Celebrations and Festivals
Bertrem's Note
The seasons come and go, and the moon and sun travel across the sky in their never-ending cycle. With each passing year the world grows older. Such is the rhythm of Krynn.
The common folk mark this passage of time with festivals and holidays. I take no position in the debate that opens the following essay. I will merely observe that in my experience people find holidays most useful for relieving the burden of their labors and forgetting, even for a short time, the stress and strain of everyday life.
To those who study the history of our land, these festivals are also of great interest, since they often mark some significant event—be it a birth, a death, a war, a cataclysm. For my readers, I can only say that perhaps this section of my book will convince you of the diversity and richness of this world we inhabit and of the varied and fascinating customs of its people.