THE GUIDE that follows is designed to be helpful to
the general reader. It in no sense represents a definitive, correct
version of how to pronounce every word, and indeed, in many cases,
no such correct rendering exists. For in modern Irish, there are
often two different, regional pronunciations for a single word, and
the spelling and pronunciation in Old Irish may be different yet
again. Thus the May festival known to modern Irish as Bealtaine,
and described during the ancient period in the novel, is in fact
Beltaine in Old Irish, and would be pronounced Bell-ti-ne.
But since the modern form is widely familiar, it is that form which
is given here. The following list, therefore, represents, it is
hoped, a sensible compromise.
A -ch indicates a soft sound, like that
at the end of the Scottish word loch. A final -h
indicates a similar sound, but much softer, hardly sounded at
Each syllable is usually pronounced separately in
Irish words, and this is clearly shown. The stressed syllable is in
capital letters.
Amairgen |
AV-irr-gen |
Armagh |
Arm-AAH |
Ath Cliath |
Aw KLEE-ah |
Bachall Iosa |
BO-chal EE-o-sa |
Bealtaine |
Be-AL-ti-ne |
brehon |
BRE-hon |
Brian Boru |
Brian Bo-ROO |
Brigid |
BRIG-id |
Brodar |
BRU-dar |
Caoilinn |
KAY-lin |
Carmun |
KOR-mun |
Cessair |
KE-sar |
Chi-Rho |
Kiy-Row |
Clontarf |
Klon-TARF |
Colum-Cille |
KUL-um-KIH-le |
Conall |
KON-al |
Connacht |
KON-aht |
Cormac |
KOR-mak |
Cuailnge |
KOOL-ne |
Cuchulainn |
Koo-HU-lang |
currach |
KUR-ah |
curragh |
KUR-ah |
Dagda |
DAG-tha |
Dal Cais |
Dal Gash |
Deirdre |
DARE-dra |
derbfine |
De-re-VI-ne |
Diarmait |
DEER-mat |
Dubh Linn |
Doov Lin |
Dyflin |
DIF-lin |
Eriu |
E-ri-oo |
Eva |
EE-fa |
feis |
Fesh |
fili |
FEE-lee |
filidh |
FEE-leeh |
Fingal |
Fin-GAWL |
Finn mac Cumaill |
Fiong mok KOOL |
Fionnuala |
Fin-OO-la |
Fir Bolg |
Fir BOL-ug |
Gaedhil and Gaill |
Gay-ill and Guy-ill |
geissi |
GESH-ee |
Glendalough |
Glen-da-loch |
Glen Mama |
Glen MAA-ma |
Goibniu |
GOV-ni-oo |
Imbolc |
IM-bolg |
Lagin |
LIE-in |
Larine |
LA-ri-ne |
Leth Cuinn |
Leh KING |
Leth Moga |
Leh MOW-a |
Lir |
Lirr |
Lugh |
Loo |
Lughnasa |
LOO-na-sa |
Manannan mac Lir |
MAN-an-awn mok Lirr |
Moher |
MO -her |
Morann |
MO-ran |
Morrigain |
MUR-ig-an |
Nemed |
NEV-ed |
Nuadu |
NOO-ad-oo |
Ogham |
Owm |
Padraic |
PAA-drig |
Partholon |
PART-o-loan |
rath |
Raah or Rath |
Rathmines |
Rath-MINES |
Rian |
REE-an |
Ronan |
ROO-naan |
Ruairi |
ROO-a-ree |
Samhain |
SOW-wan |
Sid |
Shee |
Slieve Bloom |
Shleev Bloom |
Slige Mhor |
Shlee voor |
Tanaiste |
TAWN-ish-te |
Tuatha De Danaan |
Two-a-ha day DAN-an |
Ui Fergusa |
Ee FER-gu-sa |
Uisnech |
ISH-nah |
Ulaid |
UL-ad |