As we drove, Ryan briefed me on what he and his colleague had learned. I was aware of Tawny McGee’s backstory, but not of her movements since 2004.
What I knew: Bernadette Higham lived for five years with a man named Harlan McGee. She worked as a receptionist for a small Maniwaki dental practice. He was a long-haul trucker.
Though unmarried, the couple had two daughters. Sandra was born in 1985, when Bernadette was nineteen and Harlan was twenty-nine. Tawny followed in 1987.
A week after Tawny’s second birthday, Harlan left on a run to Vancouver and never returned. Four months later, Bernadette received a letter stating that he wouldn’t be back. The envelope also contained four hundred dollars.
In 1999 Bernadette’s younger daughter vanished while playing in a park. Tawny McGee was twelve years old. Years passed with no progress in the investigation of her disappearance. In 2004 Tawny was released from captivity in Anique Pomerleau’s dungeon of torture.
What I learned from Ryan: four months after Tawny returned home, the Maniwaki dentist retired and closed his office. Appreciative of his employee’s years of loyal service, he secured Bernadette a position as receptionist and bookkeeper at his brother’s pest-control company, if she was willing to move to Montreal. Dissatisfied with the psychological counseling Tawny was receiving, and hoping for better, Bernadette packed up and headed east.
Within a year Bernadette married Jacob Kezerian, the exterminator’s son. The Kezerians now lived in the Montreal suburb of Dollard-des-Ormeaux.
Bernadette had agreed to talk with us. So at three P.M. we were heading her way.
The city of Montreal sprawls across a small hunk of land in the middle of the St. Lawrence River. The West Island—in French, l’Ouest-de-l’île—is a handle for the burbs on the western end.
The West Island is composed of green spaces, bike paths, cross-country ski trails, golf courses, and eco-farms sandwiched among affluent bedroom communities. The area is lousy with stockbrokers, lawyers, bankers, and business owners.
Historically, Montrealers divided themselves linguistically, with the French staying east and the English staying west. That separation has softened in recent years. Still, the West Island remains strongly anglophone. Ironic. As late as the ’60s, the region was largely farmland populated by les Français.
Thirty minutes after we left Sabine Pomerleau, Ryan turned the Jeep onto a street that could have been a backdrop for Wally and the Beav, Quebecois-style. The front lawns were uniform in size and shape. Each was bisected by a center walk bordered with winter-empty swatches of dirt or with burlap-wrapped shrubs.
The homes were equally homogeneous, each a variation on la belle province’s basic bungalow design—stone or stucco facing, blue or brown wood trim, dormer windows up, small porch below.
“Tawny lives with her mother and stepfather?”
“I thought we’d ease into this. First get the lay of the land.”
“Your guy didn’t ask?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Did he?”
I cocked a questioning brow.
“The kid might still have problems.”
“Tawny isn’t a kid. She’s twenty-seven.”
“I didn’t want Bernadette going all mother bear.”
“She knows you were instrumental in finding her daughter.”
“She does.”
“How did she react to your call?”
Ryan gave that some thought. “She seemed wary.”
“So you implied we were coming just to talk to her?”
“I didn’t imply. Though she might have inferred.”
Eyes rolling, I followed Ryan between the rows of bundled flora leading to the house. The door and flanking windows were trimmed with strings of multicolored lights. A plastic Santa hung from a fleur-de-lis iron knocker. Ryan tapped twice, then stepped back.
The woman who answered was a trim brunette trying hard to look younger than her age. Her eyes were a startling turquoise made possible only with tinted contacts. Her makeup was overdone, the streaks in her hair far too blond to look natural. She wore a red-and-green floral shirt unbuttoned over a red tank top. Skinny jeans. Faux equestrian boots.
I’d never met Tawny’s mother. But I knew from the file that she was now forty-eight. The man behind her looked at least ten years her junior. His hair and eyes were dark, his five o’clock shadow darker. His heavy brows met in an unhappy V above the bridge of his nose.
“I’m Bernadette Higham. At least that’s the name the officer used on the phone.” Bernadette started to offer a hand, stopped. “But of course you know that. It’s Kezerian now. But you know that, too.”
“It’s nice to see you, Mrs. Kezerian.”
“I expected the other detective. The fancy dresser.”
“Luc Claudel.”
“Yes. Where is he?”
“In France.”
“I see.” Bernadette’s half-proffered hand curled back to her chest, as though embarrassed at hanging alone in midair. The nails were acrylic, painted the color of uncooked beef.
“This is my colleague, Dr. Temperance Brennan.” Ryan left it at that.
“A doctor?” She glanced at me.
“Dr. Brennan works at the medico-legal lab.”
The turquoise eyes went wide. The fingers curled tighter. Why such fear? I felt a sense of unease.
“My wife has health issues. You got something to tell us?”
Bernadette turned at the sound of her husband’s voice. “I’m okay, Jake.”
Jake placed a hand on his wife’s shoulder. He was muscled and toned beyond what I’d expect of a guy just spraying for bugs. His forearm was inked with an intricate Asian design. I wondered if his gesture was meant as support or warning.
“May we talk inside?” Ryan asked.
“Of course. Please,” Bernadette said.
Jake stepped back, his expression unchanged. As we passed, he lingered to close the door.
Bernadette led us down a wide hall and turned right through an archway into a small living room with a bay window in front and a fireplace at the far end. The decor was not what I’d visualized.
Every wall was white, and off-white plush carpeting covered the floor. The sofa and armchairs were upholstered in ivory cotton trimmed with pale piping. The room’s only color came from throw pillows and paintings. Both featured bright geometric designs.
Bronze sculptures of indeterminate form covered the mantel. A reindeer skin lay in front of the hearth.
The end and coffee tables were made of glass and antique brass. A sole photo sat on one. Its frame was mother-of-pearl edged with silver, the quality much higher than that of the image it housed. The picture was grainy, maybe taken with a cellphone or inexpensive camera, then blown up beyond what the pixels could handle.
The subject was a tall young woman, maybe nineteen or twenty, on a boat with a harbor or bay behind her. She was wearing a turtleneck and jacket, a bead necklace with some sort of pendant. The wind was lifting the jacket’s collar and blowing her long dark hair across her face. She didn’t look happy. She didn’t look sad. She was pretty in a disturbingly detached sort of way.
Her face was more fleshy, her breasts fuller, than when I’d last seen her. But I knew I was looking at Tawny McGee.
Ryan and I did our usual and sat on opposite ends of the couch. Bernadette took an armchair, fingers clasped like red-tipped claws in her lap. Jake remained standing, arms folded across his chest.
“May I get you something? Coffee? Tea?” Bernadette’s offer sounded rote, insincere.
“No, thank you,” Ryan and I answered in unison.
A cat appeared in the doorway, gray with black stripes and yellow-green eyes. A notch in one ear. A scar on one shoulder. A scrapper.
Bernadette noticed. “Oh, no, no, Murray. Shoo.”
The cat held.
Bernadette started to push to her feet.
“Please let him stay,” I said.
“Get him out of here,” Jake said.
“I own a cat.” I smiled. “His name is Birdie.”
Bernadette looked at Jake. He shrugged but said nothing.
Murray regarded us a moment, then sat, shot a leg, and began cleaning his toes. Something was off with his upper left canine. I liked this cat.
Bernadette settled back, spine stiff, neck muscles standing out sinewy-hard. She glanced from Ryan to me, back to Ryan. Hopeful we had news. Frightened we had news.
I understood that yesterday’s call was undoubtedly a shock after so many years. But the woman’s anxiety seemed out of proportion. The shaking hands. The terrified eyes. I didn’t like what I was sensing.
“Your home is beautiful,” I said, wanting to reassure.
“Tawny likes things bright.”
“Is this Tawny?” Gesturing at the woman framed in mother-of-pearl.
The parakeet eyes looked at me oddly. Then, “Yes.”
“She’s grown into a beautiful young woman.”
“You’re sure about the cat?”
“I’m sure. Do you have other pictures?”
“Tawny hated being photographed.”
As with the Violettes, Ryan allowed silence, hoping one or the other Kezerian might feel compelled to fill it. Neither did.
Murray switched legs. Behind him, through a matching archway across the hall, I noted a dining room of identical footage with an identical bay window. The table was glass. The chairs were molded white acrylic and made me think of the Jetsons.
When Bernadette spoke, her words were not what I expected. So far, nothing was. “Is she dead?”
“We have no reason to think that.” Ryan indicated no surprise at the question.
Bernadette’s shoulders rounded slightly as her expression melted. Into what? Relief? Disappointment? I really couldn’t read her.
Jake spread his feet. Frowned his frown.
“But we have new information,” Ryan said.
“You’ve found her?”
“We haven’t determined her exact location. Yet.”
Bernadette’s knuckles blanched as her fingers tightened again.
Ryan leaned toward her. “I promise you, Mrs. Kezerian. We are closing in.”
“Closing in?” Jake snorted. “You make it sound like the play-offs.”
“I apologize for my poor choice of words.”
It struck me. Unlike the Violettes, the Kezerians were asking no questions about the nature of the “new information.” Or about Pomerleau’s movements over the last decade.
Jake pinched the bridge of his nose. Again crossed his arms. “If you have nothing to tell us, why are you here?”
“We were hoping Tawny might agree to an interview.”
I heard a sharp intake of breath. Looked at Bernadette. Her face had gone as white as the walls around us.
In my peripheral vision, Jake’s arms dropped to his sides. I ignored him and focused on his wife. Bernadette was trying to speak but managing only to swallow and clear her throat.
I reached out and took her hands in mine. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I thought you’d come to tell me you’d located Tawny.” More swallowing. “One way or the other.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t understand.” I didn’t.
“Who we talking about here?” Jake demanded. “Who is it you’re tracking?”
“Anique Pomerleau,” Ryan said.
“Tawny’s not here with you?” I asked Bernadette.
“I haven’t seen my daughter in almost eight years.”