
[1] Mackenzie, en la seva Narrative of the Siege of Londonderry, no esmenta cap oficial que es digui Carleton. Sí que parla sovint, però, d’un tal coronel Crofton. Però tenint en compte que el mateix Carleton va servir a la guerra d’Holanda del 1665, és pràcticament impossible que sigui fill d’algú que es va distingir en uns fets d’armes que daten del 1688. [Aquesta i totes les notes que segueixen en aquest pròleg són de Sir Walter Scott, tret que s’especifiqui el contrari. (N. del T.)] [Torna]

[2] Vegeu també Earl of Peterboroughs conduct in Spain, del Dr. John Freind, Londres, 1707. [Torna]

[3] Conduct of the Allies. [Torna]

[4] Swift, Journal to Stella, 24 de juny de 1711. [Torna]

[5] Mordanto fills the trump of fame, | The Christian world his deeds proclaim, | And prints are crowded with his name. | In journies he outrides the post, | Sits up till midnight with his host, | Talks politics, and gives the toast. | Knows everv prince in Europe’s face, | Flies like a squib from place to place, | And travels not, but runs a race. | From Paris Gazette à-la-main, | This day arrived, without his train, | Mordanto in a week from Spain. | A messenger comes all a-reek, | Mordanto at Madrid to seek; | He left the town above a week. | Next day the post-boy winds his horn, | And rides through Dover in the morn: | Mordanto’s landed from Leghorn. | Mordanto gallops on alone, | The roads are with his followers strown, | This breaks a girth, and that a bone. | His body active as his mind, | Returning sound in limb and wind, | Except some leather lost behind. | A skeleton in outward figure; | His meagre corpse, though full of vigour, | Would halt behind him, were it bigger. | So wonderful his expedition, | When you have not the least suspicion, | He’s with you like an apparition. | Shines in all climates like a star; | In senates bold, and fierce in war; | A land commander, and a tar: | Heroic actions early bred in, | Ne’er to be matched in modern reading, | But by his namesake, Charles of Sweden. (N. del T.) [Torna]