The illuminating light of the full moon penetrated the dark recesses of the forest.

Daniel and I made our way through the thick brush and trees. It was already October, and fall was my favorite time of the year. I loved the cooler weather. The smell of the autumn air lingered in my senses. The red, gold and brown leaves covered the floor of the forest. They moved slightly, floating up around us as we breezed through the woods.

Daniel and I had managed to leave a little earlier than expected for our run. It was primarily my fault, as I couldn‟t stand to watch Daniel pace back and forth through the house. We needed to get out, and I knew the run would do us both some good.

As I moved through the forest, I was exhilarated by all the new scents. We were hunting for werewolves, but it was easy for me to become distracted. Each new scent brought on my investigative wolf nature. I couldn‟t help from stopping a couple of times to investigate the scent of a squirrel.

As my fascination increased, Daniel‟s irritation became stronger. I had finally trailed the squirrel‟s scent to a tree, where up above I notice its nest. I circled the tree a couple of times. Daniel stopped ahead on the trail, turned and then trotted back toward me. He gave me a couple of short disappointed snorts. My eyes were wide as I showed him my new and exciting find. Promptly, he moved toward me, giving me a nudge, meaning for us to move on.

I glanced back to the tree one more time before I left. Maybe another day, I would make a run by myself. Investigate these scents more carefully. Tonight was more in nature - werewolves.

Our victory only a few short months ago ended the threat of danger to the nearby humans, or so we thought. However, recent news reports still had people turning up missing.

Those few short months ago, my life changed dramatically. My father‟s death left me with more than just his financial inheritance. He left me with a secret I soon uncovered. I was a Lycan. A wolf shape-shifter, left here by an ancient tribe of Indians over a thousand years ago. Never would I have believed my life would have changed so much. To kill or be killed was the objective of my existence.

Among the other mysteries, I had discovered werewolves and vampires. My first battle against the werewolves ended in a victory. That was the same night we met the vampires. It was the same night we discovered the vampires were very skilled and experienced in killing the same stinky creatures. Richard was especially flawless in his killing techniques.

Richard MacArthur, Nathaniel‟s older brother, was the most inhumanly beautiful creation I had ever seen. His seduction methods as a vampire were as flawless as his killing methods. I soon realized Daniel had a right to be concerned. Richard‟s attention fell upon me. He saved my life that night, allowing me, in return, to save Daniel‟s life. It was a battle I will never forget. Still, I knew there were more battles to come. It was only a matter of time before more werewolves would come into the area.

Daniel Maxwell, my love, stole my heart. The tall, dark and handsome man drew me in like a magnet. He contained the true heart of a Lycan within his body. I discovered how rapidly Lycans love. And his love for me was binding. Our love was deep and impenetrable. Our love protected us from our over-heated passions, a danger I swiftly learned we had to endure. I suppose this was the reason Casey fell in love with Nathaniel so easily. She left with him to become a vampire, to spend the rest of her immortal life with the one she loved. It was a nightmare her family would not soon forget.

The passions between Daniel and I could so easily turn into rage. It was one of the many side effects of being a Lycan. An animalistic desire could take over, causing a life threatening moment. Daniel and I had managed to overcome this rage so far. We discovered our love was stronger. The unconditional love you would die for. We pushed Fate to the limit that night, overcoming battles as well as the obstacles of our love.

Tonight was a night we hunted. It was a full moon. If there were any werewolves, they would be out this night. Two people were missing, and our family feared the worse.

Usually if bodies were found, there were no threats. This time we had an idea the werewolves were involved again. The Lycan laws stated we hunt together. Hunt as wolves, searching out and killing the evil that plagued mankind.

Daniel abruptly stopped in front of me. His head went down to the ground. The sounds of the tender tips of the insides of his nose flapped as he sniffed the ground. I couldn‟t help from letting out a snort. The sound actually made my own nose tickle. His head rose to meet my humorous gaze. His eyes narrowed slightly. He could tell I was having fun, but he was the serious one tonight.

Recouping my position, I raised my head and inhaled a few whiffs of air. The scent of the werewolf was not the only thing in the forest tonight. The smell of lilies and carnations lingered in the night‟s air. Daniel turned his head to me. His eyes widened.

He gave a short snort. Yes, he suspected, as I did, Richard was nearby.

I gave a quick nod to Daniel. He wanted me closer to him. Quietly, I padded toward him, lightly touching my feet to the ground. Daniel glanced over my shoulder, peering deeply past me into the darkness of the trees.

Daniel was not pleased Richard‟s attention was so focused on me. For that matter, neither was I. The dreams I had of Richard were unnerving. My thoughts of him were reined tightly from Daniel. This vampire had put his spell on me. However, the heart inside me belonged to Daniel. It would belong to him forever. I was a Lycan.

The wolf beside me stood perfectly still. With his ears perked forward, he listened to each and every sound in the forest. I shifted alongside of him as I carefully watched the forest for movement. I rested my head on top of his shoulders, my eyes darting through the darkness for signs of prey. It was unbelievable how much I loved Daniel.

Even as a wolf, there was so much love filling my heart for him. Daniel turned his head toward me, and I raised my head from his shoulders.

The softness of his fur touched my head as he gently rubbed his head along the side of mine. The warmth of his tongue touched the side of my face. It was a kiss in wolf form, the most wonderful feeling. I thought I could feel the warmth of love from his heart. Daniel nudged me one more time. We needed to keep moving.

Our pace quickened, as we moved closer to the great wall. The closer we came to the wall, the greater the scent of the werewolves became. The air was thick with the stench. Why were they back? Why were so many of them around the wall? It was not humans they were hunting. They were not adding to their pack. It didn‟t make sense.

A twig snapped behind me and I stopped abruptly and held my breath. Holding one foot off the ground, I listened. Daniel stopped. He could feel the rush of adrenaline as it shot through me. A shiver ran up my spine. The hairs on my back stiffened. I lowered my front paw slowly down on the ground. Daniel‟s lips curled over his teeth. I closed my eyes tightly, allowing my senses to take over. I could sense it. A werewolf was approaching from behind me.

Swiftly, I turned around. My head lowered as I saw the creature emerge from the thick brush. The rotten stench of the creature hit me full blast. A burst of air rumbled from my chest followed by a menacing growl. The creature was on all fours. It turned toward us. The eyes of the wiry-haired beast flamed red as balls from the pit of hell.

Those red eyes narrowed, and we were marked as its prey. Daniel moved off to the right, slowly circling the creature as it bellowed out a heated roar.

The werewolf stood before us. The human and wolf features combined. The wolf-like head and shoulders were spiked with long prickly hair that ran down its back.

The large ears flattened against its head as it roared again. It braced itself on its dog-like haunches and claw-like hands. The stinky beast circled us, contemplating our next move. Another one appeared before I had the chance to move. The second one moved alongside the first. It was much smaller. Perhaps a younger male.

I lowered my head and moved toward the second creature. Daniel was already trying to distract the two of them. The larger one circled Daniel. I was in a similar dance with the smaller one. The young werewolf was inexperienced in attack methods. It charged me, galloping at a fast pace. My lips curled over my teeth as I growled out a warning that his death would come shortly. It ignored my warnings and leapt into the air. The muscles in my hindquarters flexed, pressing my front feet down on the ground, and I pushed off to meet the wiry-haired beast.

Our bodies collided in mid-air. The claws of the creature sank into my shoulders. It lost balance, dropping down to the ground with a loud thud. The edge was mine. The creature was underneath me as I snapped ferociously at its large mouth. Without warning, the rancid smelling beast‟s feet slipped underneath me. A hard thump hit my stomach and the next thing I knew I was air borne.

The instinct for survival burned in my veins as I turned around the instant my feet landed firmly on the ground. The reeking creature prepared to launch another attack. A few shakes of its head, and it charged toward me at full speed. This time, I allowed the creature to pass me. I dropped my rear end, pivoting as the creature passed by. With my mouth open, I grabbed the back of its neck. My teeth closed down on flesh. The skin broke under the pressure of my jaws. Foul smelling blood poured from the wound, seeping its way into the corners of my mouth. The creature roared loudly from the pain as my venom, shot through my teeth, disoriented him. My eyes closed as I locked my jaws, sinking my teeth further into its disgusting flesh.

The large muscles tightened in my hindquarters as I balanced my body for the next move. I placed my right front paw on its shoulder, bracing my prey for the kill. I would have to make it quick, end the suffering of this evil thing. With a quick jerk, pieces of its flesh hung over my jaw. Hastily, I clasped my teeth down onto the soft skin of its neck again. This time I could feel my teeth as they smoothly cut through the flesh and bones.

The werewolf went limp. The taste was vile and disgusting, much like the smell. I turned to check on Daniel.

Daniel managed nicely to take the large one down by himself. However, not before he sustained an injury to his left shoulder. It appeared he had a rather large gash above his shoulder blade. I watched as he stood over the body of the larger werewolf, still snarling over the kill. Werewolf blood dripped from his bottom jaw as his head rose. A lowly howl of victory flowed from him. He was satisfied the creature was dead. I padded closer to Daniel to examine his wound. It was not nearly as bad as the ones we sustained in our first battle. The wound was already healing. Our hunt would be over for the night, as we couldn‟t risk another attack. Even though our wounds healed rapidly, it drained us of precious energy. There would be another full moon tomorrow night. Maybe after the gathering we could hunt again.

The bodies of the werewolves began the slow metamorphic change to their original human forms. Two young men lay before us. The younger of the two looked to be no more than eighteen years old. The authorities would claim it was an animal attack.

They never realized that these were the creatures that hungered after human blood.

I moved slowly, nudging Daniel. To my relief, he could move and we headed back through the forest. The scent of the vampire became stronger. I knew it was Richard, for whatever reason he was following us. There was still much we needed to learn of our new acquaintances.

The car was in sight. Our robes remained exactly where we left them. I exhaled slowly, allowing the transformation to take place. My body jerked forward, and I was human again. It took me a moment to gather myself. Beside me, Daniel fell forward on the ground. As I rose to my feet, I turned to him. For the most part, his wound was healing rapidly.

“Can you move?” I asked softly, and knelt down beside of him.

Daniel rolled over on his back, wincing from the pain in his shoulder. He stretched back on the ground. The muscles in his chest contracted as he inhaled a deep breath.

Show off. The stomach muscles rippled in waves as he exhaled. Daniel‟s body always excited me. There was no denying my desire for him. It was just in my nature. He was my mate.

“Just give me a moment,” his husky voice growled against the pain.

“I can help you to the car. There appears to be a vampire in our midst.” My eyes darted around the dark woods.

“You noticed it too? I caught his scent earlier. Could be your boyfriend, Richard.”

Daniel‟s mouth twisted into a grin.

He actually found it humorous. I couldn‟t believe he would tease me with Richard.

However, I knew he was very serious when it came to Richard‟s presence around me. In Daniel‟s eyes, this was no joking matter.

“Oh please.” I let out with a loud snort.

Daniel chuckled softly as he grabbed my arm. His fingers locked around my flesh as he pulled me over onto his hard and taut body. I couldn‟t explain the type of arousal that ran through me as my body made contact with his.

“Well, some people do like to watch.” He whispered in a growl. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. The dark eyebrow above his right eye lifted.

The tones in Daniel‟s voice tingled in my ears. A certain rush of heat ran through my body, igniting the fire in my veins. It was no wonder why I responded to him so easily. His spicy scent illuminated my senses as the moon did the night. It propelled me into an intoxicated state. If we were anywhere other than here, I would consider the mating response. My heart warned me otherwise.

“You‟re still weak. I really don‟t think this is a good idea.” My lips curled into a sly grin. Honestly, I didn‟t think Daniel would pursue it.

“Hmmm,” he began in a deep and throaty growl. “Not weak enough for this,” he said as he slid his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer to his face.

Daniels lips touched mine. My pulse increased against the warmth of his scent. My lips parted in a breathless gasp as his tongue touched the inside of my lips. Fire wielded inside my veins as I gave into the kiss. If I needed to be the responsible one this night, then I was going to have to try harder. I forced myself back.

“Daniel, let‟s save this for a little later.” I peered into his eyes. His lips broadened into a smile. “You are just intent on torture aren‟t you?”

His face softened as he lightly chuckled. The run seemed to help Daniel with his anxiety. He was back to his normal self again; torturing me. Even in the dark, I could see the twinkle of humor in his eyes. He knew without a doubt that I was his. It seemed Daniel enjoyed the thought of torturing Richard as well. It was a cruel effort on Daniel‟s part. But he was sure of himself, if maybe a little over confident. Boys do like their games. I feared the type of game Daniel was beginning to play was going to become deadly.

“All right, you win…for now. We need to go home.” He rose to his feet. “We still need to discuss this with Dad. I am not sure he is going to be pleased to hear what happened here tonight.”

As Daniel stood, I glanced over the wound. It was completely healed, leaving no signs of damage or trauma. My fingers traced over it, examining it more carefully. He was fine. We would need to be better prepared next time.

We dressed rapidly in our robes. As usual, I ended up waiting patiently for Daniel to unlock the car for me. Within a short minute or so, we pulled out onto the road, heading back to our home.

An eerie feeling about the werewolves we killed tonight kept gnawing at my nerves. It was still a mystery to me as to why the werewolves were roaming the area again. The feeling that we were being tracked bothered me.

“Daniel, did you think it was a little odd they came from behind us?” I had to release my thoughts verbally.

Daniel glanced towards me, then back to the road. “Yes, I was thinking the same thing. They were tracking us.”

“But why?” My attention turned to him.

“I am not sure. It seemed as though they were hunting us. I have never seen werewolves do that before. And there were more of them out there than just the two.”

“It sounds like they are planning something. I mean with all of them grouping together like that. Daniel, this is not good.”

“It looks that way.” He slowed the car down as he made the turn down our long driveway.

“What if there are more out there than we can take on? I mean, tonight you got hurt.”

“Did you notice anything different about them?” He glanced at me again.

I shook my head. To me they were the same smelly creatures I‟d seen for the first time a few months ago. There was no difference I noticed other than the age of the youngest one.

“Julie, these were stronger than the ones we killed out in the meadow. I have a strange feeling there is more to these guys than meets the eye.”

“Surely you‟re not thinking about running tests on them, are you?” I couldn‟t believe what I witnessed as he nodded his head.

Daniel pulled in front of our home and turned off the car. We sat there staring at each other for a long moment. I couldn‟t believe it. He actually wanted to test these things.

“Julie, all I need is a blood sample. Don‟t look at me like I‟m Victor Frankenstein.”



“Never mind.” I opened the car door and climbed out.

The driver‟s door opened and slammed behind him as he swiftly moved around the car toward me. “Listen,” He began as he grabbed my arm. “I need to figure out what is going on. If you want to talk about a Dr. Victor Frankenstein, then let‟s discuss Dr.

Miller.” Daniel shot out.

Dr. Miller, the man‟s name alone made my teeth ache. Considering his involvement in the betrayal of my father, I would rather not hear that man‟s name ever mentioned again. Then the thought occurred to me, Brendan Phillips, the young man whom Dr.

Miller found. The same young man whom Miller used in his experiments with the vaccines that Miller hoped to sell to the government.

“We still haven‟t found Brendan. How do we know he hasn‟t already turned into a werewolf?” The frown on my face showed my clear irritation with the matter.

“We do not know. This is the reason I am worried. Julie, there are too many questions left unanswered.” Daniel turned and opened the front door.

I shook my head as we walked inside the warm home. This conversation would have to continue another time. I was craving the woofie shake Daniel always made for us after a run. Deep in my own thoughts, I headed toward the kitchen while Daniel made his way up the stairs.

The smoothie was easier to prepare than I had expected: powdered protein, soymilk, a couple of scoops of a vitamin powder and blend. I reached into the cabinet and grabbed two glasses. Slowly, I filled them to the top with the milky substance and taking a sip, I was satisfied. I turned the television on and watched the news closely.

Missing persons were always our top priority.

The sound of water running upstairs drew my attention away from the television.

Daniel was already in the shower and a smile crossed my face. I was tempted to join him.

So far, there was no news on the missing persons. I turned off the television and with both glasses in my hands, I headed upstairs. Daniel was going to need this drink more than I did.

Daniel appeared from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Standing in the doorway to the bedroom, I froze while my heart began that silly fluttering again. His black hair, still wet from the shower was combed straight back. It gave him a kind of sex appeal I adored. My eyes grazed over his tall statuesque figure, not missing anything, including the bulge behind the towel.

As my eyes roamed over his broad shoulders, I took note of his lengthy, muscular arms. A quiver ran through me as I skimmed over the tight eight pack of muscles across his stomach. Those tight and well-muscled buttocks only enhanced the narrowing of his physique, not to mention his long muscular legs. I was in a frozen state of awe. A little too long, I contemplated how much I adored his body. The beautiful hazel eyes seem to gleam with a hint of pleasure. I knew he had caught me staring.

“Do you think I should finish the drink before or after?” A wicked smile crossed his lips.

“Before or after what?” My voice was a little breathless. I handed the shake to him.

His husky voice had brought me out of my moment of awe. Daniel‟s spicy scent filled the room and my senses tingled and came alive. I knew without even checking, Daniel was aroused.

“Before or after I ravage your body.” He growled softly as he took the drink from my hand.

I gave him a wink followed by a precarious grin. “I think you‟d better finish your drink, wolf boy. You took a pretty good hit tonight.” I moved around behind him to check his shoulder.

The wound was still fine but that didn‟t alter my concern. I gently ran my fingers over the slightly red area. Daniel‟s muscles shuddered under my touch. Tenderly, I pressed my lips against the injured spot causing a soft moan to escape Daniel‟s throat.

He turned around to face me, sliding one arm around my waist. The towel between us couldn‟t hide his full desire. The warmth of his body enveloped me as he pulled me tighter against his frame.

“You know if we did not have to go to see my father…” He growled against my neck. His lips trailed down my neck to the sweet spot. “I would take you right this moment.” Softly he nipped the sweet spot on my neck.

My lips quivered and my body trembled. Fire scorched my body as my heart pounded the flames of passion through my blood. My legs went a little limp. Daniel pulled me closer, supporting me in my weakness. The hardness of him pressed against me, full, thick and erect. My thoughts faded. Need and desire overtook me, flooding my mind with thoughts of how I wanted Daniel. What pleasures could I inflict upon him?

What pleasures could he inflict upon me? My breath shuddered.

Daniel growled again. The tingling sensation shot through my body as my body ached for him. The tender points on my breast became hard and full. I truly wanted him, every powerful and lovely inch of him. I wanted to drench myself in his control. The desire in my body wanted Daniel, but the reasonable part of my mind knew we would have to wait, duty called. Thomas Maxwell was a man you don‟t stand up, especially not in the current conditions.

“You know Thomas is expecting us.”

Daniel sighed. “I guess you are the reasoning one of us. Maybe…after we get back?” He exhaled a long breath.

“Maybe?” I teased and pulled back from him. My eyebrow rose as my lips formed a wicked smile. “Maybe, I’ll ravage you when we get back.”

The corner of Daniel‟s lip broadened into a smile. I knew what was hidden behind that towel would have to wait but Fate help me. It was all I could do to force myself away from that man. I turned and headed for the shower.

Once I was showered, I walked back into the bedroom. From the sounds coming from downstairs, he was waiting on me, while watching the news. My decision for dress would have to be made in a hurry. Mulling over my closet, I grabbed a pair of black jeans, topped them off with a thick black sweater then grabbed my black leather boots.

Giving my hair a couple of tosses, I headed down the stairs to meet Daniel.

“Anything new?” I said as I approached the last step.

He leaned forward and turned off the television, setting the remote back on the coffee table. “Well, it turns out our missing people were found tonight.”

“They found them?”

Daniel stood to his feet and turned to me. “No, we did. Their pictures were plastered all over the news. They were two brothers who disappeared two weeks ago.”

He walked toward me.

“Are you sure?”

“Most definitely, I would recognize the larger one anywhere. We should go.” He said, as he opened the front door and waited for me to walk through.

We made our way to the car. Daniel turned the key and brought the vehicle to life.

My thoughts traveled back over tonight‟s events again. What if Daniel was right about these guys?

“Do you think someone has reopened the Miller Project?” I couldn‟t help my curiosity.

“I am not sure, but I would like to find out.”

“Daniel, how are you going to get samples? I mean it‟s not like we could just walk up to one of them and politely ask.”

Daniel turned the car off the main road, heading down his father‟s driveway. He glanced at me with a precarious look.

“Julie, let me handle this.” His words were firm and sharp.

Inside the huge home, Thomas was waiting in the great room, pacing back and forth. The glass of cognac in his hand gave me the idea our news was not the only thing we had to discuss. Charlotte sat on the sofa, poised elegantly with one leg crossed over the other. In her hands, she also held a glass of cognac. Daniel gently touched the small of my back as we moved further into the large room.

Thomas stopped his pacing and looked up as we entered. Combed straight back, his once coal black hair was peppered with streaking silver threads that clearly showed his age. The lighter graying sides accented his strong face, which showed signs of deep concern. There was much about this night I had to fear.

“Julie,” Charlotte began. “Daniel.” Her arms reached out for me.

I could feel the motherly love as I fell into her embrace. I let her go as Daniel towered over her, leaning down to give her a hug. The love between mother and son could be felt, even from afar. He let her go, only to move toward Thomas. Thomas stood in front of the bar, nursing the remains of the cognac in his glass. Daniel nodded once to his father then poured himself a drink.

Thomas took another sip, his gaze focused on Daniel. My breath came almost to a halt. The anticipation of what I saw on his father‟s face was grim. Daniel poured another drink, and then moved to my side. He handed me the glass of cognac and seated himself beside me on the sofa.

Thomas‟s bushy eyebrows rose as his gaze went from me then to Daniel. “How was the hunt?”

“We killed two. But there was something different about tonight.” Daniel began.

“They were hunting us.”

Thomas took another sip of his drink. “And?” He prompted.

“Dad, they were different than the group we defeated in the meadow. These guys were bigger and stronger than the others.”

“How so?” Thomas asked as he poured himself another glass.

“They were a little harder to kill. The one who attacked me was very strong. I took a pretty good hit tonight. It took everything I had to bring him down.”

“And the other one?” Thomas looked to me.

“I managed to kill it. It was faster than the first group we encountered.” I managed as I took a sip from my glass.

Thomas paused for a moment, considering the news. “They attacked you?” His gaze darted from me to Daniel. We both nodded.

“This, of course, means something else is happening with our werewolves.”

“Dad,” Daniel shifted beside me. “I have a feeling these were genetically enhanced.

I won‟t know for sure until I get a blood sample.”

“And what was the reason you did not take a sample tonight after you killed them?” Charlotte inquired.

Daniel turned to his mother. “Because I need a fresh sample, while the individual is still living. Once a person is dead, the tissues begin the decomposing process. Any signs I would be looking for in the blood would not be there. If I had a fresh living sample, I could tell if there is any mutation.”

“Do you need it from a human form or when it has transformed?” Thomas asked.

“I will need it in human form.”

Thomas took another sip of the cognac. “Then this is something that needs to be done immediately. You are thinking that someone has access to Dr. Miller‟s research.”

“I think it is possible, yes. But I don‟t know why.”

“Daniel,” Thomas paced back and forth again. “Dr. Miller was planning on selling this vaccine to the government. If we find out that these things have mutated, then we are in for a long ride. Our goal will be to find out who is behind this little operation.” He sighed then stopped. “However, we have bigger problems.”

Daniel‟s spine stiffened. I could feel the rush of fear run through him. He could tell from the expression on Thomas's face this was the cold blow we expected. What could be worse than the werewolf problem, I wondered.

“For starters, the Council is arriving in less than a week. There is no easy way to put this. Daniel, they want you. Leadership is what they need at this point. There seem to be some problems between the clans.”

Leadership on the Council meant order and control of the Lycan clans. The Council only chose the strongest, the most purebred. It was a high honor to be recommended, but it was an even higher honor to be chosen by the Council itself.

“Son, you are strong and you possess the qualities the Council seeks. The clans are in an uproar right now. Several clans have ignited a war against one another. The rebels, who do not want to conform to the ways of the Council, are calling themselves the Dark Wolves. They have killed many in an effort to gain control and destroy the Council. The Council fears if this civil war is not stopped in time, the increasing werewolf packs will take advantage of our weakness. They may use it to their advantage by attacking the weaker of the Lycan clans, converting them to their ways or killing them.”

“What?” Daniel leaned forward and placed his arms across his knees. “What are you talking about … Dark Wolves?”

Thomas took a breath and began again. “Dark Wolves, they have formed some type of group against the Lycan Council. We do not know where this business started.

All we know is that they are trying to take over the Council. Daniel, our very lives are at stake here.”

“Wait a minute. The Council wants to put my life in danger to save their ass? Dad!”

“No! Now YOU wait a minute!” Thomas snapped. “You are the one they have chosen to lead an army of Lycans to seek out and destroy these rebels.”

“But why? I mean have you considered it sounds a little lame that they would choose me for leadership? Are they so afraid of dying…?”

“It is not about death. It is about preserving our way of life. Each of us has a responsibility.”

Daniel huffed a breath. “Yeah okay, whatever! It appears my responsibilities have increased more than anyone else. Did you happen to mention to them I have a problem with vampires?”

“The vampires are not their first concern at this point.” Thomas calmed his voice to a normal tone.

“Yeah okay, this is really great, Dad. Julie and I are due to be married in a couple of weeks. I have to protect her from a vampire who has a hard on. And now you are telling me I have to risk my ass for a group of leaders who don‟t even have the strength to defend themselves against an attack from a small group of rebels. Not to mention we may have a larger problem to deal with concerning werewolves in our own backyard.

Oh, this just keeps getting better and better. How am I supposed to handle all of this?”

“Daniel, you will find a way,” Charlotte chimed in. “It is not about you. It is about all of us. We will try to keep an eye on Julie for you. I know the Council is not going to let you go by yourself. I am sure they will send some help.”

“Your mother is right. They are already gathering a group of volunteers who will be at your disposal. The Assembly should be here in a matter of a few days. These are the best warriors we have. Daniel, the Council would not do this unless they felt you were strong enough to handle it.” Thomas walked back to the bar and poured the last of the Cognac into his glass. “I believe in you, and so should you. You can handle this.”

“What about the Rite? You said the Rite must be performed before Julie and I are married. What happens if we don‟t find these rebels? Or take care of the werewolves? Do they expect us to put off the wedding?” Daniel roared.

“No. They are willing to make an exception on the Rite. They feel since you two have already submitted yourselves to one another without killing each other you might be safe. Life is a test Daniel; it only counts if you pass.” Thomas declared as he moved to his chair and sat down.

Daniel shifted again beside me. It didn‟t take me hearing his thoughts to know he was enraged. He clasped his hands together, but remained silent. I wasn‟t sure exactly what to do to help him. At this point, mentioning to him that I could probably take care of myself when it came to Richard was pointless. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as we all waited for him to respond.

Finally, after a few moments, Daniel raised his head and glared at his father.

“What‟s the game plan?”

Thomas turned up the glass containing the last bit of Cognac to his lips, drinking it down. He set the empty glass down, then cleared his throat.

“First things first. You say the werewolves are different in some way. We need to find out if they have been genetically altered. If so, then we need to find out who is starting this mess. Secondly, you will meet with the Assembly, and see if you can track down these Dark Wolves before they kill any more of our people. They are rebels and a threat to us. I am sure I do not need to tell you what will need to be done. Thirdly, this situation concerning Julie.” He shifted his attention to me. “We should look at this reasonably. This Richard saved her life, correct?”

I nodded. Daniel growled.

“All right.” Thomas charged. “The chances are he is not going to harm her. As much as I hate to admit it, they do seem very civilized.”

“CIVILIZED?” Daniel roared. “You expect me to just sit back and wait until he does something like…” Daniel rose to his feet. “I am not willing to take that chance!”

“Daniel, I can fend for myself. Please, I think I can handle myself against a vampire if it comes to that.” I offered in my defense.

“We do not know enough about them!” He roared louder. “I want you to stay clear of him!”

“Daniel, he might just be infatuated with Julie because she resembles his deceased wife. Please, Daniel, take another view of this matter. His view. He may be a vampire, but they do show signs of humanity. What would you do if you were in his situation?

How would you feel if it was you who lost Julie?” Charlotte pleaded with him.

“I am not going to take that chance. That is how I feel about it,” he snapped.

“Never the less, you would still be longing for her after all those years.” Charlotte‟s voice remained calm in spite of her son‟s raging temper.

“I am not going to repeat myself. Julie,” His hand softly locked around my fingers, taking my hand into his, he pressed it to his lips. He dropped down on his knees before me. The softness in his heart showed in those hazel eyes. Slowly, he pressed my hand to the side of his cheek. Closing his eyes, he rubbed it softly against the bristled skin. I watched in awe as he opened his eyes. Those incredibly beautiful hazel jewels deeply peered into mine.

“You do know you are my life, my heart and my very soul. I would die to protect you. Julie, we will make it through all of this together.” Daniel‟s expression was as true as his words.

In my heart, I knew Daniel would die for me, as I would for him. No one could ever break the bond Daniel and I had. We were in love. It was a type of love beyond human conception. To be a Lycan and in love, there was no greater feeling and no greater pain.

“Daniel, we will be fine. I‟ll be fine.” I tried to assure him. “You are my life as well.”

I paused shortly, searching his eyes. “I couldn‟t stand the thought of losing you. I will be at your side no matter what may come. Nothing, I mean nothing will tear us apart. Not even death. Where you go, I shall follow,” I promised.

Daniel turned to Thomas. The night had ended for us. His hand softly locked around my fingers. He moved me past Thomas and Charlotte. Pausing by his father‟s side, Thomas laid one hand on Daniel‟s right shoulder. Only one nod passed between father and son before we made our exit.

Once inside the car, Daniel and I remained silent. It was clear we had no other words to say about the situations we faced. As the car moved along the dark road, my eyes watched the shows of the night. The vague shadows hidden in the darkness behind the trees drew my full attention. What lurked in those dark shadows? Werewolves?

Vampires? I wondered. It may even be part of our own clan. The ones that waited patiently, looking for some sign of weakness to attack at just the right moment. I could only hope not.

Lycans were the protectors of man, the human race. At least, this is what I had been told. Who could have the strength to protect us from ourselves? If this civil war was as bad as Thomas feared, then we were all in danger. I shifted in the seat slightly, nervously contemplating our danger. Maybe the only ones who were safe were the humans.

“I think tomorrow,” Daniel broke the silence, “I am going to give Jason and Heather a call.”

Jason and Heather McLaughlin were our Lycan friends from Scotland. They were not Scottish. Actually, Jason was a purebred Irish pup. I shook my head as I reflected on our first battle together. Jason walked out onto the patio where Daniel and I had been waiting for them. He was dressed in a full Irish kilt, complete with face paint. It was all I could manage to hold back a laugh. Daniel even asked his dear friend if he was going to make us watch him sacrifice an animal, and drink its blood before the battle. Jason, stood squarely on his feet, adjusted his kilt and raised one eyebrow. With a sly grin on his face, he announced we would not have to witness such an event. However, he reminded us we might have to watch as he danced naked around the fire. I did miss them.

Heather was a petite woman, who, at no more than five-foot four, dragged me away from Daniel during that moment I dared only to remember. If it had not been for them being with us, we probably would have killed one another that night. Not in the angry way. Our passion exploded on a level beyond rage. I trembled slightly at the memory. Daniel and I had become cautious ever since, controlling our passions. We learned how to control our full desires, being satisfied for the moment with our intimacy. However, there were deep desires that still raged inside of us both.

Daniel pulled the car to the front of our house. I stepped out and walked to the front door, pausing as I waited for Daniel. He moved up beside me, and we walked into the house together. He closed the door behind us as usual and promptly locked it. It was a full night, and I was exhausted mentally and physically. All I really wanted to do was have a good night‟s sleep. I hoped that my dreams would be good ones, ones that did not include Richard.