Ancienne République
-5000 av. BY
— La tribu perdue des Sith : Précipice,
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
— La tribu perdue des Sith : Divins
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
-4985 av. BY
— La tribu perdue des Sith : Parangon,
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
-4975 av. BY
— La tribu perdue des Sith : Sauveur,
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
-4000 av. BY
— Ombre et Lumière,
(Light and Shadow), Paul Danner, [CO]
— Légende du Côté Obscur,
(A tale from the Dark Side), Georges
R. Strayton, [CO]
-3964 av. BY
— Le Journal Secret du Docteur Demagol,
(The secret journal of doctor Demagol),
John Jackson Miller, [CO]
-3963 av. BY
— Un Travail Laborieux,
(Labor Pains), John Jackson Miller [CO]
— Interférences,
(Interference), John Jackson Miller
-3956 av. BY
— Revan,
(Revan), Drew Karpyshyn [R]
-3960 av. BY
— La tribu perdue des Sith :
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
— La tribu perdue des Sith :
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
-3954 av. BY
— La Troisième Leçon,
(The Third Lesson), Paul S. Kemp
-3653 av. BY
— Complots,
(Deceived), Paul S. Kemp [R]
— Alliance Fatale,
(Fatal Alliance), Sean Williams [R]
-3641 av. BY
— Le Dernier Combat du Colonel Jace Malcom,
(The last Battle of Colonel Jace
Alexander Freed [CO]
-3000 av. BY
— La tribu perdue des
Sith : Panthéon,
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
— La tribu perdue des Sith : Secrets,
(The Lost tribe of the Sith :
John Jackson Miller [CO]
-1032 av. BY
— La gazette du Chevalier Errant,
(Essential Atlas Extra : The Knight Errant
John Jackson Miller [CO]
— Chevalier Errant : Influx,
(Knight Errant : Influx), John Jackson
Miller [CO]
-1020 av. BY
— La voie de la destruction,
(Path of Destruction), Drew Karpyshyn
-1002 av. BY
— Obscure communion,
(Darkness Shared), Bill Slavicsek [CO]
-1000 av. BY
— Le fléau des Sith,
(Bane of the Sith), Kevin J. Anderson
— La règle des deux,
(Rule of Two), Drew Karpyshyn [R]
-980 av. BY
— La dynastie du mal,
(Dynasty of Evil), Drew Karpyshyn [R]