1 ˇ Susan Wright
2 ˇ Susan Wright
Star TrekŽ Books available in Trade Paperback
Omnibus Editions
Invasion! Omnibus ˇ various
Day of Honor Omnibus ˇ various
The Captain's Table Omnibus ˇ various
Star Trek: Odyssey ˇ William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Other Books
Legends of the Ferengi ˇ Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Strange New Worlds, vol. I, II, and III ˇ Dean Wesley Smith, ed.
Adventures in Time and Space ˇ Mary P. Taylor
Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth ˇ D.W. "Prof" Smith
The Lives of Dax ˇ Marco Palmieri, ed.
The Klingon Hamlet ˇ Wil'yam Shex'pir
New Worlds, New Civilizations ˇ Michael Jan Friedman
Enterprise Logs ˇ Carol Greenburg, ed.