Chapter 1: Inside Passage
It plainly derives: Norman Johnston, The Human Cage: A Brief History of Prison Architecture, p. 40.
Chapter 2: School for Jailers
an annual budget of $1.6 billion: According to Robert Gangi, executive director of the Correctional Association of New York, the DOCS budget figures do not include the cost of pensions and other benefits; a more accurate figure, as of 2000, would be $2.3 billion. (Personal communication, 21 January 2000).
California, where prisons are already at double capacity: Eric Schlosser, “The Prison-Industrial Complex,” The Atlantic Monthly, December 1998, p. 52.
Since the dismantling of apartheid: Comparisons of international rates of incarceration are periodically published by The Sentencing Project, 1516 P Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
By mid-1998: Allen J. Beck and Christopher J. Mumola, “Prisoners in 1998,” Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20531.
In the 1990s: The Sentencing Project and New York Times editorial, 13 March 1999.
highest rates of divorce: I was unable to independently verify Puma’s claims.
Concomitant with the rise of imprisonment: The Corrections Yearbook 1982, Pound Ridge, N.Y.: Criminal Justice Institute, 1983, p. 33, and The Corrections Yearbook 1988, Middletown, Conn.: Criminal Justice Institute, 1999, p. 133.
It reminded me of Philip Zimbardo’s famous experiment: C. Haney, C. Banks, and P. Zimbardo, “Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison,” International Journal of Criminology and Penology, 1973, pp. 69–97.
Zimbardo has since accepted some criticism: “Zimbardo’s Prison—Renowned professor calls 1970s prison experiment unethical,” The Stanford Daily Online, 14 May 1996.
He pointed out, entirely correctly: The Green Mile, a movie starring Tom Hanks that was released in 1999 after my period of prison employment, broke new ground by portraying at least one prison guard as humane and beset by moral dilemmas.
In 1995, the average two-bedroom rental: The New York Times, 28 December 1995, p. B1.
Chapter 5: Scrap Heap
The prison’s most famous warden: Lewis E. Lawes, Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing, p. 239.
without a place to receive: Report of the agent of the Mount-Pleasant State Prison, relative to the government and discipline of that prison. New York State Senate, 14 March 1834, p. 8.
The inmates and their keepers: “Keepers,” in the terminology of the time, were the staff members in direct charge of prisoners; “guards,” usually armed, patrolled a prison’s perimeter.
As James S. Kunen has written: “Teaching Prisoners a Lesson,” The New Yorker, 10 July 1995, p. 35.
In England: Amos O. Squire, M.D., Sing Sing Doctor, p. 260.
The period between: Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, pp. 7–8.
Auburn Prison, meanwhile: “These Are Your N.Y. State Correctional Facilities: 7. Auburn Prison, Part I,” in Correction, a monthly publication of the New York State Department of Correction, Vol. XIV, No. VI (May 1949), pp. 7–8.
From this experiment: Report of the agent … p. 6.
Their first sight: George Wilson Pierson, Tocqueville in America, p. 100.
they labour assiduously: Ibid., p. 101.
All strength is born: Ibid., p. 101.
Tocqueville and Beaumont heard a story: Ibid., p. 99. Also see Gustave de Beaumont and Alexis de Toqueville [sic], On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application to France, p. 203, note.
The practical art: Gustave de Beaumont and Alexis de Toqueville [sic], On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application to France, p. 203.
We have seen 250 prisoners: quoted in George Wilson Pierson, Tocqueville in America, pp. 101–102.
One cannot see: Ibid., pp. 102–103.
whilst society in the United States: Gustave de Beaumont and Alexis de Toqueville [sic], On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application to France, p. 47.
I am completely convinced: quoted in J. P. Mayer, Alexis de Tocque-ville: Journey to America, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960, p. 25.
Two iron rings: James R. Brice, Secrets of the Mount-Pleasant State Prison, Revealed and Exposed: An Account of the Unjust Proceedings Against James R. Brice, Esq., by which he was convicted of the Crime of Perjury, Accompanied by Affidavits to Prove His Innocency: Also an account of the Inhuman Treatment of Prisoners by some of the Keepers; and an authentic statement of the officers and salaries, with other curious matters before unknown to the public, p. 32.
Levi Burr, an inmate imprisoned for perjury: Levi S. Burr, A Voice From Sing Sing, giving a general description of the state prison, a short and comprehensive geological history of the Quality of the Stone of the Quarries; and a synopsis of the Horrid Treatment of the Convicts in That Prison, pp. 17–18.
More than a hundred blows: Report of the Select Committee [to examine prisons] of the [New York State] Assembly of 1851 … transmitted to the legislature, Jan. 7, 1852, p. 26.
Bank robber Willie Sutton: Willie Sutton, with Quentin Reynolds. I, Willie Sutton. New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, 1953, p. 92.
There are daily: Levi S. Burr, A Voice From Sing Sing, giving a general description of the state prison, a short and comprehensive geological history of the Quality of the Stone of the Quarries; and a synopsis of the Horrid Treatment of the Convicts in That Prison, p. 44.
Several men grab a chain: Ibid., p. 30.
A report from 1839: These extracts of the 1839 report are reprinted in Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Mount Pleasant State Prison, January 6, 1848, pp. 8–11; italics original.
The local coroner: “These Are Your N.Y. State Correctional Facilities: 7. Auburn Prison, Part II,” in Correction, a monthly publication of the New York State Department of Correction, Vol. XIV, No. VI (June 1949), p. 4.
His rule was never to forgive: letter to General Aaron Ward from John W. Edmonds, “one of the inspectors of the State Prison at Sing Sing,” 1844, in SLT pamphlet volume 19, p. 7, New York Public Library.
there is evidence: letter from Assistant Keeper Requa in SLT pamphlet volume 19, New York Public Library.
[the cat-o’-nine-tails]: letter from Blanchard Fosgate, M.D., to members of a legislative committee “to inquire into the financial affairs, discipline, and the general management of the different prisons,” included in Report of the Select Committee of the [New York State] Assembly of 1851, p. 74.
I think that not one man: included in Report of the Select Committee of the [New York State] assembly of 1851, p. 225.
cut off the fingers of one hand: Ibid., pp. 227–228.
Auburn physician Blanchard Fosgate: Ibid., pp. 70–71.
the first social worker: Roger Panetta, professor of history at Mary-mount College, interviewed on C-Span special, “Tocqueville Town Meeting: Penal System,” June 6, 1997.
much more depends: John Luckey, Life in Sing Sing State Prison, p. 17.
A big business enterprise: New York Herald Sunday Magazine, 14 December 1919, p. 2.
James Brice: James R. Brice, Secrets of the Mount-Pleasant State Prison, pp. 65–66.
In Buffalo in 1881: James E. Penrose, “Inventing Electrocution,” American Heritage of Invention and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Spring 1994), p. 36.
Roxalana “Roxie” Druse: The New York Times, 28 February 1887, p. 2.
The hanging did not go well: The New York Times, 1 March 1887, p. 2.
Worried by the plans: James E. Penrose, “Inventing Electrocution,” p. 40.
Public excitement: The New York Times, 7 August 1890, p. 2, and Th. Metzger, Blood and Volts, pp. 151 ff.
At the following execution: Th. Metzger, Blood and Volts, p. 171.
Experimentation continued: Ibid., pp. 171–173.
the method of execution: “These Are Your N.Y. State Correctional Facilities: 8. Sing Sing Prison, Part II,” in Correction, a publication of the New York State Department of Correction, Vol. XIV, No. VIII (August—September 1949), p. 16.
In New York and New Jersey: Squire, Sing Sing Doctor, p. 201.
He describes Hulbert: Ibid., pp. 201–202.
Shortly before the time: Ibid., p. 203.
According to the 1929 obituary: Ossining Citizen Sentinel, 23 February 1929.
Next, he sat with the condemned: The hand signal, given on the exhale, was Squire’s idea—a personal refinement of methodology. “While I was chief physician … we felt it was desirable to apply the first jolt when the lungs were empty. When the current hits the body, the glottis contracts, imprisoning any air that might be in the lungs. With the breaking of the current, the chest collapses. Air escaping then would make a loud and horrible sound and cause foaming at the mouth.” (Squire, pp. 198–199.)
the only member of the prison staff: Squire, Sing Sing Doctor, p. 199.
I have been so overwrought: Ibid., p. 1.
Even though I had the respect: Ibid., p. 200.
Each time a person is executed: Ibid., p. 279.
When I got back home: Ibid., p. 220.
Having confided in a friend: Ibid., p. 221.
a historical documentary: History Channel, “The Big House,” 24 May 1998.
Prisoners are treated: Rudolph W. Chamberlain, There Is No Truce: A Life of Thomas Mott Osborne, p. 237.
I am curious: Thomas Mott Osborne, Within Prison Walls, pp. 16–17.
Still, he argued: Ibid., p. 8.
If I were just to let myself go: Ibid., p. 42.
Rigid discipline: Ibid., p. 188.
I can conceive no more terribly: Ibid., p. 136.
I should not like to be understood: Ibid., p. 135.
necessary to wallow: The Bridgeport (Connecticut) Standard, quoted in Chamberlain, There Is No Truce: A Life of Thomas Mott Osborne, p. 262.
It is liberty alone: Chamberlain, There Is No Truce, p. 237.
The governor himself: Frank Tannenbaum, Osborne of Sing Sing, pp. 194–195.
did commit various unlawful and unnatural acts: Westchester County grand jury indictment, excerpted in Chamberlain, There Is No Truce: A Life of Thomas Mott Osborne, p. 329.
Until the 1950s: Lewis E. Lawes, Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing, pp. 109, 290.
Of all the array of incoming: Ibid., p. 105.
There can be no democracy: Ibid., p. 118.
It quickly became apparent: Ibid., p. 111.
A recurrent theme was of “hard-boiled”: The New York Times, 21 October 1977.
For one Hearst Metrotone: A portion of this newsreel appeared in the History Channel’s “Big House” documentary, 24 May 1998.
One thing had not changed: “These Are Your N.Y. State Correctional Facilities: 8. Sing Sing Prison, Part II,” in Correction, a publication of the New York State Department of Correction, Vol. XIV, No. VIII (August—September 1949), p. 4.
Dr. R. T. Irvine deduced: Ibid., p. 4.
A 1905 State Prison Improvement: Ibid., p. 4.
the cellblock “continued to hang”: Ibid., p. 3.
The incident that has erupted: Tom Wicker, A Time to Die: The Attica Prison Revolt, p. 319.
Lewis Lawes wrote: Lewis E. Lawes, Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing, p. 66.
Looking back for the reasons: “Report to Governor Mario M. Cuomo: Disturbance at Ossining Correctional Facility, Jan. 8–11, 1983,” by Lawrence T. Kurlander, Director of Criminal Justice, State of New York, September 1983, p. 224.
It had become a place: Ibid., pp. 25–26.
Five guards and a sergeant: The New York Times, 29 July 1982, p. B3.
In 1986 a burglar: The Citizen Register (Ossining, New York), 14 December 1986, p. 1.
SING SING SEXCAPADES: New York Daily News, 30 January 1988, pp. 1–2.
Upon assuming the wardenship: Lewis E. Lawes, Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing, pp. 68, 74.
One thing that the judges: Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice, p. 58.
According to a legislative report: Report of the Select Committee [to examine prisons] of the [New York State] Assembly of 1851 … transmitted to the legislature, Jan. 7, 1852, pp. 5–6.
We will turn this prison from a scrap heap: Rudolph W. Chamberlain, There Is No Truce: A Life of Thomas Mott Osborne, p. 412. The quote adorned a tablet set into the wall at 114 East 30th Street in New York, once the home of the Osborne Association, a nonprofit organization providing services to ex-offenders.
Chapter 6: Life in Mama’s House
the number of young men: according to estimates of the number of resident males age eighteen to twenty-four. Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233.
Chapter 7: My Heart Inside Out
A state prison inspectors’ report of 1845: “Report of the Committee appointed to examine the condition of Insane Convicts,” in Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Mount-Pleasant State Prison, January 10, 1845, pp. 16–20.
Shortly after I left Sing Sing: The New York Times, 7 April 1999, p. A1.