Chamry roused up quickly when I sat down on his bunk. I told him I wanted to stay with him a while, as there'd been a misunderstanding at Barna's house. "What do you mean?" he said. He got the story out of me, though I didn't want to say much. "That girl? She was in your room? Oh by the Stone! You get clear out, clear away, tonight!"


WHEN I WENT UP the riverbank away from Etra, I was a boy dressed in white mourning, going alone, a strange sight in itself; and people could tell that I was not in my right mind. That had protected me. The mad are holy. Now, walking along this lonely forest road, I was two years older and looked and dressed like what I was: a runaway. If I met people, my only protection from suspicion or from slave takers was in my own wits, and from Luck, who might be getting tired of looking after me.