
Our agent, Gary Heidt, is one of those rare individuals who believe there’s a place in the world for a book on weird Bible stories and interpretations. He helped us give shape to our original concept and found the perfect publisher for the book. HarperOne was our

“dream” choice from the beginning, and we’re thrilled that Gary was able to land the book with them. It has been a great pleasure to work with Kris Ashley of HarperOne. She is an outstanding editor, and we very much appreciate her guidance and enthusiasm.

Finally, we are deeply grateful to our co-author Joel Kilpatrick, who has helped us turn unusual but still dry Bible scholarship into entertaining reading. We thought we were funny guys until we read our manuscript after Joel had spun it. We laughed out loud at least once on nearly every page, but we recognize that everyone may not share our perverted sense of humor. We take full responsibility for the discussions and judgments about Bible scholarship in this book.

But Joel is to blame for any jokes that fall fl at.

—John Kaltner

Steve McKenzie