To Kresley Cole. A shining star, a talent beyond
compare, beauty personified and one of the reasons
I exist. I want to live inside your brain.

To Nix of the Immortals After Dark for coming to
play in my sandbox

To Christy Foster for all your help online

To Krystle for the wonderful title

To Nora Roberts, an amazingly talented woman
and writer—who just happens to be great at fixing
toilets, too!

To my editors Tracy Farrell and Margo Lipschultz,
whose bountiful support blesses me more
than I can ever say

And LAST on this list:

To Jill Monroe. I guess you’re okay. Kind of. (Fine. I
love and adore you beyond what is deemed healthy.
You are a shining star, a talent beyond compare,
beauty personified and the other reason I exist.)