“What is it? You look like you’ve just seen your own ghost.”
A desperate ache lanced through Seregil as he looked down into Alec’s dark blue eyes.
Damn you, Nysander!
“I can’t tell you, talí. because I’d only have to lie,” he said, suddenly dejected. “I’m going to do something now, and you’re going to watch and say nothing.”
Taking the final page of the manuscript, he twisted it into a tight squib and tossed it into the fire.
“But what about Nysander?” Alec asked. “What will you tell him?”
“Nothing, and neither will you.”
“We’re not betraying him. You have my oath. I believe he already knows what we just learned, but he can’t know that you know. Not until I tell you it’s safe. Understand?”
“More secrets,” Alec said, looking solemn and unhappy.
“Yes, more secrets. I need your trust in this, Alec. Can you give it?”