The two women showered side by side, under separate showerheads, without talking. When their eyes met, Alexa didn’t avert her gaze and neither did Casey. Alexa knew Casey’s mind was working as fast as her own, and wondered what she was thinking. Casey had been overconfident, since she had spent years planning this maneuver, which had been almost perfect—or as perfect as perfect gets, what with the nature of variables always being in flux and the complexities of the number of people involved. Casey was the most cunning and brilliant individual Alexa had ever met, and probably the most totally sociopathic, after Alexa’s own sister, Antonia.
“Casey, I want to be totally honest with you. You did some terrible things, and I understand why you did what you did. But I believe in doing the right thing. You are a victim here and you were wronged terribly. You may not face judgment in a court of law, but punishing you that way wouldn’t make things right. And you did just punish the guilty, for the most part.”
“Those who sought to harm, who did harm, were themselves harmed.”
“That’s right. Let’s say, for the moment, that what you have done is done, and it is forever in the past. Frankly, I’m amazed at how accurately you read and manipulated so many individuals. Your insight into people is astounding. You could have become a psychiatrist. With your intelligence and your instincts, you could have cured untold numbers of very ill people.”
“Like my mother?”
“Yes. Maybe. Here’s my thinking: You have a vast fortune in your hands, and a potential for decades of doing good and easing suffering.”
“The trusts can work miracles if I apply the resources to that end,” Casey agreed, smiling. “I’ve thought about that a lot.”
“You could be one of the great benefactors of all time. You have a great talent that transcends art, you create beauty—more than beauty. Your portraits are the most powerful I’ve ever seen. The sensitivity of your vision is astounding.”
“I’m blushing.”
“I’ll try to stay on point. Your attributes, even your manipulative skills, can be an asset. Casey, your potential is boundless. If you can turn over a new leaf, transcend the evil you’ve done, the pain you’ve caused, the revenge you’ve taken. Was the revenge really satisfying?”
“Yes, Alexa, it was satisfying. They deserved it, every one of them.”
“You played evil against evil. But good people were hurt too. Michael Manseur and Kyler Kennedy didn’t deserve what they got. Manseur’s wife is suffering along with him. A young deputy sheriff was killed. He had a family. He was a good man doing his duty. And Gary loved you.”
“I didn’t intend for anybody who was innocent to be harmed. I intend to put all of it right. As right as possible. I can’t bring that deputy back, but I’ll take care of his family. And I will make it right with Gary. I promise I will.
“Alexa, I want to put this all behind me. While honestly I don’t regret doing what I did, I’m done with it. I don’t want Deana to ever feel the pain I’ve felt. I want to change the LePointe legacy, bury forever what this family became, what our fortune did to us. I intend to dedicate myself to showing my daughter what her wealth can mean in the lives of many people. We should see ourselves as caretakers of the fortune, use it to do positive things. William actually did good, despite himself, didn’t he? His grants had some positive results. We can expand on that. And Gary will help me.”
“That sounds promising,” Alexa said.
“Let’s dress and we’ll drink a toast to it and watch the storm waste its time trying to get inside. I feel wonderful. Thank you, Alexa.” She kissed her on the cheek. “And you’ll help?”
“I’ll watch from afar,” Alexa said. “That’s all the help I can give you.” And I will be watching.