This past year and a half my family has been gathering way too often at hospitals, providing the writer in me with more than enough research material. Here’s to the crew: Bob and Tracy Kava, Nancy and Jim Tworek, Kenny and Connie Kava and Patricia Kava.
Naming characters is often a unique process for most authors. Only on rare occasions have I used a real person’s name for one of my characters. This novel is the exception. Thanks go to the following:
Joanne Ceimo for allowing me to use both her sons’ names, David and Chris Ceimo. Chris actually does own an English pub called The Rose and Crown, only you’ll find it in Phoenix, Arizona, not Minneapolis.
Ray Kunze—so you’re not a headless, rotting corpse, after all. And no, I don’t think you dress like a bouncer at a private nightclub.
Lee Dixon and his new grandson, Henry Lee Dixon. I haven’t met the latter yet, but I’m sure he’s as lovable and ornery as his grandfather.
Also special thanks to:
Leigh Ann Retelsdorf—all the questions helped…really they did…okay, maybe not in the beginning, but eventually they did.
Faith Cotton—for being my eyes by providing all the fantastic photos of Mall of America.
Frank Tripp at Alegent Health Wellness Center for answering questions about commercial dryers.
And of course, Sharon Car, Marlene Haney, Sandy Rockwood and Patti El-Kachouti—for your patience, your friendship and your reminders that there is life outside of writing books.
My unwavering respect and heartfelt gratitude to my incredible team:
Linda McFall, my editor and grace under pressure;
Amy Moore-Benson, my agent extraordinaire;
And Deb Carlin, my peace of mind, always.
A very special thank-you to the booksellers, book buyers and librarians across the country for mentioning my novels.
Last and most importantly, to all you faithful readers—I know there’s plenty of competition for your time, your entertainment and for your dollars. I thank you for continuing to choose my novels.