Chapter Five


The next morning, Chiana woke tired and puffy-eyed. Her maids toiled for a time-glass to hide the signs of strain on their mistress' face, which had grown worse every day. When they were finished, she was pale, powdered and frail looking, but they had hidden most of the damage from her bout of weeping. She picked at her breakfast, her stomach a tense knot now that Blade had refused to help. Only now did she realise how much she had been counting on him, and with his refusal came a whole host of fresh worries.

After breakfast, she made her way to her study to face a new batch of reports and requests from far-flung officials. She sank down behind her desk and stared at the pile, a part of her wishing that last night's encounter had only been a dream, and Blade would appear to spirit the Queen away and solve her problems. Her imagination conjured him vividly, his lips curved in one of his soft, entrancing smiles, his silver eyes filled with pity.

That, she had glimpsed in them only once, and she could not imagine any softer emotion thawing their frigid depths. She recalled the ball that had celebrated Kerra's birth, and the brief moment of near tenderness she had shared with him then. It was one of the memories she treasured, and often summoned up on lonely nights to fill her dreams with his presence. Over the years, he had grown far warmer in her dreams, and experiencing anew the cutting lash of his bitter tongue had thrown icy water over her fantasies.

A thunderous pounding on the door jerked her from her reverie, and she looked at the shuddering portal with a twinge of despair. How was she to deal with Kerra now? The thought of drugging the girl distressed her. With a tired wave of her hand, she signalled to the handmaiden who stood beside the door to open it, bracing herself for Kerra's tempestuous entry.

The Queen swept in, her face flushed with youthful ire, her eyes glinting and curls bouncing. Faced with such boundless energy and blossoming beauty, Chiana felt about a hundred years old and deathly tired. Kerra wasted no time on niceties, but launched into a shrill tirade about some problem with one of her maids, a trivial dispute that made Chiana's hackles rise. The Queen paced in a circle, punctuating her complaints with broad gestures of her be-ringed hands, and the Regent rose and signalled to the maiden to leave. As the girl closed the door behind her, Chiana banged the desk to get the Queen's attention. Kerra whirled in surprise, her mouth open.

"Kerra." Chiana fought the urge to shout. "I have no time to deal with your petty problems now. Dismiss the girl if she displeases you, I do not care. I have far more pressing problems to deal with at the moment. I must devote myself to them."

"Oh, Endor?" Kerra was instantly distracted, confirming Chiana's suspicions that her original gripe had been an excuse to get attention. "I've heard that he's marvellously handsome, and he wishes to visit me. Is this true?"

"Mend your speech," Chiana rebuked her, her heart sinking into her shoes. "Who told you this?"

Kerra shrugged. "My maids were gossiping about it."

"And you were eavesdropping." Chiana sank back into her chair.

"Is it true?"

"It is a ruse. I told you, your father suspects that Endor plans to take you hostage."

"Father is mistaken," Kerra stated with youthful wisdom. "Endor wishes to become my consort, I am certain. It is so romantic! He is a prince from the desert, one of my father's people. Who could be a better consort for me?"

"He intends to use you. That is why you are being sent away. He has kidnapped your stepmother, and he is blackmailing Kerrion."

"That he is willing to go to such great lengths to win my hand only shows that he is probably already in love with me. He must have seen my portrait or heard of my beauty. It is just like a fairy tale. And if I accept him, father will have his wife back."

"He has not done all this merely to become your consort! He will imprison you, then make himself ruler of Jashimari. I will be sent to the gallows. Is that what you want?"

Kerra pouted. "Oh, Chiana, you have no idea of romance. He will not hurt me, and I will not allow him to harm you, never fear."

Chiana rubbed her brow. This was worse than she had feared. "He has never seen a portrait of you. He wants to rule Jashimari, and threatening you will let him."

"You do not know that. It is just father's suspicion, or his way of preventing me from accepting Endor by making me fearful, but I am not. I am not a fool, Chiana. Endor has said that he wishes to visit me, which can only mean he means to court me. And even if I choose to wed him, he cannot rule my kingdom unless I let him, which I will not."

The Regent eyed her charge, longing to jump up and run from the room, escape the palace and all its responsibilities and return home to her merchant father. Faced with Kerra's rebellion, she was running out of ways to stay on top of the situation. She could sense it slipping away from her, becoming completely unmanageable. All she could do now was order the Queen drugged and removed to a safe place, if such a place existed, but Kerra would be furious when she revived. Her last hope was Kerrion, and she sifted through the piles of documents on her desk for his letter. Finding it, she held it out to the young Queen.

"This is your father's letter. I am following his advice by sending you away. You cannot defy him."

Kerra scanned the missive with a frown. "But this is silly. If I marry Endor, he will have his wife back, and everyone will be happy."

"No, if you do not flee, you will be a hostage, Kerra! Your father knows his brothers better than you, and if he thinks Endor intends to imprison you, then I, for one, believe him, and you should too. Endor wants to rule Jashimari, and we will not be ruled by a Cotti prince. We fought for seven hundred years to prevent it. We will not allow it to happen now."

"Father is wrong! He wishes to be my consort, that is all."

Chiana opened her mouth to refute this, when a soft male voice spoke, making her jump.

"It would seem that your young charge knows little of the barbarous Cotti."

Chiana stared past the Queen, stunned, and Kerra swung around as Blade emerged from the adjoining room. He paused just inside the doorway and glanced around before approaching Chiana's desk.

Kerra's mouth snapped closed, and her brows drew together in a thunderous scowl. "Who are you, and what are you doing in the Regent's private study? Chiana, call the guards and have them arrest this imposter. How does a commoner get into the palace? Chiana?"

"She also seems to have inherited her father's trait of asking far too many questions," the former assassin commented.

The Regent jumped up as Kerra gasped in outrage and stepped towards Blade, her hand raised to slap him for his presumption.


The Queen swung around, flinging Chiana a furious, puzzled look.

Chiana frowned at Blade. "That is no way to speak to the Queen."

Kerra's face reddened with fury. "How dare he? Why do you stop me, Chiana? He should be flogged for his temerity!"

Blade stepped closer to the girl. "Hit me then."

Kerra turned to face him again, her eyes raking him in a scathing glance. Chiana dreaded a violent reaction from the girl, who was known for slapping anyone she deemed to be impertinent. Blade would not harm her, but he would also not allow her to slap him, which would only enrage Kerra further.

The air crackled with tension, but Kerra's ire did nothing to thaw Blade's haughty manner. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back, and Kerra retreated a step when she met his frigid glance, clearly sensing the aura of danger that hung about him. Chiana struggled to quell a smile, her eyes darting between them. Kerra looked a little uncertain now. It seemed that even the arrogant, tempestuous young Queen was not able to stand up to Blade's chilling glance.

Kerra shot the Regent a glare. "Why do you do nothing, Chiana? Who is he?"

Chiana smiled. "Kerra, allow me to introduce the Lord Protector of Jashimari, a sacred Knight of the Veil, and my husband, Lord Conash."

Kerra's eyes widened. "The Queen's Blade."

"Yes, that is one of his many titles." Chiana turned to the former assassin. "My Lord, allow me to present Queen Kerra-Manu, daughter of Minna-Satu and Kerrion, heir to the Jashimari throne."

Blade snorted, his eyes raking the girl, who blushed. "I see no Queen before me, only a spoilt, ignorant child dressed up far beyond her years."

"Blade!" Chiana gaped at him, astonished.

Kerra paled, her eyes narrowing. "And I see an insolent commoner whose rank far exceeds his manners."

"Ah, but it was your own dear, wise mother who gave it to me, and for killing your grandfather, too. A man who richly deserved to die, as do all his sons." Blade smiled. "When your father was my captive, only the Queen's request saved him."

"I know of all your deeds, Lord Conash," Kerra retorted. "But your boorish conduct does you little credit. I had thought that a man of such legendary prowess as yourself would deport himself with a little more decorum, even if you are a commoner."

Blade chuckled. "I see that when stung, you have inherited enough of your mother's pluck to give a good account of yourself. She was a great queen, and would never stoop to insults."

Kerra opened her mouth to continue the debate, but Chiana was quicker. "What are you doing here, Blade? I thought we had finished our business last night."

"My curiosity got the better of me, I am afraid. I wanted to meet our young queen. I have not seen her since she was an infant. I am disappointed, I must say."

"You do care."

"Did I say that?"

"Why else would you want to meet her?"

He shrugged. "I once went to a tavern to see a lady with a beard, but I did not care about her, I can assure you."

Kerra made a strangled sound of rage, and Chiana schooled her features into a mask of regal hauteur. "My Lord, you would do well to be more polite in the Queen's presence."

"She is a child, Chiana, and a spoilt one at that. It is just as well I have refused to take her into hiding, for I would hardly be able to bow and scrape to her then."

Chiana glanced at the furious Queen. "In that situation, you would not have to, I assure you."

"Really?" He eyed Kerra, and Chiana got the impression that he was toying with them.

Before she could rebuke him for it, Kerra burst out, "I would not go anywhere with this boor! How dare you even consider such a plan, Chiana? I will stay here in the palace and consider Prince Endor's suit when he arrives. If I like him, I will decide whether or not to wed him."

"Indeed?" Blade cocked his head, studying the girl. "So, you do not believe that he wishes to imprison you. Very well then, let us assume he does not, and that he, with the aid of his half-brothers, has kidnapped Kerrion's wife merely for the sake of offering to become your husband. Under Jashimari laws, the Queen does not marry, she only takes a consort. Are you a Cotti, Kerra?"

"No." The girl looked confused. "I am half Cotti."

"And which half rules your decisions?"

"I am the Jashimari Queen. I abide by the laws of my land."

"Then you cannot marry Endor. For one thing, he is your uncle, for another, you are too young, and finally, the Jashimari Queen does not marry."

"Then perhaps I shall take him as my consort when I am old enough, if I find him pleasing."

"That will only be in ten years’ time, when you are old enough to rule, and Endor will not wait that long. In fact, he will not consider your wishes at all." Blade turned and walked over to the table that held the omnipresent wine bottle and goblets. "I know the Cotti, and to him you have less value than his horse. Your regal manner and arrogance will be whipped from you, and he will treat you as a servant, which is what Cotti women are."

"He cannot!" Kerra burst out. "I am a queen!"

"To the Cotti there is no such thing as a queen. Have you learnt nothing of your father's people?"

Kerra shot Chiana a guilty look, and the Regent supplied, "The tutor Kerrion sent did not meet with Kerra's approval."

"Ah. And do you think Endor will treat you any better?"

Kerra frowned, studying the floor as she pondered the ramifications of Blade's words. Chiana was pleased to note that she did not question them, although the former assassin had something of a reputation as a liar, the girl seemed to sense that he told the truth now. Blade sipped his wine, smacking his lips.

Kerra raised her head. "Very well. I will do as my father wishes, and go into hiding."

Chiana slumped with relief, shooting Blade a grateful smile. He put the goblet back on the tray and turned to face her.

"I shall leave you to make the arrangements."

Chiana stepped out from behind her desk. "Is there no way to persuade you to help us, My Lord?"

"I cannot think of one."

"If Minna-Satu asked you, would you help her?"

Blade's brows drew together. "But she cannot, since she is dead."

"But would you?"

He shrugged. "Perhaps."


"She would have asked nicely."

"I have begged you."

"You are not a queen."

"I am your wife." Chiana glared at him, realisation dawning in a cold tide. "But it is nothing to have a wife beg for your aid, even if she is the Regent. A queen, now that is different, is it not, Blade? Are you so petty? Is that what you crave, the power to make a queen beg?"

"Not beg. That is not necessary. But what else do I get out of it? Gold? More titles? Another estate perhaps?"

"I see." She turned and walked back to her chair. "Now that there is nothing material you want, it is power you desire."

"What did you think, that I would do it out of duty? Loyalty? Honour? Those things mean nothing to me."

"So Kerra must ask you then."

"Kerra? She is a child, not a queen."

Chiana sat down and ran a hand over her face. "Damn you, Blade. Why must you be so perverse?"

Blade chuckled, and Kerra frowned at him. "He is playing a game with you, Chiana. I submit that he intends to help us, when he has extracted sufficient pleasure from his lies."

Chiana raised her head, surprised by Kerra's deduction, which fitted Blade's personality so well. He accorded the Queen a mocking bow, smiling.

"The child is astute, if not entirely correct. Whether or not I decide to aid you is still uncertain."

"And what would it take to sway you?" Chiana enquired.

"Ah, well, that remains to be seen. As yet, neither of you have succeeded."

"What do you want?" Kerra demanded.

Blade cocked a brow at the Queen, his frosty eyes at odds with the slight smile that curled his lips. "Perhaps the pleasure of teaching you some manners."

Kerra opened her mouth to berate him, but Chiana said, "Done."

"Perhaps the child's pledge of complete obedience."

"Done." Chiana shot Kerra a hard look when the girl gasped in outrage. "Nothing is more important than your safety, Kerra, and I agree that you must obey the Lord Protector. Remember who he is."

Kerra lifted her chin, her eyes glinting. "Anything else?"

Blade picked up his goblet and sipped the wine, considering. "I may think of a few other conditions as they arise."

"Within reason," Chiana stipulated.

"Of course."

She slumped with relief. "Then you will do it?"

"I am surprised at what you will agree to for my help. Surely there are others who can do this just as well? Dye her hair, dress her in peasant's clothes, and she will be almost impossible to find, even in this city."

Kerra gasped. "I will do no such thing!"

"Ah, well, there is the problem. Already she is foresworn."

Chiana rubbed her brow, resting her elbows on her desk. "Kerra, you must do as Lord Conash orders, you have agreed to it."

"But..." Kerra glanced between them, looking uncertain.

"Or stay here and become Endor's servant, if you wish," the assassin murmured. "I care not. In fact, I would rather not take on this odious task at all."

"Odious!" Kerra's ire revived in a flash. "You should be honoured!"

"Really?" Blade cocked his head. "Why should I be honoured to be nursemaid to a spoilt child who will try to treat me as a servant? To spend the next few moons running and hiding from the Cotti? Living rough in the forests with winter approaching? Personally, I would rather spend my time in a warm tavern with good ale and food, and sleep in a soft bed every night."

Chiana watched the dismay on Kerra's face war with an imperious urge to argue with him. Her mouth opened, then closed, she drew breath to speak, then let it out again, her eyes darting over him all the while. The Regent pitied her, for the young Queen had never encountered a man such as Blade before, who spoke with such calm authority that he made her seem the inferior, and who clearly held neither her nor her title in any high regard.

For the first time in her life, Kerra was being made to feel like a young, ignorant girl, and she disliked it intensely, but could not refute it. Kerrion had awed her with his high status, and the fact that he was her father, but had done his best to bolster her ego. In just one short conversation, Blade had let so much wind out of her sails that she was at a loss for words, something Chiana had never seen before. Kerra had never been called a spoilt child, nor encountered anyone who did not think it an honour to serve her. She gazed at Blade with confused, uncertain eyes, and he bestowed upon her his sweetest smile, which brought a hot to flush her cheeks.

"Shocking, is it not, young Kerra, to find someone who does not consider it an honour to have you wipe your feet on him? Your mother found me somewhat trying at times too. She tried to teach me noble manners, so what little decorum I possess is due to her efforts. But even she could not order me around, and to her credit she did not try. I defied her often, flouted her wishes and even flagrantly disobeyed her, and all she did was rebuke me mildly. Do you know why?"

Chiana said, "Because she loved you."

He shot her an angry glance. "So you would have me believe. But it was more that she needed me to kill her enemies, save her lover, and protect her daughter."

"Yes, she needed you, but she also loved you. She told me so."

Blade swung away and walked over to the window to gaze out at the autumnal garden. "I did not come here to discuss ancient history, or the alleged emotions of our dead queen. I don't care what she felt for me. It's entirely irrelevant."

Chiana inclined her head in gracious acceptance of his rebuttal. "As you wish, My Lord. Shall I make arrangements for Queen Kerra's departure with you?"

"I do not recall agreeing to take her."

"Come now, Blade. You know you will. Once more a queen has grave need of your aid. You will not refuse."

"Indeed?" He turned from the window, his lips curved in a sweet, mocking smile. "And what shall my reward be?"

Chiana glanced at Kerra. "I am sure the Queen will agree to whatever you wish."

"I do not require anything of her. It is within your power, as Regent, to grant my request."

"Then name it."

"The death of all the Cotti princes involved in this plot, once Kerrion's wife is safe, or if she is killed. Especially if she is killed. I want you to hire one of my former apprentices to do it."

Chiana glanced at Kerra again, noting the girl's sudden pallor. "Those are the Queen's uncles."

"They are murderous scum, like all Cotti. Kerrion would do it himself if he was able. Since he is not, you will be doing him a great favour."

"And is your apprentice good enough to do this?"

He shrugged. "He is not as good as I was, but I think so."

"If he is caught, the Cotti judges will know who hired him and demand retribution."

"Will they? Any Jashimari noble could have hired him, and he will not confess, even under torture. They may guess that it was you or Kerra, but they will have no proof."

Chiana sighed. She might have guessed what Blade's demand would be. He craved the death of all Cotti royalty, save perhaps Kerrion. She glanced at Kerra, who looked subdued and pensive.

"Very well. When this is over and the Queen safely returned to the palace, I shall hire your former apprentice and send him to kill the Cotti princes."

"Excellent. Have the Queen readied for the journey. I want her hair cut and dyed brown, and she should be dressed in servant's clothes. A boy's clothes."

Kerra's eyes widened in horror. "No! Surely such drastic measures are not necessary?"

"I will decide what is necessary, and you have agreed to abide by my decisions. If you refuse, our agreement is off."

Kerra turned to Chiana and wailed, "Not my hair!"

Chiana cast a pitying glance at the girl, whose long flaxen mane was her pride and joy, brushed and teased into ringlets and adorned with jewelled combs and pins. She shook her head.

"I am sorry, Kerra. It will grow back, and the dye will wash out, will it not, Blade?"

He inclined his head. "Of course. Shoulder length will be short enough, then tie it back as a boy might."

The Queen fingered a bright tress. "I cannot believe I am agreeing to this. You could be wrong about Endor, Lord Conash. He may be different from other Cotti men, just as my father is. He may fall in love with me and become my consort."

"I would not stake my life on it if I was you. Endor is Ronan's younger brother, and he has a mighty grudge against the Jashimari because of his brother's death. Doubtless your attractions will turn most men's heads, but Endor already has a harem that numbers over fifty young girls chosen for their beauty, and he has sired dozens of children."

Kerra's face fell as his words shattered the last of her romantic illusions, and she bit her lip, her eyes growing moist with tears of disappointment and hurt. "Do you think me beautiful, My Lord?"

"I am not one to ask for compliments."

Her face hardened. "You are a cold-hearted man, I think. And I demand that you call me your Queen at least once before we leave."

"I will accord you the title when you deserve it, and not before."

Kerra's mouth tightened into a grim line, and she bestowed a furious glare upon him before spinning in a swirl of satin skirts and bouncing ringlets. She marched to the door, yanked it open with unwonted force and slammed it behind her so hard that it rattled the frame.

Chiana rose and went to the table to pour herself some wine, using the ploy to get close to her husband. He eyed her, and she cast him a sad smile.

"You would be well advised not to aggravate her too much. The more you annoy her, the more difficult she will become."

"I will not bow to her whims, nor bolster her ego. She must learn to be more diplomatic, or she will make a terrible queen."

Chiana sipped her wine and changed the subject. "I am pleased to see that you have lost your limp, My Lord."

He studied a tapestry on the far wall. "Shamsara's curse again. It even healed the scars in my lung."

"Really? Then there is nothing preventing you from dancing. You could go to the Assassin's Guild and challenge the Master of the Dance."

"I could, but I have no wish to, and I am retired."

"Talon told me that they offered to let you keep your title."

Blade glanced at her. "Did he? But what use is it to an elder? Its purpose is to determine the best assassin in the Guild, so he will get more work. The wealth it brings is his reward for the long time-glasses of strenuous practise it takes to become the Master. Since I am retired, it serves me no purpose other than to boost my ego. And I have no wish to continue the rigorous training required to keep such skills honed to a high standard."

Her eyes skimmed over him, sliding away from his hard gaze. "You have not neglected your training, that is quite obvious."

"I am required to teach my apprentices, which means I must show them the Dance. The current Master of the Dance is my former apprentice. I taught him well."

"And did he ever surpass you?"

He smiled, sipping his wine. "No."

"You are still a proud man, and I would venture to say that you could still reclaim your title, no matter how much you deny it."

"That, we shall never find out."

"Since you are healed and no longer age, I am surprised you have not become an assassin again."

He grimaced. "I grew tired of killing, I told you that. I am a wealthy man, and no longer require a trade. What is more, my former apprentices must share their earnings with me for two years, and they have all been most successful."

"I can imagine."

Blade frowned, looking thoughtful, and turned to her. "Are there any portraits of the Queen in the palace?"

"Several from when she was younger, and the most recent was done only six moons ago."

"Destroy them."

She stared at him in confusion and horror, then nodded. "Of course. But we could hide them."

"Burn them now."

"I shall order it done."

He walked towards the window, then swung to face her again. "And what of spies? Is the palace still rife with them?"

"I hope not..."

"Summon her here, we will have to make other plans."

"You think -"

"I think if a Cotti spy discovers Kerra's disguise, it will be useless. How had you planned to send her into hiding, if I had not agreed to help you?"

Chiana gestured. "A select group of my most loyal veterans, including four sacred Knights of the Veil, were ready to take her away in a drugged state."

He nodded. "Do it. Let all see her leave. Endor will be able to follow her trail as if it was painted on the road. I will intercept them in the forest and take her from them. Tell them nothing of this."

"They are good men. They will strive to protect her if they do not know of the plan."

"They must not know of the plan, or the Cotti torturers will have it out of them before the day is done." Blade sipped his wine. "I will try not to kill any of them, but the only ones who must know of this are we three."

Chiana went to her desk and picked up a silver bell, which she rang to summon a maiden. When she had sent the maid to fetch the Queen, she returned to stand beside Blade.

"What changed your mind? Last night you were adamantly against helping us."

He smiled. "Ah, Chiana, even now you do not understand me. When I came here I was undecided, but curious. Last night you almost made me angry enough to leave without further discussion. You should know I do not like to be cajoled, coerced or brow-beaten into doing something.

"After I left you, I thought of the possible rewards that might be on offer, and the princes' deaths were too good to pass up. I knew you were desperate enough to agree to it, so I came here today. Had you offered them to me last night, instead of lecturing me on my titles and responsibilities, the conversation would have had a more agreeable outcome."

"I thought you were tired of killing."

"Except for Cotti princes. When I retired, all the older ones were dead, and no one was willing to pay for the deaths of the younger ones. But now they are all grown up and causing trouble, as I knew they would. Besides, I will not be doing the killing."

Chiana sipped her wine, noting that it was a sweet white from the north that Blade favoured, which explained the way he was swilling it down like fruit juice. "So you have not killed anyone for fifteen years?"

He smiled, shaking his head. "No."

"Why do I not believe you, My Lord?"

"Perhaps you are getting to know me, wife."

"Have you become a common murderer then?"

Blade chuckled, refilling his cup. "No."

Frustrated, Chiana gave up and turned to another pressing subject. "There is one weak link in your plan, My Lord. I know of it."

"So?" His brows rose, then lowered. "Endor would not dare to torture the Regent."

"I think he would, and I doubt that I can withstand it."

"I would not expect you to." He swung away and went to the window to stare out of it, frowning. "There is no reason for him to suspect that you know anything. That is why those who guard her must not know. He should think that she was stolen by brigands, as her guards will report. If he does suspect that you know something, tell him everything. Do not allow him to torture you."

"But -"

"I will devise another disguise for the Queen. He will waste time trying to find a band of robbers, which will give me time to get her further away from here. He will not find her, even knowing what you know."

His apparent concern brought a warm glow to her heart, and she smiled. "The thought of my torture upsets you?"

"I dislike torture."

"Yet you used to offer your clients a slow death for their victims."

"And you thought I spent time-glasses slicing them up?" He shook his head, turning to face her once more. "I never spent more than a few minutes with my kills. How fast a person dies depends on where you stab them. I was rarely asked to kill slowly, in any case. I charged dearly for it, because it made my job more difficult and dangerous."

"How did you do it? Surely the man would shout for help?"

"None of my kills ever cried out, my lady." Blade eyed her as if considering some amusing plan, smiling. "I will demonstrate, if you wish." Putting his cup down on the tray, he approached her, and she stepped back. His smile widened. "I am not going to hurt you. You might even find this enjoyable, since you crave my touch so much."

"That is not -"

"Do you not trust me?" His soft, seductive voice caressed her, and her will evaporated as the spell of his charm took hold. No one could resist Blade when he used his charisma to full effect, and this, she was sure, was part of the demonstration. He took her goblet from her nerveless fingers and placed it on the tray next to his own, then reached up and cupped her face.

"I recall that you once told me that you did not fear me, and challenged me to kill you if I wished. I could have done it then, had I wanted."

Chiana shivered at his touch, torn between her longing for his caress and the inherent fear of such a dangerous man. His silvery eyes gleamed like drops of clear water, and she tried to read them, searching for some reassurance in their depths. His warm hands slid down to her neck, stopping just below her jawline. She sensed the slightest tightening of his fingers, so gentle it was a mere caress, then the room went dark and her legs buckled.

Blade caught her as she collapsed, holding her around her waist. The darkness cleared, leaving her weak and dizzy. She clung to him for as long as she dared, enjoying the intimacy of his arms, something she had never before shared with him. When she could not feign weakness any longer, she straightened. He held her elbow, watching her, then released her. Chiana raised a hand to her brow.

"What did you do?"

He shrugged, looking a little smug. "I cut off the flow of blood to your brain, causing you to faint. That was the first time I have done it to a woman, and it was much easier than a man. The affect also lasted quite considerably longer than it should have." He smiled. "Had I continued the pressure a little longer, you would have passed out, then all I have to do is stab you a few times in the gut, and the job is done."

"So your victim does not even feel any pain?"

"Not until he wakes up, no. It takes a few days for him to die, and it is very painful. He rots from inside, and no healer can save him."

Chiana rubbed the sides of her neck where his hands had been, and he misread her gesture.

"Do not worry; you will not have any bruises."

She lowered her hands. "You must have done this in your female disguise."

"I did on occasion, but not always. As I said, I rarely performed such assassinations. Most clients will go to a poisoner if they want their victim to suffer. There are some poisons that cause more pain."

"All assassins know this trick?"

He nodded. "But some are better at it than others."

"It is better than knocking a person unconscious, then?"

"Yes. Hitting someone on the head is an imperfect science. Some people have thicker skulls than others, so one person may not succumb, and another may die."

"Do you miss being an assassin? Apart from the killing, of course."

He shrugged, picking up his goblet. "Certain things, yes. But training a youngster means I still practice my art."

The Queen's Blade IV - Sacred Knight of the Veil