
Tremendous thanks to Leah Hultenschmidt, my editor, for her support and enthusiasm. To Alicia Condon, who made that incredible call one January morning. And to Jessica Faust, my agent, for her expert counsel and a whirlwind week I’ll never forget. Thank you to my husband, Matt, for kicking all obstacles out of the way and reading every word of every version so carefully. To Mom and Dad for love and support, to my awesome sister Deborah, with whom I learned to write, and to the rest of my family for their encouragement and excellent humor. Thanks to Brian Anderson, for his detailed information on weapons and tactical situations. Any mistakes are mine. And of course, to my GNO girls, Jill, Jen, and Jeni. And finally, to my critique partners and the wonderful writers of WriteSpot: Julie Ellis, Jo Gregory, Kathleen Grieve, Tes Hilaire, jj Keller, KC Klein, Lynnette Labelle, Theresa Sallach, Jenn Thor, and Dee Ann Williamson, and to my fantastic beta readers, Kris Tualla and Nora Needham.