Through the next week the dreary Klesin rains rolled in off the sea in earnest, melting away the last of the filthy snow still lingering in the shelter of alleyways and corners, and insuring that Seregil and his company were perpetually damp.

Tym kept watch over the Sailmaker Street house, but reported nothing beyond Rythel’s expected movements between there and the sewer site.

Work for the Rhíminee Cat—a papers job—came in at midweek. This fell to Alec, who spent the next few days scouting the household of a certain lord whose estranged wife wanted certain papers stolen. During the evenings, however, he became a welcome regular at the Hammer and Tongs. Whether Rythel would remain in his uncle’s shop once the work was completed seemed to be a matter of speculation, though it was unclear whether this was grounded in some hint from Rythel or mere wishful thinking on the part of the other smiths.

Meanwhile, Seregil set to work on the connection between the smith and Lord General Zymanis, but his discreet inquiries yielded little beyond what Nysander had already told them. A young valet had disappeared four months before, but there was no evidence that he’d stolen anything.

At week’s end the winds changed, shredding the clouds into tatters of vermilion and gold against the late afternoon sky.

“Rythel will be going out soon. What’s the plan, for tonight?” asked Alec, gazing out the window beside the workbench.

Seregil looked up from a pick he’d been repairing and smiled. The slanting sunlight bathed Alec’s profile as he leaned against the window frame, striking fiery glints in his hair and casting his cheekbones and the folds of his clothing into fine relief. A painter should capture him like that, all light and eagerness.

“What are we going to do?” Alec asked again, turning to look at him.

“Since we don’t have any new information, I think I’ll shadow him this time,” Seregil replied, sliding the pick back into Alec’s tool roll and handing it to him. “Why don’t you go ahead with that papers job for Lady Hylia?”

Alec grinned. “On my own?”

“You’ve done all the legwork. You’re sure Lord Estmar will be away until tomorrow?”

“That’s what his cook says. It looks like an easy job, too. Lady Hylia’s instructions to the Cat said the papers she wants are hidden in the wine cellar. The door leading down to it is in the second pantry, which has a decent-sized window.”

“All the same, take your time and be careful,” Seregil cautioned. “The cook knows your face. You can’t afford to get caught.”

“I know, I know,” Alec muttered happily, only half listening as he checked his tools and tucked the roll away in his coat. “I expect I’ll be done by midnight, in case you need me later on.”

“I’ll look for you here if I do.”

Either he’s following some plan, or he’s the most dismally predictable spy in Rhíminee, Seregil thought, watching from a discreet distance as Rhythel went into the Heron.

A few coins to the doorkeeper, Stark, bought Seregil hourly reports on the goings-on inside. Rythel asked after Lord Seregil and expressed regret at not finding him among the company. He soon consoled himself by falling in with another young noble, the son of Lady Tytiana, Mistress of the Queen’s Wardrobe. They parted company early, however, and Seregil shadowed him to the Maiden’s Laugh, a moderately respectable tavern and brothel near the center of the city. Settling in with the tavern crowd downstairs, Seregil soon charmed a weary tap girl into confiding which girl Rythel had gone up with, which room was hers, and that he’d paid for the entire night.

After giving the pair time to settle in, Seregil slipped through the boisterous crowd and made his way unnoticed up the stairs to a dim third-floor corridor. Waiting until he was alone in the passage, he went to the door at the end of it and peered through the keyhole.

Inside, Rythel and his woman were attending earnestly to business. The tiny room had no window or other exit that Seregil could see.

Paid for the whole night, did you? Seregil thought, stealing back the way he’d come.

Outside, he unhobbled his mare and glanced up at the moon; just past midnight. Alec was probably back by now, waiting for word from him. Gathering the reins, he headed for the Cockerel.

Alec was home. Seregil found him pacing morosely in front of the fire. He was still wearing his cloak, and there were twigs and dead leaves tangled in his hair.

“Problem with the job?”

Alec paused, scowling. “Lord Estmar is out for the night, but his new lady friend isn’t. Seems she decided to have a few hundred friends in while he’s gone. The whole damn place was lit up bright as noon. I skulked around the garden for hours, thinking things might die down. I gave up when fresh musicians showed up just before midnight. Anything new with Rythel?”

“Only his choice of whores,” Seregil replied. “Come on. I’ve had enough of trailing around after this bastard. Show me this map of his.”

“All right.” Alec arched an eyebrow knowingly, then went to his bed and pulled a coil of rope from beneath it. “And this time, I’m prepared.”

•  •  •

Galloping through the darkened city under a wan, lopsided moon, Alec felt a hunter’s thrill of anticipation. The seemingly fruitless days of stalking Rythel wouldn’t be wasted if they could use him and his map to bring down larger game. And for once, he was the one to lead. He was rather proud of himself for finding the hollowed bedpost on his own and was looking forward to showing Seregil.

Just as they came within sight of the Sea Market, however, one of Nysander’s tiny message spheres materialized suddenly in front of Seregil. Although Alec could not hear it, he knew by the way his friend reined sharply to a halt that there was about to be a change in plans.

“What did he say?” he asked when the little light had winked out.

Seregil pushed his hood back and Alec saw that he was frowning. “He wants us at the Queen’s Palace immediately. He didn’t say why, just that I should come right away, and bring you if you’re with me.”

“Damn! Look, you could go back and I’ll meet you—”

“He asked for both of us.”

“But what about the map? And what if Rythel does come back and then heads out somewhere else?”

“I know, I know—” Seregil shrugged. “But Watchers can’t ignore a summons to the Palace. Besides, Rythel’s out for the night and Tym’s clever enough to keep an eye on things until we get back. Come on now. Back we go!”

But Rythel did return to Sailmaker Street, and not long after Seregil and Alec turned back toward the Palace.

What the bloody hell are you doing home on this fine night? Tym thought. More surprising yet was the fact that the smith was not alone. A lantern still burned over the door and by its light Tym caught a glimpse of the two men with him. They had their hoods pulled forward, but the gleam of their fine boots in the lamplight told him they were not denizens of the area. Reaching behind him, he gave a rough shake to the small ragged boy dozing against the alley wall just behind him.

“Skut, wake up, damn you!”

The child jerked up, instantly tense and alert. “Yeah, Tym?”

“You ever see any gentleman types go in there?”

“Naw, nothing like that.”

Watching a house was child’s work, and it hadn’t taken Tym long to find a child to help him do it. Having survived to the lucky old age of nine, scrawny, gap-toothed little Skut knew all the Folk as well as he did himself and feared Tym’s wrath enough to be dependable. It was Skut, in fact, who’d spotted a gaterunner called Pry the Beetle late that same afternoon while Tym was off to his supper. The Beetle had shown up soon after the smith returned from work that evening and, by Skut’s estimation, stayed long enough for a decent conversation.

Learning this, Tym had gone off again to track the Beetle down and soon found him already half-drunk in one of the filthy waterfront stews the runner frequented. A little silver loosened the man’s tongue and Tym judged the resulting information well worth the price. It seemed a certain tenant on the top floor of the Sailmaker Street house was buying information about the sewers, information only a Scavenger or runner was privy to, so to speak. Tym allowed himself a wolfish grin; that was just the sort of information Lord Seregil might loosen his purse strings for.

Returning to Sailmaker Street, he’d settled in for another uneventful evening, but here was something else unexpected. And lucrative, no doubt.

He waited until light showed through a chink in the shutters of the smith’s room, then turned to Skut again.

“I’m going up for a listen. You keep your eyes open down here and give the signal if anyone comes along that might see me,” he whispered, punctuating his instructions to the boy with a light cuff over the ear. “You doze off while I’m up there and I’ll strangle you with your own guts, you hear?”

“I ain’t never dozed on nobody,” Skut hissed back resentfully.

Unwittingly following the same route Alec had taken several days before, Tym clambered up the rickety wooden stairs at the back of the house and crept over the slates to the edge of the roof just over Rythel’s window. Stretched out on his belly, he peered carefully over for an upside-down view of the window below. A crack at the top of the left shutter showed only a thin slice of the room, but he could just make out scraps of the conversation going on inside.

“Three more days.” That was the smith; Tym had heard him speak in the street.

“Well done,” said another man. “You’ll be well rewarded.”

“I have another letter, as well.”

“Are you certain no one—” a third man broke in, and this voice carried a strong Plenimaran accent.

Tym heard movement inside and the voices dropped too low for him to make out. Cursing silently, he kept still, hoping they’d move closer to the window.

He was just wondering if he should chance opening the shutter a bit more for a peek when some inner alarm sent an uncomfortable prickle down his spine. Gripping the lead gutter with one hand, his knife in the other, he twisted sharply around, scanning back up the steep pitch of the roof.

There, just to the left of a chimney pot, the black outline of a head was visible above the roof peak.

More of the figure rose up, moving with uncanny silence.

There’s something wrong about him, was Tym’s first thought.

The other stood in full view now, a long black stain against the starry sky. He looked unusually tall, and he didn’t move right, either. There was none of the ungainliness of a cripple—and what in hell would a cripple be doing up here?—but a queer set to the shoulders of the silhouette, the crooked thrust of the torso over the legs—

The other suddenly jerked his head in Tym’s direction. The thief could still make out no more than the stranger’s outline, but he knew instinctively that he’d been spotted.

The figure stooped, bent down as if making Tym a ridiculously low bow. But that was not the end of it, and Tym’s mouth suddenly went dry.

The other somehow curled himself downward, arms still at his sides, until his hooded head touched the roof slates below his feet. Down he went, and down, sinuous as an eel—chest, belly, legs, all bent at angles chillingly wrong. And like some huge and loathsome eel, the long black shape began slithering down toward him.

A coldness that had nothing to do with the weather reached Tym, driving a numbing ache into his bones that left his hands as stiff and useless as an old man’s. Still, it wasn’t until the stench hit him that he began to suspect the sort of nightmare that was bearing down on him.

For the first time in his hard, rough life, Tym screamed, but the ignominious sound came out of his throat as a faint, futile squeak.

The thing came to a halt scant inches away from where he crouched and coiled upright again.

Instinct overrode terror. Still clutching his knife, though he could scarcely feel it in his fist, Tym lunged up and slashed at the apparition and felt his hand pass through a vacant coldness where the thing’s chest should have been. The attack overbalanced him on the slick slates and he crouched again, wobbling for balance.

The black thing hovered motionless for a moment, radiating its icy stench. Then it laughed, a thick, bubbling laugh that made Tym think of rotting, bloated corpses floating in foul water.

The hideous thing raised long, wrong-jointed arms and he braced for a blow.

But it didn’t strike at him.

It pushed.

Standing faithful watch in the shadow of the alley, Skut saw a dark form topple from the roof. Plummeting down, headfirst, the falling man struck the cobbled pavement of the yard with a dull thud.

Skut froze, waiting for an outcry. When none came, he crept out to the body, squinting down at it in the waning moonlight.

Tym was unmistakably dead. His head had been smashed into a terrible lopsided shape. His chest was caved in like a broken basket.

Skut stared down in shocked disbelief for an instant, then burst into tears of frustration. The bastard hadn’t paid him yet!

Tym carried no purse, no valuables. Even his long knife was missing from its sheath.

Wiping his nose on his arm, Skut gave the body a final, furious kick and disappeared into the night.

The Nightrunner #02 - Stalking Darkness