Cynthia’s Confession
You said I might come,’ said Molly, ‘and
that you would tell me all.’
‘You know all, I think,’ said Cynthia, heavily.
‘Perhaps you don’t know what excuses I have, but at any rate you
know what a scrape I am in.’
‘I’ve been thinking a great deal,’ said Molly,
timidly and doubtfully. ‘And I can’t help fancying if you told
Before she could go on, Cynthia had stood up.
‘No!’ said she. ‘That I won’t. Unless I’m to leave
here at once. And you know I have not another place to go
to—without warning, I mean. I dare say my uncle would take me in;
he’s a relation, and would be bound to stand by me in whatever
disgrace I might be; or perhaps I might get a governess’s
situation; a pretty governess I should be!’
‘Pray, please, Cynthia, don’t go off into such wild
talking. I don’t believe you’ve done so very wrong. You say you
have not, and I believe you. That horrid man has managed to get you
involved in some way; but I am sure papa could set it to rights, if
you would only make a friend of him, and tell him all—’
‘No, Molly,’ said Cynthia, ‘I can’t, and there’s an
end of it. You may if you like, only let me leave the house first;
give me that much time.’
‘You know I would never tell anything you wished me
not to tell, Cynthia,’ said Molly, deeply hurt.
‘Would you not, darling?’ said Cynthia, taking her
hand. ‘Will you promise me that? quite a sacred promise?—for it
would be such a comfort to me to tell you all, now you know so
‘Yes! I’ll promise not to tell. You should not have
doubted me,’ said Molly, still a little sorrowfully.
‘Very well. I trust to you. I know I may.’
‘But do you think of telling papa, and getting him
to help you,’ persevered Molly.
‘Never,’ said Cynthia, resolutely, but more quietly
than before. ‘Do you think I forget what he said at the time of
that wretched Mr. Coxe; how severe he was, and how long I was in
disgrace, if indeed I’m out of it now? I am one of those people, as
mamma says sometimes—I cannot live with persons who don’t think
well of me. It may be a weakness, or a sin—I’m sure I don’t know,
and I don’t care; but I really cannot be happy in the same house
with any one who knows my faults, and thinks they are greater than
my merits. Now you know your father would do that. I have often
told you that he (and you too, Molly) had a higher standard than I
had ever known. Oh, I could not bear it; if he were to know he
would be so angry with me—he would never get over it, and I have so
liked him! I do so like him!’
‘Well, never mind, dear; he shall not know,’ said
Molly, for Cynthia was again becoming hysterical—‘at least, we’ll
say no more about it now.’
‘And you’ll never say any more—never—promise me,’
said Cynthia, taking her hand eagerly.
‘Never till you give me leave. Now do let me see if
I cannot help you. Lie down on the bed, and I’ll sit by you, and
let us talk it over.’
But Cynthia sat down again in the chair by the
‘When did it all begin?’ said Molly, after a long
pause of silence.
‘Long ago—four or five years. I was such a child to
be left all to myself It was the holidays, and mamma was away
visiting, and the Donaldsons asked me to go with them to the
Worcester Festival. You can’t fancy how pleasant it all sounded,
especially to me. I had been shut up in that great dreary house at
Ashcombe, where mamma had her school; it belonged to Lord Cumnor,
and Mr. Preston as his agent had to see it all painted and papered;
but, besides that, he was very intimate with us; I believe mamma
thought—no, I’m not sure about that, and I have enough blame to lay
at her door to prevent my telling you anything that may be only
Then she paused and sat still for a minute or two,
recalling the past. Molly was struck by the aged and careworn
expression which had taken temporary hold of the brilliant and
beautiful face; she could see from that how much Cynthia must have
suffered from this hidden trouble of hers.
‘Well! at any rate we were intimate with him, and
he came a great deal about the house, and knew as much as any one
of mamma’s affairs, and all the ins and outs of her life. I’m
telling you that in order that you may understand how natural it
was for me to answer his questions, when he came one day and found
me, not crying, for you know I’m not much given to that, in spite
of to-day’s exposure of myself; but fretting and fuming because,
though mamma had written word I might go with the Donaldsons, she
had never said how I was to get any money for the journey, much
less for anything of dress, and I had outgrown all my last year’s
frocks, and as for gloves and boots—in short, I really had hardly
clothes decent enough for church—’
‘Why didn’t you write to her and tell her all
this?’ said Molly, half afraid of appearing to cast blame by her
very natural question.
‘I wish I had her letter to show you; you must have
seen some of mamma’s letters, though; don’t you know how she always
seems to leave out just the important point of every fact? In this
case she descanted largely on the enjoyment she was having, and the
kindness she was receiving, and her wish that I could have been
with her, and her gladness that I too was going to have some
pleasure; but the only thing that would have been of real use to me
she left out, and that was where she was going to next. She
mentioned that she was leaving the house she was stopping at the
day after she wrote, and that she should be at home by a certain
date; but I got the letter on a Saturday, and the festival began
the next Tuesday—’
‘Poor Cynthia!’ said Molly. ‘Still, if you had
written, your letter might have been forwarded. I don’t mean to be
hard, only I do so dislike the thought of your ever having made a
friend of that man.’
‘Ah!’ said Cynthia, sighing. ‘How easy it is to
judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly!
I was only a young girl, hardly more than a child, and he was a
friend to us then; excepting mamma, the only friend I knew; the
Donaldsons were only kind and good-natured acquaintances.’
‘I am sorry,’ said Molly, humbly, ‘I have been so
happy with papa. I hardly can understand how different it must have
been with you.’
‘Different! I should think so. The worry about
money made me sick of my life. We might not say we were poor, it
would have injured the school; but I would have stinted and starved
if mamma and I had got on as happily together as we might have
done—as you and Mr. Gibson do. It was not the poverty; it was that
she never seemed to care to have me with her. As soon as the
holidays came round she was off to some great house or another; and
I dare say I was at a very awkward age to have me lounging about in
the drawing-room when callers came. Girls at the age I was then are
so terribly keen at scenting out motives, and putting in their
awkward questions as to the little twistings and twirlings and
vanishings of conversation; they’ve no distinct notion of what are
the truths and falsehoods of polite life. At any rate, I was very
much in mamma’s way, and I felt it. Mr. Preston seemed to feel it
too for me; and I was very grateful to him for kind words and
sympathetic looks—crumbs of kindness which would have dropped under
your table unnoticed. So this day, when he came to see how the
workmen were getting on, he found me in the deserted schoolroom,
looking at my faded summer bonnet and some old ribbons I had been
sponging out, and half-worn-out gloves—a sort of rag-fair spread
out on the deal table. I was in a regular passion with only looking
at that shabbiness. He said he was so glad to hear I was going to
this festival with the Donaldsons; old Sally, our servant, had told
him the news, I believe. But I was so perplexed about money, and my
vanity was so put out about my shabby dress, that I was in a pet,
and said I should not go. He sat down on the table, and little by
little he made me tell him all my troubles. I do sometimes think he
was very nice in those days. Somehow, I never felt as if it was
wrong or foolish or anything to accept his offer of money at the
time. He had twenty pounds in his pocket, he said, and really did
not know what to do with it,—should not want it for months; I could
repay it, or rather mamma could, when it suited her. She must have
known I should want money, and most likely thought I should apply
to him. Twenty pounds would not be too much, I must take it all,
and so on. I knew—at least I thought I knew—that I should never
spend twenty pounds; but I thought I could give him back what I did
not want, and so—well, that was the beginning! It doesn’t sound so
very wrong, does it, Molly?’
‘No,’ said Molly, hesitatingly. She did not wish to
make herself into a hard judge, and yet she did so dislike Mr.
Preston. Cynthia went on—
‘Well, what with boots and gloves, and a bonnet and
a mantle, and a white muslin gown, which was made for me before I
left on Tuesday, and a silk gown that followed to the Donaldsons’,
and my journeys and all, there was very little left of the twenty
pounds, especially when I found I must get a ball-dress in
Worcester, for we were all to go to the Ball. Mrs. Donaldson gave
me my ticket, but she looked rather grave at my idea of going to
the Ball in my white muslin, which I had already worn two evenings
at their house. Oh dear! how pleasant it must be to be rich! You
know,’ continued Cynthia, smiling a very little, ‘I can’t help
being aware that I’m pretty, and that people admire me very much. I
found it out first at the Donaldsons’. I began to think I did look
pretty in my fine new clothes, and I saw that other people thought
so too. I was certainly the belle of the house, and it was very
pleasant to feel my power. The last day or two of that gay week Mr.
Preston joined our party. The last time he had seen me was when I
was dressed in shabby clothes too small for me, half-crying in my
solitude, neglected and penniless. At the Donaldsons’ I was a
little queen; and, as I said, fine feathers make fine birds, and
all the people were making much of me; and at that ball, which was
the first night he came, I had more partners than I knew what to do
with. I suppose he really did fall in love with me then. I don’t
think he had done so before. And then I began to feel how awkward
it was to be in his debt. I could not give myself airs to him as I
did to others. Oh! it was so awkward and uncomfortable! But I liked
him, and felt him as a friend all the time. The last day I was
walking in the garden along with the others, and I thought I could
tell him how much I had enjoyed myself, and, how happy I had been,
all thanks to his twenty pounds (I was beginning to feel like
Cinderella when the clock was striking twelve), and to tell him it
should be repaid to him as soon as possible, though I turned sick
at the thought of telling mamma, and knew enough of our affairs to
understand how very difficult it would be to muster up the money.
The end of our talk came very soon; for, almost to my terror, he
began to talk violent love to me, and to beg me to promise to marry
him. I was so frightened, that I ran away to the others. But that
night I got a letter from him, apologizing for startling me,
renewing his offer, his entreaties for a promise of marriage, to be
fulfilled at any date I would please to name—in fact, a most urgent
love-letter, and in it a reference to my unlucky debt, which was to
be a debt no longer, only an advance of the money to be hereafter
mine if only———You can fancy it all, Molly, better than I can
remember it to tell it you.’
‘And what did you say?’ asked Molly,
‘I did not answer it at all until another letter
came, entreating for a reply. By that time mamma had come home, and
the old daily pressure and plaint of poverty had come on. Mary
Donaldson wrote to me often, singing the praises of Mr. Preston as
enthusiastically as if she had been bribed to do it. I had seen him
a very popular man in their set, and I liked him well enough, and
felt grateful to him. So I wrote and gave him my promise to marry
him when I was twenty, but it was to be a secret till then. And I
tried to forget I had ever borrowed money of him, but somehow as
soon as I felt pledged to him I began to hate him. I couldn’t
endure his eagerness of greeting if ever he found me alone; and
mamma began to suspect, I think. I cannot tell you all the ins and
outs; in fact, I didn’t understand them at the time, and I don’t
remember clearly how it all happened now. But I know that Lady
Cuxhaven sent mamma some money to be applied to my education, as
she called it; and mamma seemed very much put out and in very low
spirits, and she and I didn’t get on at all together. So, of
course, I never ventured to name the hateful twenty pounds to her,
but went on trying to think that if I was to marry Mr. Preston, it
need never be paid—very mean and wicked, I dare say; but oh, Molly,
I’ve been punished for it, for now I abhor that man.’
‘But why? When did you begin to dislike him? You
seem to have taken it very passively all this time.’
‘I don’t know. It was growing upon me before I went
to that school at Boulogne. He made me feel as if I was in his
power; and by too often reminding me of my engagement to him, he
made me critical of his words and ways. There was an insolence in
his manner to mamma, too. Ah! you’re thinking that I’m not too
respectful a daughter—and perhaps not; but I couldn’t bear his
covert sneers at her faults, and I hated his way of showing what he
called his “love” for me. Then, after I had been a
semestredn at
Mdme. Lefebre’s, a new English girl came—a cousin of his, who knew
but little of me. Now, Molly, you must forget as soon as I’ve told
you what I’m going to say; and she used to talk so much and
perpetually about her cousin Robert—he was the great man of the
family, evidently—and how he was so handsome, and every lady of the
land in love with him,—a lady of title into the bargain——’
‘Lady Harriet! I dare say,’ said Molly,
‘I don’t know,’ said Cynthia, wearily. ‘I didn’t
care at the time, and I don’t care now; for she went on to say
there was a very pretty widow too, who made desperate love to him.
He had often laughed with them at all her little advances, which
she thought he didn’t see through. And, oh! and this was the man I
had promised to marry, and gone into debt to, and, written
love-letters to! So now you understand it all, Molly!’
‘No, I don’t yet. What did you do on hearing how he
had spoken about your mother?’
‘There was but one thing to do. I wrote and told
him I hated him, and would never, never marry him, and would pay
him back his money and the interest on it as soon as ever I
‘And Mdme. Lefebre brought me back my letter,
unopened, I will say; and told me that she didn’t allow letters to
gentlemen to be sent by the pupils of her establishment unless she
had previously seen their contents. I told her he was a family
friend, the agent who managed mamma’s affairs—I really could not
stick at the truth; but she wouldn’t let it go; and I had to see
her burn it, and to give her my promise I wouldn’t write again,
before she would consent not to tell mamma. So I had to calm down
and wait till I came home.’
‘But you didn’t see him then; at least, not for
some time?’
‘No, but I could write; and I began to try and save
up my money to pay him.’
‘What did he say to your letter?’
‘Oh, at first he pretended not to believe I could
be in earnest; he thought it was only pique, or a temporary offence
to be apologized for and covered over with passionate
‘And afterwards?’
‘He condescended to threats; and, what is worse,
then I turned coward. I couldn’t bear to have it all known and
talked about, and my silly letters shown—oh, such letters! I cannot
bear to think of them, beginning, “My dearest Robert,” to that
‘But, oh, Cynthia, how could you go and engage
yourself to Roger?’ asked Molly.
‘Why not?’ said Cynthia, sharply turning round upon
her. ‘I was free—I am free; it seemed a way of assuring myself that
I was quite free; and I did like Roger—it was such a comfort to be
brought into contact with people who could be relied upon; and I
was not a stock or a stone that I could fail to be touched with his
tender, unselfish love, so different to Mr. Preston’s. I know you
don’t think me good enough for him; and, of course, if all this
comes out, he won’t think me good enough either’ (falling into a
plaintive tone very touching to hear); ‘and sometimes I think I’ll
give him up, and go off to some fresh life amongst strangers; and
once or twice I’ve thought I would marry Mr. Preston out of pure
revenge, and have him for ever in my power—only I think I should
have the worst of it; for he is cruel in his very soul—tigerish,
with his beautiful striped skin and relentless heart. I have so
begged and begged him to let me go without exposure.’
‘Never mind the exposure,’ said Molly. ‘It will
recoil far more on him than harm you.’
Cynthia went a little paler. ‘But I said things in
those letters about mamma. I was quick-eyed enough to all her
faults, and hardly understood the force of her temptations; and he
says he will show those letters to your father, unless I consent to
acknowledge our engagement.’
‘He shall not!’ said Molly, rising up in her
indignation, and standing before Cynthia almost as resolutely
fierce as if she were in the very presence of Mr. Preston himself
‘I am not afraid of him. He dare not insult me, or if he does I do
not care. I will ask him for those letters, and see if he will dare
to refuse me.’
‘You don’t know him,’ said Cynthia, shaking her
head. ‘He has made many an appointment with me, just as if he would
take back the money—which has been sealed up ready for him this
four months; or as if he would give me back my letters. Poor, poor
Roger! How little he thinks of all this. When I want to write words
of love to him I pull myself up, for I have written words as
affectionate to that other man. And if Mr. Preston ever guessed
that Roger and I were engaged, he would manage to be revenged on
both him and me, by giving us as much pain as he could with those
unlucky letters—written when I was not sixteen, Molly,—only seven
of them! They are like a mine under my feet, which may blow up any
day; and down will come father and mother and all.’ She ended
bitterly enough, though her words were so light.
‘How can I get them?’ said Molly, thinking: ‘for
get them I will. With papa to back me, he dare not refuse.’
‘Ah! But that’s just the thing. He knows I’m afraid
of your father’s hearing of it all, more than of any one
‘And yet he thinks he loves you!’
‘It is his way of loving. He says often enough, he
doesn’t care what he does so he gets me to be his wife; and that
after that he is sure he can make me love him.’ Cynthia began to
cry, out of weariness of body and despair of mind. Molly’s arms
were round her in a minute, and she pressed the beautiful head to
her bosom, and laid her own cheek upon it, and hushed her up with
lulling words, just as if she were a little child.
‘Oh, it is such a comfort to have told you all!’
murmured Cynthia. And Molly made reply,—‘I am sure we have right on
our side; and that makes me certain he must and shall give up the
‘And take the money?’ added Cynthia, lifting her
head, and looking eagerly into Molly’s face. ‘He must take the
money. Oh, Molly, you can never manage it all without its coming
out to your father! And I would far rather go out to Russia as a
governess. I almost think I would rather—no, not that,’ said she,
shuddering away from what she was going to say. ‘But he must not
know—please, Molly, he must not know. I couldn’t bear it. I don’t
know what I might not do. You’ll promise me never to tell him—or
‘I never will. You do not think I would for
anything short of saving—’ She was going to have said, ‘saving you
and Roger from pain.’ But Cynthia broke in—
‘For nothing. No reason whatever must make you tell
your father. If you fail, you fail, and I will love you for ever
for trying; but I shall be no worse than before. Better, indeed;
for I shall have the comfort of your sympathy. But promise me not
to tell Mr. Gibson.’
‘I have promised once,’ said Molly, ‘but I promise
again; so now do go to bed, and try and rest. You are looking as
white as a sheet; you’ll be ill if you don’t get some rest; and
it’s past two o’clock, and you’re shivering with cold.’
So they wished each other good-night. But when
Molly got into her room all her spirit left her; and she threw
herself down on her bed, dressed as she was, for she had no heart
left for anything. If Roger ever heard of it all by any chance, she
felt how it would disturb his love for Cynthia. And yet was it
right to conceal it from him? She must try and persuade Cynthia to
tell it all straight out to him as soon as he returned to England.
A full confession on her part would wonderfully lessen any pain he
might have on first hearing of it. She lost herself in thoughts of
Roger—how he would feel, what he would say, how that meeting would
come to pass, where he was at that very time, and so on, till she
suddenly plucked herself up, and recollected what she herself had
offered and promised to do. Now that the first furor was over, she
saw the difficulties clearly; and the foremost of all was how she
was to manage to have an interview with Mr. Preston. How had
Cynthia managed? and the letters that had passed between them too?
Unwillingly, Molly was compelled to perceive that there must have
been a good deal of underhand work going on beneath Cynthia’s
apparent openness of behaviour; and still more unwillingly she
began to be afraid that she herself might be led into the practice.
But she would try and walk in a straight path; and if she did
wander out of it, it should only be to save pain to those whom she