Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition.
Abyss, abyssal plains, 104–5
Acadia National Park, 115
Agricultural agencies, authoritarian control of, 217
Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 205, 213
Air Pollution Conference, 232
Alaska, 67
Albatrosses, 68–69, 72
Albatross III (research vessel), 151–54
Albemarle Sound, 42
Aldrin, 204
Alewife, 16
Algæ, 10, 144, 145
Algonquin tribes, 42
Allee, W.C., 144
Alligators, 157, 158, 159
Amazon River, 66
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 64; Symposium, “The Sea Frontier,” 133
American Medical Association (AMA), 208, 221
American Museum of Natural History, 64
Anchovy, 7
Anemone Cave, 115
Angler fish, 154
Animal(s): experimentation, opposition to, 192; inhumane treatment of, 192, 193; livestock, inhumane methods of raising, 192, 194–96
Animal Machines (Harrison), Carson’s preface to, 192, 194–96
Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), 189, 192–93
Antelope, 16; pronghorn, 17
Ants, fire, 159, 205
Archeozoic Era, 84
Arctic Ocean, 103
Aristotle, 20
Ascophyllum, 145
Associated Press, 98, 205
Asters, wild, 122
Atlantic Monthly, the, 1, 3, 54–55, 150
Atlantic Naturalist, The, 209–10
Atlantic Ridge, 106
“Atlantic water,” flooding of south coast of England with, 143
Atomic Age, 102, 107, 228, 242; Carson’s references to anxieties of living in, 83, 89
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 107, 240
Atomic waste: dumping of, at sea, 101, 106–9, 228, 232, 235–37; tragic consequences of dumping of, 237–43
Audubon, John James, 16
Audubon Societies, state, 95, 220–21
Audubon Society of the District of Columbia, 30, 63
Audubon Society Screen Tour, 96
Avocet, 47
Baltimore Sun, 1, 14, 15, 24
Banding, of chimney swifts, 28–29
Barnacles, 6, 120, 174
Bayberry, 40
Bear, grizzly, 17 and 17n
Bear River Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41
Beauty, natural, 160, 163, 173; destruction of, 161–62; enjoyment of, 165
Beechnuts, 16
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, 118
Beetle: Japanese, 216; white fringed, 216
Bennington Banner, 202
Berrill, John [N.J.], 137, 138
Big Bear Lake, 235
Bigelow, Henry Bryant, 133, 137–38
Bikini bomb test, 109
Biological Station at St. Andrews, 137
Biological Survey, 99
Biology: instruction, need for reform of, 192; understanding, 193–94
Bird clubs, 46
Bird’s nest soup, 26
Bison, 16
Bittern, 121; American, 47; least, 47
Bluefish, 7
Bobwhite, 13
Bok, Curtis, 172; Carson’s letter to, 173
Bok, Nellie Lee, Carson’s letter to, 173
Boothbay Regional Land Trust, 173
Brant, 15–16
Brazilwood, 70
Briggs, Shirley, 30, 33, 64, 155–56
Brown, John Mason, 90
Bugula, 120
Bureau of Fisheries, U.S., 3, 14, 33, 149
Bureau of Land Management, 99
Burroughs, John, 94. See also John Burroughs Memorial Association, John Burroughs Memorial Medal
Buzzards Bay, 54, 120
Calanus, 145
Calcium, 10
California, University of, Citrus Experimental Station of, 208
Callianassa, 127–28
Cancer, 226; breast, 187, 223–24; liver, 219
Canvasbacks, 16, 17 and 17n
Cape Cod, 118–20, 138, 148
Cardinals, 71
Caribou, 237, 238
Carson, Rachel, works of The Edge of the Sea, 111, 125, 147
“Help Your Child to Wonder,” 246
“Our Ever-Changing Shore,” 113–24
The Sea Around Us, 33, 34, 53, 63, 83, 151, 163; dedication of, to Henry Bryant Bigelow, 133; John Burroughs Medal for, 93; money from, 173; National Book Award for, 90; preface to second edition of, 101–9; success of, 34, 51, 76
Silent Spring, 101, 187, 189, 212, 216, 227; fable opening, 197–200; inaccurate statements in reviews of, 206, 207, 215; insect control set forth in, 214; reactions to, 201, 202, 203; serializing of, in the New Yorker, 201, 202
“Undersea,” 1, 3–11, 150
Under the Sea-Wind, 3, 15, 33, 51, 150–51; background of, 54–55; Book I (Edge of the Sea), 56–58; Book II (The Gull’s Way), 58–60; Book III (River and Sea), 60–62; general plan and viewpoint of, 55–56; memo to Mrs. Eales on, 53–62
Cats, 69
Cattle, 69, 71, 74, 205–6
Caulk, Ralph, 223n, 225–26
Caves, in sea cliffs, 115
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), 71
Cesium137, 237, 238
Chace, Fenner, 137
Chemagro Corporation, 208
Chemical industry, funding of research universities by, 201, 207–8, 221–22
Chesapeake Bay, 19, 20, 22, 23
Chickadees, 47
Chincoteague Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41
Clams, 5, 6, 59, 137
Clark University, 27
Clava, 138
Clawson, Marion, 99
Clear Lake, 235
Cleveland Clinic, The, 223 and 223n
Clouds: Carson’s TV script on, 175–85; cirrus, 184–85; cumulus, 182–84; lenticular, 178–79; stratus, 181–82
Coastline: Carson’s observations and description of, 113–23; Carson’s plea for preservation of, 123–24
Cods, 8, 59, 154
Comb jellies, 7, 121
Committee for Nuclear Information, 240
Committee on Atomic Energy, 239
Commoner, Barry, 232
Composite family, 67
Congo River, 66
Conservation in Action booklets, 1, 41, 42
Continental shelf, 4, 8, 60
Cook, Captain James, 71
Copepod, 145
Coral reefs, 10, 134
Coral rock, 156
Corals, 10, 80
Cormorants, 34–35, 38; flightless, 68
Coronet magazine, 25
Council on Environmental Quality, U.S., 109n
Court of Appeals, U.S., 217
Cows, 216, 233, 239, 240
Crabs, 5, 9, 56, 59, 153; blue, 136; fiddler, 57; ghost, 6, 57, 126; green, 136–37; hard, 23; horseshoe, 116–17
Crayfish, 20
Crepidula, 145
Crile, George “Barney,” Jr., 223n; Carson’s letter to, 223–26; More Than Booty (with J. Crile), 224
Crile, Jane, 223, 224, 226; More Than Booty (with G. Crile), 224
Cuckoo, 13
cummings, e. e., 12
Cunners, 7
Cuttlefish, 9
Cypress(es), 42–43, 157; Monterey, 116
Cystoidean tube, 128
Daisy (brig), 68
Darwin, Charles, 67–68, 69, 244–45; The Origin of Species, 245
Day, Albert M., dismissal of, from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 98–100
DDD, 235
DDT, 204, 205, 213–14, 217, 233–34
Debussy, Claude, 84; La Mer, 83, 84–88
Deer, 74, 121
Development: private or commercial, 124; sordid transformation of, 123
Diamond Black-Leaf Co., 208
Diapatra tubes, 128
Diatoms, 6, 10, 130, 139, 144, 145
Dickinson, Emily, 148
Dieldrin, 204, 216
Dinoflagellates, 121, 139, 143
Dodo, 68
Dogfish, 7
Dogs, 69
Drainage operations, 18
Drift, 234
Driftwood, 174
Duck(s), 18, 171; black, 45; marsh or dabbling, 45; at Mattamuskeet Refuge, 45–47, 48; pintail, 45; redhead, 17 and 17n
Dumping, 109n. See also Atomic waste
Dunes, 115, 118–20, 121, 122, 130–32
Dust bowl, 19
Eagle(s), 183; bald, 204
Earth: exploring interior of, 104; temperature of, 135
Earthworms, 190–91
Ebony, 70
Echo sounding instruments, 81
Ecology, 135, 231; and conservation, 167; defined, 166
Ecosystem, 231, 244
Ectocrines, 142, 143, 144, 145
Eels, 7, 56; American, 22, 61; effect of sea water on behavior of, 15; European, 22–23, 61; seeking Sargasso Sea, 19–23, 60–62
Egret: American, 47; snowy, 127
Elk, 16, 17; pronghorn, I7n
Elvers, 23. See also Eels
English Channel, 139
Enteromorpha, 145
Equator, 180
Eskimos, Alaskan, levels of radioactivity in, 237, 238
Everett, Constance, 29
Everett, E. A., 29
Everglades, 154–59
Everglades National Park, 155
Evolution, theories of, 244–45
Fable, opening Silent Spring, 197–200
Faulkner, William, 12
Fawns, 121
Federal Aviation Agency, Civil Aero-medical Unit of, 206
FIFRA, 205
Finneran, Fred, 158–59
Fir, 174
Fireflies, 169–70
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), U.S., 136, 137, 147, 151, 155, 158; and banded chimney swifts, 29; Carson’s employment with, 24, 30; Carson’s resignation from, 51, 111; and Conservation in Action, 1, 41; Albert Day’s dismissal from, 98–100; on decline of bald eagle, 204; and Mattamuskeet Refuge, 49
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 12
Flounders, 8
Fly, screwworm, 213
Flycatchers, 69
Fog, 181–82
Food and Drug Administration, U.S., 204, 219–20, 234
Foraminifera, 10
Ford Foundation, TV Radio Workshop of, 175
Fosberg, F. Raymond, 63, 74
Fowl, 21
Foxes, 58, 126
Framingham Reservoir, 205
Frances Hutchinson Medal, 212. See also Garden Club of America
Freeman, Dorothy, 172; Carson’s letters to, 168–71, 172–73, 246–47
Freeman, Stanley, Carson’s letters to, 168–71
Fucus, 145
Galapagos Islands, 67–68, 69
Galathea (research vessel), 106
Ganges River, 66
Garden Club of America, 220–21, 223; Carson’s address to, 211–22
Gardenia, 75
Garnet, 122
Geese, 15–16, 42; blue, 47; Canada, 44, 46–47; Hutchins, 47; at Mattamuskeet Refuge, 42, 44–45, 46–47, 48, 49; white-fronted, 47
Genetic damage, 243–44
Georges Bank, 151, 152, 153–54
George Washington University, 63
Glades buggies, 155, 156, 158
Glassworms, 7
Glasswort, 121
Globe Times, 202
Gnats, 235
Goat(s), 69, 70, 71, 74; mountain, 17 and I7n
Goldenrod, 122
Good Reading, 164
Goosefish, 154
Goteborg Laboratory (Sweden), 145
Grass(es): beach, 119; dune, 131; marsh, 42, 121; prairie, 19
Great Lakes, 16
Grebe(s), 47; western, 235
Griffiths Head, 247
Grouse, 16
Guam, 73
Gulf Stream, 22, 106, 152
Gulls, 35–38, 120, 131, 247
Gums, 42, 48
Gumwood, 70
Gypsy moth, 217
Haddock, 8
Halibut, 8
Halle, Kay, 223n, 224, 226
Halley, Edmund, 70
Halos, around sun or moon, 184
Hammocks, 157
Hanford Laboratories, 238
Hardwoods, 174
Harrison, Ruth, Animal Machines, 192, 194–96
Harvard University, 133, 137
Hawaiian Islands, 67, 70–72, 74–75
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 30
Hawk(s), 30–32, 69, 183; duck, 27
Heezen, Bruce, 105
Hemlock, 174
Hen, heath, 17
Heptachlor, 205
Heron(s), 47, 121; great blue, 35, 47; green, 47, 120; little blue, 47; night, 120
Herring, 7, 21, 143, 144, 145; migration of, 36–37; river, 16; round, 137–38; sea, 137
Hexachlorobenzene, 219
Hogs, 69–70
Holiday magazine, 111, 113
Honouliuli Forest Reserve, 71
“Hot spots,” 239
Howe, Kay, 41
Howe, Quincy, 55, 150
Howlett, Duncan, 246
Hudson, William Henry, 94, 166
Hueper, W. C., 219
Humane Biology Projects, Carson’s introduction to, 192
Hummingbird, 13
Hurricane, 182
Hydroids, 138
Ianthina, 7
Illinois Natural History Survey, 208
Industry, liaison between science and, 207–9, 210, 221
Insect control, 212–14
Insecticides. See Pesticides
Intensivism, 194–96
Interior, U.S. Department of, 24, 100, 234
International Geophysical Year, 103
Iodine, radioactive, entrance of, into food chains, 239–41
Iron, 10
Islands: conservation problems of, 72–75; evolution of, 63, 65–72; migration to, 66, 67; species extinction on, 64–65, 69, 70, 73 and 73n, 74
Jaegers, 58
Jefferies, Richard, 94, 162
Jellyfish, 59
Jet streams, 185
John Burroughs Memorial Association, 95
John Burroughs Memorial Medal, Carson’s remarks at acceptance of, 93–97
Johns Hopkins University, 14, 15, 149, 207
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 240
Jones, James, From Here to Eternity, 90
Journal of Economic Entomology, 208
Juniper, 39
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Permanente Medical Group, Carson’s lecture to, 227–45
Kansas State University, 208
Kelps, 144
Kennedy, John F., 201
Kingbird, Arkansas, 47
Kingfisher, 38
Kinglet, ruby-crowned, 47
Klamath Lake, 18
Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 234–35
Kon-Tiki, 81
Korean War, 83
Koror, island of, 73
Lack, David, 69
Lanai, island of, 74–75
Lanai Ranch, 74
Lantana, 71
Lapps, Scandinavian, levels of radioactivity in, 237, 238
Lark, horned, 47
Larvae, ecology of, 138–42
Laysan, 68; Rails, 71–72
Lichens, 78, 174, 237–38
Life, origin of, 229–30
Limestone, 157; rocks, 32
Literature, artificial separation of science and, 90–91
Livestock, inhumane methods of raising, 192, 194–96
Lizards, 67
Lobster, 7, 33, 136
London Dumping Convention (1972), 109n
Loons, 47
Lord Howe Island, 69
Lysenkoism, 210
McGill University, 137
McKay, Douglas, 98, 100
Mackerel, 7, 56, 58–60
Maine, Gulf of, temperatures of, 135–36
Maine coast, 114–15, 122. See also Southport Island, Maine
Mallard(s), 45; Marianas, 73 and 73n
Mangrove swamps, 114, 134
Maoris, 68
Maples, swamp, 48
Marine Biological Laboratory, 15, 54, 77, 101, 148
Marshlands, cultivating or managing, 47–49
Martha’s Vineyard, 17
Maryland, University of, 14
Maryland Legislature, 23
Masefield, John, 77, 148
Massachusetts coast, 122, 152
Massachusetts Fish and Game Department, 205
Massachusetts Pesticide Board, 214
Mattamuskeet, Lake, 42–43, 44
Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41–49
Maui, island of, 71
Mauritius, island of, 68
Mayr, Ernst, 64, 69
Meadowlarks, 216
Menhaden, 7, 137
Merrymeeting Bay, 171
Metabolites, 144, 145
Mexico, Gulf of, 138
Meyer, Agnes, 189
Michigan State University, 191
Micronesia, Trust Territory of, 73
Midway, 72
Migration, 48; of chimney swift, 24, 25–29; of herring, 36–37; of waterfowl, 168, 171; of whistling swans, 43
Milky Way, 6
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 12
Minnows, 21
Mint, 75
MIT, 184
Mites, spider, 214
Moa, 68
Mockingbird, 47
Mohorovicic (Moho) discontinuity, 104
Mollusks, 7, 10, 145
Monarchs, 247
Monsanto Chemical Company, 208
Moon: full, tides and, 116–17; new, 169, 171
Moore, Marianne, 90
Moose, 17 and 17n
Morison, S. Eliot, 12
Mosquitoes, 158, 159
Moss(es), 78, 174; reindeer, 39, 238; Usnea, 39
Moth, gypsy, 217
Mountain Lake Sanctuary, 172
Mouse, meadow, 121
Muller, H. J., 242–43, 244
Mullet, 57
Munro, George C., 74
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 68
Museum of Comparative Zoology, 138
Muskrat, 19
Mutations, 244
Mynahs, 71
Nantucket Channel, 152
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 104, 209–10, 213; Committee on Oceanography of, 103
National Advisory Committee on Radiation, 241
National Agricultural Chemical Association, 210
National Audubon Society, 189, 190, 215
National Aviation Trades Association, 210
National Bison Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41
National Book Award for nonfiction, 90; Carson’s remarks at acceptance of, 90–92
National Council of the Teachers of English, 164
National Museum, U.S. (Smithsonian), 63, 136, 137
National Parks and Wildlife Refuges, 73
National Park Service, U.S., 99, 123–24
National Research Council, Pacific Science Board of, 73, 75
National Symphony Orchestra speech, Carson’s, 83, 88–89
National Wildlife Restoration Week, 18n, 19
Nature Conservancy, Maine Chapter of, 172, 174
Nature Magazine, 24
Navy, U.S., 73, 82
NBC Symphony, 83
Needles, 115
Nests, birds’, 13; building of, 26–27
Newagen, 246, 247
New Yorker, the, 111, 201, 202
New York Herald-Tribune, the, Book and Author Luncheon Speech, Carson’s, 76–82
New York Post, the, 204
New York Times, the, 53, 111, 162
New Zealand, 68
Nickel, 10
Nobska Point, 77, 148
Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, 216
North American Wildlife Conference, 215
North Pole, 57
Nuthatch, brown-headed, 47
Ocean, middle regions of, 80 and 80n–82
Ocean floor, 8–11, 60, 236; new discoveries about, 103, 104–6
Oceanography, 101, 103
Old-man’s-beard, 39
Omnibus (TV show), 175–76
Oregon coast, 115
Orinoco River, 66
Orioles, 13; orchard, 47
Orion, 122
Orkneys, 86
Osprey, 38
Oven-bird, 13
Owenia fusiformis, 140–41
Owls, snowy, 58
Oxford University Press, 53
Oxygen, introduction of, into atmosphere, 230
Oyster(s), 5, 145; rock, 120
Ozone layer, formation of, 230
Pacific War Memorial (1946), 72–73, 75
Palau Archipelago, 73
Paleozoic Era, 78, 116, 118
Palmetto, 157
Palms, fanleaf, 71
Pamakani, 71
Pamlico Sound, 41, 42, 49
Parathion, 206
Parker River Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41
Parks, 162; State and National, 124
Park Service. See National Park Service, U.S.
Passamaquoddy Bay, 137
Patagonia, 57
Peaked Hill Bars, 118; beach at, 119–20
Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of, 53, 150
Pelican, 235; white, 47
Pennsylvania Federation of Women’s Clubs, 215
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 172
Perch, 21
Periwinkle(s), 79, 120, 174; common, 79; rough, 79–80
Pesticides, 197, 211; attempts to repair battered image of, 202–3; Carson’s address to Garden Club of America on, 211–22; and chemical industry’s funding of research universities, 201, 207–8, 221–22; entry of, into natural food chain, 234–35; genetic damage from, 243; as long-term, widespread contaminants, 233; misuse of, 113, 187, 189, 190–91, 193, 205–6; NAS committee on relations of wildlife to, 209–10; news stories about, 203–5; spraying of, 201, 217, 233–34
Peterson, Roger Tory, 30, 96
Petrels, 72
Pettersson, Otto, 159–60
Phoebe, 38
Phosphorescence, in surf, 169–70
Photosynthesis, 230
Phytoplankton, 145
Pigeon, passenger, 16, 17
Pigs, 74
Pines, 39, 40, 42, 174
Pipit, 47
Plankton, 6–7, 139–40, 143, 144, 145; pesticides in, 235; radioactive materials and, 236–37
Plover, Pacific Golden, 67
Plymouth Laboratory, 139
Pollution, 197; Carson’s lecture on, to Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, 228–45; dangers of, 187; of imaginary town (in Silent Spring), 197–200. See also Pesticides
Polychaete, tube-building, 140–41
Poppenhager, Don, 155, 156, 157
Porphyria, 204, 219
Prawns, 9
President’s Science Advisory Committee, 201
Pteropods, 7
Public Health Service, U.S., 241
Quail, 216
Quartz, 139
Rabbits, 72, 216
Radioactivity: in Alaskan Eskimos and Scandinavian Lapps, 237, 238; development of, in marine life, 108–9, 236–37. See also Atomic waste
Radioiodine, entrance of, into food chains, 239–41
Radiolaria, 10–11
Radiolarian shell, 10
Rail(s), 72; black, 47; flightless, 68; Laysan, 71–72
Rathbun, Mary, 136
Rat(s), 69–70, 72; water, 21
RCA Victor records, 83
Reader’s Digest, 24, 98
Red Rocks Lake Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 41
Redstarts, 38
“Red tides,” 142–43
Reforestation, 19
Reindeer, 237
Research universities, chemical industry’s funding of, 201, 207–8, 221–22
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 83
Robins, 190–91, 216
Rock Creek Park, 161–62
Rockweeds, 79, 120, 144, 145, 174
Rodell, Marie, 63
Roosevelt, Theodore, 18
St. Helena, island of, 70
St. Nicholas League, 12
St. Nicholas magazine, 12
Saint Simon Island, Georgia, 129–30
Saipan, 73–74
Salmon, 16, 17
Salt marshes, 120–21, 129
Samphire, marsh, 121
Sand: diversity of geologic origin of, 139; purple, 122; reaction of larvae to, 141–42; voice of, 130–31, 132
Sandalwood, 71
Sand dollars, 128
Sanderlings, 57–58, 125–27, 130
Sandpiper, 56, 57
Sandstone, 32
Sargasso Sea, eels seeking, 19–23, 60–62
Sargassum weed, 19, 20, 22
Saw grass, 155
Scattergood, Leslie W., 136–37
Schaefer, Vincent, 175
Schmidt, Johannes, 20
Schweitzer, Albert, 192
Science(s), 187; artificial separation of literature and, 90–91; biological, 164–67; liaison between industry and, 207–9, 210, 221
Sea anemones, 5
Sea lettuce, 145
Sea Lion Caves, 115
Sea lions, 115
Seals, 38–39, 109
Sea mounts, 106
Seashore. See Coastline
Sea slugs, 5
Sea spiders, 9
Sea urchins, 7, 122
Sedges, 238
Sediments, 105, 106, 236
Seed, treatment of, with chemicals, 204, 219–20
Seminole Indians, 157, 158, 159
Shad, 16, 17, 21
Sharks, 6, 11, 154; great white, 6
Shearwaters, 72
Sheep, 74, 216
Sheepscot River, 33, 34, 246
Shell Chemical Company, 208
Shorebirds, 47, 56, 57, 120, 126
Shrimps, 5, 59, 82, 127–28; sounds made by, 76, 82
Sibelius, Jean, 83
Silica, 10
Simon and Schuster, 53, 55, 150
Skimmers, 130
Skylarks, 71
Smith, S.I., 136
Smithsonian, U.S. National Museum of, 63, 136, 137
Snail(s), 5, 79, 80, 122; pelagic, 10; tree, 157, 158–59; winged, 7
Snow, C. P., 90
Songbirds, 216
Southport Island, Maine, 34–40, 111, 169; “Lost Woods” on, 111, 172–74
South Trinidad, island of, 68, 70
Sparrow, 127; fox, 47; song, 38, 47; swamp, 47; white-throated, 47. See also Vesper-sparrow
Spiders, 66–67, 159
Sponges, 5, 9, 153
Spraying, 201, 217, 233–34. See also Pesticides
Spruce, 39, 40, 118, 171, 174, 247
Squids, 82, 121
Stacks, 115
Starfishes, 5, 7, 59, 80, 153
Starlings, 24
Stevens, Christine, 189, 192–93
Strontium90, 237–38
Sturgeon, 16
Sunfish, 21
Surgeon General, 241
Susupe, Lake, 73
Sutton, George Mitsch, 28
Swan(s): at Mattamuskeet Refuge, 41, 43–44, 46–47, 48; trumpeter, 43, 44; whistling, 41, 43–44; wild, 15–16, 44
Swift: Asiatic, 27; chimney, migration patterns of, 24, 25–29; Chinese, 26; Vaux’s, 26
Swinburne, Algernon, 77, 148
Swordfish, 60
Syncoryne, 138
Szady, Ma, 155
Tahiti, 70
Tamiami Trail, 155
Tapotchau, Mt., 73–74
Teal: blue-winged, 45; green-winged, 45
Temperatures, warming of, 135–36, 137, 138
Tern(s), 37, 68; black, 47; Sooty, 72
Test ban treaty, 242
Thalidomide, 218
Theta Sigma Phi, Carson’s speech to, 147–63
Thoreau, Henry David, 94, 166
Thrashers, brown, 216
Thrush(es): hermit, 33, 35, 47; wood, 12, 13, 47
Tides: full moon and, 116–17; new moon and, 169; red, 142–43
Tierra del Fuego, 86
Time, 206
Tinian, 73
Titmice, 71
Todd Point, 247
Tomlinson, H. M., 172
Tornado, 182, 184; in Worcester, Mass. (1953), 183–84
Tortoise, 66, 67
Toscanini, Arturo, 83
Toxophene, 235
Trade Winds, 180
Trilobites, 117
Tristan da Cunha, 69–70
Truman, Bess, 83
Truman, Harry S., 83
Tule Lake Refuge (U.S. National Wildlife Refuge), 234–35
Tunas, 60, 109
Turbidity currents, 105, 236
Turkey, 68; wild, 16
Ulithi Atoll, 72
Ulva, 145
Urchins. See Sea urchins
Utah State Department of Health, 240
Vancouver, George, 71
Van Dorn, Irita, 76
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 150
Velsicol Chemical Corporation, 208
Vesper-sparrow, 13
Vineyard Sound, 54, 136
Vireo: red-eyed, 47; white-eyed, 47
Virginia’s Department of Agriculture, 216
Volcanoes, submarine, 10, 65
Wallace, Alfred, 70
Wallace, George, 191
Walsh, Bernard, 225
Warbler(s), 39; Blackburnian, 39; black-throated green, 39–40; myrtle, 39, 47; parula, 39; prairie, 47; prothonotary, 47
Washington Hospital Center, 223n
Washington Post, the, 98, 189; Carson’s letter in, on misuse of pesticides, 189, 190–91
Waterfowl, 16, 17, 18, 19; migration of, 168, 171; pesticide residues in, 234; refuges, 41, 42–49
Watson, Mark, 14
Waves, 85–86; earthquake, 104
Wax myrtles, 47
Waxwing, cedar, 47
Weeks, Edward, 3
Westinghouse Science Writing Prize, 64
Whale(s), 6, 11, 109; blue, 6; sounds made by, 76, 82
Wheat, treatment of, with chemicals, 204, 219–20
Whelks, 120
White, E.B., 12
Wigeon(s), 45; European, 47
Wildlife, fight for conservation of, 15–19
Willets, 127, 129, 130
Williamson, Henry, 22
Will-o-the-wisps, 170
Willow leaves, 238
Wilson, Douglas, 139, 140–42
Wimpenny, R. S., 145
Winds: clouds and, 178, 179; jet streams, 185; Trade, 180
Wisconsin, University of, 208
Wisconsin Canners Association, 208
Women’s National Press Club, Carson’s speech to, 201–10
Woodcock, 204–5
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 76, 80n
Woods Hole Oceanographic Laboratory, 133
Wood Thrush, The, 63–64
World War II, 82, 102; destruction of species in, 72
Worm(s), 7, 59, 134; annelid, 139; plumed, 128; tube, 5, 6
Wrens, Carolina, 47
Yale Review, 64
Yellow-throat, Maryland, 13