The information in this chapter comes primarily from background interviews with five firsthand sources.
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One Saturday morning in September 1991: Interviews with several knowledgeable sources. See also Rick Atkinson, In the Company of Soldiers (New York: Henry Holt, 2004), pp. 37ñ38, and Lois Romano, "When Edwards Nips Senate, Dodd Bites Back," The Washington Post, May 3, 2007, p. A23.On September 19, the same day: Presidential Documents, September 19, 2006, pp. 1638ñ1639 (Vol. 42, No. 38),
That same day, September 20: Author's review and notes of a SECRET intelligence document dated September 20, 2006.
Later, when I asked the president: Interview with President George W. Bush on May 20, 2008.
He forwarded copies of the report: Author's review and notes of a SECRET snowflake.