Dear Reader,
Welcome to Twilight. No, not that
Twilight. This is darker, sexier—part thriller, part fantasy, and
part fairy tale. It’s the realm of In Between, where the land of
Death crosses over into the world of the living.
I first read Shadow Bound in a writers’
contest, and the haunting opening immediately made me sit up and
take notice. I knew right away this was a special book. Who was
this mysterious Shadowman, so protective and so dangerous all at
the same time? How in the world could any woman survive being
hunted by a horde of soul-sucking wraiths? What will it take to end
the existence of a brother who has now become a twisted monster?
Erin Kellison’s vivid imagination guarantees that you never know
what will happen next.
With ghosts, the fae of the Otherworld, and a
little Sleeping Beauty thrown in for fun, Shadow
Bound is a one-of-a-kind debut that takes romance in
fantastically new directions.
And now, let’s slip into Shadow…
All best,
Leah Hultenschmidt