44 Five

Bruno Bottger sat behind his desk, drinking his German wine, as Sergei Bergman and Herman Bundt gave their report on the New World Order mercenaries’ readiness for battle.

Bergman, who had been with Bottger since the African campaign and was in charge of the meres’ training facility, took a deep drink of his scotch whiskey, then dipped the end of his cigar in it before taking a puff. As he let smoke trail from his nostrils, he shook his head. “I don’t know, Bruno,” he said in answer to Bottger’s question about the meres. “We’ve had plenty of men answer your ads in Soldier of Fortune magazine, but only about half of them are really battle-experienced. The rest are wannabes who are dirt poor and looking for an easy way to make some money.”

Sergeant Herman Bundt, Bergman’s second in command, sneered over his bottle of beer. “Those can be useful too, Sergei,” he said. “We can always use them for cannon fodder if the need arises.”

“That’s true, Herman,” Bergman agreed, “but at some point, we’re going to need men who can give as well as follow orders. My experienced line officers are too few to be everywhere at once, and it doesn’t do any good to have good weapons and materiel if the men don’t know how or when to use them.”

“I thought we were on schedule with our training,” Bruno said, a scowl on his face.

“We were, Bruno,” Bergman said, “but the schedule was




advanced by over a year when President Osterman offered you the chance to attack the SUSA earlier than you’d planned.”

“Well, then we need to accelerate the training,” Bruno said, as if his ordering it would make it possible. “This chance is too good to pass up. That crazy bitch Osterman has practically given us the keys to her country as well as the means to defeat that bastard Raines and his mongrel country. Whatever it takes to get more men who are acceptable must be done. Increase the ads if you need to or offer more money, but get me some troops that are worthy of the New World Order.”

Bergman finished off his scotch and stuck his cigar in the corner of him mouth as he got up from his chair. “I’ll do what I can, Bruno, but don’t expect miracles.”

“That is exactly what I do expect, Sergei,” Bruno said, his expression dangerous, “and you know the price of failure.”

Bergman glanced at Rudolf Hessner standing off to the side, wishing their leader’s second in command would try to talk some sense into him. “Yes, sir,” he said, snapping off a quick salute and leaving the room, Bundt right behind him.

“Do you think Bergman is up to the task?” Bruno asked Hessner.

Rudolf nodded. “Do not let Sergei’s trying to warn you of the facts mislead you into thinking he is not fully committed to our war, Bruno,” he said. “Sergei is one of the best men I’ve ever seen at motivating and training mercenaries. He will get the job done if it is at all possible to do it.”

“He’d better,” Bruno growled. He rubbed the scar tissue on his face with his fingertips. “I’ve waited a long time to pay Ben Raines back for what he did to us in Africa, and I don’t intend to let him off the hook now.”

Sergei Bergman walked out of the villa and got into his personal HumVee, waiting only a moment as Herman Bundt followed. He started the engine and squealed the tires as he raced out of the driveway toward the mercenaries’ training fa-46


cility on the other end of the island. “Goddamn generals, they’re all the same,” he muttered to himself. “They think if they order it, it will magically happen, like I’m supposed to make good soldiers out of riffraff overnight.”

He drove over winding roads through heavily jungled terrain until he arrived at the camp. He pulled to a stop and sat in his vehicle for a moment watching his officers put the meres through their training exercises.

Shaking his head at the inexperience some of the men showed, he climbed down and walked to the officers’ billet to check and see if any worthwhile candidates had come in recently.

Sergeant Herman Bundt walked around to sit behind his desk. He pushed a button on the intercom and said, “Send in the new arrivals.”

A moment later, a group of men and women stood at attention before him.

Bundt glanced up and smiled at Bergman. “These are the latest arrivals, Sergei,” he said. “From their records, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

“I hope they’re better than the last bunch,” Bergman replied, looking over the new recruits. There were a couple that looked interesting. Two men who were well over six feet tall and had the look of battle-hardened veterans about them, along with another man who was leaner and less muscled, but whose eyes were hard as flint.

“What have we got here?” Bergman asked, shifting his gaze from the men to two women who were standing with them. “Are these women applying for jobs as cooks, or hostesses?”

The taller of the two women, a pretty, dark-haired female who looked as if she had some indio blood in her veins, turned her eyes to him. Her look made the hair on the back of his neck stir, and he thought maybe he’d misjudged this one. She certainly looked dangerous enough. He glanced at her companion, a fresh-faced younger woman with close-cropped blond hair and a trim build. This one looks much too soft to





be a mercenary, he thought. She looks more suited to sharing a man’s bed than a foxhole.

“These applicants all have battle experience, Sergei,” Bundt commented, looking down at the papers the recruits had filled out. “First with Claire Osterman’s Army in the U.S., then with Raines’s forces in the SUSA.”

“You’ve all fought together before?” Bergman asked, waiting to see who answered as the leader of the small group.

The tall redheaded man turned to speak. “Yes, sir,” he said crisply.

“Why did you switch alliance from the U.S. to the SUSA?” Bergman asked, stepping in front of the desk and sitting his hips on the desktop.

The red-haired giant shrugged. “More money, less hassle with poor officers who were trying to get us killed.”

“So, money, not ideology, is what is important to you, huh?” Bergman asked.

“Staying alive to spend the money is the most important thing, sir. From what we’ve seen, Raines’s forces don’t have the will to win this war, or they’d have finished Perro Loco off in Mexico when they had the chance. We prefer to be on the winning side, for all kinds of reasons.”

Bergman nodded. He could understand that, all right. It was the main reason he’d decided to fight with Bruno Bottger himself.

“I don’t have any quarrel with that,” Bergman said, “if you can earn your keep. Just how good are you?”

The big man’s lips curled in a half smile. “Good enough to take anyone you’ve got with you now.”

Bergman pursed his lips as he thought. He liked this man’s confidence. In fact, it reminded him of himself when he was younger and full of piss and vinegar.

“Herman,” Bergman said, “bring me those laser flak jackets. We’re gonna have a little war game action today.”




William W. Johnstone

Bergman handed out the jackets to Harley Reno and his team.

“What are these?” Coop asked as he examined the strange-looking garment.

“Specially constructed flak jackets with laser-receivers built in,” Bergman answered. “They’re used with these special laser rifles. If you’re hit with a beam, the jacket begins to beep and you’re classified as a kill.”

Harley slipped his jacket on and took a laser rifle from Bergman. “So, what’s the deal?”

Bergman thought for a moment. “I think I’ll send you and your team out into the jungle. Give you about an hour head start, then send my best team of commandos after you. Whoever comes back with the most live men is the winner.”

“And if we lose?” Jersey asked.

“Then obviously, we won’t be needing your services,” Bergman answered with a grim smile.

Harley started to leave, then stopped and faced Bergman. “You want us to kill your team or bring them back alive as prisoners?”

Bergman laughed. “You’re awfully confident you won’t be the ones brought back.”

Harley shrugged. “Let’s just say we capture the entire force. What then?”

“I’ll make you my lead commando group and send the others back for more training,” Bergman said, his expression showing he doubted very much that would happen.

Once out of sight of the camp, Harley shifted into double time, practically jogging as he moved through dense jungle overgrowth as if it weren’t there. It was all the rest of the team could do to keep up with him as he moved silently and swiftly down narrow jungle trails.

After thirty minutes, he stopped when he found an area he liked. Squatting, he and Hammer stuck sticks in the soft earth




just off the trail and strung thin, almost invisible wire across the path. The wire they connected to slam-bangs, percussion grenades that exploded with a loud bang and a brilliant flash of light when triggered.

Harley then moved back down the trail the way they’d come, whispering directions to Coop and Jersey as he positioned them in undergrowth off the trail and handed them a handful of plastic tie-downs, such as cops use in place of handcuffs.

Taking Anna by the arm, he and Hammer ran on ahead, jumping over the wire as they passed it.

Fifteen minutes passed, and then a group of ten men appeared on the trail, passing between Jersey and Coop without seeing them. Evidently, Bergman hadn’t kept his word about giving them an hour’s head start, Coop thought as he ducked down behind his bush and waited for the scout group to pass.

The leader of the commandos, a tall black man with broad shoulders and old burn scars on his face, walked in a semicrouch, sweeping his laser rifle back and forth as he moved silently up the trail.

The men behind him were good, for they kept their attention on what they were doing, with little chatter or unnecessary talk. They were strung out in single file, five yards between them, as they walked.

When the leader tripped the wire, causing the grenades to explode, all ten men hit the dirt facedown, yelling and groaning from the pain in their ears.

Coop and Jersey jumped from their cover, reversed their K-Bar assault knives, and coldcocked the last two men in the line in the back of their heads, knocking them unconscious. Then Coop and Jersey slipped back under cover.

Up ahead, just before a bend in the trail, Anna stepped into view and fired off several rounds with her M-16 laser rifle, making sure not to hit anyone.

The laser rifles were fitted with blank cartridges so they would sound like real combat weapons.

The black leader managed to get off two rounds, which




missed, before Anna disappeared around the bend and out of sight.

“Come on, men, they’re up ahead!” he yelled, jumping to his feet and taking off in pursuit. His men scrambled to their feet and followed him, none noticing that the last two men in the group remained facedown on the jungle ground.

After the group ran out of sight, Jersey and Coop emerged from hiding and wrapped the hands and feet of the unconscious men with the plastic tie-downs, then followed the scouts up the trail.

As the commandos rounded the bend in the trail, two dark figures dropped from trees next to the path onto the last two men in the group, slapping the back of their necks with vicious karate chops as they landed.

Jersey and Coop caught up with them just as Hammer and Harley finished securing the men’s arms and legs with tie-downs.

“Four down, six to go,” Harley grunted with a smile as he tightened the final tie-down.

“What about Anna?” Jersey asked.

“She’s okay,” Hammer said, consulting a map of the region Bergman had given them. “She’s waiting for us up ahead, near where the trail splits and goes in two different directions.”

“How’ll we get to her?” Coop asked. “The commandos are between us and her.”

“We go this way through the jungle,” Harley answered, pointing to the left. “The left-hand trail bends back this way and we can cut straight across and meet her ahead of the enemy force.”

Coop glanced at what looked like impenetrable jungle. “We’re going through that?” he asked.

Harley smiled. “No pain, no gain,” he said, as he melted into the undergrowth.




Ronald Watanabe, the leader of the commandos, stopped and looked behind him. “Where are the others?” he asked.

His men glanced around. Lieutenant Johnson, his second in command, shook his head. “We’re missing four men, sir.”

“I can see that, you imbecile,” Watanabe almost shouted. “Where are they?”

Johnson, sweat beading on his forehead in the thick humidity of the jungle, shrugged. “I ddn’t know, sir. If they’d been shot, we would’ve heard their flak jackets go off.”

“Damn!” Watanabe exclaimed. “These recruits are better than I thought. Keep together and let’s move slower. I don’t want to lose any more men.”

They moved less than a hundred yards before coming to a wide, shallow river flowing sluggishly through the undergrowth.

“Be careful, men,” Watanabe said as he held his rifle over his head and waded out through rushes and weeds into the stream. “These rivers are full of crocs and snakes.”

On the opposite bank, Anna stepped out and fired a quick burst, then turned and ran away again.

“Go, go, go!” Watanabe shouted, splashing and firing his M-16 as he struggled against the slow current to cross the river.

With his men’s attention in front of them, none noticed the four figures rise silently out of the water behind them, bamboo breathing tubes in their mouths.

Four hands rose and fell, knocking four more commandos unconscious and taking them back into the rushes at the water’s edge.

Watanabe and Johnson scrambled out of the water onto the opposite bank, their rifles held before them, looking for the elusive Anna, who was nowhere to be seen.

“Goddamn!” Watanabe said, wiping water out of his eyes as he turned to check his men.

“Shit!” he almost yelled, seeing no one behind him except




Johnson. “What the hell’s going on here?” he asked his lieutenant.

Johnson looked around, his eyes widening in fear at the sight of the empty water behind them. “You think crocs got ‘em?” he asked.

“If it wasn’t, those bastards are gonna wish they had been eaten when I get through with ‘em.”

Watanabe slammed a fresh clip in his M-16 and began to move up the trail, his eyes searching the bushes for enemies, his finger itchy on the trigger.

Johnson followed, his head swiveling as he continually checked his back trail.

Twenty minutes later, they heard what sounded like the deep growl of a jungle cat, followed by the high-pitched scream of a woman in danger.

“Shit!” Johnson said. “That sounded like a panther, an’ all we got with us are blanks.”

Watanabe nodded. They’d lost two men to the big cats during training, and he wanted no part of facing one without live ammo in his rifle.

“Let’s get the hell out of here,” he said. “I ain’t gonna get killed for no training exercise.”

They began to jog back down the trail, looking back over their shoulders as the sound of a panther again rang out through the jungle.

As they rounded a bend, Harley and Hammer jerked on a vine they’d laid across the trail, sending Johnson and Watanabe sprawling onto their faces. Before they could look up, they were knocked unconscious by blows to the back of their heads by Jersey and Coop.

Anna strolled up to the group just as they were finishing placing the tie-downs on their victims.

“Jesus, Anna,” Coop said. “That cry sounded so real it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.”

She smiled. “Fooled you, huh?”

“Damn straight!” Coop said.




Harley stood up from immobilizing Johnson and Watanabe. “It fooled them too. Now, let’s get back to camp and see what Herr Bergman has to say about our performance.”

“Are we just going to leave these men out here in the jungle with their hands and feet tied?” Anna asked, a worried look on her face.

“Yep,” Harley answered. “Maybe it’ll teach ‘em not to fuck with us in the future.”

“That’s if the snakes and jungle cats don’t eat them first,” Coop said, looking around at the dense undergrowth with a shudder.