6.1 Introduction
Spectroscopy deals with the production, measurement, and interpretation of spectra arising from the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. There are many different spectroscopic methods available for solving a wide range of analytical problems. The methods differ with respect to the species to be analyzed (such as molecular or atomic spectroscopy), the type of radiation-matter interaction to be monitored (such as absorption, emission, or diffraction), and the region of the electromagnetic spectrum used in the analysis. Spectroscopic methods are very informative and widely used for both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Spectroscopic methods based on the absorption or emission of radiation in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (Vis), infrared (IR), and radio (nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR) frequency ranges are most commonly encountered in traditional food analysis laboratories. Each of these methods is distinct in that it monitors different types of molecular or atomic transitions. The basis of these transitions is explained in the sections below.
6.2 Light
6.2.1 Properties
Light may be thought of as particles of energy that move through space with wavelike properties. This image of light suggests that the energy associated with a ray of light is not distributed continuously through space along the wave’s associated electric and magnetic fields but rather that it is concentrated in discrete packets. Light is therefore said to have a dual nature: particulate and wavelike. Phenomena associated with light propagation, such as interference, diffraction, and refraction, are most easily explained using the wave theory of electromagnetic radiation. However, the interaction of light with matter, which is the basis of absorption and emission spectroscopy, may be best understood in terms of the particulate nature of light. Light is not unique in possessing both wavelike and particulate properties. For example, fundamental particles of matter, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, are known to exhibit wavelike behavior.
v i = velocity of propagation in medium i
ν = frequency (of associated wave)
λ i = wavelength in medium i
The frequency of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the source of the radiation, and it remains constant as the wave traverses different media. However, the velocity of propagation of a wave will vary slightly depending on the medium through which the light is propagated. The wavelength of the radiation will change in proportion to changes in wave velocity as defined by Eq. 6.1. The amplitude of the wave (A) represents the magnitude of the electric vector at the wave maxima. The radiant power (P) and radiant intensity (I) of a beam of radiation are proportional to the square of the amplitude of the associated waves making up that radiation. Figure 6.1 indicates that electromagnetic waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields, the two of which are mutually perpendicular, in phase with each other, and perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. As drawn, the waves represent changes in the respective field strengths with time at a fixed location or changes in the respective field strengths over distance at a fixed time. The electrical and magnetic components of the waves are represented as a series of vectors whose lengths are proportional to the magnitude of the respective field. It is the oscillating electric field that is of most significance to spectroscopic phenomena such as absorption, transmission, and refraction. However, a purely electric field, without its associated magnetic field, is impossible.
6.2.2 Terminology
6.2.3 Interference
E = energy of a photon
h = Planck’s constant
ν = frequency (of associated wave)
Properties of light
Symbols/terms |
Relationship |
Frequently used units |
λ = wavelength |
λ i ν = v i |
nm (nanometers, 10−9 m) Å (Ångstrom units, 10−10 m) μm (microns, 10−6 m) mμ (millimicrons, 10−9 m) |
(v i = c in a vacuum) |
ν = frequency |
Hz (hertz, 1 Hz = 1 oscillation per second) |
c = speed of light |
2.9979 × 108 m s−1 in vacuum |
v- = wave number |
=1/λ |
cm−1 |
kK (kilokayser, 1 kK = 1,000 cm−1) |
p = period |
p = 1/ν |
s |
E = energy |
E = hν |
J (1 J = 1 kg m2 s−2) |
= hc/λ |
cal (calorie, 1 cal = 4.184 J) |
erg (1 erg =10−7 J) |
eV (1 eV = 1.6022 × 10−19 J) |
h = Planck’s constant |
6.6262 × 10−34 J s |
P = radiant power |
Amount of energy striking a given unit area per unit time |
(Joules) (m2)−1(s)−1 |
6.3 Energy States of Matter
6.3.1 Quantum Nature of Matter
The energy content of matter is quantized. Consequently, the potential or internal energy content of an atom or molecule does not vary in a continuous manner but rather in a series of discrete steps. Atoms and molecules, under normal conditions, exist predominantly in the ground state, which is the state of lowest energy. Ground-state atoms and molecules can gain energy, in which case they will be elevated to one of their higher energy states, referred to as excited states. The quantum nature of atoms and molecules puts limitations on the energy levels that are available to these species. Consequently, there will be specific “allowed” internal energy levels for each atomic or molecular species. Internal energy levels not corresponding to an allowed value for that particular species are unattainable. The set of available energy levels for any given atom or molecule will be distinct for that species. Similarly, the potential energy spacings between allowed internal energy levels will be characteristic of a species. Therefore, the set of potential energy spacings for a species may be used qualitatively as a distinct fingerprint. Qualitative absorption and emission spectroscopy make use of this phenomenon in that these techniques attempt to determine an unknown compound’s relative energy spacings by measuring transitions between allowed energy levels.
6.3.2 Electronic, Vibrational, and Rotational Energy Levels
Atoms are like molecules in that only specific energy levels are allowed for atomic electrons. Consequently, an energy-level diagram of an atom would consist of a series of electronic energy levels. In contrast to molecules, the electronic energy levels of atoms have no corresponding vibrational and rotational levels and, hence, may appear less complicated. Atomic energy levels correspond to allowed electron shells (orbits) and corresponding subshells (i.e., 1s, 2s, 2p, etc.). The magnitude of the energy difference between the ground state and first excited states for valence electrons of atoms and bonding electrons of molecules is generally of the same range as the energy content of photons associated with UV and Vis radiation.
The wider lines within each electronic state of Fig. 6.5 depict the species’ vibrational energy levels. The atoms that comprise a molecule are in constant motion, vibrating in many ways. However, in all cases the energy associated with this vibrational motion corresponds to defined quantized energy levels. The energy differences between neighboring vibrational energy levels are much smaller than those between adjacent electronic energy levels. Therefore, it is common to consider that several vibrational energy levels are superimposed on each of the molecular electronic energy levels. Energy differences between allowed vibrational energy levels are of the same magnitude as the energy of photons associated with radiation in the IR region. Vibrational energy levels would not be superimposed on an atomic potential energy-level diagram since this vibrational motion does not exist in a single atom. In this respect, the potential energy diagram for an atom is less complex than that for a molecule, the atomic energy-level diagram having fewer energy levels.
The potential energy of a molecule also is quantized in terms of the energy associated with the rotation of the molecule about its center of gravity. These rotational energy levels are yet more closely spaced than the corresponding vibrational levels, as depicted by the narrow lines within each electronic state shown in Fig. 6.5. Hence, it is customary to consider several rotational energy levels superimposed on each of the permitted vibrational energy levels. The energy spacings between rotational energy levels are of the same magnitude as the energy associated with photons of microwave radiation. Microwave spectroscopy is not commonly used in food analysis laboratories; however, the presence of these different energy levels will impact the spectrum observed in other forms of spectroscopy, as will be discussed later. Similar to the situation of vibrational energy levels, rotational energy levels are not of consequence to atomic spectroscopy.
6.3.3 Nuclear Energy Levels in Applied Magnetic Fields
NMR spectroscopy makes use of yet another type of quantized energy level. The energy levels of importance to NMR spectroscopy differ with respect to those described above in that they are relevant only in the presence of an applied external magnetic field. The basis for the observed energy levels may be rationalized by considering that the nuclei of some atoms behave as tiny bar magnets. Hence, when the atoms are placed in a magnetic field, their nuclear magnetic moment will have a preferred orientation, just as a bar magnet would behave. The NMR-sensitive nuclei of general relevance to the food analyst have two permissible orientations. The energy difference between these allowed orientations depends on the effective magnetic field strength that the nuclei experience. The effective magnetic field strength will itself depend on the strength of the applied magnetic field and the chemical environment surrounding the nuclei in question. The applied magnetic field strength will be set by the spectroscopist, and it is essentially equivalent for each of the nuclei in the applied field. Hence, differences in energy spacings of NMR-sensitive nuclei will depend solely on the identity of the nucleus and its environment. In general, the energy spacings between permissible nuclear orientations, under usable external magnetic field strengths, are of the same magnitude as the energy associated with radiation in the radio frequency range.
6.4 Energy-Level Transitions in Spectroscopy
6.4.1 Absorption of Radiation
Wavelength regions, spectroscopic methods, and associated transitions
Wavelength region |
Wavelength limits |
Type of spectroscopy |
Usual wavelength range |
Types of transitions in chemical systems with similar energies |
Gamma rays |
0.01–1 Å |
Emission |
<0.1 Å |
Nuclear proton/neutron arrangements |
X-rays |
0.1–10 nm |
Absorption, emission, fluorescence, and diffraction |
0.1–100 Å |
Inner-shell electrons |
Ultraviolet |
10–380 nm |
Absorption, emission, and fluorescence |
180–380 nm |
Outer-shell electrons in atoms, bonding electrons in molecules |
Visible |
380–750 nm |
Absorption, emission, and fluorescence |
380–750 nm |
Same as ultraviolet |
Infrared |
0.075–1000 μm |
Absorption |
0.78–300 μm |
Vibrational position of atoms in molecular bonds |
Microwave |
0.1–100 cm |
Absorption |
0.75–3.75 mm |
Rotational position in molecules |
Electron spin resonance |
3 cm |
Orientation of unpaired electrons in an applied magnetic field |
Radio wave |
1–1000 m |
Nuclear magnetic resonance |
0.6–10 m |
Orientation of nuclei in an applied magnetic field |
6.4.2 Emission of Radiation
6.4.3 Population of Energy Levels
p′ = probability of finding particle in energy level E′
p = probability of finding particle in energy level E
E′ = energy corresponding higher energy level
E = energy corresponding to lower energy level
k = Boltzmann constant
T = absolute temperature
The equation indicates that the fraction of molecules in the higher energy state (E′) decreases exponentially with increasing ΔE (i.e., E′−E). In UV-Vis spectroscopy, the vast majority of the molecules are in the ground state since the energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state is relatively large. In nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the populations in the two energy states are nearly identical due to the relatively small energy difference between the lower and higher energy states (the lower energy state being slightly more populated). These relationships are consistent with UV-Vis spectroscopy being significantly more sensitive than nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The equation also illustrates that increasing the temperature of a system will increase the fraction of molecules in the higher energy state. This is relevant to atomic emission spectroscopy where molecules in the excited state are emitting the detected signal. At room temperature there are insufficient neutral atoms in the excited state to do atomic emission spectroscopy. However, as one continues to raise the temperature of the analyte mixture, the fraction of atoms in the excited state increases to the point that atomic emission spectroscopy becomes feasible.
6.5 Summary
Spectroscopy deals with the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Spectrochemical analysis, a branch of spectroscopy, encompasses a wide range of techniques used in analytical laboratories for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the chemical composition of foods. Common spectrochemical analysis methods include UV, Vis, and IR absorption spectroscopy, molecular fluorescence spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy. In each of these methods, the analyst attempts to measure the amount of radiation either absorbed or emitted by the analyte. All of these methods make use of the facts that the energy content of matter is quantized and that photons of radiation may be absorbed or emitted by matter if the energy associated with the photon equals the energy difference for allowed transitions of that given species. The above methods differ from each other with respect to the radiation wavelengths used in the analysis or the molecular vs. atomic nature of the analyte.
6.6 Study Questions
- 1.
Which phenomena associated with light are most readily explained by considering the wave nature of light? Explain these phenomena based on your understanding of interference.
- 2.
Which phenomena associated with light are most readily explained by considering the particulate nature of light? Explain these phenomena based on your understanding of the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation.
- 3.
What does it mean to say that the energy content of matter is quantized?
- 4.
Molecular absorption of radiation in the UV-Vis range results in transitions between what types of energy levels?
- 5.
Molecular absorption of radiation in the IR range results in transitions between what types of energy levels?
- 6.
Why is an applied magnetic field necessary for NMR spectroscopy?
- 7.
How do the allowed energy levels of molecules differ from those of atoms? Answer with respect to the energy-level diagram depicted in Fig. 6.5.
- 8.
In fluorescence spectroscopy, why is the wavelength of the emitted radiation longer than the wavelength of the radiation used for excitation of the analyte?
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