatz (Austrian official)
Knighton, William
Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky, Franz Anton von, Count
Kotzebue, August von
Kremm (clerk)
Kretschmer, Eduard
Krupp, Alfred
Kübeck, Baron
Kuhlmann, Karl
Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Kupl, David Meyer

Labouchère, Pierre-César
Labour Leader
Lady with Fan (Velazquez)
Lafayette, Marie-Joseph de
Laffitte, Charles
Laffitte, Jacques
Laffitte-Blount Group
Lagrange, General
Laibach, Congress of
Lamarque, Maximilien
Lamartine, Alphonse de
Lamb, Frederick
Landgraf of Hesse, see William IX, Landgraf of Hesse-Kassel
Lansdowne (British minister)
Latour, Count
Lauderdale, Earl of
Laurin, Anton
Lawätz, J. D.
Léandre (cartoonist)
Lecomte, Casimir
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre
Legrand, Emile
Lehren, Hirsch
Leicester, Earl of
Leiningen, Prince of
Lennep (War Councillor)
Leopold I, King of Belgium (Leopold of Saxe-Coburg)
Lessing, Ephraim
Letronne (scholar)
Letter to M. Baron de Rothschild
Leuchtenberg, Duke of
Liberty and Her Liberators (Eichendorff )
Liebmann, Hirsch
Lieven, Dorothy de
Limburger, Baron
Limburger, Madame
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindsay, Coutts
Lippe-Detmold, Prince of
List, Friedrich
Liszt, Franz
Little Girl with Bouquet (Greuze)
Liverpool, Lord
Lloyd, Samuel Jones
Lloyd’s of London
Lodi, battle of
Loewenstein, Prince
Lombard Street (Bagehot)
London Assurance
London Convention (1832)
Londonderry, Lady
London Orphan Asylum
London Philanthropic Society
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Lonsdale, Earl of
Lorentz (official)
Loudon, John Claudius
Louis (French minister)
Louis XIV, King of France
Louis XVI, King of France
Louis XVIII, King of France
Louis Napoleon, see Napoleon III, Emperor of France
Louis Philippe, King of France
1848 revolution and
James and
Lucy, George
Ludwig I, King of Bavaria
Luini, Bernardino
Lunéville, Peace of (1801)
Lutezia (Heine)
Luther, Martin
Lyndhurst, Lord
Lyon de Symons (banker)
Lys, Bertran de

Macaulay, Thomas Babington
McClellan, George B.
MacGregor, Gregor
McNutt, Alexander G.
Maddai, Samuel
Madonna and Child (del Sarto)
Maes, Nicolaes
Magnificent Rothschilds, The (Roth)
Mahmud II, Sultan
Maillé, duc de
Maillé, duchesse de
Maison Nucingen, La (Balzac)
Mallet (banker)
Manin, Daniele
Mann, Thomas
Manuel (broker)
Man Wot Knows How to Drive a Bargain, The
Maria Christina de Borbón
Maria II, Queen of Portugal
Marie-Louise, Archduchess
Marlborough, Duke of
Marmont, August de
M. A. Rothschild & Söhne
Marr, Wilhelm
Martignac, vicomte de
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens)
Martinez de la Rosa, Francisco de Paula
Martins, Major
Marx, Karl
Massey, Placide
Masterman (banker)
Mayer Amschel Rothschild & Sons
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Duke of
Medici, Luigi de
Méeus (governor of Société Générale)
Mehemet Ali Pasha
Melbourne, Lord
“Memorandum on Ludwig Börne” (Heine)
Mendelssohn (bookkeeper)
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Moses
Mendelssohn, Henrietta
Mendizábal, Juan Álvarez
Menet & Cazenove
Mephistopheles (Marr)
Merian (Russian official)
Mérimée, Prosper
Merlatto, Caspar Giovanne
Metastasio, Pietro
Metternich, Klemens Lothar von
Belgian crisis and
crises of 1831-32 and
1848 revolution and
Jewish emancipation issue and
Neopolitan campaign and
railway investment and
Rothschild banking relationship with
Salomon and
Spanish succession crisis and
Metternich, Princess Melanie
Metternich, Viktor von
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Michelet, Jules
Miguel, Dom
“Milan commission,”
Milkmaid, The (Greuze)
Mirès, Jules Isaac
Mittrowsky, Count
M. M. David
Mocatta, Daniel
Mocatta family
Mocatta & Goldsmid
“Model Millionaire, The” (Wilde)
Modena, duchy of
Molé, Louis-Mathieu
Mollien, François Nicholas
Mon, Alejandro
Moniteur Universel
“Monsieur Leuwen” (Stendhal)
Montagne party, French
Montalembert, comte de
Montefiore, Abraham
Montefiore, Joseph
Montefiore, Judith
Montefiore, Louisa, see Rothschild, Louisa Montefiore
Montefiore, Moses
Montez, Lola
Montijo, Madame de
Montpensier, duc de
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Sydney
Morning Chronicle
Morrison, James
Morton, F.
Moscheles, Ignaz
Moses in the Bullrushes (Delaroche)
Mouchy, duc de
Muhammad, Khalid
Müller, Adam
Müller, Eberhard
Münch-Bellinghausen (minister)
Murillo, Bartolomé Estebán
Musterreiter (Nussgeig)
Myth of the Twentieth Century, The (Rosenberg)

Napier, Charles
Naples, Kingdom of
Austrian intervention and
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Hundred Days of
Jews and
Napoleon III, Emperor of France
Napoleonic Wars
Narváez, General
Nassau, duchy of
Nassau-Saarbrücken, Prince of
Nathan the Wise (Lessing)
National Assembly, French
National Standard
Nation of Islam
Navarino, battle of
Nesselrode, Countess
Nesselrode, Karl Robert, Count von
Belgian crises and
1848 revolution and
Netscher, Gaspar
Neumann (Austrian ambassador)
New Court Fire Screen, A
New World Order, The (Robertson)
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia
Nigra, Constantino
Niles Weekly Register
Nixon, Richard M.
N. M. Rothschild, Esq. (Thackeray)
N. M. Rothschild & Sons
Normanby, Lord
Northumberland, Duke of
Nursery, The (Greuze)

Oath of Abjuration, British
O’Connell, Daniel
“On the Jewish Question” (Marx)
On the State of Europe before and after the French Revolution (Gentz)
On the Traffic in State Bonds (Bender)
On the Way to Smala (Vernet)
Oppenheim, Moritz Daniel
Oppenheim, Samuel
Oppenheim, Wolf Jakob
Order of St. John
Orléans, duc d’
Ostade, Isaac van
Osten, Prokesch von
Ostrolenka, battle of
Osy (banker)
Ottoman Empire
Eastern Question and
Greek uprisings and
Russia’s conflict with
Ouvrard, Gabriel-Julien
Owen, Robert

Pacioli, Luca
Paganini, Niccolò
Palack, Frantis’‘ek
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord
Palmerston, Lady
Papal states
Paris, First Treaty of (1815)
Paris, Second Peace of
Parish, David
Parish, John
Parish & Co.
Parliament, British
Parma, duchy of
Parting Kiss, The (Greuze)
Patti, Adelina
Peace of Lunéville (1801)
Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil
Peel, Robert
financial reforms of
Peers, House of, French
Peninsular War
Perceval, Spencer
Percy, Henry
Père Goriot, Le (Balzac)
Pereira, Ludwig von
Pereire, Emile
Pereire, Isaac
Périer, Casimir
Peyrefitte, Roger
Philippson, Ludwig
Picciotto, Isaac de
Picot, François-Edouard
“Pictures from Frankfurt,”
Piedmont-Sardinia, Kingdom of
Pillar of the Exchange, A ( Jones)
Pitt, William
Pius IX, Pope
Place, Francis
Poèmes et légendes (Heine)
anti-Russian revolt in
Polignac, Jules de
Pompidou, Georges
Ponto, Erich
Portrait of Emma, Lady Hamilton (Romney)
Portrait of the Hon. Francis Duncombe (Gainsborough)
Portrait of Master Braddyl (Reynolds)
Portrait of Miss Meyer as Hebe (Reynolds)
Portrait of Mrs Lloyd (Reynolds)
Portrait of Mrs Sheridan (Gainsborough)
Portrait of a Nobleman (Hals)
Portrait of a Young Man (Rembrandt)
Canning and
dynastic conflict in
Rothschild loans to
Potocki, Stanislas
Potter, Paulus
Pozzi di Borgio, Carlo Andrea
Pragmatic Sanction, Spanish (1789)
Pressburg, Treaty of (1805)
Prevost-Marcilhacy, Pauline
Preye & Jordis
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Protocol Society in an Uproar, The
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Belgian question and
1848 revolution in
Household Law of
Nathan’s subsidy deal with
post-Napoleonic Wars loans by
restrained borrowing by
Rothschild loans of 1830 to
State Debt Decree of
Public Works Ministry, French
Pückler-Muskau, Prince Hermann von
Nathan described by
Pynacker, Adam

Quadruple Alliance
Queensberry, Duke of

Radetzky, Joseph
Radius (clerk)
Raikes, Thomas
railway construction and investment
anti-Rothschild criticism and
in Austria
1847-48 banking crisis and
1848 revolution and
Fampoux derailment disaster and
in France
in Germany
impact of
in Italy
London house and
Rothschild interest in
Rothschild role in
vertical integration strategy and
Ranke, Leopold von
Raspail (socialist)
Ratti-Menton, comte de
Razumovski, Prince
Reeves, John
“Reflections at the Grave of N. M. Rothschild, Esq.” (Heseltine)
Reform Bill of 1830, British
Reid, Irving & Co.
Reiss, Esriel
Rembrandt van Rijn
Remplin, Karl von Hahn zu
Response of Rothschild I, King of the Jews, to Satan the Last, King of the Impostors
Ressources de Quinola, Les (Balzac)
revolution of
in Britain
cholera epidemic and
in France
in Germany
in Hesse-Kassel
James’s financial experience during
Lionel’s description of
Louis-Philippe regime and
perceived power of the Rothschilds and
Reform Bill and
reform crisis and
revolution of
agrarian crises and
anti-Semitism and
banking crises and
central banks and
1830 revolution contrasted with
“June days” and
Louis-Napoleon and
nationalism and
onset of
railway investment and
Rothschilds as targets in
Rothschilds’ lack of influence and
Rothschilds’ recovery from
Rothschilds’ survival in
and threats to Rothschild properties
Reynolds, Joshua
Rheinische Eisenbahngesellschaft
Rhenish Confederation
Rice, Thomas Spring
Richelieu, duc de
Richmond, Duke of
Richtenberger, Lazare
Riepel, Franz Xavier
Rigny (French minister)
Rindskopf, Beer Nehm
Rindskopf, Nehm Beer
Ritter, Rosalie Dorothea
Robertson, Pat
Robespierre, Maximilien de
Robinson, Frederick
Romance of the Rothschilds, The (Balla)
Romancero (Heine)
Romney, George
Rosebery, Earl of
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosendaal Castle (van der Heyden)
Rossini, Gioacchino
Rother, Christian
Rothschild, Adèle Hannah Charlotte
Rothschild, Adelheid (daughter of Wilhelm Carl)
Rothschild, Adelheid Herz (wife of Carl)
Rothschild, Adolph
Rothschild, Alfred Charles de
Rothschild, Alphonse (Mayer Alphonse) de
Rothschild, Amschel Moses
cartoon of
character of
1848 revolution and
garden of
“Hep” riots and
Jewish emancipation issue and
lavish entertaining by
properties of
railway investment and
religious observance by
Rothschild, Anselm (son of Salomon)
education of
1848 revolution and
made full partner
Vienna house salvaged by
Rothschild, Anselm Alexander (son of Carl)
Rothschild, Anthony (Billy)
apprenticeship of
art collection of
horse-racing enthusiasm of
made full partner
marriage question and
rail disaster reaction of
railway investment and
Rothschild, Babette (Breunle)
Rothschild, Bettina Caroline
Rothschild, Betty (Isabella) (daughter of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Betty von (wife of James)
Balzac and
1848 revolution and
Heine and
Ingres’s portrait of
Rothschild, Carl (Kalman)
children of
conversion to Christianity repudiated by
de Medici and
on education
1848 revolution and
lavish entertaining by
Medici and
Neopolitan intervention and
papal audience of
personality of
real estate of
Rothschild, Caroline Julie (daughter of Anselm)
Rothschild, Caroline Stern (wife of Salomon)
Rothschild, Charlotte (daughter of Carl)
Hannah Mayer and
Rothschild, Charlotte (daughter of James)
Rothschild, Charlotte (daughter of Nathan)
Rothschild, Constance
Rothschild, Edmond
Rothschild, Emma Louise von
Rothschild, Eva Hanau
Rothschild, Evelina de
Rothschild, Ferdinand James
Rothschild, Gustave Salomon
Rothschild, Gutelche
Rothschild, Gutle Schnapper
Rothschild, Hannah Cohen (wife of Nathan)
Rothschild, Hannah Mathilde (daughter of Anselm)
Rothschild, Hannah Mayer (daughter of Nathan)
illness and death of
in marriage to Christian
as musician
Rothschild, Henrietta ( Jettchen)
Rothschild, James (Jacob)
accessibility of
in anti-Rothschild criticism
arts and
in Balzac’s fiction
Balzac’s relationship with
Bank of England’s 1839 crisis and
Belgian loans of 1838-39 and
cartoon of
children of
crisis of 1831and
derailment disaster and
1830 revolution and
1848 revolution and
excluded from French reparation loans
France’s Spanish intervention and
French loans of 1831-32 and
Hannah Mayer’s apostasy and
Heine in conversation with
Heine’s description of
Heine’s relationship with
Herzen’s friendship with
honors awarded to
hunting enthusiasm of
Iberian conflicts, loans and
intelligence of
lavish entertainment by
Louis-Philippe and
marriage of
Metternich and
Nat’s apprenticeship and
negotiating techniques discussed by
Nesselrode’s anecdote on
Netherlands-Belgium question and
ostentatiousness of
Paris fortification project and
personality of
Prussian subsidies and
railway investment and
real estate of
religious observance by
social, cultural pursuits of
social graces lacked by
succession issue and
Tommaso affair and-
underlings as treated by
U.S. agency debate and
Viktor Metternich’s description of
Rothschild, James Edouar (son of Alphonse)
Rothschild, James Edouard (son of Nat)
Rothschild, Jeanette (Schönche)
Rothschild, Jonas
Rothschild, Juliana Cohen
Rothschild, Julie (Gotton)
death of
Rothschild, Kalman (brother of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Kalman (great-grandfather of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Laura Thérèse
Rothschild, Leonora
Rothschild, Lionel de
art collection of
1830 revolution described by
1848 banking crisis and
1848 revolution and
Frankfurt disliked by
hunting enthusiasm of
Irish famine relief and
“Lycurgus cup” owned by
made partner
marriage of
Nathan’s illness and death and
in Piedmont
portrait of
Portuguese loans and
Spanish loans and
Tommaso affair and
Rothschild, Louisa Montefiore
Rothschild, Louise de
Rothschild, Mayer Alphonse, see Rothschild, Alphonse
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel (father of Nathan)
birth of
charity by
children of
cinematic representations of
death of
early business career of
education of
1810 partnership agreement and
Elector’s treasure myth and
familial unity and
first known balance sheet of
French Revolution and
George IV and
given title of court agent
growing wealth of
Jewish community and
legacy of
musical based on
Nathan’s correspondence with
in Nazi propaganda
numismatic interest of
personality of
political activism of
secrecy of
and transition of business to sons
in transition to banking
William IX’s relationship with
will of
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel (son of Nathan)
Rothschild, Mayer Carl
Rothschild, Miriam
Rothschild, Moses (grandfather of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Moses Amschel (brother of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Nathaniel (Nat) (son of Nathan)
apprenticeship of
1848 revolution and
Hannah Mayer’s marriage and
made partner
after Nathan’s death
railway investment and
Tommaso affair and
Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer (Natty) (son of Lionel)
Rothschild, Nathan Mayer
accounting procedures of
Alliance Assurance Company and
Austrian subsidy deal and
Bank Committee testimony of
Bank of England and
bribery as practiced by
Britain’s Napoleonic War financial crisis and
brothers’ relationship with
business methods of
caricatures of
charity by
children of
cinematic representations of
commemorations of
consul title of
contemporary perception of
crisis of 1825 and
in Don Juan
economic assertiveness of
education of children and
1830 revolution and
1836 partnership agreement and
in emigration to England
fictional representations of
financial leverage of
financial malpractice suits against
financial markets after death of
funeral of
Hebrew talisman legend and
Herries and
illness and death of
industrial finance and
insurance business and
Jewish emancipation issue and
lavish hospitality of
and loans to royalty
marriage of
Mayer Amschel’s correspondence with
Napoleonic Wars and
Netherlands-Belgium crisis and
obituary on
personality of
political connections of
portrait of
press and
prodigious memory of
Prussian subsidy deal and
Pückler’s description of
real estate of
reform crisis and
religious observance by
Russian loans and
Russian subsidy deal and
as smuggler
social rank as disregarded by
South American “bubble” and
Spanish loans and
sterling exchange rate speculation by
Thackeray’s verses on
tight-fistedness of
Times and
total wealth of
in transition to banking
“two chairs” joke and
Vansittart and
Waterloo myth and
Wellington and
will of
William IX’s British investments and
working mode of
Rothschild, Salomon Albert (son of Anselm)
Rothschild, Salomon James (son of James)
Rothschild, Salomon Mayer von
approachability of
Austrian loans of 1830-32 and
Austria’s Italian intervention and
Belgian crisis of 1838-39 and
Charlotte’s death and
children of
1848 banking crisis and
1848 revolution and
emancipation issue and
fictional portrayal of
fraternal unity and
Gentz and
Heine and
insolvency of
lavish entertainment by
Metternich and
Nathan’s relationship with
Nathan’s will and
personality of
Pressburg trip of
railway investment and
real estate of
religious observance by
social graces lacked by
Spanish loans and
vertical integration strategy used by
Rothschild, Victor
banking as defined by
Rothschild, Wilhelm Carl (son of Carl)
Rothschild & Cie Banque
“Rothschild and the Finances of Europe” (Weill)
Rothschild Brothers
Rothschild family:
agents of
Almadén mines deal and
anti-Semitic criticism of
arbitrage transactions by
art collections of
authors and
Balzac’s relationship with
Bank of England and
Baron title and
Belmont as agent for
Bethmann’s resentment of
bills of exchange as used by
Brazil and
bribery as used by
British consols sold by
brokers used by
brothers’ personal relationships within
bullion smuggling by
BUS affair and
business rivals’ resentment of
Canning’s tenure and
caricatures and cartoons of
central banks and
charity by
cinematic representations of
clerks of
coat of arms of
collecting penchant of
collective identity of
communications network of
competitors and
conspiracy theories and
conversion to Christianity repudiated by
couriers of
crises of 1831-32 and
crisis of 1836-39 and
education as seen by
1810 partnership agreement of
1815 partnership agreement of
1818 partnership agreement of
1825 partnership agreement of
1836 partnership agreement of
1848 “congress” of
1848 revolution and
elite pursuits of
as “the exceptional family,”
exchange rate speculation by
and expansion of partnership
fame of
Fampoux derailment disaster and
faulty accounting procedures of
female line excluded from business by
financial leverage and diplomacy and
fraternal strife within
fraternal unity and
French-Spanish intervention and
generational conflict in
as “gentlemen,”
George IV and
Hannah Mayer’s apostasy and
Hebrew talisman legend and
Heine’s relationship with
heirs and
honors, titles sought by
horse-racing enthusiasm of
horticultural passion of
hunting enthusiasm of
ideal of fraternity and
insurance business of
intermarriage strategy of
international bullion market and
Irish famine and
Jerusalem hospital scheme and
Jewish community and
Jewish emancipation issue and
land purchases by
lavish hospitality by
liberal criticism of
literary critiques of
London-Paris conflict and
male children preferred by
male descendants as inner circle of
motto of
as multinational partnership
music enthusiasm of
mythic status of
name origin of
national identity and
in Nazi propaganda
as “new money,”
nicknames used by
noble status of
outsiders and
parental rivalry among
pastimes of
perceived as reactionary
perceived power of
political dimension to criticism of
in popular literature
portraits of
Portuguese loans of
post-Napoleonic War finances and
postwar Austrian loans of
and preservation of Vienna house
press manipulated by
private correspondence of
privileged status of
profit sharing within
Prussian loans of 1830 and
rapid growth of
real estate acquisition by
religious observance by
royalty and
royalty in debt to
Russian loans of 1832 and
secrecy used by
social, cultural assimilation and
Spanish loans of
and le style Rothschild
succession debate in
system of cooperation of
Tommaso affair and
uniforms favored by
U.S. interests of
Rothschild I, his Valets and his People
Rothschild Frères, de
Rothschilds, Die (film)
Rothschilds, The: A European Family (museum exhibition)
Rothschilds, The: A Family of Fortune (Cowles)
Rothschilds, The: A Family Portrait (Morton)
Rothschilds, The: The Financial Rulers of Nations (Reeves)
Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty (Wilson)
Rothschild Wins at Waterloo (Müller)
Roworth, John
Royal Exchange, The (Cruikshank)
Rubens, Peter Paul
Ruisdael, Jacob van
Rumpf, Friedrich
Rüppell & Harnier
Russell, John
Russell, William
Russia, Imperial
crises of 1831and
Decembrist movement in
fiscal policy of 1834-41 of
Nathan’s subsidy deals with
Ottoman conflict with
Polish uprising and
Rothschild influence in
Rothschild loans of 1832 to
Ruysh, Rachel

St. Albans, Duke of
Saint-Simon, Henri de
Salisbury, Marquess of
Salomons, David
Salomons, Sheriff
Salomon Salomons
Salon, Der (Heine)
Sand, Karl
Sándor, Móric
Saphir (satirist)
Sarto, Andrea del
Sassoon, Siegfried
Savagner (police commissioner)
Savigny, Friedrick Karl von
Saxe-Coburg, Duke of
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, House of
Saxe-Meiningen, Prince of
Scharfenberg (agent)
Scheffer, Ary
Scherb, Friedrich von
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von
Schlemmer, Dr.
Schleswig, duchy of
Schlotheim, Caroline von
Schminke (Army Councillor)
Schnapper, Abraham
Schnapper, Anton
Schnapper, Mayer
Schnapper, Wolf Salomon
Schröder family
Schwarzenberg, Felix zu
Schwinner (Austrian official)
Scottish Free Church
“Scriptures for America,”
Sebastiani (French minister)
“Secret Committee on the Expediency of the Bank Resuming Cash Payments,”
Seven Years’ War
Shadow of a Great Man, The
Shaftesbury, Earl of
Sichel, Bernhard
Sichel, Juda
Simon G. Sina company
Simon of Trent
“Simplicissimus” (Heine)
Siroe (Metastasio)
Skolnick, Sherman H.
Smidt (Bremen Bürgermeister)
Smirke, Sydney
Smith, Payne & Smith
S. M. von Rothschild
Snake in the Grass: Love Unbinding the Zone of Beauty (Reynolds)
Société Commanditaire de l’Industrie
Société de Commerce de Bruxelles
Société de Secours
Société Générale
Société nationale pour enterprises industrielles et commerciales
Society for the Encouragement and Aid of Jewish Indigents
Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress
Sombart, Werner
Somerset, Duke of
Soult, Nicolas-Jean
South American “bubble,”
Southampton, Lord
Soviet Union
Almadén mines of
Cadiz mutiny in
Cortes constitution of
dynastic conflict in
French intervention in
Rothschild bond loans to
Speculation of 1870 to 1884, The (Chirac)
Speyer, Joseph Isaak
Splendours and Sorrows of Courtesans (Balzac)
Spohr, Louis
Städel, Johann Friedrich
Stadion-Warthausen, Johann von
Stafford, Marquess of
Standard Bearer, The (Rembrandt)
Stanley, Edward George, Lord
State Debt Decree (1819), Prussian
Steed, Henry Wickham
Stein, Baron vom
Steinmann, Friedrich
Stephenson, George
Stern, Caroline, see Rothschild, Caroline Stern
Stern, Fritz
Stewart, Charles
Stewart, Lord
Stockmar, Christian von
Strauss, Johann
Streicher, Julius
Stuart, Lord
“Study of Corporate and Banking Influence” (Allen)
Stüve, Johann
Surtees, Robert Smith
Sussex, Duke of
Süss-Oppenheimer, Joseph
Sutherland, Duke of
Széchényi, István
Széchényi, Layos

Talabot, Paulin
Talleyrand, Charles de
Talmud Torah in London Society
Tancred (Disraeli)
Tatichev (Russian ambassador)
Tay-Sachs disease
Ten Days in the Reign of Rothschild I, King of the Jews
Teniers, David (the Younger)
Thackeray, William Makepeace
verses on Nathan by
Thiard (spy)
Thiers, Adolphe
downfall of
Tommaso affair and
Thomson, Charles Poulett
Thornton, Henry
Thurneyssen, Auguste
Thurn und Taxis, Prince of
Thurn und Taxis family
Tierney, George
Tilsit, Treaty of
Times (London)
Hannah Mayer’s marriage in
Nathan’s obituary in
Nathan’s relationship with
Tischbein, Wilhelm
“To All Working People” (Eckart)
Tocsin des Travailleurs
Toleration, Edict of (1782)
Tolstoy, Leo
Tommaso, Father
Toreno (Spanish minister)
Torlonia (banker)
“To Rothschild” (Hugelmann)
Toussenel, Alphonse
“Travel Sketches” (Heine)
Travers, Benjamin
Treaty of Adrianople (1829)
Treaty of Chaumont (1814)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
Treaty of Paris, First (1815)
Treaty of Pressburg (1805)
Treaty of Tilsit
Treaty of Treplitz (1813)
Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi
Trianon, Edict of (1810)
Trollope, Anthony
Trollope, Frances
Troppau, Congress of
Turkey, see Ottoman Empire
Tuscany, Grand Duke of
“two chairs” joke
Two Sicilies, Kingdom of the

Ugarte, Count
Union Générale
United Diet (Landtag)
United States
Rothschild interest in
United Synagogue
Unkiar Skelessi, Treaty of
“Un petit train de plaisir (Comico Imitatif )” (Rossini)
Unser Verkehr
Untoward Event, An, or A Tory Triumph
Upper Italy, Kingdom of

Van Dyck, Anthony
Van Notten & Son
Vansittart, Nicholas
Vasters, Reinhold
Vatican Bank
Velazquez, Diego
Vermischte Schriften (Heine)
Vernet, Horace
Vernet, Jadin
Verona, Congress of
Victoria, Queen of England
Rothschild couriers used by
Vienna, Congress of
Jewish emancipation issue and
View on a Frozen River (Cuyp)
View of Haarlem (van der Heyden)
View from the Royal Exchange, A (Dighton)
Vigny, Alfred de
Villèle, comte de
bond conversion scheme and
Villiers, Charles
Virgin and Child (Luini)
Virtue Faltering (Greuze)
Vitrolles (French minister)
Voix du Peuple
Völkische Beobachter

Waagen, Gustav
Wagg, Alfred
Wagg, John
Wagner, Cosima
Wagner, Richard
Wagram, battle of
Wales, Prince of
Warburg (banking family)
Warburg, Paul
War on the Swindlers
Waschnek, Erich
Waterloo, myth of
Weber, Max
Weenix, Jan
Weill, Alexandre
Weimar, Duke of
Weissenberg (foreign minister)
Weisweiller, Daniel
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of
in anti-Rothschild cartoons
Jewish emancipation opposed by
as prime minister
reform crisis and
Rothschild banking relationship with
Wertheimstein, Leopold von
Werther (Prussian ambassador)
Westminster, Marquess of
Wilde, Oscar
William II, Elector of Hesse-Kassel
William II, Emperor of Germany
William IV, King of England
William IX, Landgraf and Elector of Hesse-Kassel
background and personality of
Mayer Amschel’s relationship with
Napoleonic Wars and
Williams & Co.
Wilson, Derek
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson & Co.
Windischgrätz, Alfred zu
Wise Men of the East and the Marquiss of the West, The
Witkowitz Ironworks
Wittgenstein, Prince
Wolf, Lucien
Wolzogen, General von
Wood, Charles
World War I,
Worms, Benedikt Moses
Wouwermans, Philips
Wright & Co.
Wynant, Jan

York, Frederick Augustus, Duke of
Young Lady with her Page (ter Borch)

Zanuck, Darryl
Zichy-Ferraris, Melanie
Zionists, Zionism
Zola, Emile
Zucker, Mordechai