WASHINGTON-overturn the jury nullifi-Five Supreme Court jus-cation of [this] genocidal tices today approved a bit of legislation is

writ of certiorari to re-doomed to failure, if not

view the case of United in the Supreme Court,

States vs. Grosscup, in then in the real world

what will be the first high where women vote with

court test of the Rohra-their bodies in support of

bacher-Hayden Act out-transoption."

lawing transoption. Transoption, already

Wanda Grosscup, the legal in most countries in

first of nearly four thou-the Western Hemisphere,

sand women convicted has found popularity in

for violation of the law, the United States despite

has steadfastly main-its risky and illegal na-tained that she is in fact ture. (See story, Section the co-mother of her son C, P. 37-"Five Hundred

and was granted custody Thousand Plus: Officials

by an arrangement with Sinking in Sea of Tran-the so-called "first stage" soption Warrants.") co-mother. Grosscup, in appeal-Basing her defense on ing to the Supreme Court, the highly publicized seeks to overturn a Court

Dalton vs. Chandler deci-of Appeals reversal-on

sion rendered nearly a technical grounds-of a

decade ago, Grosscup federal district court ver-has enlisted the aid of dict in favor of her inno-outspoken transoption cence. The verdict in-advocate Adrianne Dyer. cited a blaze of contro-Dyer's Living Alterna-versy six years ago that tive Institute, based in centered on the ability of

Denver, issued a state-a jury to declare certain

ment that "the U.S. Dis-laws invalid.

trict Attorney's efforts to