Título original: Dispatches From The Frontiers Of The Female Mind

Jen Green & Sarah LeFanu, 1985

Josephine Saxton, 1985

Margaret Elphinstone, 1985

Joanna Russ, 1984

Gwyneth Jones, 1985

Baverly Ireland, 1985

Tanith Lee, 1985

Lannah Battley, 1985

Pamela A. Zoline, 1985

Mary Gentle, 1985

Frances Gapper, 1985

Pearlie McNeill, 1985

Lisa Tuttle, 1985

Naomi Mitchison, 1985

Zoe Fairbairns, 1985

Penny Casdagli, 1985

Racoona Sheldon, 1985

Sue Thomason, 1985

Traducción: Montserrat Conill

Ilustraciones: FaErika

Editor digital: Rds

ePub base r1.2