Chapter 28
In the middle of the night, I said, “You said you were my girl. To Bob. You said he shouldn’t talk like that to his buddies’ girls.”
“I did.”
“Are you my girl?”
“Do you want me to be?”
“Do you want to be?”
“Why would you want me to be your girl?”
“Because you’re smarter than I am. Because you see things I don’t. Because you make me feel good just by looking at me. Because you fit right in my arms.”
“Are you going to start singing?”
“And because sometimes I want to strangle you.”
“That can be hot.”
“I’m going to strangle you right now.”
“You can’t lift your arms.”
“I’ve never been monogamous in my life, Mike.”
“I know.”
“I can’t do it.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
“But you want me to be your girl.”
“If you want to be.”
“I like girls, too.”
“I don’t want to watch or anything.”
“I thought two girls was every man’s dream.”
“You’re my dream.”
“I don’t believe you said that.”
“I’m never going to admit I did, so get over it.”
She laughed, low in her throat.
“How’s this going to work, Mike?”
“There’s only one thing I want. For as long as we last. Because I’m a depressing realist.”
She tensed against me a little. “And what’s that?”
“Other guys, I’m always going to have a problem with.”
“That could be a problem.”
“Yeah. And I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. But the only thing I really want?”
“No matter what you do? Come home with me at the end of the night.”
And then she kissed me.