Kerrion glanced up as the guards opened the doors to his quarters, expecting Jadar to fill it. Instead, a lithe golden cat slipped inside, and he dropped the document he had been reading with a cry, jumping up.
The sand cat walked over to him and sat, gazing up at him with blazing green eyes. Kerrion fell to his knees and stroked the great cat's silken cheeks, and her warm greeting purr rumbled in her chest. Overcome with joy, he slid his arms around her neck and hugged her as he had never dared to do before.
"She is alive. She has escaped. Where is she?"
The cat pulled free and turned to pad over to the door, where she looked back. Kerrion strode after her, grabbing his cloak from the rack. Yanking open the door, he bellowed instructions at the surprised guards as he trotted down the passage after the cat.
"Call the guard! Have my horse readied and a platoon of men! Run!"
The guards galloped away, and the king followed the cat to the end of the corridor and down the flight of stairs that led to the courtyard. The faster he followed, the faster she led, and by the time he reached the courtyard, he was running. The guards had reached it just before him, and a saddled horse was led over to him at a trot. Men ran about in a fever of activity, saddling more horses. Men mounted the few that had been ready, which cavorting at the excitement in the air. He swung aboard the bay horse, stilled its sidling with a sharp tug on the reins and sent it cantering after the cat.
Shista loped to the gates, and the guards pulled them open when they spied the King in hot pursuit. The soldiers clattered after him as he followed the bounding cat into the avenue. She stretched out into a full run, and he urged his steed into a gallop, barely keeping up. When she veered into a side street, he almost overshot it, pulled the horse up sharply and turned it as it reared in protest. Shista paused outside an inn, glancing back as he slid from his mount and trotted towards her, then slipped inside. Kerrion followed, and the startled innkeeper who sat in the entrance lounge with a tankard of ale jumped up, his eyes widening as he recognised Kerrion's gold-trimmed white tunic. He stood frozen in disbelief, then paled and fell to his knees.
"The King!"
The common room erupted with crashes and grating noises as the patrons pushed back their chairs and fell to their knees. Kerrion ignored them, bounding up the stairs after the cat. She stopped at a door and turned to watch him approach, her tail lashing. Filled with amazement, Kerrion turned the handle and pushed open the door. Shista slipped inside, and a petite woman dressed in a dirty brown gown rose from the bed, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy.
A ragged mane of raven hair framed her drawn visage, and her pale skin was taut over delicate bones. He reached her in two strides and swept her into his arms, burying his face in her tangled hair. She clung to him, and tears of joy coursed down his cheeks as his heart swelled until it was ready to burst. Shista purred and rubbed herself against their legs, demanding attention. The door burst open and several soldiers crowded in, a red-faced officer at their fore.
Kerrion swung around and shot them a furious glare. "Get out!"
The men retreated, falling over each other in their eagerness to obey. He looked down at the woman in his arms and brushed a lock of hair from her cheek, tracing its delicate contours. She looked as pale and fragile as an alabaster doll, and the intense fatigue that dulled her eyes tore his heart.
"Words fail me, my love," he murmured. "I have been sick with worry. I have searched this land from end to end. I have -"
Minna placed her fingers on his lips. "I know. I am thankful to be returned to you."
He kissed her hand and held it to his heart. "Are you all right?"
"A little tired, that is all. We are all well."
Minna's gaze slid past him, and he swung around. Kerra sat on the far bed, smiling as she watched them, and his jaw dropped in surprise.
"Kerra! What in Damnation are you doing here? How did you get here?"
Kerra rose and walked over to hug him, her eyes dancing with mischievous joy. "You should know, father. Did you not give Chiana the order to have me hidden?"
"I did, but not here."
She giggled. "I thought you might be surprised."
"Flabbergasted would be more accurate. How did you get here?"
Kerra's eyes turned towards the door, and he followed her gaze, his jaw dropping again. The Jashimari assassin leant against the wall, looking bored, his pale eyes impaling the King with a piercing gaze. Kerrion was surprised by the pang of something strangely akin to gladness that went through him. The sculpted face was one he would never forget, with eyes like chips of ice. A delighted grin spread across Kerrion's face, and he strode over to Blade, his arms outstretched to pull him into a brotherly embrace.
A hand span of cold steel stopped him, pricking the skin of his chest through the thin material of his tunic. He glanced down at the dagger, his smile unwavering as he gripped the assassin's shoulders instead.
"I only wish to thank you, Lord Conash. This debt can never be repaid."
Blade's mouth twisted. "And I have no wish to be hugged by a damned Cotti. What is more, I certainly did not do it for you."
Minna walked closer, frowning. "Blade! Put that away."
Kerrion smiled and shook his head. "It is all right, Minna. I know him well enough now to know he will not harm me."
Blade jabbed Kerrion, making him wince, but he did not release the assassin's shoulders. "When he takes his hands off me, I will put it away, not before."
The Cotti king nodded and stepped back. "I only wished to thank you, Blade. I am glad to see you, strange though that may seem."
Blade tucked the dagger away. "It seems mighty peculiar, Kerrion. And do not think yourself so safe, either. I cannot kill you without a client, but harming you is well within my abilities."
Kerrion spread his arms. "Why? Surely there is no enmity between us?"
"You are a Cotti. That is all the reason I need to hate you. And do not claim to know me either. You do not, nor are you ever likely to."
"I would like us to put our differences in the past."
"That will never happen."
Kerrion sighed. "Still, you have my undying gratitude, and may ask anything you wish of me."
"I want nothing from you."
Kerrion studied the assassin, his smile fading. "I see that you have not changed. If you change your mind, let me know." He turned to Minna, taking her hands. "Let us go to the palace. You need a hot bath, a good meal and some clean clothes."
"That sounds wonderful. You will ensure Lord Conash's anonymity?"
"Of course." He glanced at the assassin, who picked up his jelabah. "It grows dark outside, so your jelabahs will be sufficient to hide you, and my men are trustworthy."
They donned the voluminous garments, and their veils hid the women's faces. Blade wrapped a cloth around his head in a manner that desert nomads favoured, leaving only his eyes visible. He stuffed the disguises they had shed into his bag, then fell in behind the trio as Kerrion led them to the door. The King kept Minna in the crook of his arm, lending her his support and the security of his presence.
A dozen soldiers snapped to attention outside, eyeing the strangers as the King waved them away, and they preceded him down to the common room. A crowd had gathered there, drawn by tales of the King's presence, and they cheered when he appeared. He muttered a curse under his breath, and raised a hand to acknowledge their support, forcing a stiff smile as he walked down the aisle his men kept clear with their spears. Many hopeful citizens held out scraps of paper or called pleas for their grievances to be heard, and Kerrion signalled to his men to gather the messages.
Blade kept his head down and his eyes fixed on the hem of Kerra's jelabah, his hands on the hilts of his daggers. When they reached the horses, Kerrion placed Minna on his stallion's pommel, which the men who had followed him had brought. He mounted behind her, and a horse was brought forward for Blade, which he was forced to share with Kerra. She swung up behind him, slid her arms around his waist and clung a little too tightly to him for his liking.
The trip to the palace was achieved at a brisk trot, along an avenue now lined with waving citizens. Blade was almost glad when they reached the haven of the palace, and slid from his horse, eager to escape Kerra's embrace. Kerrion led them through the palace, which Blade noticed had acquired a few more furnishings since the end of the war.
Hangings graced the walls, and many of the huge rooms that had previously been almost empty now boasted polished wooden tables and chairs. Priceless rugs lay scattered on polished floors and silken curtains framed huge windows. When they arrived at Minna's private quarters, the guards flung open the doors and closed them after they entered. Here the opulence of Jashimari had been duplicated. Tapestries covered the walls, and thick rugs and piles of silk and velvet cushions softened the floors.
Kerrion tugged a bell pull to summon Minna's handmaidens, and within a few minutes they hastened in, exclaiming in surprise and delight when they found their mistress waiting for them. The King sent one to summon a manservant to attend to Blade, ordering another to show Kerra to quarters close by. She led the young Queen away, and the maidens prepared a bath for Minna.
The first maiden returned with Olan, whose eyes widened when he spotted the assassin, then narrowed with mild rancour. At a gesture from Kerrion, the balding, bandy-legged Cotti led Blade down the corridor to the same suite of sparsely furnished rooms he had occupied before. Once again, he would be the best kept secret in the palace, hidden away in its bowels.
After Blade bathed, Olan brought him clean clothes that were replicas of his black leather outfit, only made from cloth. As he donned them, he wondered if Kerrion had tailors who could work miracles, or whether these were the same clothes he had worn when he had last been here. When he was dressed, Olan informed him that his presence was required in Minna's quarters.
Blade found the Queen reclining on a pile of cushions, dressed in a flowing peacock blue gown of watered silk, looking refreshed. Her hair, trimmed and brushed to a blue-black sheen, was swept up and fastened with jewelled pins. Diamonds dripped from her ears, sparkled around her neck and flashed on her fingers. Kerra languished beside her in a white gown trimmed with lace, equally bedecked with jewels. Blade stopped before Minna-Satu and bowed.
"My Queen."
"My Lord." She smiled and gestured to a cushion, and he sank down on it.
A handmaiden offered him sweetmeats and wine, which he accepted. Shista lay stretched out against a wall, and Myasha preened on a perch by the window. Blade had barely begun to sip his wine when the door opened and the maidens fell to their knees as the King entered, bending to kiss Minna before settling on a cushion. Blade watched him sourly, but Kerrion ignored him and signalled for the maidens to leave, then turned to Minna and asked for the tale of her adventures.
The assassin listened with half an ear to the Queen's story, helping himself to copious amounts of good wine. Minna shot him a slight frown every now and then, showing her dislike for his drinking. When she finished her narration, Kerra began hers, and Blade propped himself up on a pile of cushions, stifling his yawns. Kerrion's brows rose at Kerra's detailed account of Blade's exploits, shooting the assassin mocking glances that he met with glassy stares. When Kerra's side of the story had been told, Kerrion turned to Blade as if expecting him to add something, but the assassin merely glared.
Minna stated, "I have a bold plan, Kerrion, which I would like to discuss with you."
He turned to her, raising a brow. "You always have bold plans, my love. I would guess that this one involves the death of some of my half-brothers, at the hands of your assassin. I have sent a message to Chiana, informing her that she may do as she pleases with Endor, but I fear he will have fled before it reaches her, notified by his spies of your return."
"My plan goes further than punishing those who committed this outrage. It addresses the core of the problem, which is that your brothers vote against all of your reforms."
"Ah. And how do you propose to gain their support?" He glanced at Blade.
"By threatening their lives."
Kerrion shook his head. "It would not work. They would accuse you of plotting to kill them, and the courts would order you banished or imprisoned. I would of course prevent that, but then suspicion would fall on me. It would be messy, and ultimately futile."
Minna's eyes glinted. "In order to defeat these scheming brothers of yours, we must play their game. Blackmail is a powerful tool, and if they go to the courts, they will die. Even if they imprison me, Blade will carry out my wishes, so it would do them no good."
Kerrion pondered her words, frowning. "They would try to kill you, in that case. They would hire their own assassin, or do it themselves. The only person who could safely blackmail them would be me, but then they will try to blackmail me in return."
"They cannot, so long as their lives are threatened. They made you helpless by kidnapping me, so do the same to them. Once you have the reforms and new laws in place, they will not be able to touch me."
"This all depends entirely on Blade. Have you agreed, My Lord?"
Blade inclined his head. "I have."
Kerrion shot Minna a smile. "What have you promised him this time, half of Jashimari?"
She giggled. "No, half of Cotti. Actually, I pointed out that Shamsara offered him a mighty reward to rescue me, so it stands to reason that he would not want such a thing to happen again."
"And you think Blade's reputation will frighten them into compliance?"
"After one or two demonstrations. Endor and Trelath's lives are already forfeit. Chiana agreed to order their deaths as payment for Blade taking Kerra into hiding."
Kerrion nodded. "Unfortunately, neither of them is here, and nor is Chaymin, who was also involved. Now that you are safe, I can order them back to the palace, but it will take a few days, longer for Endor. Of course, Trelath is arrogant enough to try to snatch you again, even take Kerra as well this time. My men will not prevent him, so the only way to ensure your safety would be to keep you with me at all times."
Minna smiled. "I have no objection to that."
"Blade will have to guard Kerra at night."
The assassin looked up and growled, "I am not a damned guard dog."
Minna ignored him. "Blade will be a target too, once you have told your brothers about him. If they find out that he spends his nights with Kerra, they could go there with a squad of soldiers and capture him, then bring him before the courts for execution. If he is taken, all our plans fail. The only way to keep her safe would be to hide her at night."
Kerrion inclined his head. "That would probably work. Have one of your handmaidens stay in her room, as a decoy."
Minna looked at Blade. "Have you any objections, My Lord?"
He shrugged. "Not particularly."
The girl shook her head. "It sounds like an excellent plan to me."
Kerrion sighed. "Every plan has a flaw, unfortunately."
"Trelath must be the first to die, as a warning to the others," Minna stated, glancing at her husband, who nodded.
"I shall order him to return to the palace."
"And if he refuses?"
"Then I shall send men to find him and bring him here."
Kerra frowned. "What if he flees?"
"He has no reason to. The courts will not punish him for kidnapping Minna, and he does not know what we are planning." Kerrion shook his head. "No, I think he will obey. He will not risk earning the wrath of the courts. And I will have my turn with him before you kill him, Blade. I have a score of my own to settle."
Minna sipped her wine. "I would like to have a word with him myself, Kerrion. I too have a score to settle."
"Then you shall, my love. Whatever you wish."
Blade drained his goblet and put it down, turning to the Elder Queen. "If you have no need of me, I would like to retire."
She nodded. "As you wish, My Lord."
Kerrion raised a hand before Blade could rise. "I have something for you, Blade." He reached into his tunic. "A token of my immeasurable gratitude for saving Minna."
Blade's brows rose, and his mouth twisted in a cynical smile. "A medal?"
Kerrion laughed and shook his head, drawing forth a slender object wrapped in black satin, which he peeled back to reveal a carved black dagger, its hilt inlaid with silver and studded with diamonds. Blade took it and examined it, hefted it to test its balance and found it excellent.
Kerrion explained, "It is carved from obsidian. It was made two centuries ago by a master crafter, for one of my ancestors. It belongs in the hand of an expert."
"It is a bauble," Blade said. "It belongs on a wall."
"Do as you like with it, but it is priceless. I can put no value on Minna's safe return, therefore I must repay her rescue with something equally valuable."
The assassin's eyes narrowed. "You consider the debt paid?"
"No." Kerrion shook his head. "That is only a token of my gratitude. I am still in your debt."
"But you said you wanted nothing from me."
"I do not. However, if there should come a time when I do, I will expect my request to be honoured."
"Of course."
Kerra held out her hand. "May I see it?"
Blade gave her the dagger, and she examined it, caressing the polished surface. "It is lovely. It suits you, Blade. Hard, deadly and beautiful, just like you."
He snorted and smiled. "Indeed? I am flattered that you think me akin to something sharp, shiny, and made from stone."
She met his gaze, unabashed. "Yes. Dangerous, beautiful and pitiless."
Blade glanced at Minna. "I do believe your daughter is trying to embarrass me."
She smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I do believe she is succeeding, My Lord."
"Not as much as she would like, I will wager."
Blade held out his hand for the dagger, and when Kerra had given it back, he rose and bowed to Minna.
In his rooms, Olan brought him a plate of spicy meat and grilled vegetables soaked with a bland sauce, before leaving for the night. As he was about to prepare for bed, a soft knock came from the door, and he opened it to find Kerra standing there, rubbing her arms to ward off the night air's chill. She walked in and turned to face him as he closed the door.
"You are almost as bad as your mother," he commented. "But at least you knock."
"I must speak to you, Blade. All this plotting makes me uneasy. I feel that my life is in danger."
He shrugged and walked over to the bed. "It may well be."
"That is not reassuring."
"It was not meant to be. If you want reassurance and platitudes, then I recommend that you seek them from your parents."
"I would feel safer if I had a weapon."
He sat on the bed and unbuckled the wrist sheaths. "No doubt. I am sure you can procure one quite easily."
"It is all very well having a weapon, but I need to know how to use it."
"Ah." He glanced up at her. "And you want me to teach you."
"There is no better person to learn from, than an expert."
"Indeed." He put the sheaths on the side table. "Ask Minna to bring you to the hidden garden tomorrow morning. Now, I need my rest."
Kerra turned and took a few steps, then stopped and swung around, her hands clasped. "I would prefer it if you would stay with me, Blade. I have grown accustomed to your presence, and you promised Chiana to keep me safe. What if my uncles send an assassin to slay me? Do you think I would be able to protect myself, even if you taught me a little of your skills? You swore to return me to my palace unharmed, your task is not yet complete."
He eyed her. "If your uncles send an assassin to kill you, there is no possibility that you could defend yourself. However, you are in your father's care now, and he will see to it that you are well hidden and guarded."
"You just said that I will be in danger."
"You will."
"Then will you protect me?"
The assassin unbuckled his belt and placed it on the table beside the wrist sheaths. "I am not a damned -"
"Guard dog. I know."
Blade sighed and rubbed his face. "No. I will not sleep in your room to protect you. However..." He held up a finger as she opened her mouth to protest. "Where you choose to sleep is entirely up to you."
She stared at him, then comprehension dawned, and a wry smile tugged at her lips. "I see. Fair enough." She glanced around at the Spartan chamber. "I shall have the servants bring a cot."
"Not now."
"No. Tomorrow." She smiled, looking relieved. "I will see you in the morning."
Blade grunted, and she left the strange security of his presence to seek the emptiness of her room, wishing that she could take up his offer immediately. She found the Cotti palace to be a cold, inhospitable place, and the attitude of the male servants was far too bold. When she had left Minna and Kerrion to seek her bed, she had found her room dark and uninviting. Shadows seemed to creep up on her, and moving curtains startled her. She had not been alone since leaving her palace, and she missed Blade.
How odd it was, she mused, to miss the taciturn presence of a man whose freezing glance sent shivers through her. Yet knowing that he was close at hand comforted her, for no man could hope to match the legendary deadliness of the Queen's Blade.
The tale continues in Book V, Master of the Dance and Book VI, Lord Protector. Then get the two prequels, Dead Son and God Touched.