First Transopted Baby
Times Wires Service
T O R R A N C E - R e n a t a
Chandler, whose birth last
year caused a legal upheaval
when it was revealed that she
had been transplanted from
one woman to another while
still an embryo, celebrated her
first birthday amid the glare of
TV cameras and photo
A blond, blue-eyed
charmer, Renata showed off
her two front teeth in a happy
grin as her so-called genetic
mother and father-Valerie
Dalton and Ron Czernek-joined with "transoptive"
mother Karen Chandler and
her husband David for the fes-tivities.
Also on hand was Dr. Eve-lyn Fletcher, who pioneered
the controversial medical pro-cedure. Now conducting her
practice at a clinic in Brazil,
Fletcher used the opportunity
to consult with her attorney
regarding reinstatement of her
medical license in the United