Author’s Note
When writing about historical giants like
Napoleon Buona Parte and Arthur Wesley, an author is provided with
a stark contrast between the monolithic body of work on the former
and the somewhat more limited coverage provided for the latter. As
I started work on Young Bloods, I came across a bibliography
of books on Napoleon that ran to over 100,000
entries.Wellington-related books rate only a fraction of that
number. This is understandable given that Napoleon was, after all,
an emperor as well as a general and had a stellar career, thanks to
the Revolution and a huge helping of good luck. Take, for example,
that incredibly misjudged and foolish attempt to seize the citadel
at Ajaccio. He really deserved to be shot for that escapade. But,
owing to the declaration of war on Austria, and thanks to the early
defeats that panicked the Revolutionary government, France simply
could not afford to discard promising officers from the best
trained artillery school in the world. So Napoleon was spared, and
promoted to captain! For those who want an excellent overview of
this extraordinary man’s career, J.M.Thompson is on hand with an
excellent biography, Napoleon Bonaparte.
By contrast, Arthur Wesley was born in the most
stable of societies. Britain had worked out a political settlement
a century before and enjoyed a relatively peaceful and prosperous
life, while France, riddled with social division, staggered towards
anarchy and the bloodshed of revolution. Arthur, born as a younger
(and therefore superfluous) son into the most privileged class of
society, was denied the challenges and opportunities that can turn
ordinary men so swiftly into extraordinary men. His life was only
given meaning by over two decades of war against France that began
after the execution of King Louis XVI. Up until then, there was
little to distinguish Arthur from any other dissolute young man of
the aristocratic set. The frustration and ennui of those
directionless years must have tormented him terribly. Worse still,
as a younger son he was fated not to inherit the family’s title,
nor its wealth. As such, how could he hope to win the hand of Kitty
Pakenham in a world where marriage was as much a vehicle for
advancement as it was an expression of affection? Arthur was
looking at a future devoid of achievement and meaning. I rather
think he was saved from oblivion by events in France that were to
change his life, and the lives of everyone in Europe. Arthur’s
opposition to the French Revolution gave him purpose, and he
recognised that at once. And he knew that it would be his life’s
work, to the exclusion of all else. That is why he committed that
terribly significant act of destruction: the burning of his
The best of the books I can recommend on Arthur
Wesley is Elizabeth Longford’s Wellington: The Years of the
Sword, a finely written and warm account. For an interesting
comparison of the two men, I also recommend Andrew Roberts’
Napoleon and Wellington, for some intriguing insights.
I am sure that many readers will be keen to read
more about this fascinating period and about the two men whose
careers were forged by the French Revolution. The best overview of
the revolutionary period that I have come across, and a book I
would heartily recommend for its accessibility and depth, is J.M
Thompson’s masterly The French Revolution. It is hard to
track the various currents of the tumultuous years at the end of
the eighteenth century, and yet Thompson provides a thoroughly
comprehensible account of places, events and characters.
Even though Young Bloods is a fictional
account of the early lives of Napoleon Bonaparte and Arthur Wesley,
I have made every effort to render the period, people and events as
accurately as possible. Without writing a truly massive book,
however, it is almost impossible to fit every detail of research
into the pages of this volume. I have had to made a few omissions
and shift the chronology of a handful of events for the sake of the
story. In reality, Napoleon made many more visits to Corsica in the
years around the Revolution, and I have had to conflate these in my
Likewise, for the sake of the story and to add
weight to my heroes’ personalities, I have invented certain scenes.
The fact that the two youngsters were in France at the same time
intrigued me. What would have they made of each other if their
paths had crossed? The prospect was too tempting, and too
plausible, to resist. Napoleon’s early encounter with Robespierre
is also imagined, and given the political fervour of Paris life at
that time, equally plausible. Of course, I accept that purists may
disagree with my decisions, but historical novelists have a story
to tell first and foremost.
With the Revolution now firmly established,
France has become a republic. She is surrounded by hostile nations
and a great war of ideologies is about to be unleashed upon the
peoples of Europe. For Napoleon and Arthur, the first stage of a
conflict that will change the world forever has begun.
Simon Scarrow
September, 2005