APPENDIX 2. information Often included in descriptions of gilled mushrooms

General Information


  • Date, collection number, location (including GPS coordinates), and filename(s) for digital image(s).
  • Growth habit. For example: solitary, scattered, gregarious, cespitose, clustered, connate, pleurotoid.
  • Substrate. For example: soil, wood, woody debris, leaf litter/duff, other mushrooms, burned soil.
  • Habitat and names of nearby plants and fungi. For example: mixed conifer forest, riparian forest, coastal pine woodland, sagebrush steppe, grassy meadow, urban lawn, park, landscaping.


Macroscopic Features of the Fungus


  • Spore-print color (or a spore print is attached).
  • Cap: diameter; shape in side and top views; color of surface and color changes as mushroom ages, dries, or is bruised; other surface characteristics such as shininess, wetness, texture, and presence of universal veil remnants; surface features of margin and its shape in cross-sectional, side, and top views; thickness, color, color changes, consistency, taste, and odor of flesh.
  • Gills: attachment; spacing; relative thickness; waxy-appearing or not; forked or not; presence of partial gills; width and shape in edge-on view; color and color changes as mushroom ages (and spores mature), dries, is bruised, or latex dries; shape and color of margin; appearance of gill face; presence/absence, color, and color changes of latex.
  • Stipe: attachment to cap; length and diameter; shape in long- and cross-sections; solid, hollow, or stuffed; color of surface and color changes as mushroom ages, dries, or is bruised; other surface characteristics such as shininess, wetness, and texture; presence, position, and nature of partial and/or universal veil remnants; color, color changes, consistency, taste, and odor of flesh.


Microscopic Features


  • Spores: color (specify mounting liquid); attachment; shape and degree of symmetry; length, width, and ratio (Q-value); type and height of ornamentation; chemical reactions.
  • Basidia: shape, dimensions, number of spores per, and chemical reactions.
  • Cystidia: position, type, shape, dimensions, pigmentation, ornamentation, contents, and chemical reactions.
  • Gill trama: type(s) of hyphae and their dimensions, presence/absence of clamp connections, pigmentation, contents, and arrangement in different parts of the hymenium (fertile tissue).
  • Cuticle: number of layers; morphology; chemical reactions; presence of cystidia or other distinctive elements and their position, type, shape, dimensions, pigmentation, ornamentation, and chemical reactions.
  • Flesh of cap and stipe: hyphal types; presence/absence of clamp connections; pigmentation; chemical reactions; presence of cystidia or other distinctive elements and their position, type, shape, dimensions, pigmentation, ornamentation, and chemical reactions.
  • Veils: hyphal/cell types; pigmentation; chemical reactions.