I would like to thank the following people for all their help:
Nagashima Shunichiro, who once again provided and translated important documents from the Japanese; Mark Schreiber and Romain Slocombe, who both discussed the case with me and generously shared their own research; Stephen Page, Angus Cargill, Anna Pallai, Anne Owen, Sarah Savitt, Tanya Andrews, Trevor Horwood and all the staff of Faber and Faber in London; Sonny Mehta, Diana Coglianese, Sarah Robinson and Zach Wagman in New York. Once again, Sawa Junzo, Hamish Macaskill, Peter Thompson and all the staff of the English Agency Japan. Also in Tokyo, Simon Bartz, Steve Finbow, Mike and Mayu Handford, Kaetsu Kazuko, Cathy Layne, Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert and Steve Taylor. In England, my parents, Andrew Eaton, Tony Grisoni and Jon Riley. I would also like to particularly thank Lee Brackstone for both his patience and his belief in this book. Finally, and most of all, to William Miller, my agent, without whom this book would have been abandoned a lot, lot sooner.