Of the three major races of Nephilim, fiend, Gibborim, and giant, giants were considered the noblest and the best understood by men.

The annals were strangely silent on Anak, the father of Jotnar, who was the father of giants. The bene elohim Anak was strong, large, and valiant, and tales of wicked evil were less about him than others of his kind. The annals related that Anak was full of pride and filled with valor. Such was said about his son, Jotnar. Jotnar lived in the frozen north for reasons only known to him. He was grim, vain, proud, and fearless. He brooded and plotted. Why he didn’t march south, no one knew. Or, if they knew, they haven't told the singers of tales.

More was known about Jotnar’s offspring, the giants. Their names, and their deeds, rang among the annals of the Antediluvian Age. There was Surtur and his forging of the sword of doom, and the story of Thor and how he slew a leviathan while upon the watery depths. Mimir the Wise and the bold guile that won him the wells of knowledge were a familiar tale. All these stories and more the singers told. Such were the mighty giants’ deeds that after the terrible Cataclysm their feats lingered in stories. These stories were the root for the new myths, and the new legends in a new time.

The giants boldly strode across the landscape of the Antediluvian Age. Their valor, great deeds, mighty feats, and courage won them the title Heroes of Old.

The End of the Appendixes