This is the sixth year that the membership of the Science Fiction Writers of America has voted Nebula awards to authors who are considered to have written the best science fiction (or fantasy) stories published in the previous year. Ordinarily the award-winning ‘short story, novelette, and novella are published in the annual anthology, with. the rest of the book made up of outstanding stories that were nominated, but failed to win awards.

This year there are only two award-winning stories in the book, the membership having voted to make no award in ‘the short story category.

It is unfortunate that the economics of book publishing does not allow all the nominated shorter stories to be published here. Nomination in itself is a signal honor, the hallmark of approval put upon an author’s work by his, or her, fellow writers. Those nominated works ‘that are left out of this volume for lack of space undoubtedly will be published in other collections. In the case of the nominated novels, all have been published as books in their own right.

The editor of this book will exercise his option of saying as little as possible, not on the premise that an editor should remain fairly invisible, but in the belief that I can add little of consequence.

The critical essay by Dr. Thomas D. Clareson says everything that I possibly could say and more authoritatively and better.

I hope that I will be pardoned an expression of great pride in the work herein presented. I have seen the literary form grow, during the last forty years, From the barely tolerated position of pulp fiction to a body of writing that commands attention and respect. Much devotion and a great deal of work went into this transformation. It is my feeling that a writing tradition so happily established can safely rest in the hands of writers such as the ones who gained nomination for this year’s awards and for those of previous years.

There is one thing more that needs to be said. No

book is edited without encouragement and assistance, and for these I must thank Gordon R. Dickson, president of SFWA; Lloyd Biggle, Jr., chairman of the Nebula award trustees; Foul Anderson, an earlier editor and an old friend who guided me around many pitfalls; Diane Cleaver and Lawrence Ashmead of Doubleday; Howard

DeVore, who unearthed magazines I did not have;

Damon Knight, editor of Orbit; Thomas A. Dardis of

Berkley Publishing Corporation; Edward L. Ferman of Mercury Publications, and Ejler Jakobsson, editor of Galaxy and //.



Introduction to Nebula Award Stories 6