31.1 Introduction
Color, flavor, and texture are the three principal quality attributes that determine food acceptance, and color has a far greater influence on our judgment than most of us appreciate. We use color to determine if a banana is at our preferred ripeness level, and a discolored meat product can warn us that the product may be spoiled. The marketing departments of our food corporations know that, for their customers, the color must be “right.” The University of California Davis scorecard for wine quality designates 4 points out of 20, or 20 % of the total score, for color and appearance [1]. Food scientists who establish quality control specifications for their product are very aware of the importance of color and appearance. While subjective visual assessment and use of visual color standards are still used in the food industry, instrumental color measurements are extensively employed. Objective measurement of color is desirable for both research and industrial applications, and the ruggedness, stability, and ease of use of today’s color measurement instruments have resulted in their widespread adoption.
Color can be defined as the sensation that is experienced by an individual when radiant energy within the visible spectrum (380–770 nm) falls upon the retina of the eye [2], and a colorant is a pigment that is used to color a product. For the phenomenon of color to occur, there must be: (1) a colored object, (2) light in the visible region of the spectrum, and (3) an observer. All three of these factors must be taken into account when assessing and measuring color. When white light strikes an object, it can be absorbed, reflected, and/or scattered. Selective absorption of certain wavelengths of light is the primary basis for the color of an object. Color, as seen by the eye, is an interpretation by the brain of the character of light coming from an object. Colorimetryis the science of color measurement [3]. It is possible to define color in mathematical units; however, those numbers do not easily relate to the observed color. A number of color-ordering systems and color spaces have been developed that better agree with visual assessment. In food research and quality control, instruments are needed which provide repeatable data that correspond to how the eye sees color. This chapter will provide a brief description of human physiology of vision and an overview of the different color-ordering and color-measuring systems. The chapter is limited to presenting the basic underlying principles that will hopefully allow for an understanding of how color of food products should be measured. Color measurement is a very complex subject, and for more detailed exploration of the subject, the following references are recommended [2–7].
31.2 Physiological Basis of Color
Humans have excellent color perception and they can detect up to 10,000,000 different colors [8]. They have very poor color memory, however, and cannot accurately recall colors of objects previously observed [5, 9], hence the need for objective measurement of color. While color perception varies somewhat with humans, it is much less variable than that for the senses of taste and smell. Color perception is comparatively uniform for people with normal color vision; however, 8 % of males and 0.5 % of females have physiological defects and perceive colors in a markedly different way [2, 5].

Diagram of the human eye. http://www.amdcanada.com/template.php?lang=eng§ion=4&subSec=2d&content=4_2

Spectral sensitivity curves of the three types of cones comprising photopic vision (From Hutchings [5], with kind permission of Springer + Business Media)

Spectral sensitivity curves for scotopic (rods) and photopic (cones) vision (From Hutchings [5], with kind permission of Springer + Business Media)

The color opponent model (Courtesy of HunterLab, Reston, VA)
31.3 Color Specification Systems
There are verbal, visual matching, and instrumental methods for describing and specifying color. Color is three-dimensional, and any color-order system will need to addresshue, what we instinctively think of as color (e.g., red, blue, green); value, which represents lightness and darkness; and chroma or saturation which indicates intensity. When attempting to verbally describe a color defect or problem, one should attempt to use these three qualities in formulating a color description.
31.3.1 Visual Systems
The Munsell system is probably the best known and most widely used visual color-ordering system. It was developed by A.H. Munsell, a Boston art teacher, in 1905. In this system red, yellow, green, blue, and purple plus five adjacent pairs, green yellow, yellow red, red purple, purple blue, and blue green, describe hue. Value is that quality of color described by lightness and darkness, from white to grey to black. Value is designated from 0 (absolute black) to 10 (absolute white). Chroma is that quality that describes the extent a color differs from a gray of the same value. It is designated in increasing numbers starting with 0 (neutral grey) and extending to /16 or even higher. A change from pink to red is an example of an increase in chroma. In Munsell notation, hue is listed first and designated by a number and letter combination. Numbers run from 1 to 100, and the letters are taken from the ten major hue names, e.g., 10 GY. Value follows with a number from 0 to 10 followed by a slash mark, which is followed by a number for chroma (e.g., 5R 5/10).

Diagram of the Munsell color system, showing a circle of hues at value 5 chroma 6, the neutral values from 0 to 10, and the chromas of purple-blue (5PB) at value 5 (Source, Wikipedia: Jacobolus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jacobolus))
Assessing color of foods by visual comparison with color standards is an option for a number of food products. USDA color standards are available for honey, frozen French fried potatoes, peanut butter, and canned ripe olives, for example [12]. This method is simple, convenient, and easy to understand; however, it is subjective.
31.3.2 Instrumental Measurement of Color Historical Development

The spectral power distribution curves of three standard CIE illuminants. Standard illuminant D65, average daylight including ultraviolet wavelength [1]; standard illuminant C, average daylight (not including ultraviolet wavelength region) [2]; and standard illuminant A, incandescent light [3] (Courtesy of Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc., Ramsey, NJ)

Diagram showing three projectors focused on the upper half of a circle on the screen. The color to be measured is projected on the lower half and the eye can see both halves simultaneously

Standard observer curves showing the relationship between the red (x), blue (z), and green (y) cone sensitivity and the visible spectrum The CIE Tristimulus System

R = sample spectrum
E = source light spectrum
= standard observer curves.

The 1931 x, y chromaticity diagram (Courtesy of Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc., Ramsey, NJ)
Manual calculation of XYZ tristimulus values from reflectance/transmission spectra is a tedious operation. Modern colorimetric spectrophotometers measure the light reflected or transmitted from an object, and the data are sent to a processor where it is multiplied by standard illuminant and standard observer functions to give the XYZ tristimulus values. Since objects with identical XYZ tristimulus values will provide a color match, they find application in the paper, paint, and textile industries. Unfortunately, the XYZ numbers do not easily relate to observed color, and they have the limitation of not having equivalent visual spacing. [Referral to Fig. 31.9 reveals that the wavelength spacing in the green region (500–540 nm) is much larger than that in the red (600–700 nm) or blue (380–480 nm) regions.] The same numerical color differences between colors will not equate to the same visual difference for all colors. This is a severe limitation in measurement of color of food products, as major interest is in how food product color deviates from a standard or changes during processing and storage. Statistical analysis of color data for which numerical units were nonequivalent would be problematic.
31.3.3 Tristimulus Colorimeters and Color Spaces
Richard S. Hunter, Deane B. Judd, and Henry A. Gardner were among the pioneering scientists who in the 1940s were working to develop color-measuring instruments that would overcome the disadvantages of the CIE spectrophotometric tristimulus system [2, 5, 6]. Light sources that were similar to illuminant C were used, along with filter systems that approximated the sensitivity of the cones in the human eye. Empirical approaches were taken to get more equivalent visual spacing. In an effort to get numerical values that better related to observed color, a system that applied the color opponent theory of color perception was developed [3].

The Hunter L, a, b color solid (Courtesy of HunterLab, Reston, VA)

A portion of an a*, b* chromaticity diagram showing the position A for a red apple (Courtesy of Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc., Ramsey, NJ)

The CIE L*C*H* color space showing the location of “school bus yellow” (Courtesy of HunterLab, Reston, VA)

Plots of a*and b* for three hypothetical samples
The colorimeters that are available in the market today have vastly improved from earlier models with respect to stability, ruggedness, and ease of use. There are handheld instruments that are portable for use in the field, online instruments for process control, and specialized colorimeters for specific commodities. They vary with respect to operating in transmission or reflectance mode and size of sample viewing area. Colorimeters have a high degree of precision, but do not have a high degree of accuracy with respect to identifying or matching colors. Most colorimeters used in research are color spectrophotometers with a diffraction grating for scanning the visible spectrum, with the data being sent to a microprocessor for conversion of reflectance or transmission data to tristimulus numbers. In operating the instrument, choices must be made as to illuminant, viewing angle (2° or 10°), and data presentation as XYZ , Lab, CIEL*a*b*, or L*C*H*. Illuminant D65, 10° viewing angle, and L*C*H* are appropriate for most food applications. It should be obvious that different numbers will be obtained with different illuminants, viewing angles, and color scales. It is critical that the illuminant, viewing angle, and color scale used in color measurement be specified in technical reports and research publications.
31.4 Practical Considerations in Color Measurement
Choice of an appropriate instrument, sample preparation, sample presentation, and handling of data are issues that must be dealt with in color measurement.
31.4.1 Interaction of Light with Sample

Interaction of light with an object (From Loughry [4], used with permission)
31.4.2 Instrument Choice

CIE standardized geometries for 45°/0° and 0°/45° instruments (Courtesy of HunterLab, Reston, VA)
31.4.3 Color Difference Equations and Color Tolerances
* = L*sample – L*standard. Positive ∆L* numbers will be lighter than the standard, and negative ΔL* numbers will be darker.
Delta a* = a*sample – a*standard. Positive Δa* numbers will be more “red” (or less “green”) than the standard, and negative Δa* numbers will be more “green” (or less “red”).
Delta b* = b*sample – b*standard. Positive ∆b* numbers will be more “yellow” (or less “blue”), and negative Δb* numbers will be more “blue” (or less “yellow”).
Delta C* = C*sample – C*standard. Positive ∆C* numbers mean the sample has greater intensity or is more saturated, and negative ∆C* numbers mean that the sample is less saturated.
Delta H* = H*sample – H*standard. Positive H* numbers indicate the hue angle is in the counterclockwise direction from the standard, and negative numbers are in the clockwise direction. If the standard has a hue angle of 90°, a positive ∆H* is a shift in the green direction, and a negative ∆H* number is a shift in the red direction.

Diagram showing acceptable ΔL*, ΔC*, ΔH* tolerance limits for a product (Courtesy of HunterLab, Reston VA)
31.4.4 Sample Preparation and Presentation
For color measurement data to be at all useful, the numbers must be consistent and repeatable. Sampling of product must be done so that it is representative of the product and prepared so that it represents the product’s color characteristics. Many food samples are far from ideal in that they may be partially transmitting and partially reflecting. Rather than being uniform, they may be mottled or highly variable in color. The number of readings that need to be taken for acceptable repeatability is dependent on the nature of the sample. Another problem is that often the only instrument available is one that is less than ideal for the sample. Gordon Leggett [15] provides some practical tips and a systematic protocol for consistent color measurement of different food categories. Transparent liquids should be measured with a sphere instrument, using a clear glass or plastic cell. A cell filled with distilled water can be used as a blank to negate the effects of cell and solvent. Cell path length is selected based on color intensity. A 20 mm cell is used for most colored liquids, with 10 mm cells for highly absorbing liquids. A very thin 2 mm cell may be appropriate for highly absorbent transparent liquids such as soy sauce. For nearly colorless liquids, a 50 mm cell may be necessary. For clear transparent liquids, a single measurement using a viewing area of 15 mm diameter or greater may be sufficient for good repeatability. For hazy transparent liquids, two to four readings with replacement of the liquid between readings is necessary to get acceptable repeatability when using a 10 mm path length cell and a sphere instrument.
Liquid samples with high solids are translucent rather than transparent. They can be measured by transmission using a very thin 2 mm path length cell, or measured in reflectance. Here it is necessary to control the thickness of the sample so that it is effectively opaque. Solid foods vary with respect to size, geometry, and uniformity. With some colorimeters, reflectance measurements can be taken directly on the sample. Ideally the surface should be flat. Readings of an apple or orange may be distorted because of the “pillowing” effect, which is a result of the distorted reflectance values from the uneven surface. Pureeing nonuniform materials such as strawberries will give a uniform sample; however, the incorporation of air renders a color extremely different from the sample of interest. For opaque foods, instruments with 45*/0° and 0°/45° geometries are recommended as the measurements correlate better with visual assessment than those obtained with sphere instruments. Instruments with a large area of view, e.g., 25–50 mm, are helpful for area-averaging nonuniform color. For powders, two readings with replacement of the powder between readings may be sufficient, but for flakes, chunks, and large particulates, a large field of view (40 mm or larger) with three to six readings and sample replacement between readings is recommended.
Different commodities present their own peculiarities when it comes to measuring color and appearance. In the proceedings of an American Chemical Society symposium [16], various authors discuss methodology for color measurement of meat, fish, wine, beer, and several fruits and vegetables.
31.5 Summary
Color is three-dimensional, and any color-ordering or color-measuring system needs to address that fact. The Munsell system is a visual system that designates color in terms of hue, value, and chroma. Each of these dimensions has equivalent visual spacing, which is advantageous. The physiology of color vision has been long understood, and it provided the necessary background information for development of the CIE tristimulus system. Standardization of illuminants and experiments using humans with normal color version was necessary to develop color-matching functions that corresponded to the color sensitivity of the human eye. The system permits calculation of numerical XYZ tristimulus values that can accurately represent a color and are useful in color matching. The system does not have equivalent visual spacing, which is a disadvantage when measuring how a sample differs from a standard or changes during processing and storage. Color-order systems have been developed that are more suitable for measuring color differences. These include the HunterLab system, the CIEL*a*b* system, and the L*C*H* system. The latter two systems are recommended by the CIE, the International Association with responsibility for standardization and measurement of light. They have been widely adopted by the food industry for color measurement. There are many colorimeters available for industrial and research applications that are rugged, easy to standardize, and user friendly. They vary with respect to presentation of sample, size of viewing area, portability, and the ability to measure by transmittance or reflectance. Many food samples are less than ideal for color measurements because they may be partial transmitting and partial reflecting, nonuniform, and of varying size and shape. A number of factors need to be considered with respect to sample preparation and presentation to get measurements that are repeatable and that correspond to visual appearance.
There are a number of excellent illustrative tutorials dealing with color measurement that are available on various websites that have been developed by organizations and commercial companies. The following are recommended: HunterLab [17], Konica Minolta [18], CIE [19], Munsell [20], Color Models Technical Guides [21], A Review of RGB Color Spaces [22], and Beer Color Laboratories [23].
31.6 Study Questions
- 1.
Dominant wavelength (λd), % purity, and luminosity (Y) in the CIE XYZ system correspond to what indices in the Munsell system? In the CIE L*C*H* system?
- 2.
Using a calculator, determine hue angle and chroma for the following sets of a*, b* data: a* = +12 and b* = +8, a* = +12 and b* = +4, and a* = 12 and b* = -4.
- 3.
If one wants to use a colorimeter to measure of the amount of browning in maple syrup, what indices would you expect to correspond well with visual assessment?
- 4.
How variable is human color perception when compared with that of taste and smell? What are the human capabilities for color perception and color memory?
- 5.
Why is CIE tristimulus Y used as a measure of luminosity?
- 6.
Give examples where it is appropriate to use a colorimeter with diffuse sphere geometry and, conversely, a colorimeter with 0°/45° reflectance geometry.
- 7.
How can you determine how many readings should be taken for a given sample?
The authors of this chapter wish to acknowledge Dr. Jack Francis, a legend in the area of color analysis and the person who wrote the chapter on this topic in two previous editions of this book. Ideas for the content or organization, along with some of the text, came from his chapter. Dr. Francis offered the use of his chapter contents.

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