never considered before, he would like to have it
explained -- what then did she wish to make of it? And
he indicated the scene before them. She looked.
She could not show him what she wished to make
of it, could not see it even herself, without a brush
in her hand. She took up once more her old painting
position with the dim eyes and the absent-minded
manner, subduing all her impressions as a woman to
something much more general; becoming once more
under the power of that vision which she had seen
clearly once and must now grope for among hedges
and houses and mothers and children -- her picture.
It was a question, she remembered, how to connect
this mass on the right hand with that on the left.
She might do it by bringing the line of the branch
across so; or break the vacancy in the foreground
by an object (James perhaps) so. But the danger
was that by doing that the unity of the whole might
be broken. She stopped; she did not want to bore
him; she took the canvas lightly off the easel.
But it had been seen; it had been taken from her.
This man had shared with her something profoundly
intimate. And, thanking Mr. Ramsay for
it and Mrs. Ramsay for it and the hour and the
place, crediting the world with a power which she
had not suspected -- that one could walk away down
that long gallery not alone any more but arm in
arm with somebody -- the strangest feeling in the
world, and the most exhilarating -- she nicked the
catch of her paint-box to, more firmly than was
necessary, and the nick seemed to surround in a
circle forever the paint-box, the lawn, Mr. Bankes,
and that wild villain, Cam, dashing past.
For Cam grazed the easel by an inch; she would
not stop for Mr. Bankes and Lily Briscoe; though
Mr. Bankes, who would have liked a daughter of
his own, held out his hand; she would not stop for
her father, whom she grazed also by an inch; nor
for her mother, who called " Cam! I want you a
moment! " as she dashed past. She was off like a bird,
bullet, or arrow, impelled by what desire, shot by
whom, at what directed, who could say? What,
what? Mrs. Ramsay pondered, watching her.
It might be a vision -- of a shell, of a wheelbarrow, of
a fairy kingdom on the far side of the hedge; or it
might be the glory of speed; no one knew. But when
Mrs. Ramsay called " Cam! " a second time, the
projectile dropped in mid career, and Cam came
lagging back, pulling a leaf by the way, to her
What was she dreaming about, Mrs. Ramsay wondered,
seeing her engrossed, as she stood there, with
some thought of her own, so that she had to repeat
the message twice -- ask Mildred if Andrew, Miss
Doyle, and Mr. Rayley have come back? -- The words
seemed to be dropped into a well, where, if
the waters were clear, they were also so extraordinarily
distorting that, even as they descended, one
saw them twisting about to make Heaven knows
what pattern on the floor of the child's mind. What
message would Cam give the cook? Mrs. Ramsay
wondered. And indeed it was only by waiting patiently,
and hearing that there was an old woman in
the kitchen with very red cheeks, drinking soup out
of a basin, that Mrs. Ramsay at last prompted that
parrot-like instinct which had picked up Mildred's
words quite accurately and could now produce them,
if one waited, in a colourless singsong. Shifting from
foot to foot, Cam repeated the words, " No, they
haven't, and I've told Ellen to clear away tea.. "
Minta Doyle and Paul Rayley had not come back
then. That could only mean, Mrs. Ramsay thought,
one thing. She must accept him, or she must refuse
him. This going off after luncheon for a walk,
even though Andrew was with them -- what could it
mean? except that she had decided, rightly, Mrs.
Ramsay thought (and she was very, very fond of
Minta), to accept that good fellow, who might not
be brilliant, but then, thought Mrs. Ramsay,
realising that James was tugging at her, to make her go
on reading aloud the Fisherman and his Wife, she
did in her own heart infinitely prefer boobies to
clever men who wrote dissertations; Charles Tansley,
for instance. It must have happened, one way or
the other, by now.
But she read, " Next morning the wife awoke first,
and it was just daybreak, and from her bed she
saw the beautiful country lying before her. Her
husband was still stretching himself.... "
But how could Minta say now that she would not
have him? Not if she agreed to spend whole
afternoons trapesing about the country alone -- for
Andrew would be off after his crabs -- but possibly
Nancy was with them. She tried to recall the sight
of them standing at the hall door after lunch. There
they stood, looking at the sky, wondering about
the weather, and she had said, thinking partly to
cover their shyness, partly to encourage them to be
off (for her sympathies were with Paul),
" There isn't a cloud anywhere within miles, " at
which she could feel little Charles Tansley, who had
followed them out, snigger. But she did it on purpose.
Whether Nancy was there or not, she could not be
certain, looking from one to the other in her mind's eye.
She read on: " Ah, wife, " said the man, " why
should we be King? I do not want to be King. "
" Well, " said the wife, " if you won't be King, I will;
go to the Flounder, for I will be King. " "
" Come in or go out, Cam, " she said, knowing
that Cam was attracted only by the word " Flounder "
and that in a moment she would fidget and
fight with James as usual. Cam shot off. Mrs.
Ramsay went on reading, relieved, for she and
James shared the same tastes and were comfortable
" And when he came to the sea, it was quite
dark grey, and the water heaved up from below,
and smelt putrid. Then he went and stood by it and
'Flounder, flounder, in the sea,
Come, I pray thee, here to me;
For my wife, good Ilsabil,
Wills not as I'd have her will. '
' Well, what does she want then? ' said the Flounder. "
And where were they now? Mrs. Ramsay wondered,
reading and thinking, quite easily, both at the
same time; for the story of the Fisherman and his
Wife was like the bass gently accompanying a tune,
which now and then ran up unexpectedly into the
melody. And when should she be told? If nothing
happened, she would have to speak seriously to
Minta. For she could not go trapesing about all over
the country, even if Nancy were with them (she
tried again, unsuccessfully, to visualize their backs
going down the path, and to count them). She was
responsible to Minta's parents -- the Owl and the
Poker. Her nicknames for them shot into her mind
as she read. The Owl and the Poker -- yes, they
would be annoyed if they heard -- and they were
certain to hear -- that Minta, staying with the
Ramsays, had been seen etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
" He wore a wig in the House of Commons and she ably
assisted him at the head of the stairs, " she repeated,
fishing them up out of her mind by a phrase which,
coming back from some party, she had made to
amuse her husband. Dear, dear, Mrs. Ramsay said
to herself, how did they produce this incongruous
daughter? this tomboy Minta, with a hole in her
stocking? How did she exist in that portentous
atmosphere where the maid was always removing in
a dust-pan the sand that the parrot had scattered,
and conversation was almost entirely reduced to the
exploits -- interesting perhaps, but limited after all
-- of that bird? Naturally, one had asked her to
lunch, tea, dinner, finally to stay with them up at
Finlay, which had resulted in some friction with
the Owl, her mother, and more calling, and more
conversation, and more sand, and really at the end
of it, she had told enough lies about parrots to last
her a lifetime (so she had said to her husband that
night, coming back from the party). However,
Minta came.... Yes, she came, Mrs. Ramsay
thought, suspecting some thorn in the tangle of this
thought; and disengaging it found it to be this: a
woman had once accused her of " robbing her of her
daughter's affections "; something Mrs. Doyle had
said made her remember that charge again. Wishing to
dominate, wishing to interfere, making people do
what she wished -- that was the charge against her, and
she thought it most unjust. How could she help
being " like that " to look at? No one could accuse
her of taking pains to impress. She was often
ashamed of her own shabbiness. Nor was she
domineering, nor was she tyrannical. It was more true
about hospitals and drains and the dairy. About
things like that she did feel passionately, and would,
if she had the chance, have liked to take people
by the scruff of their necks and make them see. No
hospital on the whole island. It was a disgrace.
Milk delivered at your door in London positively
brown with dirt. It should be made illegal. A model
dairy and a hospital up here -- those two things she
would have liked to do, herself. But how? With all
these children? When they were older, then perhaps
she would have time; when they were all at school.
Oh, but she never wanted James to grow a day
older! or Cam either. These two she would have
liked to keep for ever just as they were, demons of
wickedness, angels of delight, never to see them
grow up into long-legged monsters. Nothing made up
up for the loss. When she read just now to James,
" and there were numbers of soldiers with kettledrums
and trumpets, " and his eyes darkened, she
thought, why should they grow up and lose all
that? He was the most gifted, the most sensitive of
her children. But all, she thought, were full of
promise. Prue, a perfect angel with the others, and
sometimes now, at night especially, she took one's
breath away with her beauty. Andrew -- even her
husband admitted that his gift for mathematics was
extraordinary. And Nancy and Roger, they were
both wild creatures now, scampering about over the
country all day long. As for Rose, her mouth was
too big, but she had a wonderful gift with her hands.
If they had charades, Rose made the dresses; made
everything; liked best arranging tables, flowers,
anything. She did not like it that Jasper should shoot
birds; but it was only a stage; they all went through
stages. Why, she asked, pressing her chin on James's
head, should they grow up so fast? Why should they
go to school? She would have liked always to have
had a baby. She was happiest carrying one in her
arms. Then people might say she was tyrannical,
domineering, masterful, if they chose; she did not
mind. And, touching his hair with her lips, she
thought, he will never be so happy again, but
stopped herself, remembering how it angered her
husband that she should say that. Still, it was true.
They were happier now than they would ever be
again. A tenpenny teaset made Cam happy for days.
She heard them stamping and crowing on the floor
above her head the moment they awoke. They came
bustling along the passage. Then the door sprang
open and in they came, fresh as roses, staring, wide
awake, as if this coming into the dining-room after
breakfast, which they did every day of their lives,
was a positive event to them, and so on, with one
thing after another, all day long, until she went up
to say good-night to them, and found them netted
in their cots like birds among cherries and
raspberries, still making up stories about some little bit
of rubbish -- something they had heard, something
they had picked up in the garden. They all had their
little treasures.... And so she went down and said
to her husband, Why must they grow up and lose
it all? Never will they be so happy again. And he
was angry. Why take such a gloomy view of life?
he said. It is not sensible. For it was odd; and she
believed it to be true; that with all his gloom and
desperation he was happier, more hopeful on the
whole, than she was. Less exposed to human worries --
perhaps that was it. He had always his work
to fall back on. Not that she herself was " pessimistic, "
as he accused her of being. Only she thought life
-- and a little strip of time presented itself to her
eyes -- her fifty years. There it was before her -- life.
Life, she thought -- but she did not finish her
thought. She took a look at life, for she had a clear
sense of it there, something real, something private,
which she shared neither with her children nor with
her husband. A sort of transaction went on between
them, in which she was on one side, and
life was on another, and she was always trying to
get the better of it, as it was of her; and sometimes
they parleyed (when she sat alone); there were, she
remembered, great reconciliation scenes; but for the
most part, oddly enough, she must admit that she
felt this thing that she called life terrible, hostile,
and quick to pounce on you if you gave it a chance.
There were eternal problems: suffering; death;
the poor. There was always a woman dying of
cancer even here. And yet she had said to all these
children, You shall go through it all. To eight people she
had said relentlessly that (and the bill for the
greenhouse would be fifty pounds). For that
reason, knowing what was before them -- love and
ambition and being wretched alone in dreary places --
she had often the feeling, Why must they grow up
and lose it all? And then she said to herself,
brandishing her sword at life, Nonsense. They will be
perfectly happy. And here she was, she reflected,
feeling life rather sinister again, making Minta
marry Paul Rayley; because whatever she might feel
about her own transaction, she had had experiences
which need not happen to every one (she
did not name them to herself); she was driven on,
too quickly she knew, almost as if it were an escape
for her too, to say that people must marry;
people must have children.
Was she wrong in this, she asked herself,
reviewing her conduct for the past week or two, and
wondering if she had indeed put any pressure upon
Minta, who was only twenty-four, to make up her
mind. She was uneasy. Had she not laughed about
it? Was she not forgetting again how strongly she
influenced people? Marriage needed -- oh, all sorts of
qualities (the bill for the greenhouse would be fifty
pounds); one -- she need not name it -- that was
essential; the thing she had with her husband. Had
they that?
" Then he put on his trousers and ran away like
a madman, " she read. " But outside a great storm
was raging and blowing so hard that he could
scarcely keep his feet; houses and trees toppled
over, the mountains trembled, rocks rolled into the
sea, the sky was pitch black, and it thundered and
lightened, and the sea came in with black waves as
high as church towers and mountains, and all with
white foam at the top.. "
She turned the page; there were only a few lines
more, so that she would finish the story, though it
was past bed-time. It was getting late. The light in
the garden told her that; and the whitening of the
flowers and something grey in the leaves conspired
together, to rouse in her a feeling of anxiety. What it
was about she could not think at first. Then she
remembered; Paul and Minta and Andrew had not
come back. She summoned before her again the little
group on the terrace in front of the hall door, standing
looking up into the sky. Andrew had his net and
basket. That meant he was going to catch crabs and
things. That meant he would climb out on to a rock;
he would be cut off. Or coming back single file on
one of those little paths above the cliff one of them
might slip. He would roll and then crash. It was
growing quite dark.
But she did not let her voice change in the least
as she finished the story, and added, shutting the
book, and speaking the last words as if she had made
them up herself, looking into James's eyes: " And
there they are living still at this very time. "
" And that's the end, " she said, and she saw in his
eyes, as the interest of the story died away in them,
something else take its place; something wondering,
pale, like the reflection of a light, which at once
made him gaze and marvel. Turning, she looked
across the bay, and there, sure enough, coming
regularly across the waves first two quick strokes and
then one long steady stroke, was the light of the
Lighthouse. It had been lit.
In a moment he would ask her, " Are we going
to the Lighthouse? " And she would have to say,
" No: not tomorrow; your father says not. " Happily,
Mildred came in to fetch them, and the bustle
distracted them. But he kept looking back over his
shoulder as Mildred carried him out, and she was
certain that he was thinking, we are not going to
the Lighthouse tomorrow; and she thought, he will
remember that all his life.
No, she thought, putting together some of the
pictures he had cut out -- a refrigerator, a mowing
machine, a gentleman in evening dress -- children
never forget. For this reason, it was so important
what one said, and what one did, and it was a relief
when they went to bed. For now she need not think
about anybody. She could be herself, by herself.
And that was what now she often felt the need of --
to think; well, not even to think. To be silent; to be
alone. All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering,
vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of
solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped
core of darkness, something invisible to others. Although
she continued to knit, and sat upright, it was
thus that she felt herself; and this self having
shed its attachments was free for the strangest adventures.
When life sank down for a moment, the range
of experience seemed limitless. And to everybody
there was always this sense of unlimited resources,
she supposed; one after another, she, Lily, Augustus
Carmichael, must feel, our apparitions, the
things you know us by, are simply childish. Beneath
it is all dark, it is all spreading, it is unfathomably
deep; but now and again we rise to the surface and
that is what you see us by. Her horizon seemed to her
limitless. There were all the places she had not
seen; the Indian plains; she felt herself pushing
aside the thick leather curtain of a church in Rome.
This core of darkness could go anywhere, for no one
saw it. They could not stop it, she thought, exulting.
There was freedom, there was peace, there was,
most welcome of all, a summoning together, a resting
on a platform of stability. Not as oneself did one
find rest ever, in her experience (she accomplished
here something dexterous with her needles) but as
a wedge of darkness. Losing personality, one
lost the fret, the hurry, the stir; and there rose to
her lips always some exclamation of triumph over
life when things came together in this peace, this
rest, this eternity; and pausing there she looked out
to meet that stroke of the Lighthouse, the long
steady stroke, the last of the three, which was
her stroke, for watching them in this mood
always at this hour one could not help attaching
oneself to one thing especially of the things one
saw; and this thing, the long steady stroke, was her
stroke. Often she found herself sitting and looking,
sitting and looking, with her work in her hands
until she became the thing she looked at -- that light,
for example. And it would lift up on it some little
phrase or other which had been lying in her mind
like that -- " Children don't forget, children don't
forget " -- which she would repeat and begin adding
to it, It will end, it will end, she said. It will come, it
will come, when suddenly she added, We are in the
hands of the Lord.
But instantly she was annoyed with herself for
saying that. Who had said it? Not she; she had been
trapped into saying something she did not mean.
She looked up over her knitting and met the third
stroke and it seemed to her like her own eyes meeting
her own eyes, searching as she alone could search
into her mind and her heart, purifying out of
existence that lie, any lie. She praised herself in
praising the light, without vanity, for she was stern, she
was searching, she was beautiful like that light. It
was odd, she thought, how if one was alone, one
leant to inanimate things; trees, streams, flowers;
felt they expressed one; felt they became one; felt
they knew one, in a sense were one; felt an irrational
tenderness thus (she looked at that long
steady light) as for oneself. There rose, and she
looked and looked with her needles suspended, there
curled up off the floor of the mind, rose from the
lake of one's being, a mist, a bride to meet her
What brought her to say that: " We are in the
hands of the Lord? " she wondered. The insincerity
slipping in among the truths roused her, annoyed
her. She returned to her knitting again. How could
any Lord have made this world? she asked. With her
mind she had always seized the fact that there
is no reason, order, justice: but suffering, death, the
poor. There was no treachery too base for the world
to commit; she knew that. No happiness lasted;
she knew that. She knitted with firm composure,
slightly pursing her lips and, without being aware
of it, so stiffened and composed the lines of her
face in a habit of sternness that when her husband
passed, though he was chuckling at the thought
that Hume, the philosopher, grown enormously fat,
had stuck in a bog, he could not help noting, as he
passed, the sternness at the heart of her beauty. It
saddened him, and her remoteness pained him, and
he felt, as he passed, that he could not protect her,
and, when he reached the hedge, he was sad. He
could do nothing to help her. He must stand by and
watch her. Indeed, the infernal truth was, he made
things worse for her. He was irritable -- he was
touchy. He had lost his temper over the Lighthouse.
He looked into the hedge, into its intricacy, its
Always, Mrs. Ramsay felt, one helped oneself
out of solitude reluctantly by laying hold of some
little odd or end, some sound, some sight. She
listened, but it was all very still; cricket was over;
the children were in their baths; there was only
the sound of the sea. She stopped knitting; she
held the long reddish-brown stocking dangling in
her hands a moment. She saw the light again. With
some irony in her interrogation, for when one woke
at all, one's relations changed, she looked at the
steady light, the pitiless, the remorseless, which was
so much her, yet so little her, which had her at its
beck and call (she woke in the night and saw it
bent across their bed, stroking the floor), but for
all that she thought, watching it with fascination,
hypnotised, as if it were stroking with its silver
fingers some sealed vessel in her brain whose
bursting would flood her with delight, she had known
happiness, exquisite happiness, intense happiness,
and it silvered the rough waves a little more
brightly, as daylight faded, and the blue went out
of the sea and it rolled in waves of pure lemon
which curved and swelled and broke upon the beach
and the ecstasy burst in her eyes and waves of pure
delight raced over the floor of her mind and she felt,
It is enough! It is enough!
He turned and saw her. Ah! She was lovely, lovelier
now than ever he thought. But he could not
speak to her. He could not interrupt her. He wanted
urgently to speak to her now that James was gone
and she was alone at last. But he resolved, no; he
would not interrupt her. She was aloof from him
now in her beauty, in her sadness. He would let
her be, and he passed her without a word, though
it hurt him that she should look so distant, and he
could not reach her, he could do nothing to help
her. And again he would have passed her without
a word had she not, at that very moment, given
him of her own free will what she knew he would
never ask, and called to him and taken the green
shawl off the picture frame, and gone to him. For
he wished, she knew, to protect her.
She folded the green shawl about her shoulders.
She took his arm. His beauty was so great, she said,
beginning to speak of Kennedy the gardener, at once
he was so awfully handsome, that she couldn't dismiss
him. There was a ladder against the greenhouse,
and little lumps of putty stuck about, for
they were beginning to mend the greenhouse. Yes,
but as she strolled along with her husband, she felt
that that particular source of worry had been
placed. She had it on the tip of her tongue to say,
as they strolled, " It'll cost fifty pounds, " but instead,
for her heart failed her about money, she talked
about Jasper shooting birds, and he said, at once,
soothing her instantly, that it was natural in a boy,
and he trusted he would find better ways of amusing
himself before long. Her husband was so sensible, so
just. And so she said, " Yes; all children go through
stages, " and began considering the dahlias in the
big bed, and wondering what about next year's
flowers, and had he heard the children's nickname
for Charles Tansley, she asked. The atheist, they
called him, the little atheist. " He's not a polished
specimen, " said Mr. Ramsay. " Far from it, " said
Mrs. Ramsay.
She supposed it was all right leaving him to
his own devices, Mrs. Ramsay said, wondering
whether it was any use sending down bulbs; did
they plant them? " Oh, he has his dissertation to
write, " said Mr. Ramsay. She knew all about that#,
said Mrs. Ramsay. He talked of nothing else. It
was about the influence of somebody upon something.
" Well, it's all he has to count on, " said Mr.
Ramsay. " Pray Heaven he won't fall in love with
Prue, " said Mrs. Ramsay. He'd disinherit her if she
married him, said Mr. Ramsay. He did not look at the
flowers, which his wife was considering, but at a
spot about a foot or so above them. There was no
harm in him, he added, and was just about to say
that anyhow he was the only young man in England
who admired his -- when he choked it back. He
would not bother her again about his books. These
flowers seemed creditable, Mr. Ramsay said, lowering
his gaze and noticing something red, something brown.
Yes, but then these she had put in with her
own hands, said Mrs. Ramsay. The question
was, what happened if she sent bulbs down; did
Kennedy plant them? It was his incurable laziness;
she added, moving on. If she stood over him all day
long with a spade in her hand, he did sometimes
do a stroke of work. So they strolled along, towards
the red-hot pokers. " You're teaching your daughters
to exaggerate, " said Mr. Ramsay, reproving her.
Her Aunt Camilla was far worse than she was, Mrs.
Ramsay remarked. " Nobody ever held up your Aunt
Camilla as a model of virtue that I'm aware of, "
said Mr. Ramsay. " She was the most beautiful
woman I ever saw, " said Mrs. Ramsay. " Somebody
else was that, " said Mr. Ramsay. Prue was going
to be far more beautiful than she was, said Mrs.
Ramsay. He saw no trace of it, said Mr. Ramsay.
" Well, then, look tonight, " said Mrs. Ramsay. They
paused. He wished Andrew could be induced to work
harder. He would lose every chance of a scholarship
if he didn't. " Oh, scholarships! " she said.
Mr. Ramsay thought her foolish for saying that, about
a serious thing, like a scholarship. He should be
very proud of Andrew if he got a scholarship, he
said. She would be just as proud of him if he didn't,
she answered. They disagreed always about this,
but it did not matter. She liked him to believe in
scholarships, and he liked her to be proud of Andrew
whatever he did. Suddenly she remembered those
little paths on the edge of the cliffs.
Wasn't it late? she asked. They hadn't come home
yet. He flicked his watch carlessly open. But it
was only just past seven. He held his watch open
for a moment, deciding that he would tell her what
he had felt on the terrace. To begin with, it was
not reasonable to be so nervous. Andrew could
look after himself. Then, he wanted to tell her that
when he was walking on the terrace just now --
here he became uncomfortable, as if he were breaking
into that solitude, that aloofness, that remoteness
of hers.... But she pressed him. What had
he wanted to tell her, she asked, thinking it was
about going to the Lighthouse; that he was sorry
he had said " Damn you. " But no. He did not like
to see her look so sad, he said. Only wool gathering,
she protested, flushing a little. They both felt
uncomfortable, as if they did not know whether to go
on or go back. She had been reading fairy tales to
James, she said. No, they could not share that;
they could not say that.
They had reached the gap between the two
clumps of red-hot pokers, and there was the
Lighthouse again, but she would not let herself look
at it. Had she known that he was looking at her,
she thought, she would not have let herself sit there,
thinking. She disliked anything that reminded her
that she had been seen sitting thinking. So she looked
over her shoulder, at the town. The lights were
rippling and running as if they were drops of silver
water held firm in a wind. And all the poverty,
all the suffering had turned to that, Mrs. Ramsay
thought. The lights of the town and of the harbour
and of the boats seemed like a phantom net floating
there to mark something which had sunk. Well,
if he could not share her thoughts, Mr. Ramsay
said to himself, he would be off, then, on his own.
He wanted to go on thinking, telling himself the
story how Hume was stuck in a bog; he wanted
to laugh. But first it was nonsense to be anxious
about Andrew. When he was Andrew's age he used
to walk about the country all day long, with nothing
but a biscuit in his pocket and nobody bothered
about him, or thought that he had fallen over a
cliff. He said aloud he thought he would be off for
a day's walk if the weather held. He had had about
enough of Bankes and of Carmichael. He would like
a little solitude. Yes, she said. It annoyed him that
she did not protest. She knew that he would never
do it. He was too old now to walk all day long with
a biscuit in his pocket. She worried about the boys,
but not about him. Years ago, before he had married,
he thought, looking across the bay, as they stood
between the clumps of red-hot pokers, he had
walked all day. He had made a meal off bread and
cheese in a public house. He had worked ten hours
at a stretch; an old woman just popped her head
in now and again and saw to the fire. That was the
country he liked best, over there; those sandhills
dwindling away into darkness. One could walk all
day without meeting a soul. There was not a house
scarcely, not a single village for miles on end. One
could worry things out alone. There were little
sandy beaches where no one had been since
the beginning of time. The seals sat up and looked
at you. It sometimes seemed to him that in a little
house out there, alone -- he broke off, sighing. He
had no right. The father of eight children -- he reminded
himself. And he would have been a beast
and a cur to wish a single thing altered. Andrew
would be a better man than he had been. Prue would
be a beauty, her mother said. They would stem the
flood a bit. That was a good bit of work on the
whole -- his eight children. They showed he did not
damn the poor little universe entirely, for on an
evening like this, he thought, looking at the land
dwindling away, the little island seemed pathetically
small, half swallowed up in the sea.
" Poor little place, " he murmured with a sigh.
She heard him. He said the most melancholy things,
but she noticed that directly he had said
them he always seemed more cheerful than usual.
All this phrase-making was a game, she thought, for
if she had said half what he said, she would have
blown her brains out by now.
It annoyed her, this phrase-making, and she said
to him, in a matter-of-fact way, that it was a
perfectly lovely evening. And what was he groaning
about, she asked, half laughing, half complaining,
for she guessed what he was thinking -- he would
have written better books if he had not married.
He was not complaining, he said. She knew that
he did not complain. She knew that he had nothing
whatever to complain of. And he seized her hand and
raised it to his lips and kissed it with an intensity
that brought the tears to her eyes, and quickly he
dropped it.
They turned away from the view and began to
walk up the path where the silver-green spear-like
plants grew, arm in arm. His arm was almost like
a young man's arm, Mrs. Ramsay thought, thin and
hard, and she thought with delight how strong he
still was, though he was over sixty, and how
untamed and optimistic, and how strange it was that
being convinced, as he was, of all sorts of horrors,
seemed not to depress him, but to cheer him. Was
it not odd, she reflected? Indeed he seemed to her
sometimes made differently from other people, born
blind, deaf, and dumb, to the ordinary things, but
to the extraordinary things, with an eye like an
eagle's. His understanding often astonished her. But
did he notice the flowers? No. Did he notice the
view? No. Did he even notice his own daughter's
beauty, or whether there was pudding on his plate
or roast beef? He would sit at table with them like
a person in a dream. And his habit of talking aloud,
or saying poetry aloud, was growing on him, she was
afraid; for sometimes it was awkward --
Best and brightest come away!
poor Miss Giddings, when he shouted that at her,
almost jumped out of her skin. But then, Mrs.
Ramsay, though instantly taking his side against all
the silly Giddingses in the world, then, she thought,
intimating by a little pressure on his arm that he
walked up hill too fast for her, and she must stop
for a moment to see whether those were fresh molehills
on the bank, then, she thought, stooping down
to look, a great mind like his must be different in
every way from ours. All the great men she had
ever known, she thought, deciding that a rabbit
must have got in, were like that, and it was good for
young men (though the atmosphere of lecture-rooms
was stuffy and depressing to her beyond endurance
almost) simply to hear him, simply to look at him.
But without shooting rabbits, how was one to keep
them down? she wondered. It might be a rabbit; it
might be a mole. Some creature anyhow was ruining
her Evening Primroses. And looking up, she saw
above the thin trees the first pulse of the full-throbbing
star, and wanted to make her husband
look at it; for the sight gave her such keen pleasure.
But she stopped herself. He never looked at things.
If he did, all he would say would be, Poor little
world, with one of his sighs.
At that moment, he said, " Very fine, " to please
her, and pretended to admire the flowers. But she
knew quite well that he did not admire them, or
even realise that they were there. It was only to
please her.... Ah, but was that not Lily Briscoe
strolling along with William Bankes? She focussed
her short-sighted eyes upon the backs of a
retreating couple. Yes, indeed it was. Did that not mean
that they would marry? Yes, it must! What an
admirable idea! They must marry!
He had been to Amsterdam, Mr. Bankes was
saying as he strolled across the lawn with Lily Briscoe.
He had seen the Rembrandts. He had been to Madrid.
Unfortunately, it was Good Friday and
the Prado was shut. He had been to Rome. Had
Miss Briscoe never been to Rome? Oh, she
should -- It would be a wonderful experience for
her -- the Sistine Chapel; Michael Angelo; and
Padua, with its Giottos. His wife had been in bad
health for many years, so that their sight-seeing
had been on a modest scale.
She had been to Brussels; she had been to Paris
but only for a flying visit to see an aunt who was
ill. She had been to Dresden; there were masses
of pictures she had not seen; however, Lily Briscoe
reflected, perhaps it was better not to see pictures:
they only made one hopelessly discontented with
one's own work. Mr. Bankes thought one could
carry that point of view too far. We can't all be
Titians and we can't all be Darwins, he said; at
the same time he doubted whether you could have
your Darwin and your Titian if it weren't for
humble people like ourselves. Lily would have liked
to pay him a compliment; you're not humble, Mr.
Bankes, she would have liked to have said. But he
did not want compliments (most men do, she
thought), and she was a little ashamed of her impulse
and said nothing while he remarked that
perhaps what he was saying did not apply to pictures.
Anyhow, said Lily, tossing off her little insincerity,
she would always go on painting, because it
interested her. Yes, said Mr. Bankes, he was sure
she would, and, as they reached the end of the
lawn he was asking her whether she had difficulty in
finding subjects in London when they turned and
saw the Ramsays. So that is marriage, Lily thought,
a man and a woman looking at a girl throwing a
ball. That is what Mrs. Ramsay tried to tell me
the other night, she thought. For Mrs. Ramsay was
wearing a green shawl, and they were standing close
together watching Prue and Jasper throwing catches.
And suddenly the meaning which, for no reason at
all, as perhaps they are stepping out of the Tube or
ringing a doorbell, descends on people, making them
symbolical, making them representative, came upon
them, and made them in the dusk standing, looking,
the symbols of marriage, husband and wife. Then,
after an instant, the symbolical outline which
transcended the real figures sank down again, and they
became, as they met them, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay
watching the children throwing catches. But still
for a moment, though Mrs. Ramsay greeted them
with her usual smile (oh, she's thinking we're going
to get married, Lily thought) and said, " I have
triumphed tonight, " meaning that for once Mr.
Bankes had agreed to dine with them and not run off
to his own lodging where his man cooked
vegetables properly; still, for one moment, there was
a sense of things having been blown apart, of space,
of irresponsibility as the ball soared high, and they
followed it and lost it and saw the one star and the
draped branches. In the failing light they all looked
sharp-edged and ethereal and divided by great
distances. Then, darting backwards over the vast space
(for it seemed as if solidity had vanished altogether),
Prue ran full tilt into them and caught the
ball brilliantly high up in her left hand, and her
mother said, " Haven't they come back yet? " whereupon
the spell was broken. Mr. Ramsay felt free
now to laugh out loud at the thought that Hume
had stuck in a bog and an old woman rescued him
on condition he said the Lord's Prayer, and
chuckling to himself he strolled off to his study. Mrs.
Ramsay, bringing Prue back into throwing
catches again, from which she had escaped,
" Did Nancy go with them? "
(Certainly Nancy had gone with them, since
Minta Doyle had asked it with her dumb look, holding
out her hand, as Nancy made off, after lunch,
to her attic, to escape the horror of family life. She
supposed she must go then. She did not want to go.
She did not want to be drawn into it all. For as
they walked along the road to the cliff Minta kept
on taking her hand. Then she would let it go. Then
she would take it again. What was it she wanted?
Nancy asked herself. There was something, of
course, that people wanted; for when Minta took
her hand and held it, Nancy, reluctantly, saw the
whole world spread out beneath her, as if it were
Constantinople seen through a mist, and then,
however heavy-eyed one might be, one must needs ask,
" Is that Santa Sofia? " " Is that the Golden Horn? "
So Nancy asked, when Minta took her hand. " What
is it that she wants? Is it that? " And what was that?
Here and there emerged from the mist (as Nancy
looked down upon life spread beneath her) a
pinnacle, a dome; prominent things, without names.
But when Minta dropped her hand, as she did when
they ran down the hillside, all that, the dome, the
pinnacle, whatever it was that had protruded
through the mist, sank down into it and disappeared.
Minta, Andrew observed, was rather a good walker.
She wore more sensible clothes that most women.
She wore very short skirts and black knickerbockers.
She would jump straight into a stream and
flounder across. He liked her rashness, but he saw
that it would not do -- she would kill herself in some
idiotic way one of these days. She seemed to be
afraid of nothing -- except bulls. At the mere sight of
a bull in a field she would throw up her arms and
fly screaming, which was the very thing to enrage
a bull of course. But she did not mind owning up
to it in the least; one must admit that. She knew
she was an awful coward about bulls, she said.
She thought she must have been tossed in her
perambulator when she was a baby. She didn't seem
to mind what she said or did. Suddenly now she
pitched down on the edge of the cliff and began to
sing some song about
Damn your eyes, damn your eyes.
They all had to join in and sing the chorus, and
shout out together:
Damn your eyes, damn your eyes,
but it would be fatal to let the tide come in and
cover up all the good hunting-grounds before they
got on to the beach.
" Fatal, " Paul agreed, springing up, and as they
went slithering down, he kept quoting the guide-book
about " these islands being justly celebrated
for their park-like prospects and the extent and
variety of their marine curiosities. " But it would not
do altogether, this shouting and damning your eyes,
Andrew felt, picking his way down the cliff, this
clapping him on the back, and calling him " old
fellow " and all that; it would not altogether do.
It was the worst of taking women on walks. Once
on the beach they separated, he going out on to the
Pope's Nose, taking his shoes off, and rolling his
socks in them and letting that couple look after
themselves; Nancy waded out to her own rocks and
searched her own pools and let that couple look
after themselves. She crouched low down and
touched the smooth rubber-like sea anemones, who
were stuck like lumps of jelly to the side of the rock.
Brooding, she changed the pool into the sea, and
made the minnows into sharks and whales, and cast
vast clouds over this tiny world by holding her hand
against the sun, and so brought darkness and desolation,
like God himself, to millions of ignorant and
innocent creatures, and then took her hand away
suddenly and let the sun stream down. Out on
the pale criss-crossed sand, high-stepping, fringed,
gauntleted, stalked some fantastic leviathan (she
was still enlarging the pool), and slipped into the
vast fissures of the mountain side. And then, letting
her eyes slide imperceptibly above the pool and
rest on that wavering line of sea and sky, on the
tree trunks which the smoke of steamers made
waver on the horizon, she became with all that
power sweeping savagely in and inevitably withdrawing,
hypnotised, and the two senses of that vastness
and this tininess (the pool had diminished
again) flowering within it made her feel that she
was bound hand and foot and unable to move by
the intensity of feelings which reduced her own
body, her own life, and the lives of all the people
in the world, for ever, to nothingness. So listening
to the waves, crouching over the pool, she brooded.
And Andrew shouted that the sea was coming in,
so she leapt splashing through the shallow waves
on to the shore and ran up the beach and was carried by
her own impetuosity and her desire for rapid
movement right behind a rock and there -- oh,
heavens! in each other's arms, were Paul and Minta
kissing probably. She was outraged, indignant. She
and Andrew put on their shoes and stockings in dead
silence without saying a thing about it. Indeed they
were rather sharp with each other. She might have
called him when she saw the crayfish or whatever it
was, Andrew grumbled. However, they both felt,
it's not our fault. They had not wanted this horrid
nuisance to happen. All the same it irritated Andrew
that Nancy should be a woman, and Nancy that
Andrew should be a man, and they tied their shoes
very neatly and drew the bows rather tight.
It was not until they had climbed right up on to
the top of the cliff again that Minta cried out that
she had lost her grandmother's brooch -- her
grandmother's brooch, the sole ornament she possessed --
a weeping willow, it was (they must remember it)
set in pearls. They must have seen it, she said, with
the tears running down her cheeks, the brooch which
her grandmother had fastened her cap with till the
last day of her life. Now she had lost it. She would
rather have lost anything than that! She would go
back and look for it. They all went back. They
poked and peered and looked. They kept their heads
very low, and said things shortly and gruffly. Paul
Rayley searched like a madman all about the rock
where they had been sitting. All this pother about a
brooch really didn't do at all, Andrew thought, as
Paul told him to make a " thorough search between
this point and that. " The tide was coming in fast.
The sea would cover the place where they had sat in
a minute. There was not a ghost of a chance of their
finding it now. " We shall be cut off! " Minta
shrieked, suddenly terrified. As if there were any
danger of that! It was the same as the bulls all
over again -- she had no control over her emotions,
Andrew thought. Women hadn't. The wretched Paul
had to pacify her. The men (Andrew and Paul at
once became manly, and different from usual) took
counsel briefly and decided that they would plant
Rayley's stick where they had sat and come back
at low tide again. There was nothing more that could
be done now. If the brooch was there, it would still
be there in the morning, they assured her, but Minta
still sobbed, all the way up to the top of the cliff.
It was her grandmother's brooch; she would rather
have lost anything but that, and yet Nancy felt, it
might be true that she minded losing her brooch, but
she wasn't crying only for that. She was crying for
something else. We might all sit down and cry, she
felt. But she did not know what for.
They drew ahead together, Paul and Minta, and
he comforted her, and said how famous he was for
finding things. Once when he was a little boy he had
found a gold watch. He would get up at daybreak
and he was positive he would find it. It seemed to
him that it would be almost dark, and he would be
alone on the beach, and somehow it would be rather
dangerous. He began telling her, however, that he
would certainly find it, and she said that she would
not hear of his getting up at dawn: it was lost: she
knew that: she had had a presentiment when she put
it on that afternoon. And secretly he resolved that
he would not tell her, but he would slip out of the
house at dawn when they were all asleep and if he
could not find it he would go to Edinburgh and
buy her another, just like it but more beautiful.
He would prove what he could do. And as they
came out on the hill and saw the lights of the town
beneath them, the lights coming out suddenly one
by one seemed like things that were going to happen
to him -- his marriage, his children, his house; and
again he thought, as they came out on to the high
road, which was shaded with high bushes, how they
would retreat into solitude together, and walk on
and on, he always leading her, and she pressing close
to his side (as she did now). As they turned by the
cross roads he thought what an appalling experience
he had been through, and he must tell some one --
Mrs. Ramsay of course, for it took his breath away
to think what he had been and done. It had been
far and away the worst moment of his life when he
asked Minta to marry him. He would go straight to
Mrs. Ramsay, because he felt somehow that she
was the person who had made him do it. She had
made him think he could do anything. Nobody
else took him seriously. But she made him believe
that he could do whatever he wanted. He had felt her
eyes on him all day today, following him about
(though she never said a word) as if she were saying,
" Yes, you can do it. I believe in you. I expect it
of you. " She had made him feel all that, and
directly they got back (he looked for the lights of
the house above the bay) he would go to her and
say, " I've done it, Mrs. Ramsay; thanks to you. "
And so turning into the lane that led to the house
he could see lights moving about in the upper
windows. They must be awfully late then. People
were getting ready for dinner. The house was all
lit up, and the lights after the darkness made his
eyes feel full, and he said to himself, childishly, as
he walked up the drive, Lights, lights, lights, and
repeated in a dazed way, Lights, lights, lights, as
they came into the house staring about him with his
face quite stiff. But, good heavens, he said to
himself, putting his hand to his tie, I must not make a
fool of myself..)
" Yes, " said Prue, in her considering way,
answering her mother's question, " I think Nancy
did go with them. "
Well then, Nancy had gone with them, Mrs. Ramsay
supposed, wondering, as she put down a brush ,
took up a comb, and said " Come in " to a tap at
the door (Jasper and Rose came in), whether the
fact that Nancy was with them made it less likely
or more likely that anything would happen; it made
it less likely, somehow, Mrs. Ramsay felt, very
irrationally, except that after all holocaust on such a
scale was not probable. They could not all be
drowned. And again she felt alone in the presence
of her old antagonist, life.
Jasper and Rose said that Mildred wanted to
know whether she should wait dinner.
" Not for the Queen of England, " said Mrs.
Ramsay emphatically.
" Not for the Empress of Mexico, " she added,
laughing at Jasper; for he shared his mother's vice:
he, too, exaggerated.
And if Rose liked, she said, while Jasper took the
message, she might choose which jewels she was to
wear. When there are fifteen people sitting down to
dinner, one cannot keep things waiting for ever.
She was now beginning to feel annoyed with them
for being so late; it was inconsiderate of them, and
it annoyed her on top of her anxiety about them,
that they should choose this very night to be out
late, when, in fact, she wished the dinner to be
particularly nice, since William Bankes had at last
consented to dine with them; and they were having
Mildred's masterpiece -- B$oeuf en Daube. Everything
depended upon things being served up to the precise
moment they were ready. The beef, the bayleaf, and
the wine -- all must be done to a turn. To keep it
waiting was out of the question. Yet of course tonight,
of all nights, out they went, and they came in late,
and things had to be sent out , things had
to be kept hot; the B$oeuf en Daube would be
entirely spoilt.
Jasper offered her an opal necklace; Rose a gold
necklace. Which looked best against her black
dress? Which did indeed, said Mrs. Ramsay absent-mindedly,
looking at her neck and shoulders (but
avoiding her face) in the glass. And then, while
the children rummaged among her things, she looked
out of the window at a sight which always amused
her -- the rooks trying to decide which tree to settle
on. Every time, they seemed to change their minds
and rose up into the air again, because, she thought,
the old rook, the father rook, old Joseph was her
name for him, was a bird of a very trying and
difficult disposition. He was a disreputable old
bird, with half his wing feathers missing. He was like
some seedy old gentleman in a top hat she had seen
playing the horn in front of a public house.
" Look! " she said, laughing. They were actually
fighting. Joseph and Mary were fighting. Anyhow
they all went up again, and the air was shoved
aside by their black wings and cut into exquisite
scimitar shapes. The movement of the wings beating
out, out, out -- she could never describe it accurately
enough to please herself -- was one of the loveliest of
all to her. Look at that, she said to Rose, hoping
that Rose would see it more clearly than she could.
For one's children so often gave one's own
perceptions a little thrust forwards.
But which was it to be? They had all the trays
of her jewel-case open. The gold necklace, which
was Italian, or the opal necklace, which Uncle
James had brought her from India; or should she
wear her amethysts?
" Choose, dearests, choose, " she said, hoping that
they would make haste.
But she let them take their time to choose: she
let Rose, particularly, take up this and then that,
and hold her jewels against the black dress, for this
little ceremony of choosing jewels, which was gone
through every night, was what Rose liked best, she
knew. She had some hidden reason of her own for
attaching great importance to this choosing what her
mother was to wear. What was the reason, Mrs.
Ramsay wondered, standing still to let her clasp the
necklace she had chosen, divining, through her own
past, some deep, some buried, some quite speechless
feeling that one had for one's mother at Rose's age.
Like all feelings felt for oneself, Mrs. Ramsay
thought, it made one sad. It was so inadequate, what
one could give in return; and what Rose felt was
quite out of proportion to anything she actually
was. And Rose would grow up; and Rose would
suffer, she supposed, with these deep feelings, and
she said she was ready now, and they would go
down, and Jasper, because he was the gentleman,
should give her his arm, and Rose, as she was the
lady, should carry her handkerchief (she gave her
the handkerchief), and what else? oh, yes, it might
be cold: a shawl. Choose me a shawl, she said, for
that would please Rose, who was bound to suffer
so. " There, " she said, stopping by the window on
the landing, " there they are again. " Joseph had
settled on another tree-top. " Don't you think they
mind, " she said to Jasper, " having their wings
broken? " Why did he want to shoot poor old Joseph
and Mary? He shuffled a little on the stairs, and
felt rebuked, but not seriously, for she did not
understand the fun of shooting birds; and they did
not feel; and being his mother she lived away in
another division of the world, but he rather liked
her stories about Mary and Joseph. She made him
laugh. But how did she know that those were Mary and
Joseph? Did she think the same birds came to
the same trees every night? he asked. But here,
suddenly, like all grown-up people, she ceased to
pay him the least attention. She was listening to
a clatter in the hall.
" They've come back! " she exclaimed, and at
once she felt much more annoyed with them than
relieved. Then she wondered, had it happened? She
would go down and they would tell her -- but no.
They could not tell her anything, with all these
people about. So she must go down and begin dinner
and wait. And, like some queen who, finding
her people gathered in the hall, looks down upon them,
and descends among them, and acknowledges their
tributes silently, and accepts their devotion and
their prostration before her (Paul did not move a
muscle but looked straight before him as she passed)
she went down, and crossed the hall and bowed her
head very slightly, as if she accepted what they
could not say: their tribute to her beauty.
But she stopped. There was a smell of burning.
Could they have let the B$oeuf en Daube overboil?
she wondered, pray heaven not! when the great
clangour of the gong announced solemnly, authoritatively,
that all those scattered about, in attics, in
bedrooms, on little perches of their own, reading,
writing, putting the last smooth to their hair, or
fastening dresses, must leave all that, and the little
odds and ends on their washing-tables and dressing tables,
and the novels on the bed-tables, and the diaries
which were so private, and assemble in the dining-room
for dinner.
But what have I done with my life? thought Mrs.
Ramsay, taking her place at the head of the table,
and looking at all the plates making white circles on
it. " William, sit by me, " she said. " Lily, " she said,
wearily, " over there. " They had that -- Paul Rayley
and Minta Doyle -- she, only this -- an infinitely long
table and plates and knives. At the far end was her
husband, sitting down, all in a heap, frowning. What
at? She did not know. She did not mind. She could
not understand how she had ever felt any emotion
or affection for him. She had a sense of being past
everything, through everything, out of everything,
as she helped the soup, as if there was an eddy --
there -- and one could be in it, or one could be out
of it, and she was out of it. It's all come to an end,
she thought, while they came in one after another,
Charles Tansley -- " Sit there, please, " she said --
Augustus Carmichael -- and sat down. And meanwhile
she waited, passively, for some one to answer
her, for something to happen. But this is not a thing,
she thought, ladling out soup, that one says.
Raising her eyebrows at the discrepancy -- that
was what she was thinking, this was what she was
doing -- ladling out soup -- she felt, more and more
strongly, outside that eddy; or as if a shade had
fallen, and, robbed of colour, she saw things truly.
The room (she looked round it) was very shabby.
There was no beauty anywhere. She forebore to look
at Mr. Tansley. Nothing seemed to have merged.
They all sat separate. And the whole of the effort of
merging and flowing and creating rested on her.
Again she felt, as a fact without hostility, the
sterility of men, for if she did not do it nobody would
do it, and so, giving herself a little shake that one
gives a watch that has stopped, the old familiar
pulse began beating, as the watch begins ticking --
one, two, three, one, two, three. And so on and
so on, she repeated, listening to it, sheltering and
fostering the still feeble pulse as one might guard a
weak flame with a newspaper. And so then, she
concluded, addressing herself by bending silently in
his direction to William Bankes -- poor man! who
had no wife, and no children and dined alone in
lodgings except for tonight; and in pity for him,
life being now strong enough to bear her on again,
she began all this business, as a sailor not without
weariness sees the wind fill his sail and yet hardly
wants to be off again and thinks how, had the ship
sunk, he would have whirled round and round and
found rest on the floor of the sea.
" Did you find your letters? I told them to put
them in the hall for you, " she said to William
Lily Briscoe watched her drifting into that
strange no-man's land where to follow people is
impossible and yet their going inflicts such a chill
on those who watch them that they always try at least
to follow them with their eyes as one follows a fading
ship until the sails have sunk beneath the horizon.
How old she looks, how worn she looks, Lily
thought, and how remote. Then when she turned to
William Bankes, smiling, it was as if the ship had
turned and the sun had struck its sails again, and
Lily thought with some amusement because she was
relieved, Why does she pity him? For that was the
impression she gave, when she told him that his
letters were in the hall. Poor William Bankes, she
seemed to be saying, as if her own weariness had
been partly pitying people, and the life in her, her
resolve to live again, had been stirred by pity. And
it was not true, Lily thought; it was one of those
misjudgments of hers that seemed to be instinctive
and to arise from some need of her own rather than
of other people's. He is not in the least pitiable.
He has his work, Lily said to herself. She remembered,
all of a sudden as if she had found a treasure, that
she had her work. In a flash she saw her picture,
and thought, Yes, I shall put the tree further in the
middle; then I shall avoid that awkward space.
That's what I shall do. That's what has been puzzling
me. She took up the salt cellar and put it
down again on a flower pattern in the table-cloth,
so as to remind herself to move the tree.
" It's odd that one scarcely gets anything worth
having by post, yet one always wants one's letters, "
said Mr. Bankes.
What damned rot they talk, thought Charles
Tansley, laying down his spoon precisely in the
middle of his plate, which he had swept clean, as if,
Lily thought (he sat opposite to her with his back
to the window precisely in the middle of view), he
were determined to make sure of his meals. Everything
about him had that meagre fixity, that bare
unloveliness. But nevertheless, the fact remained,
it was impossible to dislike any one if one
looked at them. She liked his eyes; they were blue,
deep set, frightening.
" Do you write many letters, Mr. Tansley? " asked
Mrs. Ramsay, pitying him too, Lily supposed; for
that was true of Mrs. Ramsay -- she pitied men
always as if they lacked something -- women never,
as if they had something. He wrote to his mother;
otherwise he did not suppose he wrote one letter a
month, said Mr. Tansley, shortly.
For he was not going to talk the sort of rot these
people wanted him to talk. He was not going to be
condescended to by these silly women. He had been
reading in his room, and now he came down and it
all seemed to him silly, superficial, flimsy. Why did
they dress? He had come down in his ordinary
clothes. He had not got any dress clothes. " One
never gets anything worth having by post " -- that
was the sort of thing they were always saying. They
made men say that sort of thing. Yes, it was pretty
well true, he thought. They never got anything worth
having from one year's end to another. They did
nothing but talk, talk, talk, eat, eat, eat. It
was the women's fault. Women made civilisation impossible
with all their " charm, " all their silliness.
" No going to the Lighthouse tomorrow, Mrs.
Ramsay, " he said, asserting himself. He liked her;
he admired her; he still thought of the man in the
drain-pipe looking up at her; but he felt it necessary
to assert himself.
He was really, Lily Briscoe thought, in spite of
his eyes, but then look at his nose, look at his hands,
the most uncharming human being she had ever met.
Then why did she mind what he said? Women can't
write, women can't paint -- what did that matter
coming from him, since clearly it was not true to
him but for some reason helpful to him, and that was
why he said it? Why did her whole being bow, like
corn under a wind, and erect itself again from this
abasement only with a great and rather painful
effort? She must make it once more. There's the
sprig on the table-cloth; there's my painting; I must
move the tree to the middle; that matters -- nothing
else. Could she not hold fast to that, she asked
herself, and not lose her temper, and not argue; and
if she wanted revenge take it by laughing at him?
" Oh, Mr. Tansley, " she said, " do take me to the
Lighthouse with you. I should so love it. "
She was telling lies he could see. She was saying
what she did not mean to annoy him, for some reason.
She was laughing at him. He was in his old
flannel trousers. He had no others. He felt very
rough and isolated and lonely. He knew that she was
trying to tease him for some reason; she didn't want
to go to the Lighthouse with him; she despised him:
so did Prue Ramsay; so did they all. But he was not
going to be made a fool of by women, so he turned
deliberately in his chair and looked out of the
window and said, all in a jerk, very rudely, it would
be too rough for her tomorrow. She would be sick.
It annoyed him that she should have made him
speak like that, with Mrs. Ramsay listening. If only
he could be alone in his room working, he thought,
among his books. That was where he felt at his ease.
And he had never run a penny into debt; he had never
cost his father a penny since he was fifteen; he
had helped them at home out of his savings; he
was educating his sister. Still, he wished he had
known how to answer Miss Briscoe properly; he
wished it had not come out all in a jerk like that.
" You'd be sick. " He wished he could think of something
to say to Mrs. Ramsay, something which would
show her that he was not just a dry prig. That
was what they all thought him. He turned to her.
But Mrs. Ramsay was talking about people he had
never heard of to William Bankes.
" Yes, take it away, " she said briefly, interrupting
what she was saying to William Bankes to speak to the maid.
" It must have been fifteen -- no, twenty years
ago -- that I last saw her, " she was saying, turning
back to him again as if she could not lose a moment
of their talk, for she was absorbed by what they
were saying. So he had actually heard from her this
evening! And was Carrie still living at Marlow, and
was everything still the same? Oh, she could remember
as if it were yesterday -- going on the river, feeling
very cold. But if the Mannings made a plan they
stuck to it. Never should she forget Herbert killing
a wasp with a teaspoon on the bank! And it was
still going on, Mrs. Ramsay mused, gliding like a
ghost among the chairs and tables of that drawing-room
on the banks of the Thames where she had been
so very, very cold twenty years ago; but now
she went among them like a ghost; and it fascinated
her, as if, while she had changed, that particular
day, now become very still and beautiful, had
remained there, all these years. Had Carrie written
to him herself? she asked.
" Yes. She says they're building a new billiard
room, " he said. No! No! That was out of the
question! Building a new billiard room! It seemed
to her impossible.
Mr. Bankes could not see that there was anything
very odd about it. They were very well off now.
Should he give her love to Carrie?
" Oh, " said Mrs. Ramsay with a little start, " No,"
she added, reflecting that she did not know this Carrie
who built a new billiard room. But how strange,
she repeated, to Mr. Bankes's amusement, that they
should be going on there still. For it was extraordinary
to think that they had been capable of going
on living all these years when she had not thought of
them more than once all that time. How
eventful her own life had been, during those same
years. Yet perhaps Carrie had not thought about
her, either. The thought was strange and distasteful.
" People soon drift apart, " said Mr. Bankes,
feeling, however, some satisfaction when he thought
that after all he knew both the Mannings and the
Ramsays. He had not drifted apart he thought, laying
down his spoon and wiping his clean-shaven lips
punctiliously. But perhaps he was rather unusual, he
thought, in this; he never let himself get into a
groove. He had friends in all circles.... Mrs.
Ramsay had to break off here to tell the maid
something about keeping food hot. That was why he
preferred dining alone. All those interruptions annoyed
him. Well, thought William Bankes, preserving
a demeanour of exquisite courtesy and merely
spreading the fingers of his left hand on the table-cloth
as a mechanic examines a tool beautifully
polished and ready for use in an interval of leisure,
such are the sacrifices one's friends ask of one. It
would have hurt her if he had refused to come. But
it was not worth it for him. Looking at his hand he
thought that if he had been alone dinner would have
been almost over now; he would have been free
to work. Yes, he thought, it is a terrible waste of
time. The children were dropping in still. " I wish
one of you would run up to Roger's room, " Mrs.
Ramsay was saying. How trifling it all is, how
boring it all is, he thought, compared with the other
thing -- work. Here he sat drumming his fingers on
the table-cloth when he might have been -- he took a
flashing bird's-eye view of his work. What a waste
of time it all was to be sure! Yet, he thought, she
is one of my oldest friends. I am by way of being
devoted to her. Yet now, at this moment her
presence meant absolutely nothing to him: her
beauty meant nothing to him; her sitting with
her little boy at the window -- nothing, nothing.
He wished only to be alone and to take
up that book. He felt uncomfortable; he felt treacherous,
that he could sit by her side and feel nothing
for her. The truth was that he did not enjoy
family life. It was in this sort of state that one asked
oneself, What does one live for? Why, one asked
oneself, does one take all these pains for the human race
to go on? Is it so very desirable? Are we attractive as a
species? Not so very, he thought, looking at those
rather untidy boys. His favourite, Cam, was in bed,
he supposed. Foolish questions, vain questions, questions
one never asked if one was occupied. Is human
life this? Is human life that? One never had time
to think about it. But here he was asking himself
that sort of question, because Mrs. Ramsay was
giving orders to servants, and also because it had
struck him, thinking how surprised Mrs. Ramsay
was that Carrie Manning should still exist, that
friendships, even the best of them, are frail things.
One drifts apart. He reproached himself again. He
was sitting beside Mrs. Ramsay and he had nothing
in the world to say to her.
" I'm so sorry, " said Mrs. Ramsy, turning to him
at last. He felt rigid and barren, like a pair of boots
that have been soaked and gone dry so that you
can hardly force your feet into them. Yet he must
force his feet into them. He must make himself talk.
Unless he were very careful, she would find out
this treachery of his; that he did not care a straw
for her, and that would not be at all pleasant, he
thought. So he bent his head courteously in her
" How you must detest dining in this bear garden, "
she said, making use, as she did when she was
distracted, of her social manner. So, when there is a
strife of tongues, at some meeting, the chairman, to
obtain unity, suggests that every one shall speak in
French. Perhaps it is bad French; French may not
contain the words that express the speaker's
thoughts; nevertheless speaking French imposes
some order, some uniformity. Replying to her in the
same language, Mr. Bankes said, " No, not at all, "
and Mr. Tansley, who had no knowledge of this
language, even spoke thus in words of one syllable,
at once suspected its insincerity. They did talk
nonsense, he thought, the Ramsays; and he pounced on
this fresh instance with joy, making a note which,
one of these days, he would read aloud, to one or
two friends. There, in a society where one could say
what one liked he would sarcastically describe " staying
with the Ramsays " and what nonsense they talked.
It was worth while doing it once, he would
say; but not again. The women bored one so, he
would say. Of course Ramsay had dished himself
by marrying a beautiful woman and having eight
children. It would shape itself something like that,
but now, at this moment, sitting stuck there with
an empty seat beside him, nothing had shaped itself
at all. It was all in scraps and fragments. He felt
extremely, even physically, uncomfortable. He wanted
somebody to give him a chance of asserting himself.
He wanted it so urgently that he fidgeted in his chair,
looked at this person, then at that person, tried to
break into their talk, opened his mouth and shut it
again. They were talking about the fishing industry.
Why did no one ask him his opinion? What did they
know about the fishing industry?
Lily Briscoe knew all that. Sitting opposite him,
could she not see, as in an X-ray photograph, the
ribs and thigh bones of the young man's desire to
impress himself, lying dark in the mist of his flesh --
that thin mist which convention had laid over his
burning desire to break into the conversation? But,
she thought, screwing up her Chinese eyes, and
remembering how he sneered at women, " can't paint,
can't write, " why should I help him to relieve
There is a code of behaviour, she knew, whose
seventh article (it may be) says that on occasions of
this sort it behoves the woman, whatever her own
occupation might be, to go to the help of the young
man opposite so that he may expose and relieve
the thigh bones, the ribs, of his vanity, of his urgent
desire to assert himself; as indeed it is their duty,
she reflected, in her old maidenly fairness, to help
us, suppose the Tube were to burst into flames.
Then, she thought, I should certainly expect Mr.
Tansley to get me out. But how would it be, she
thought, if neither of us did either of these things?
So she sat there smiling.
" You're not planning to go to the Lighthouse, are
you, Lily, " said Mrs. Ramsay. " Remember poor Mr.
Langley; he had been round the world dozens of
times, but he told me he never suffered as he did
when my husband took him there. Are you a good
sailor, Mr. Tansley? " she asked.
Mr. Tansley raised a hammer: swung it high in
air; but realising, as it descended, that he could not
smite that butterfly with such an instrument as this,
said only that he had never been sick in his life. But
in that one sentence lay compact, like gunpowder,
that his grandfather was a fisherman; his father a
chemist; that he had worked his way up entirely
himself; that he was proud of it; that he was Charles
Tansley -- a fact that nobody there seemed to realise;
but one of these days every single person would
know it. He scowled ahead of him. He could almost
pity these mild cultivated people, who would be blown
sky high, like bales of wool and barrels of
apples, one of these days by the gunpowder that
was in him.
" Will you take me, Mr. Tansley? " said Lily,
quickly, kindly, for, of course, if Mrs. Ramsay said
to her, as in effect she did, " I am drowning, my dear,
in seas of fire. Unless you apply some balm to the
anguish of this hour and say something nice to that
young man there, life will run upon the rocks --
indeed I hear the grating and the growling at this
minute. My nerves are taut as fiddle strings. Another
touch and they will snap " -- when Mrs. Ramsay said
all this, as the glance in her eyes said it, of course
for the hundred and fiftieth time Lily Briscoe had
to renounce the experiment -- what happens if one is
not nice to that young man there -- and be nice.
Judging the turn in her mood correctly -- that she
was friendly to him now -- he was relieved of his
egotism, and told her how he had been thrown out
of a boat when he was a baby; how his father used to
fish him out with a boat-hook; that was how he
had learnt to swim. One of his uncles kept the light
on some rock or other off the Scottish coast, he said.
He had been there with him in a storm. This was said
loudly in a pause. They had to listen to him
when he said that he had been with his uncle in a
lighthouse in a storm. Ah, thought Lily Briscoe, as
the conversation took this auspicious turn, and she
felt Mrs. Ramsay's gratitude (for Mrs. Ramsay was
free now to talk for a moment herself), ah, she
thought, but what haven't I paid to get it for you?
She had not been sincere.
She had done the usual trick -- been nice. She
would never know him. He would never know her.
Human relations were all like that, she thought, and
the worst (if it had not been for Mr. Bankes) were
between men and women. Inevitably these were
extremely insincere she thought. Then her eye
caught the salt cellar, which she had placed there to
remind her, and she remembered that next morning
she would move the tree further towards the middle,
and her spirits rose so high at the thought of painting
tomorrow that she laughed out loud at what Mr.
Tansley was saying. Let him talk all night if he
liked it.
" But how long do they leave men on a Lighthouse? "
she asked. He told her. He was amazingly well
informed. And as he was grateful, and as he
liked her, and as he was beginning to enjoy himself,
so now, Mrs. Ramsay thought, she could return to
that dream land, that unreal but fascinating place,
the Mannings' drawing-room at Marlow twenty
years ago; where one moved about without haste or
anxiety, for there was no future to worry about. She
knew what had happened to them, what to her. It was
like reading a good book again, for she knew the end
of that story, since it had happened twenty years ago,
and life, which shot down even from this dining-room
table in cascades, heaven knows where, was
sealed up there, and lay, like a lake, placidly
between its banks. He said they had built a billiard
room -- was it possible? Would William go on talking
about the Mannings? She wanted him to. But, no --
for some reason he was no longer in the mood. She
tried. He did not respond. She could not force him.
She was disappointed.
" The children are disgraceful, " she said, sighing.
He said something about punctuality being one of
the minor virtues which we do not acquire until
later in life.
" If at all, " said Mrs. Ramsay merely to fill up
space, thinking what an old maid William was
becoming. Conscious of his treachery, conscious of
her wish to talk about something more intimate, yet
out of mood for it at present, he felt come over him
the disagreeableness of life, sitting there, waiting.
Perhaps the others were saying something interesting?
What were they saying?
That the fishing season was bad; that the men
were emigrating. They were talking about wages
and unemployment. The young man was abusing
the government. William Bankes, thinking what a
relief it was to catch on to something of this sort
when private life was disagreeable, heard him say
something about " one of the most scandalous acts
of the present government. " Lily was listening;
Mrs. Ramsay was listening; they were all listening.
But already bored, Lily felt that something
was lacking; Mr. Bankes felt that something
was lacking. Pulling her shawl round her
Mrs. Ramsay felt that something was lacking.
All of them bending themselves to listen thought,
" Pray heaven that the inside of my mind may not
be exposed, " for each thought, " The others are
feeling this. They are outraged and indignant with the
government about the fishermen. Whereas, I feel
nothing at all. " But perhaps, thought Mr. Bankes,
as he looked at Mr. Tansley, here is the man. One
was always waiting for the man. There was always
a chance. At any moment the leader might arise;
the man of genius, in politics as in anything else.
Probably he will be extremely disagreeable to us
old fogies, thought Mr. Bankes, doing his best to
make allowances, for he knew by some curious
physical sensation, as of nerves erect in his spine,
that he was jealous, for himself partly, partly more
probably for his work, for his point of view, for his
science; and therefore he was not entirely open-minded
or altogether fair, for Mr. Tansley seemed to
be saying, You have wasted your lives. You are
all of you wrong. Poor old fogies, you're hopelessly
behind the times. He seemed to be rather cocksure,
this young man; and his manners were bad. But
Mr. Bankes bade himself observe, he had courage;
he had ability; he was extremely well up in the
facts. Probably, Mr. Bankes thought, as Tansley
abused the government, there is a good deal in what
he says.
" Tell me now.. "" he said. So they argued about
politics, and Lily looked at the leaf on the table-cloth;
and Mrs. Ramsay, leaving the argument entirely
in the hands of the two men, wondered why
she was so bored by this talk, and wished, looking
at her husband at the other end of the table, that
he would say something. One word, she said to
herself. For if he said a thing, it would make all the
difference. He went to the heart of things. He cared
about fishermen and their wages. He could not sleep
for thinking of them. It was altogether different
when he spoke; one did not feel then, pray heaven
you don't see how little I care, because one did care.
Then, realising that it was because she admired him
so much that she was waiting for him to speak, she
felt as if somebody had been praising her husband
to her and their marriage, and she glowed all over
withiut realising that it was she herself who had
praised him. She looked at him thinking to find this
in his face; he would be looking magnificent...
But not in the least! He was screwing his face up,
he was scowling and frowning, and flushing with
anger. What on earth was it about? she wondered.
What could be the matter? Only that poor old
Augustus had asked for another plate of soup -- that
was all. It was unthinkable, it was detestable (so he
signalled to her across the table) that Augustus
should be beginning his soup over again. He loathed
people eating when he had finished. She saw his
anger fly like a pack of hounds into his eyes, his
brow, and she knew that in a moment something
violent would explode, and then -- thank goodness!
she saw him clutch himself and clap a brake on the
wheel, and the whole of his body seemed to emit sparks
but not words. He sat there scowling. He
had said nothing, he would have her observe. Let her
give him the credit for that! But why after all should
poor Augustus not ask for another plate of soup?
He had merely touched Ellen's arm and said:
" Ellen, please, another plate of soup, " and then
Mr. Ramsay scowled like that.
And why not? Mrs. Ramsay demanded. Surely
they could let Augustus have his soup if he
wanted it. He hated people wallowing in food, Mr.
Ramsay frowned at her. He hated everything
dragging on for hours like this. But he had
controlled himself, Mr. Ramsay would have her observe,
disgusting though the sight was. But why
show it so plainly, Mrs. Ramsay demanded (they
looked at each other down the long table sending
these questions and answers across, each knowing
exactly what the other felt). Everybody could see,
Mrs. Ramsay thought. There was Rose gazing at
her father, there was Roger gazing at his father;
both would be off in spasms of laughter in another
second, she knew, and so she said promptly (indeed
it was time):
" Light the candles, " and they jumped up
instantly and went and fumbled at the sideboard.
Why could he never conceal his feelings? Mrs.
Ramsay wondered, and she wondered if Augustus
Carmichael had noticed. Perhaps he had; perhaps
he had not. She could not help respecting the
composure with which he sat there, drinking his
soup. If he wanted soup, he asked for soup.
Whether people laughed at him or were angry with
him he was the same. He did not like her, she knew
that; but partly for that very reason she respected
him, and looking at him, drinking soup, very large
and calm in the failing light, and monumental, and
contemplative, she wondered what he did feel then,
and why he was always content and dignified; and
she thought how devoted he was to Andrew, and
would call him into his room, and Andrew said,
" show him things. " And there he would lie all day
long on the lawn brooding presumably over his
poetry, till he reminded one of a cat watching birds,
and then he clapped his paws together when he had
found the word, and her husband said, " Poor old
Augustus -- he's a true poet, " which was high praise
from her husband.
Now eight candles were stood down the table, and
after the first stoop the flames stood upright and
drew with them into visibility the long table entire,
and in the middle a yellow and purple dish of fruit.
What had she done with it, Mrs. Ramsay wondered,
for Rose's arrangement of the grapes and pears, of
the horny pink-lined shell, of the bananas, made her
think of a trophy fetched from the bottom of the
sea, of Neptune's banquet, of the bunch that hangs
with vine leaves over the shoulder of Bacchus (in
some picture), among the leopard skins and the
torches lolloping red and gold.... Thus brought up
suddenly into the light it seemed possessed of great
size and depth, was like a world in which one could
take one's staff and climb hills, she thought, and go
down into valleys, and to her pleasure (for
it brought them into sympathy momentarily) she
saw that Augustus too feasted his eyes on the same
plate of fruit, plunged in, broke off a bloom there,
a tassel here, and returned, after feasting, to his
hive. That was his way of looking, different from
hers. But looking together united them.
Now all the candles were lit up, and the faces
on both sides of the table were brought nearer by
the candle light, and composed, as they had not been
in the twilight, into a party round a table, for the
night was now shut off by panes of glass, which, far
from giving any accurate view of the outside world,
rippled it so strangely that here, inside the room,
seemed to be order and dry land; there, outside, a
reflection in which things waved and vanished,
Some change at once went through them all, as
if this had really happened, and they were all
conscious of making a party together in a hollow, on
an island; had their common cause against that
fluidity out there. Mrs. Ramsay, who had been
uneasy, waiting for Paul and Minta to come in, and
unable, she felt, to settle to things, now felt her
uneasiness changed to expectation. For now they must
come, and Lily Briscoe, trying to analyse the cause
of the sudden exhilaration, compared it with that
moment on the tennis lawn, when solidity suddenly
vanished, and such vast spaces lay between them;
and now the same effect was got by the many candles
in the sparely furnished room, and the uncurtained
windows, and the bright mask-like look of faces
seen by candlelight. Some weight was taken off
them; anything might happen, she felt. They must
come now, Mrs. Ramsay thought, looking at the
door, and at that instant, Minta Doyle, Paul Rayley,
and a maid carrying a great dish in her hands came
in together. They were awfully late; they were
horribly late, Minta said, as they found their way to
different ends of the table.
" I lost my brooch -- my grandmother's brooch, "
said Minta with a sound of lamentation in her voice,
and a suffusion in her large brown eyes, looking
down, looking up, as she sat by Mr. Ramsay, which
roused his chivalry so that he bantered her.
How could she be such a goose, he asked, as to
scramble about the rocks in jewels?
She was by way of being terrified of him -- he was
so fearfully clever, and the first night when she had
sat by him, and he talked about George Eliot,
she had been really frightened, for she had left
the third volume of Middlemarch# in the train and
she never knew what happened in the end; but
afterwards she got on perfectly, and made herself
out even more ignorant than she was, because he
liked telling her she was a fool. And so tonight,
directly he laughed at her, she was not frightened.
Besides, she knew, directly she came into the room
that the miracle had happened; she wore her golden
haze. Sometimes she had it; sometimes not. She
never knew why it came or why it went, or if she
had it until she came into the room and then she
knew instantly by the way some man looked at her.
Yes, tonight she had it, tremendously; she knew
that by the way Mr. Ramsay told her not to be a
fool. She sat beside him, smiling.
It must have happened then, thought Mrs. Ramsay;
they are engaged. And for a moment she felt
what she had never expected to feel again -- jealousy.
For he, her husband, felt it too -- Minta's glow; he
liked these girls, these golden-reddish girls, with
something flying, something a little wild and
harum-scarum about them, who didn't " scrape their hair
off, " weren't, as he said about poor Lily Briscoe,
"... skimpy. " There was some quality which she
herself had not, some lustre, some richness, which
attracted him, amused him, led him to make favourites
of girls like Minta. They might cut his hair
from him, plait him watch-chains, or interrupt him
at his work, hailing him (she heard them), " Come
along, Mr. Ramsay; it's our turn to beat them now, "
and out he came to play tennis.
But indeed she was not jealous, only, now and
then, when she made herself look in her glass, a
little resentful that she had grown old, perhaps,
by her own fault. (The bill for the greenhouse and
all the rest of it.) She was grateful to them for
laughing at him. (" How many pipes have you
smoked today, Mr. Ramsay? " and so on), till he
seemed a young man; a man very attractive to
women, not burdened, not weighed down with the
greatness of his labours and the sorrows of the
world and his fame or his failure, but again as she
had first known him, gaunt but gallant; helping
her out of a boat, she remembered; with delightful
ways, like that (she looked at him, and he looked
astonishingly young, teasing Minta). For herself --
" Put it down there, " she said, helping the Swiss girl
to place gently before her the huge brown pot in which
was the B$oeuf en Daube -- for her own part, she
liked her boobies. Paul must sit by her. She had
kept a place for him. Really, she sometimes thought
she liked the boobies best. They did not bother one
with their dissertations. How much they missed,
after all, these very clever men! How dried up they
did become, to be sure. There was something, she
thought as he sat down, very charming about Paul.
His manners were delightful to her, and his sharp-cut
nose and his bright blue eyes. He was so considerate.
Would he tell her -- now that they were all talking
again -- what had happened?
" We went back to look for Minta's brooch, " he
said, sitting down by her. " We " -- that was enough.
She knew from the effort, the rise in his voice to
surmount a difficult word that it was the first time
he had said " we. " " We did this, we did that. "
They'll say that all their lives, she thought, and an
exquisite scent of olives and oil and juice rose from
the great brown dish as Marthe, with a little
flourish, took the cover off. The cook had spent three
days over that dish. And she must take great care,
Mrs. Ramsay thought, diving into the soft mass, to
choose a specially tender piece for William Bankes.
And she peered into the dish, with its shiny walls
and its confusion of savoury brown and yellow
meats and its bay leaves and its wine, and thought.
This will celebrate the occasion -- a curious sense
rising in her, at once freakish and tender, of
celebrating a festival, as if two emotions were called up
in her, one profound -- for what could be more serious
than the love of man for woman, what more
commanding, mor impressive, bearing in its bosom
the seeds of death; at the same time these lovers,
these people entering into illusion glittering eyed,
must be danced round with mockery, decorated with
" It is a triumph, " said Mr. Bankes, laying his
knife down for a moment. He had eaten attentively.
It was rich; it was tender. It was perfectly cooked.
How did she manage these things in the depths of
the country? he asked her. She was a wonderful
woman. All his love, all his reverence, had returned;
and she knew it.
" It is a French recipe of my grandmother's, "
said Mrs. Ramsay, speaking with a ring of great
pleasure in her voice. Of course it was French. What
passes for cookery in England is an abomination
(they agreed). It is putting cabbages in water. It is
roasting meat till it is like leather. It is cutting
off the delicious skins of vegetables. " In which, "
said Mr. Bankes, " all the virtue of the vegetable is
contained. " And the waste, said Mrs. Ramsay. A
whole French family could live on what an English
cook throws away. Spurred on by her sense that
William's affection had come back to her, and that
everything was all right again, and that her suspense
was over, and that now she was free both to triumph
and to mock, she laughed, she gesticulated, till Lily
thought, How childlike, how absurd she was, sitting
up there with all her beauty opened again in her,
talking about the skins of vegetables. There was
something frightening about her. She was irresistible.
Always she got her own way in the end, Lily
thought. Now she had brought this off -- Paul and
Minta, one might suppose, were engaged. Mr.
Bankes was dining here. She put a spell on them all,
by wishing, so simply, so directly, and Lily
contrasted that abundance with her own poverty of
spirit, and supposed that it was partly that belief
(for her face was all lit up -- without looking young,
she looked radiant) in this strange, this terrifying
thing, which made Paul Rayley, sitting at her side,
all of a tremor, yet abstract, absorbed, silent. Mrs.
Ramsay, Lily felt, as she talked about the skins of
vegetables, exalted that, worshipped that; held her
hands over it to warm them, to protect it, and yet,
having brought it all about, somehow laughed, led
her victims, Lily felt, to the altar. It came over
her too now -- the emotion, the vibration, of love.
How inconspicuous she felt herself by Paul's side!
He, glowing, burning; she, aloof, satirical; he,
bound for adventure; she, moored to the shore; he,
launched, incautious; she, solitary, left out -- and,
ready to implore a share, if it were a disaster, in his
disaster, she said shyly:
" When did Minta lose her brooch? "
He smiled the most exquisite smile, veiled by
memory, tinged by dreams. He shook his head. " On
the beach, " he said.
" I'm going to find it, " he said, " I'm getting
up early. " This being kept secret from Minta, he
lowered his voice, and turned his eyes to where she sat,
laughing, beside Mr. Ramsay.
Lily wanted to protest violently and outrageously
her desire to help him, envisaging how in the dawn
on the beach she would be the one to pounce on the
brooch half-hidden by some stone, and thus herself
be included among the sailors and adventurers. But
what did he reply to her offer? She actually said
with an emotion that she seldom let appear, " Let
me come with you, " and he laughed. He meant yes
or no -- either perhaps. But it was not his meaning --
it was the odd chuckle he gave, as if he had said,
Throw yourself over the cliff if you like, I don't
care. He turned on her cheek the heat of love, its
horror, its cruelty, its unscrupulosity. It scorched
her, and Lily, looking at Minta, being charming to
Mr. Ramsay at the other end of the table, flinched
for her exposed to these fangs, and was thankful.
For at any rate, she said to herself, catching sight
of the salt cellar on the pattern, she need not marry,
thank Heaven: she need not undergo that degradation.
She was saved from that dilution. She would
move the tree rather more to the middle.
Such was the complexity of things. For what
happened to her, especially staying with the Ramsays,
was to be made to feel violently two opposite things
at the same time; that's what you feel, was one;
that's what I feel, was the other, and then they
fought together in her mind, as now. It is so
beautiful, so exciting, this love, that I tremble on the
verge of it, and offer, quite out of my own habit,
to look for a brooch on a beach; also it is the
stupidest, the most barbaric of human passions, and turns
a nice young man with a profile like a gem's (Paul's
was exquisite) into a bully with a crowbar (he was
swaggering, he was insolent) in the Mile End Road.
Yet, she said to herself, from the dawn of time odes
have been sung to love; wreaths heaped and roses;
and if you asked nine people out of ten they would
say they wanted nothing but this -- love; while the
women, judging from her own experience, would all
the time be feeling, This is not what we want; there
is nothing more tedious, puerile, and inhumane than
this; yet it is also beautiful and necessary. Well
then, well then? she asked, somehow expecting the
others to go on with the argument, as if in an argument
like this one threw one's own little bolt which
fell short obviously and left the others to carry it
on. So she listened again to what they were saying
in case they should throw any light upon the question
of love.
" Then, " said Mr. Bankes, " there is that liquid
the English call coffee. "
" Oh, coffee! " said Mrs. Ramsay. But it was much
rather a question (she was thoroughly roused, Lily
could see, and talked very emphatically) of real
butter and clean milk. Speaking with warmth and
eloquence, she described the iniquity of the English
dairy system, and in what state milk was delivered
at the door, and was about to prove her charges, for
she had gone into the matter, when all round the
table, beginning with Andrew in the middle, like
a fire leaping from tuft to tuft of furze, her children
laughed; her husband laughed; she was laughed at,
fire-encircled, and forced to veil her crest, dismount
her batteries, and only retaliate by displaying the
raillery and ridicule of the table to Mr. Bankes
as an example of what one suffered if one attacked the
prejudices of the British Public.
Purposely, however, for she had it on her mind
that Lily, who had helped her with Mr. Tansley, was
out of things, she exempted her from the rest; said
" Lily anyhow agrees with me, " and so drew her in,
a little fluttered, a little startled. (For she was
thinking about love.) They were both out of things, Mrs.
Ramsay had been thinking, both Lily and Charles
Tansley. Both suffered from the glow of the other
two. He, it was clear, felt himself utterly in the
cold; no woman would look at him with Paul Rayley
in the room. Poor fellow! Still, he had his dissertation,
the influence of somebody upon something: he
could take care of himself. With Lily it was different.
She faded, under Minta's glow; became more
inconspicuous than ever, in her little grey dress
with her little puckered face and her little Chinese
eyes. Everything about her was so small. Yet,
thought Mrs. Ramsay, comparing her with Minta,