Chapter 22
For the first time in years, the cup of coffee didn't ease his nervousness. Friederich could feel that there was something amiss since Konrad had returned from his holidays in Rome. First, the concept of holidays was something totally amiss in his vocabulary. He never stopped working. Only once in 1996 and it was because he suffered a serious pneumonia, but he had managed to run everything from his sickbed. Out of the blue, he had decided to take Guntram for a week to Rome with the excuse that the boy needed some sun after being so sick in early July.
Second, Konrad had returned in an excellent mood, looking ten years younger and had behaved like a teenager during lunch, taunting Ferdinand von Kleist over the hard time the man had had in China, after two weeks at Michael Dähler's mercy. Guntram was only smiling in a silly way and quiet as usual. He had brought along two sketch pads full of drawings, so he had been working diligently.
Third the boy didn't complain or pout when he was informed that tomorrow he had a date with his doctor. In fact, he had been glad.
Fourth, Monika van der Leyden had phoned him two days ago to joyfully inform him that “finally the Duke saw reason and dismissed that vulgar woman. I was never so happy in my life to call a real estate agent to take care of the papers for her flat in Via Condotti, where else?” The rest of the compensation fee was too generous, considering she had been getting several presents over the years and a €10,000 monthly allowance. No, Konrad had done something bad and wanted to shut her up or he had found something much better.
Fifth, Ostermann had told him to arrange with the insurance company the lending of three pieces to the Vatican when Konrad had refused to do it for a long time.
Sixth, he had taken the rest of the day free when normally he was running to his office the minute he was setting a foot in Zurich. No, after lunch he had sent Ferdinand back and decided to go for a walk in the forest, taking Guntram with him.
Seventh, Guntram was in an excellent mood, almost shinning, nothing like the terrified, sick boy that he had received in February.
'I can still put two and two together, Konrad. You are after the child. Over my dead body, boy.'
He took out his mobile phone of his pocket and quickly dialled from memory. “Good afternoon, Mr.
Pavicevic. It's Friederich. (…) I wondered if she was ready. The Duke has returned with Guntram. (…) He's very fine.
Tomorrow I'll take him to the doctor, just for a check, but he seems to be in good health. He was working a lot in Rome. (…) Could you bring her today in the evening? That would perfect. He will be very happy. Thank you.”
'From the age of nine to thirteen, Konrad tried every night to smuggle a Rottweiller in his bed and never succeeded. Now, at forty-six he tries to smuggle himself in a young man's bed. Forget it boy, I won't let you have your fun with that child. He deserves much better than becoming your whore. He's nothing like his uncle!'
Walking with Konrad was a source of happiness for Guntram. The tall trees and the peace, only broken by some singing birds or the sound of the wind through the leaves, relaxed his nerves and he let Konrad hold his hand as they were walking.Since they had spoken that night, they had been together practically the whole time, speaking, reading and kissing each other when there was no one around. Konrad was coming to his bed twice only to hold Guntram and sleep, disappearing very early in the morning.
Konrad halted his walk and embraced his kitten to kiss him has he has been dying to do since breakfast in Rome. He was so happy to have his kisses returned with a matching passion.
“Let's do something, please,” Guntram whispered in his ear.
“No, kitten. Tomorrow after we have spoken with your doctor. I don't want to risk you. Once he gives you clearance, you will move to my rooms and stay there.”
“Are you really sure?”
“Why not? I'm old enough as to know what I want and you make me very happy; like no one else before.”
“I don't think this is a good idea. If you come to my room, no one will notice and we can also be happy like that.”
“I will not have a clandestine relationship with you Guntram. Period. Don't you love me enough that you need to hide yourself from the others?”
“No! I do love you! I would do anything for you, but think about your position! What if Constantin finds it out? What if he hurts you?”
“He will not hurt me or you. I will protect you with my life, but hear me well, my love, I will not hide my feelings for you. You're my chosen companion, my lifemate, my beloved. I have already announced my decision to the Council and most of them agreed to it.”
“When? Who? Why did you do it?” Guntram blurted, unable to believe that his sex life was discussed at a table, even before he knew he was going to love Konrad.
“Because I wanted to leave everything clear for the others. Goran, Michael, Gustav Löwnestein, Mladic, Albert and Wallenberg support you. In fact, the Swedish likes you more since you were under his grandchild care, Heindrik Holgersen. He also likes you and says that you're “not troublesome”. Ferdinand is reluctant, but abides with my decision.”
“When did you do it?” Guntram asked in shock. His whole private life was being discussed as if it were a business deal!
“Last Easter, when they all came. I'm very sure of my feelings for you, Guntram and I hope likewise from you.”
“Konrad, this is going to be the greatest mess of our lives,” Guntram sighed, but kissed his lover tenderly.
“Let's go home, my love.” Konrad said when he finally broke the kiss. “I'm hungry and perhaps Jean Jacques understood your handwriting.”
“Don't worry, he made me read it to him,” Guntram chuckled. 'He's like a big child who needs to be hugged and loved unconditionally. He's adorable.'
The black sleek Mercedes at the entrance rose all Konrad's internal alarms. 'Why is Goran here if we had agreed to meet tomorrow?' The Duke quickened his pace to enter cross the empty courtyard and the main entrance with one of the butlers already opening it. He could hear Guntram walking behind him. Friederich was waiting for him in the foyer and only said. “Mr. Pavicevic is in the living room with the bitch.”“I told Monika to get rid of her! This is impossible!” he barked in German while Guntram was looking with big eyes at the stiff butler pronouncing “that word”.
“It is a present for Guntram, your Excellency and she will be very good to him,” Friederich replied in German too.
“Mr. Pavicevic himself chose her. She's a very polite companion, Sire,” Friederich sauntered in the way Konrad hated so much, exactly as he was doing when he was ten years old.
'I'll kill Goran for this!' Konrad thought and went in a straight line to the living room to get rid of the floozy the Serb had dared to bring to his home.
'Exactly as I thought, well boy, you have serious competition now.' Friederich smirked and caught Guntram before the lad could escape to his room. “You can go in, Guntram. It's something for you. It's very cute. You two will like each other,” he said with a real kind smile, unlike the sneer he had shown his former pupil.
The well known silhouette of a pug, sitting on top of his Belgian carpet was a great shock for Konrad.“The red ribbon was not my idea. The trainers put it,” Goran growled from his sofa, rising the moment his Duke entered the room. “She does not give it up. I think she likes it.”
“What is this animal doing here?”
“You asked for it, my Duke. In March, so here it is. Friederich told me to bring it today.”
“Make a sausage out of it!” Konrad started to tell, but the cry of happiness he heard from Guntram at seeing the dog, made him stop and change his mind when the boy dashed to the animal and knelt next to her. “Do you like it?” he grunted as the animal crouched in the way all of them do before jumping for playing.
“It's a very nice dog. Is it a female?” Guntram said grabbing her by her jaws like all dogs love.
“Yes, it's a she and eight months old. She's fully trained to be inside a house. It's a Mops, ” Goran said softly. “His Excellency ordered a dog for you in March, but she had to be trained before giving it to you. Mr. Elsässer has already a bed for her.”
“Are you really giving it to me, Konrad?” Guntram asked very happy, while he was scratching the animal's belly, also happy to be with the boy.
“If you like it…” Konrad said, irked with the look of triumph dangling from Friederich's eyes.
“Like her? I simply love it! Thank you so much,” Guntram said, picking up the dog.
“Ah, ah. Don't pick her up, Guntram. She's heavy for you. Almost six kilos. Remember what your doctor said,” Goran interfered.
“Thank you very much, Goran for bringing her.” The boy immediately returned the dog to the floor, jumping like a ball around him. “Can I take her out now?”
“Yes, go with Alexei. He should be somewhere,” Goran said.
“Return in thirty minutes for tea.” Konrad barked, upset at the set up his Tutor and Summus Marescalus had prepared for him, not liking a bit their new way of cooperating with each other. True, he had given the order, but he had not repeated it and Friederich hated dogs inside the house and here was this one, sleeping on top of his carpet!
“What is her name?” Guntram asked.
“I should look in her papers,” Goran replied.
“How did you call her, in German?
“It's a Mops, I don't know the word in English.”
“Can you call a dog Mopsi?”
“If she comes, when you call her, I guess so,” Konrad said miserably as obviously the dog was here to stay. “Take her outside. I have to speak with Goran and Friederich.”
Konrad waited for the pug and kitten to be gone before he would start to shout with his people. “I never imagined you were in the dog training business, Goran.”
“She was trained in Bern. Her parents won several prizes. It's a fine exemplar and Guntram likes her very much,” the Serb said, impassable as always.
“I don't remember when I asked for it.”
“In March you said the doctor had recommended that Guntram should find a way to release the stress as it was very harmful for his health. I spoke about dogs and you answered me “would be good one as pet. A small one, but not in a flea size.” It looks like a clear order to me. I chose a Mops and female as they don't mark the territory so much as men… I mean, males, my Duke.”
“The dog can sleep in Guntram's bedroom. I have purchased a bed for the animal,” Friederich announced. “It will be good for him to have something to look after and play with.”
“He's almost twenty-two years old, not ten!”
“Animals have incredible therapeutic uses. Doesn't his Excellency want the best for Guntram? He needs to relax more,” Friederich charged.
“Indeed, Guntram looks much better after that week in Rome,” Goran supported the butler.
Konrad hated the idea that both men were in tandem. 'Learn to lose, Konrad. That's the most important lesson. You can win another day,' his father used to tell him. 'Yes, I can win much more with the dog here than if I throw it out. I can see if he's able to look after the dog before I give him the children.'
“Do you want to stay for tea, Goran?”
“It will be my pleasure, Sire. We should discuss the matter in Hungary. We have the location.”
“After dinner, when Guntram is in bed. He told me what happened that night in London and I intend to match every second of what he suffered.”
“It will be my pleasure, my Griffin. Antonov wants to join us.”
“Let him come with you. He has his own interests there. Tell Holgersen to look after Guntram during the last week of July. I'm taking him with me to Sylt in August and then I will travel to New York for two weeks to arrange the other matter. I'm confident to have it solved by May.”
Guntram de Lisle Diary.July 21st
I'm so happy with Konrad. He's very tender to me and drives me mad with his kisses. Once he lets you know him, he's very funny, intelligent and wonderful. Have I said that he's a hell of a kisser? Incredible. If he continues like this I will be the one pushing him over the desk and jumping on him!
Today he gave me a dog, Mopsi, to keep me company. She's a pug in beige colour with dark ears. Goran was very nice to bring her in and Friederich allowed her to sleep in a basket in my room so she doesn't feel bad. She snores and it's very funny!
Finding the dog in my room wasn't funny for Konrad. He was truly cross when Mopsi barked like crazy when he passed to kiss me good night. “The minute the doctor allows it, you come to my bed and this animal goes to the kitchen or to a guest room if you want!” he threatened her and I laughed that he was jealous of a poor dog.
He tells me we are going for ten days to Sylt. It's an island in the north of Germany.
July 22nd
As promised, Konrad accompanied me to the doctor. Not in the morning when they made all the tests, but in the afternoon when I had the consultation. Van Horn says that I'm much better and will reduce my pills to three, but I have to be careful. I feel much better so I asked the big question.
“Do you think I'm able to…. do that?”
“Do exactly what?” Bloody German precision! THAT!
“That thing.” Can you believe that he looked at me perplexed? He's not that old not to ignore what is that! Fortunately, Konrad said something very fast (and amused) in German.
“Ah, that thing called sex, young man. Well, if you're interested, it means that you're definitively on the road of recovery. Yes, twice per week, only once per night and you should leave three days between to rest and recover. A climax increases the heart activity very much and is a considerable stress for your heart. Try it if you want, but you should stop the minute you feel bad.”
Thank you so much! Twice per week? Three days for resting? I'm not a bloody monk! I was furious with the bastard when I left his office.
Konrad was barely containing his fun. “If looks could kill, Guntram. Poor man! He only wants the best for you!”
“Did you hear him? Twice per week. It's more wicked that saying nothing at all. It's like showing candies and placing them on the highest shelf!”
“I should organise my agenda to travel during those three days you're “resting”, kitten. Tomorrow you move to my room.”
The funny thing is that he was informing Friederich with a very serious voice that he's supposed tomorrow to move all my clothes to his bedroom and leave my drawing utensils in the small bedroom that's next to his private studio. He should also think about changing it so I can use it as a studio. The poor man was looking at Konrad in shock and I thought he would have a heart attack right there.
“Is that understood, Friederich? Guntram is my chosen Consort.”
July 24thYesterday was one of the happiest days in my life. In the morning of the 23rd Friederich and Dieter, moved all my clothes and papers to Konrad's rooms. I think I never blushed so much in my whole life as first Dieter, then Annette and finally Katherine helped him to sort the things out under Friederich watchful eye, looking partially pissed off or surprised. The servants said nothing to me, but I caught them, gaping at me several times. Alexei only winked barely controlling his laughter. I had lunch with him and Friederich, looking more sombre than in the morning. I swear I never wanted troubles with him! It was not my idea to do it so openly!
I escaped with Mopsi and Alexei for a walk in the forest. He was almost giggling at my face!
“Come on, Guntram, don't look at me so upset! I'm very glad the Duke starts something with you. Jean Jacques thinks you're perfect for each other… and I should say that the boy who went to Rome is not the one I got back.” He sneered at me. “Already being naughty?”
“No! I mean, it's none of your business!” Do Russians always check and discuss what their bosses do in bed? Or is it something from his KGB times? He smiled knowingly.
Konrad returned from work at seven and we stayed in the library, sitting together, but closer than normal. At eight, a very serious Friederich announced dinner as you would tell someone is dead.
“Today was black truffle soup on the menu,” Konrad growled the minute Friederich poured the soup on his dish.
“The chef changed his mind in the afternoon, Sire. Also, the main dish and dessert are changed. Artists are very temperamental.”
The second was also very good… and I got red meat and it's not Sunday! The dessert was baffling because it was an apple ice cream with a lot of cinnamon and candied walnuts with chocolate and strawberries, but it was great.
“What is this?” Konrad grunted once more. He had been so charming during dinner and he changed in less than a second when he saw it! He hates that someone changes the slightest thing around him. “This is the first time Jean Jacques prepares this!”
“Perhaps we didn't need this at home before,” Friederich said and disappeared from the room, while Konrad mumbled something in German and ate the ice cream.
I was truly nervous when Konrad casually told me that it was time to go to bed. Heck! I was terrified to behave like an idiot there or do something he wouldn't like or not being good enough for him! I was on the brink of the next heart attack. I only gulped at his words. Way to go Guntram!
When we passed by the stairs by my old room, he kissed me holding me for some minutes.
“Are you sure Guntram? From tonight onwards you stop being a child and become a young man. You will acquire all my enemies and they will do anything to undermine my love for you, therefore there can be no mistakes or lies between us,” Konrad told me very seriously. “Are you sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Once we do it, there will be no turning back for any of us, my love.”
“Yes, I love you.”
He took me by the hand and we climbed the stairs in silence because my heart was hammering. We entered in his private living room and it was eerie to be there. I mean, I was here not a few hours ago, but now the place seemed to be impressive and solemn. He told me to change into my pyjamas because he had to look for something in his studio. I did it in the bathroom, becoming more and more nervous. I think I was more jittery than my first time with Constantin. I must have poured half of the toothpaste tube when I squeezed it!
When I finally took the courage to go out (yes, I'm a real chicken!), Konrad was already in his bedroom, dressed in his pyjamas, standing next to the desk in front of the bed. There was a tray with one glass and a bottle of red wine and I thought 'this is not the moment to follow the doctor's advises! I need a drink! Urgently!' but said nothing so nervous I was. He came to me and put his arms around my waist, kissing me on the forehead, reverently, like a brother, not like a lover.
“Guntram, know that my love for you is true and I will respect and honour you every day of my life. I cannot marry you in the way I would like, but I want to give you this ring as a symbol of my fidelity for you. It's the original seal of my family and has been with us for centuries. Always the Griffin's consort carries it,” he told me and showed me a very old looking ring.
“It's a Sassanian cameo carved in a cornelian stone, but the design is Sumerian. It represents a griffin with a tree of life at its side. It was a present from Pope Innocence IV to our family for their contribution to the Teutonic Order in the XIII century. That order financed most of what we know as the Vatican today. You should always wear it as a symbol of your status and my love for you. You have to give it to the eldest son when he marries because he will be the next Griffin.” Konrad took my right hand and kissed it before he placed the heavy thing in my finger. I was speechless.
He served the wine in the glass and I was surprised because he always tastes it before anything. It's automatic in him.
“This vintage is from before the War. It's a 1938 Château Mouton Rothschild. My father bought these bottles when I was a child for my marriage and for my children's births. I drank the first bottle when I was appointed Hochmeister and I had given up hope that I would taste the others till I met you.” He took the glass and presented it to me and I took it, still speechless.
“I swear to love, protect and cherish you till my last breath, Guntram.”
“I swear to love, respect and support you till my last day, Konrad,” I said out of the blue, but knowing that it was the right thing to do and that I meant each one of the words. He took again the glass from my hands and put it to my lips and I drank from it just a little and repeated the same for him, almost lost in his eyes while he finished the glass. The sound of the glass against the wooden table was very strong with my eagerness for what was about to come.
Konrad kissed me once more but this time with unbounded passion. I had to cling to his neck to avoid falling. Perhaps, it was the wine, perhaps the company, but this kiss was the best ever. His arms grabbed me by my waist and we continued to kiss, tasting each other. His hands caressed my back and I felt my robe fall into the floor.
Somehow I found myself sitting on the border of his bed, looking hungrily at him while he got rid of his own robe. He also put out the pyjama tops and I swear this man puts the Michelangelo's David to shame. I was like a rabbit in front of the wolf while he sat next to me and resumed his earlier kissing more feverish than before.
I felt him on top of me and I loved the feeling of his body heat over mine. It was simply maddening for me. I closed my eyes in bliss as he was unbuttoning my own clothes.
“Please, turn off the light.” I pleaded with him.
“Why? You're so beautiful. I do want to look at you.”
“I have the scars from that. I don't want that you see them.” I confessed. “It's not pretty.”
He removed his body from mine and smiled with infinite sadness. “I also have scars from fighting. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You're beautiful to me just as you are; with everything. We love each other.”
“I've been with no one since that day and I don't know how I am going to react.”
“If you want to stop just tell me and we will stop. I want to make love with you, not just have sex. I want what we are going to do tonight to mean something for you and I.”
I let him undress me, and he continued to kiss me as lovely as before, placing his kisses on every one of the scars, making me shudder with pleasure every time he did. He bit me lightly several times but I didn't care because it felt great.
“Don't stall, Konrad. Please. I need to feel you inside me,” I croaked and he nodded After using the lube just briefly, he penetrated me with infinite care, taking his time to let me get used to his size. Each one of his pushes transported to heaven and I was dizzy with pleasure. I remember that I put my tights over his hips when I felt he was completely inside me enjoying the rocking of his pelvis moving me—and almost lifting me from the mattress—slowly to pick up speed as he felt that I was responding to his caresses. I was moved that during all the time he was kissing me and checking that I would be fine. We climaxed together and for the first time I didn't want to run to the shower, but feel him inside me for as long as I could.
“I wish you would have been my first,” I whispered, totally spent but happy like a child.
“I want to be your last, Guntram,” he panted, hugging me stronger.
“How could I get another after this?” And it's true. He did very little gymnastics or tried strange positions and it was the best I ever had. I can't want another after him! I understand now why they call it “la petite mort.”
“Guntram, I'm almost forty-six, with you at my side I don't know if I'll turn sixty,” he chuckled. “It was incredible, my love,” he said, kissing my temple several times and caressing my hair. I guess I moaned because he laughed and said: “just like a happy kitten,” obviously proud of himself. “Those nuts were not so useless, after all.
The chef gets a raise in the morning.”
“I don't understand.”
“I was afraid he would have sprinkled Viagra in my food! Didn't you realise what was in the menu? Red meat, strawberries, walnuts, passion fruit in the salad and a long etc.”
“Oh no. Do you think they imagine what we were doing?”
“My staff has a very vivid imagination, kitten and if you're in my bed you're not here to play chess.” I looked at him baffled. “The best is if we play straight since the beginning. They have to respect you and hiding in the cellar for a romp is a bad idea. They will be shocked, or not, for a few days and by next week, they will forget all about us.”
“Friederich is unhappy with all this. I don't want to cause you troubles with him.”
“He's happy with you. He's unhappy with me. Pissed off. This morning he told me that if I hurt a single hair from you or behave less than the perfect gentleman with you, he will make my existence miserable. That's a threat I take very seriously. You are my Consort now and my equal.”
I didn't know what to tell
“Why do you think he let you have the dog in your room? To bite me if I dared to set a foot in there at night!” He laughed and I did the same. “Your Mops does not like me at all. Every time I come near you, she shows me her teeth.”
“She's jealous,” I chuckled, “but you're cuter and far more interesting in bed than her.”
“She will not come here. It's the kitchen or another room. That's final Guntram.”
“All right, poor Mopsi. What about when you're not here?”
“In the kitchen, Guntram. I don't share my bedroom or you.”
We had a shower together and I definitively wanted more, but “I don't want troubles with your doctor,”
was his answer. I let him dry me with the big towel and I don't know why, I took his cologne from the marble sink and smelled. It was so similar to my father's.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, reminds me to my father's one,” I answered and he froze.
“I'm not your father.”
“I know! It's just the smell. Who makes it? It seems like there are apples in there.”
“A perfumer in Milan,” he answered and put some of it on my neck, deeply smelling it as he hugged me possessively. His member once again was active and against my bottom. I felt once more become jelly and placed my hands against the sink to support myself as he buried once more inside me.
I felt his hands taking me by my hips bones to prevent that his thrusts would hurt me against the sink, his head buried in my shoulder. It was a hard ride but I loved him more in his unbound passion than in his controlled and tender way from before. I nearly collapsed after this one but it was worth it.
He was very concerned and took me to bed, redressing me with the pyjama and putting me inside the bed, disregarding my protests that I was fine (not true)
“Should I call Antonov?”
“I'm not up for a threesome and he must be also eating apple ice cream with the chef,” I joked.
“It's not funny! I can't lose you now!”
“I'm fine, Konrad. I need to catch my breath, that's all. Just hold me for a while,” I panted, feeling better as my heart slowed down. He redressed and joined me in the bed circling me with his arms and kissing me several times, with real concern.
“I shouldn't have taken you twice.”
“Tomorrow more.”
“Not in your life time. Three days rest, kitten. I'll fly to Shanghai if I have to.”
“Party pooper!” I scolded him falsely.
“I'm a banker, Guntram. It's in my job's description.” I laughed, feeling much better and burying myself in his arms till I fell asleep.
As usual, Friederich knocked on Konrad's door at 6:00. 'You said nothing about loafing today, so out of the bed, boy,' but didn't enter the bedroom as the man was sleeping with Guntram. He set the breakfast table with his morning coffee and toasts.“Holgersen is waiting for you Sire. Should I dismiss him?” Friederich said through the door.
“Come in,” Konrad grunted.
Friederich stood frozen in the door frame when he saw his pupil lovingly arranging the covers around a soundly sleeping Guntram, already dressed for training. “Let him sleep all what he needs. I fear yesterday's activities were too much for him.” The Duke told him haughtily and kissed the child in the forehead. He also noticed the empty bottle of wine on the desk and the single glass there. Guntram changed his position in the bed and he saw the well known ring with a red stone.
Konrad dragged him out of the room and closed the door. “Surprised Friederich? I told you he is the Griffin's Consort, not one of my whores. I am blessed with my choice as he is a gift from God.”
“Konrad, I never had anything against Guntram. If he were someone else, I would hit you in the head for not taking him. I only fear that he finds out about your past and suffers for it. His health is very frail!”
“He's my gift from God and I will do all what's within my power to keep him. I passed many of the trials He set for me and this is my reward. I will not let anything or anyone to come between us. Is that understood? He truly loves me for myself.”
“Konrad, he is very sick. Could you survive it if the worst happens? I worry for you also.”
“He's getting better, the doctor said it.” Konrad said with a lump in his throat. “I'll be very careful with him because I don't want to lose him. These months with him have been truly blissful for me. If the Lord decides to take him from me, I will live the rest of my life remembering the time he has granted me with him. I've decided to take that risk. If I were to spend only a month with him, then my life would have not been a total waste.”