ALLEN, Sandra; SANDERS, Lee; WALLIS, Jan (ed.). Conditions of Illusion. Leeds: Feminist Books, 1974.

BAHRO, Rudolf. Socialism and Survival. Londres: Heretic Books, 1982.

BARRIOS DE CHÚNGARA, Domitila (Victoria Ortiz, trad.). Let Me Speak! Testimony of Domatila, a Woman of the Bolivian Mines. Londres: Stage 1, 1979. (Edició en castellà: «Si me permiten hablar…». Testimonio de Domitila. Una mujer de las minas de Bolivia. Mèxic: Siglo XXI editores, 1977; edició digital: 2005.)

BERKMAN, Alexander. ABC of Anarchism. Londres: Freedom Press, 1973.

What is Communist Anarchism? Nova York: Dover Publications, 1972.

BONDURANT, Joan V. Conquest of Violence. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971.

BRITTAIN, Vera. Chronicle of Youth: War Diary, 1913-17. Londres: Fontana, 1982.

Testament of Friendship. Londres: Fontana/Virago, 1980.

Testament of Experience: the years 1925-50. Londres: Virago/Fontana, 1979.

Testament of Youth: 1900-25. Londres: Virago, 1978.

BRONSTEIN, Audrey. The Triple Struggle. Londres: War on Want, 1982.

CALDER, Angus. The People’s War. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.

CARSON, Rachel. Silent Spring, Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1965. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Joandomènec Ros: Primavera silenciosa. Barcelona: Crítica, 2010.)

CARTER, April; HOGGETT, David; ROBERTS, Adam. Nonviolent Action: A selected bibliography. Londres: Housmans, 1970.

CENTRAL LONDON WAVAW GROUP. WAVAW - Women Against Violence Against Women. Londres: WAVAW, 1981.

CHAPKIS, Wendy (ed.). Loaded Questions: Women in the Military. Amsterdam/Washington DC: Transnational Institute, 1981.

CHILD, Christopher. The California Crusade of Cesar Chavez. Londres: Quaker Peace and Service, 1968.

CLUSTER, Dick (ed.). They Should Have Served that Cup of Coffee: Seven Radicals Remember the Sixties. Boston: South End Press, 1979.

CLUTTERBUCK, Charlie i LANG, Tim. More Than We Can Chew. Londres: Pluto Press, 1982.

COCKBURN, Cynthia. The Local State. Londres: Pluto Press, 1977.

COOVER, Virginia; DEACON, Ellen; ESSER, Charles; MOORE, Christopher. Resource Manual for a Living Revolution. Philadelphia: New Society Press, 1977.

COX, John. Overkill: The Story of Modern Weapons. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.

CROWN, Sheryl. Hell, No, We Won’t Glow: the Nonviolent Occupation of a Nuclear Power Site. Londres: Housmans, 1979.

DALY, Mary. Gyn/Ecology. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1979.

D’ARCY, Margaretta. Tell Them Everything. Lonodres: Pluto Press, 1981.

DEMING, Barbara. Remembering Who We Are. East Palo Alto, Califòrnia: Frog in the Well Press, 1981.

We Cannot Live Without Our Lives. Nova York: Grossman Publishers, 1974.

Revolution and Equilibrium. Nova York: Grossman Publishers, 1971.

DOLGOFF, Sam (ed.). The Anarchist Collectives: Workers Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution 1936-39. Mont-real: Black Rose Press, 1974.

DWORKIN, Andrea. Our Blood. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1982.

Pornography: Men Possessing Women. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1981.

Woman Hating. Nova York: Dutton, 1974.

ENLOE, Cynthia. Ethnic Soldiers. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.

EVASON, Eileen. Hidden Violence; A Study of Battered Women in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Farset Cooperative Press, 1982.

FANON, Frantz. Black Skins, White Masks. Nova York: Grove, 1967. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà d’Iría Álvarez: Piel negra, máscaras blancas. Madrid: Akal, 2009.)

FEMINISTS AGAINST NUCLEAR POWER. Nuclear Resisters. Londres: Feminist against Nuclear Power, 1981.

FEMINISM AND NONVIOLENCE STUDY GROUP. «Neither Victim Nor Assassin: Feminism and Nonviolence». A: Shrew. Manchester: 1978.

FEMINIST ANTHOLOGY COLLECTIVE (ed.). No Turning Back: Writings from the WLM 1975-1980. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1981.

FRITZ, Leah. Thinking Like A Woman. WIN Books, 1975.

GANDHI, Mohandas. An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Ahmedabad: Navajivan Trust, 1927, i Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1983. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà: Autobiografía: Historia de mis experiencias con la verdad. Madrid: Gaia Ediciones, 2014.)

Women and Injustice. Ahmedabad: Navajivan Trust, 1942.

GEARHART, Sally. The Wanderground. Watertown, Massachusetts: Persephone Press, 1980.

GOLDMAN, Emma. Living My Life (2 vol.). Nova York: Dover Publications, 1971. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà d’Ignacio Sopriano: Viviendo mi vida. Madrid: Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo, 1995.)

GRAFTON, Peter. You, You and You: The People Out of Step with World War Two. Londres: Pluto Press, 1982.

GRIFFIN, Susan. Pornography and Silence. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1981.

Hobbs, May. Born to Struggle. Londres: Quartet, 1973.

HONEYWELL, Martin i PEARCE, Jenny. Falklands/Malvinas - Whose Crisis?. Londres: Latin America Bureau, 1982.

JELFS, Martin i MERRITT, Sandy. Manual for Action. Londres: Action Resources Group, 1982.

JONES, Lynne. Keeping the Peace. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1983.

KING, Martin Luther, Jr. Why We Can’t Wait. Nova York: New American Library, 1964. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Joaquín Romero Maura: Porqué no podemos esperar. Barcelona: Ayma SA, 4a ed., 1969.)

KOEN, Susan i SWAIM, Nina. Ain’t Nowhere We Can Run: A Handbook for Women on the Nuclear Mentality. Norwich VT: Women Against Nuclear Development, 1980.

KOLLWITZ, Kathe. Graphics, Posters and Drawings. Londres: Writers and Readers, 1981.

KROPOTKIN, Peter. The Conquest of Bread. Londres: Allen Lane, 1972. (N’hi ha traducció al castellà de Frank Mintz: La conquista del pan. Madrid: Asociación LaMalatesta, 2008.)

• (Colin Ward, ed.). Fields, Factories and Workshops. Londres: George Allen and Unwin, 1974. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà d’Antonio López White: Campos, fábricas y talleres. Madrid: Ediciones Júcar, 1977.)

LAKEY, George. Strategy for a Living Revolution. San Francisco: Freeman, 1973.

LEGER SIVARD, Ruth. World Military and Social Expenditures. Leesburg, Virgínia: World Priorities, anual.

LE GUIN, Ursula. The Dispossessed. Saint Albans: Panther Books, 1975. (N’hi ha traducció al castellà de Luis Horno Liria: Los desposeídos. Barcelona: Ediciones Minotauro, 1999.)

LEKACHMAN, Robert i VAN LOON, Borin. Capitalism for Beginners. Londres: Writers and Readers, 1981.

LESSING, Doris. The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five. Londres: Granada, 1981. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Matilde Horne: Los matrimonios entre las zonas tres, cuatro y cinco. Barcelona: Ediciones Minotauro, 2003.)

LINDEN, Robin Ruth et al. (ed.). Against Sadomasochism. East Palo Alto, Califòrnia: Frog in the Well Press, 1982.

LONDON EDINBURGH WEEKEND RETURN GROUP. In and Against the State: Discussion Notes for Socialists. Londres: Pluto Press, 1980.

MANCHESTER LAW CENTRE. From Ill Treatment to No Treatment, Immigration Handbook. Manchester: Manchester Law Centre Immigation Handbook, 1982.

MARWICK, Arthur. Women at War 1914-18. Londres: Fontana, 1977.

MCALLISTER, Pam (ed.). Reweaving the Web of Life: Feminism and Nonviolence. Philadelphia: New Society Publications, 1982.

MCCANN, Eamonn. War and an Irish Town. Londres: Pluto Press, 1980.

MEDEA, Andrea i THOMPSON, Kathleen. Against Rape: A Survival Manual for Women. Londres: Peter Owen, 1975.

MEDICAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The Medical Consequences of Nuclear Weapons. Cambridge: MCANW, 1982.

MEISELAS, Susan. Nicaragua. Londres: Writers and Readers, 1981.

MINNS, Raynes. Bombers and Mash: The Domestic Front, 1939-45. Londres: Virago, 1980.

MORGAN, Robin (ed.). Sisterhood is Powerful. Nova York: Vintage Books, 1973.

MORRIS, William. News from Nowhere. Londres: Routledge, 1970. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Juan José Morato: Noticias de ninguna parte. Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2011).

PIERCY, Marge. Woman On The Edge of Time. Londres: The Women’s Press, 1979.

RANDALL, Margaret. Sandino’s Daughters. Londres: Zed Press, 1982. (Edició en castellà: Las hijas de Sandino. Managua, Nicaragua: Anama Ediciones Centroamericanas, 1999.)

REILLY, Catherine (ed.). Scars Upon My Heart: Women’s Poetry from World War 1. Londres: Virago, 1981.

RICH, Adrienne. Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence. Londres: Onlywomen Press, 1981.

On Lies, Secrets and Silence. Londres: Virago, 1980. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Margarita Dalton: Sobre mentiras, secretos y silencios. Barcelona: Icària, 1983.)

RUETHER RADFORD, Rosemary. New Woman, New Earth. Nova York: Seabury, 1978.

RUSSELL, Dora. The Tamarisk Tree. Londres: Virago, part 1: 1977, part 2: 1981.

SHARP, Gene. The Politics of Nonviolent Action: vol. I, Power and Struggle; vol. II, The Methods of Nonviolent Action; vol. III, The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1973.

SIGMUND, Elizabeth. Rage Against the Dying. Londres: Pluto Press, 1980.

SMEDLEY, Agnes. Daughter ot Earth. Londres: Virago, 1977.

TANNER, Leslie (ed.). Voices from Women’s Liberation. Nova York: New American Library, 1971.

THOMPSON, Dorothy (ed.). Over Our Dead Bodies - Women against the Bomb. Londres: Virago, 1983. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Mireia Bofill: Antes muertas. Mujeres ante el peligro nuclear. Barcelona: laSal, edicions de les dones, 1984.)

THOMPSON, E. P. i SMITH, Dan. Protest and Survive. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1980. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Miguel Candel Teofrasto: Protesta y sobrevive. Madrid: Hermann Blume, 1983.)

THOREAU, Henry. Walden and On The Duty of Civil Disobedience. Nova York: New American Library. (N’hi ha una traducció al castellà de Carlos Sánchez Rodrigo: Walden. La desobediencia civil. Barcelona: Parsifal Ediciones, 2001.)

TINKER, David. A Message from the Falklands. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

URDANG, Stephanie. Fighting Two Colonialisms: Women in Guinea-Bissau. Nova York: Monthly Review Press, 1980.

WANDOR, Michelene (ed.). The Body Politic: Writings from the Women’s Liberation Movement in Britain 1969-1972. Londres: Stage 1, 1978.

WILSON, Amrit. Finding A Voice: Asian Women in Britain. Londres: Virago, 1978.

WINSTANLEY, Gerrard (Christopher Hill, ed.). The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

WOOLF, Virginia. A Room of One’s Own. Saint Albans: Panther, 1977. (N’hi ha una traducció al català d’Helena Valentí Petit: Una cambra pròpia. Barcelona: La temerària, 2014.)

Three Guineas. Hardmondsworth: Penguin, 1977. (N’hi ha una traducció al català: Tres guinees. Barcelona: ICIP-Angle editorial, 2011.)