Shear is fundamental to how bending members resist load. It holds the layers of a member together, causing them to act as one. This chapter will focus on how we size beams for shear force. We will look at the direct shear method and introduce tension field action.
Let’s take a moment and conceptually understand the fundamentals of shear behavior. You are likely familiar with the action scissors make when cutting paper or fabric. The blades are perpendicular to the material, going in opposite directions. This creates a tearing of the material like that shown in Figure 5.1. In beam shear, the action is similar, but the movement of material is parallel to the length of the beam. The top portion moves relative to the bottom, illustrated in Figure 5.2. Shear stress is zero at the top and bottom edge, and a maximum at the middle, shown in Figure 5.3.
Shear strength is fundamentally tied to bending strength and stiffness. If we take a stack of paper and lay it across two supports, it sags (Figure 5.4a), unable to carry even its own load. If we glue each strip of paper together, we get a beam with enough strength and stiffness to carry a reasonable load, as shown in Figure 5.4b.
5.1 Stability
Web buckling can occur when it becomes too slender, creating a reduction in strength. This is handled in two ways, direct method and tension field action. For direct shear, we multiply the shear strength by the web shear coefficient Cv, discussed in the next section. This keeps the stresses low enough to avoid buckling the web.
In tension field action, the web buckles, but we add web stiffeners to prevent collapse. To understand this, we look at the shear force on a small portion of the web, illustrated in Figure 5.5a. The shear forces are parallel to the applied load, and balance each other. Turning the force block 45 degrees, the forces resolve into compression, causing the web to buckle, and tension, providing strength—opposite of what we want in concrete. Figure 5.6 shows this phenomenon in a test specimen.
Reprinted with permission, Structure magazine, September 2014
Tension field action creates a pseudo truss. The buckled web creates diagonal tension members, while the stiffeners provide vertical compression elements, illustrated in Figure 5.7. This approach is highly efficient and often used in deep highway girders, where the webs are slender. Sometimes the sun hits these girders in a way that you can see a slight ripple in the web.
5.2 Capacity
5.2.1 Direct Shear
In the direct shear method, we proportion the web to carry the forces without buckling. Nominal shear strength Vn is given by
(5.1) |
- Fy = tension yield strength, lb/in2 (MN/m2)
- Aw = web area = dtw
- Cv = web shear coefficient.
The 0.6 accounts for the fact that shear yield occurs at approximately 60% of the tension yield strength. The web area is taken as the thickness of the web times the full member depth. The web shear coefficient depends on the slenderness, as follows:
For rolled I-shaped members:
(5.2) |
For all other shapes, except round HSS:
(5.3) |
(5.4) |
h = clear distance between flanges, in (mm), shown in Figure 5.8.
tw = web thickness, in (mm)
E = modulus of elasticity, 29,000 k/in2 (200 GN/m2)
Fy = tension yield stress, k/in2 (MN/m2)
kv = 5 for h/tw <260
= 10 for web stiffeners spaced at h
= 25 for web stiffeners spaced at h/2.
The strength reduction factor for direct shear ϕ is 0.9, except for rolled I-shapes, when
Interestingly, most rolled shapes in the Steel Manual have compact webs with Cv = 1.0.
5.2.2 Torsion
Torsional moments occur when loads are eccentric to a members shear center. For wide flange and hollow structural shapes, this is the centerline of the member, for channels it is away from the web, and for angles at the centerline of the leg parallel to the force, illustrated in Figure 5.9.
When the load is not applied to the shear center, the member will twist, like the channel show in Figure 5.10.
For open shapes like wide flanges and channels, it is best to avoid torsion, as they have low torsion strength. Closed shapes, like HSS, carry torsion efficiently. We will look at the strength equations for rectangular HSS. For open shapes, see AISC Design Guide 9.1 The nominal torsion capacity Tn for HSS is given by Equation 5.5.
(5.5) |
Fcr = critical torsion stress, lb/in2 (MN/m2)
C = torsion parameter, in3 (mm3), see Table A1.4
The critical torsion stress is a function of wall slenderness (Equation 5.6).
(5.6) |
The strength reduction factor for torsion ϕ is 0.9.
Initial Sizing
To help you select a beam large enough to carry a given shear load Vu, Table 5.1 provides the shear strength ϕVn for various beam sizes and web areas.
5.3 Demand vs Capacity
5.3.1 Direct Shear
Once we have the shear capacity ϕVn we compare it to the shear demand Vu. If ϕVu ≥ Vu, the member has adequate shear capacity.
The shear force distribution in a beam depends on support conditions and loading. In a single-span, simply supported beam, with a uniform distributed load, the shear stress is zero at the middle and maximum at the ends. A cantilever is the opposite, with maximum force at the supported end. A multi-span beam has maximum shear at the supports. These are illustrated in Figure 5.11.
5.3.2 Torsion
Similar to direct shear, once we calculate the torsion capacity ϕTTn, we compare it to the shear demand Tu. If ϕTTn ≥ Tu, the member has adequate torsion capacity.
5.4 Deflection
Shear action contributes little to bending deflection—usually only 3–5%—and can be ignored. Refer to Chapter 4 for additional discussion on deflections calculations and acceptance criteria.
Torsion deflection, on the other hand, can have a substantial effect on deflections, particularly when other members cantilever from torsion members.
5.5 Detailing
Detailing considerations for shear are similar to those found in Chapter 8 for connections. Keep in mind shear force is a maximum near supports and at the mid-height of the cross-section. Any field modifications for piping or conduit in these areas will reduce shear strength and should be carefully evaluated by a professional engineer.
5.6 Design Steps
- Step 1Draw the structural layout, include span dimensions and tributary width
- Step 2Determine Loads
- – Unit Loads
- – Load Combinations yielding a line load
- – Member maximum shear demand
- Step 3Identify Material Parameters
- Step 4Estimate initial size or use size from bending and deflection check
- Step 5Calculate capacity and compare to demand
- Step 6Summarize the results
5.7 Design Example
5.7.1 Direct Shear Example
Building on the beam example in Chapter 4, we will now check the shear capacity of the wide flange beam where the span has been doubled, due to a column interference, as shown in Figure 5.12. This gives us a beam span L of 60 ft (18.3 m).
See the example in Chapter 4 for steps 1 to 2b. In this case, we don’t have the point loads on our beam.
Step 2c Determine Member Shear Demand
We are only concerned with the maximum shear, which occurs at the ends. Using the formulas in Appendix 2, and wu = 2.38 k/ft (34.2 kN/m), we see half the total beam load is supported at each end.
Step 3 Material Parameters
Because we are a using a wide flange beam, our yield stress is
Step 4 Initial Size
Choosing a W30 × 116 (W760 × 173), which is reasonable for bending, we know
This yields a web area Aw of
Step 5 Capacity
We now find the nominal shear capacity Vn. First, though we need to know what Cv is. We begin by finding h/tw. We can conservatively take h as
Note the small difference is due to roundoff error in the conversions. We now compare this to
We can now calculate nominal shear capacity.
Comparing this to the shear demand Vu, we see our beam is OK. Dividing the demand by capacity, we get a demand–capacity ratio of 0.14, meaning the web is only 14% utilized. Low DCRs for shear are common for wide flange bending members.
Step 6 Summary
Our W30 × 116 (W760 × 173) beam works.
5.7.2 Built-up Web Shear Example
Because our web works so easily, let’s now look at a built-up girder. Following the previous example, we jump to Step 4, and determine the member geometry.
Step 4 Initial Size
Keeping the depth the same as the rolled section in the previous example, we will use a flange plate thickness tf of 1.0 in (25.4 mm). Based on this, we find h, illustrated in Figure 5.13.
We will guess a web thickness tw of 0.25 in (6.0 mm). Remember, plate thicknesses need to be standard sizes so they are readily available.
This yields a web area Aw of
Step 5 Capacity
Finding h/tw
Taking kv = 5.0, we now compare this to
Now to get the nominal shear capacity:
Because this is a built up shape, ϕ 0.9,
Unfortunately, our capacity ϕVn is below the shear demand Vu, and our beam does not work. We can jump to the next plate size 5/16 in (8 mm) and know our web will work just fine. Perhaps you can determine the DCR for this thicker plate.
Step 6 Summary
A 5/16 in (8 mm) web plate works without stiffeners.
5.7.3 Torsion Example
Let’s now look at a canopy frame that induces torsion and shear in its supporting member, shown in Figure 5.14.
Step 1 Draw Structural Layout
The canopy is supported by a HSS section on the exterior building grid and cantilevers out to cover the building entrance, shown in Figure 5.14. Key geometric values of the grid HSS are:
Step 2 Determine Loads
Step 2a Unit Loads
The unit loads are as follows:
Step 2b Load Combination
Because this is located in a region where it snows a lot, the snow load dominant combination will control. Multiplying the factored unit load by the canopy width Lt we find the line load wu,
Step 2c Determine Member Demands
We will look at the maximum shear and torsion, which occurs at the ends.
Shear demand Vu is
The torsion demand Tu is similar but we add the torque arm lcant into the equation
Step 3 Material Parameters
Because we are a using a rectangular HSS member, our yield stress is
Step 4 Initial Size
The following equation gives us a quick way to get the required torsion parameter C,
The 0.45 is an estimate to account for the shear stress reduction and direct shear in the member. We’ll see how close it gets us:
Looking at Table A1.4, we see a HSS of 12 × 12 × 3/8 (HSS 304.8 × 304.8 × 9.5) has a larger C value:
Input geometric information is as follows:
For direct shear, these yield a web area Aw of
Step 5 Capacity
We now find the nominal shear and torsion capacities Vn and Tn. First, though we need to look at local web buckling. We begin by finding h/t:
For direct shear, we compare this to
For torsion, we compare h/t to
Essentially the same limit as direct shear. Which makes sense, as we are looking at local buckling and shear force in the same direction.
Almost there. We can now calculate nominal shear and torsion capacity. For shear we get,
Applying the strength reduction factor of ϕ = 0.9,
Now a similar process for torsion capacity ϕTTn. The shape is compact, so we use the following equation for critical torsion stress Fcr
Applying the strength reduction factor of ϕT = 0.9,
Because we are checking two failure modes that act at the same place, we use the following interaction equation:
Plugging in our numbers we get
Because we are less than 1.0, our combined shear and torsion member is acceptable. Circling back around to our estimate of C, we see we may have been unnecessarily conservative. However, we have not checked deflection, and it is possible this will control the design, as any rotation will be greatly amplified at the end of the canopy. But for now, we know the tube is strong enough.
Step 6 Summary
The HSS12 × 12 × 3/8 (HSS304.8 × 304.8 × 9.5) works for strength.
5.8 Where We Go From Here
This chapter provides the basis of the direct shear method and torsion for closed shapes. From here we can expand our understanding of shear in slender web elements and tension field action. This provides reductions in web members of built-up girders. We can further understand torsion in open shapes by consulting texts on advanced mechanics of materials,2 which use the soap film analogy to find torsional shear stress.
1. Seaburg, P.A., Carter, C.J., Torsional Analysis of Structural Steel Members, Steel Design Guide 9 (Chicago: American Institute of Steel Construction, 1997).
2. Cook, R.D., Young, W.C., Advanced Mechanics of Materials (Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1985).