Table A8.1 Symbols

Symbol Definition Imperial Metric
#b bending (flexure) property or action vary  
#c compression property or action vary  
#D dead load-related action vary  
#L live load-related action vary  
#n nominal capacity vary  
#S snow load-related action vary  
#t tension property or action vary  
#u factored load, any type vary  
#v shear property or action vary  
#W wind load-related action vary  
a fillet weld leg size in mm
A area in2 mm2
Ab nominal unthreaded bolt cross-section area in2
mm2 Ae effective area in2
mm2 Ag gross cross section area
in2 mm2 Agv gross shear
area in2 mm2 An
net cross section area in2 mm2
Ant net tension area in2 mm2
Anv net shear area in2 mm2
Areq required area in2 mm2
Aw web area in2 mm2
Awe effective weld area in2 mm2
B width of HSS in mm
b width of unstiffened compression element in mm
b’ material cantilever in prying in mm
bf flange width in mm
C compression lb or k N, kN, MN
C HSS torsion parameter in3 mm3
Cb lateral torsional buckling factor unitless  
CE carbon equivalent %  
Cv web shear buckling coefficient unitless  
Cw torsion warping factor unitless  
d nominal bolt diameter in mm
d depth in mm
D dead load k, k/ft, k/ft2 lb, lb/ft, lb/ft2 kN, kN/m, kN/m2 N, N/m, N/m2
E modulus of elasticity lb/in2 GN/m2, GPa
E seismic load lb or k N, kN, MN
e eccentricity in mm
F stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fcr critical stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fe elastic buckling stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
FEXX weld filler metal strength classification lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fn nominal fastener stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fnt nominal fastener tensile stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fnv nominal fastener shear stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fnw nominal weld metal stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fu nominal tensile stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
Fy nominal yield stress lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
g gage in mm
G shear modulus of elasticity lb/in2 MN/m2, MPa
h story height ft m
h clear distance between flanges minus fillets in mm
H HSS depth in mm
ho distance between flange centroids in mm
I, Ix, Iy moment of inertia in4 mm4
ID inside diameter in mm
J torsion factor in4 mm4
K effective length factor unitless  
kv shear buckling coefficient unitless  
L live load k, k/ft, k/ft2 lb, lb/ft, lb/ft2 kN, kN/m, kN/m2, N, N/m N/m2
L span length ft m
l connection length in mm
Lb length between points of lateral beam bracing ft m
Lc effective length factor in mm
lc clear distance between edge of material and hole in mm
Lo base live load k, k/ft, k/ft2, lb lb/ft, lb/ft2 kN, kN/m, kN/m2,, N N/m, N/m2
Lp limiting laterally unbraced length for plastic flexural yielding ft m
Lr limiting laterally unbraced length for elastic flexural yielding ft m
Lt tributary width ft m
lw weld length in mm
Mp plastic flexural capacity k-ft kN-m
Mr flextural capacity at elastic transition k-ft kN-m
Mu flexural moment demand k-ft kN-m
My moment at yield k-ft kN-m
n number, quantity unitless  
OD outside diameter in mm
P point load, axial compression k kN, MN
p tributary length to fastener in mm
Pn nominal compression capacity k kN, MN
Pu factored compression demand k kN, MN
q, qx area unit load, pressure lb/ft2, k/ft2 N/m2, kN/m2
r radius of a circle or cylinder in, ft mm, m
R response modification factor for seismic force unitless
R, R# reaction lb or k N, kN, MN
Rn nominal connection strength k kN, MN
Rt ratio of expected to specified ultimate strength unitless
rts effective radius of gyration in mm
rx, ry, rz radius of gyration in mm
Ry ratio of expected to specified yield strength unitless  
S snow load k, k/ft, k/ft2, lb, lb/ft, lb/ft2 kN, kN/m, kN/m2, N, N/m, N/m2
s spacing in mm
S, Sx, Sy elastic section modulus in3 mm3
T tension lb or k N, kN, MN
t thickness in mm
tdes design thickness in mm
te fillet weld throat in mm
tf flange thickness in mm
tmin minimum thickness to ignore prying in mm
Tn nominal tension capacity k kN
Tu factored tension demand k kN
Tu factored torsion demand k-ft kN-m
tw web thickness in mm
U shear lag factor unitless  
Ubs shear lag factor for block shear unitless  
V shear lb or k N, kN, MN
Vn nominal shear capacity k kN
Vu factored shear demand k kN
vu unit shear lb/ft kN/m
w width in mm
w line load, or uniform load lb/ft kN/m
W wind load k, k/ft, k/ft2, lb, lb/ft, lb/ft2 kN, kN/m, kN/m2, N, N/m, N/m2
W weight lb or k N, kN, MN
W diaphragm width ft m
wD line dead load lb/ft kN/m
wL line live load lb/ft kN/m
wS line snow load lb/ft kN/m
wu factored line load lb/ft kN/m
x geometric axis, distance along axis unitless  
x ¯ connection eccentricity in mm
y geometric axis, distance along axis unitless  
z geometric axis, distance along axis unitless  
Z, Zx, Zy plastic section modulus in3 m3
Δ drift in mm
δ deflection in mm
δ a allowable deflection in mm
ε strain unitless  
φ strength reduction factor unitless
γ unit weight lb/ft3 kN/m3
λ r plastic slenderness parameter unitless  
λ ρ compact slenderness parameter unitless   

1) # indicates a general case of symbol and subscript, or subscript and symbol. It can be replaced with a letter or number, depending on how you want to use it. For example R# may become RV for a vertical reaction. Similarly, #c may become Pc, indicating a compressive point load.