20.1 Introduction
20.1.1 Definition and Importance
Vitamins are defined as relatively low-molecular-weight compounds which humans, and for that matter, any living organism that depends on organic matter as a source of nutrients, require in small quantities for normal metabolism. With few exceptions, humans cannot synthesize most vitamins and therefore need to obtain them from food and supplements. Insufficient levels of vitamins result in deficiency diseases [e.g., scurvy and pellagra, which are due to the lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and niacin, respectively].
20.1.2 Importance of Analysis
Vitamin analysis of food and other biological samples has played a critical role in determining animal and human nutritional requirements. Furthermore, accurate food composition information is required to determine dietary intakes to assess diet adequacy and improve human nutrition worldwide. From the consumer and industry points of view, reliable assay methods are required to ensure accuracy of food labeling. This chapter provides an overview of techniques for analysis of the vitamin content of food.
20.1.3 Vitamin Units
When vitamins are expressed in units of mg or μg per tablet or food serving, it is very easy to grasp how much is present. Vitamins also can be expressed as international units (IU), United States Pharmacopeia (USP) units, and % Daily Value (DV). The IU is a unit of measurement for the amount of a substance, based on measured biological activity or effect. For details about IU and USP units of various vitamins, see the Vitamin Analysis chapter in the fourth edition of this textbook. For details about % DV for vitamins, see Chap. 3 in this textbook. When analysis of a foodstuff or dietary supplement is required for its content of vitamins, as might be the case for labeling and quality control purposes, being able to report the findings on different bases becomes important.
20.1.4 Extraction Methods
With the exception of some biological feeding studies, vitamin assays in most instances involve the extraction of a vitamin from its biological matrix prior to analysis. This generally includes one or several of the following treatments: heat, acid, alkali, solvents, and enzymes.
Ascorbic acid: Cold extraction with metaphosphoric acid/acetic acid.
Vitamin B 1 and B 2: Boiling or autoclaving in acid plus enzyme treatment.
Niacin: Autoclaving in acid (noncereal products) or alkali (cereal products).
Folate: Enzyme extraction with α-amylase, protease, and γ-glutamyl hydrolase (conjugase).
Vitamins A, E, or D: Organic solvent extraction, saponification, and re-extraction with organic solvents. For unstable vitamins such as these, antioxidants are routinely added to inhibit oxidation.
For fat-soluble vitamins, the initial extraction with a hydrophobic organic solvent removes all fat-soluble compounds from the food, including all of the triacylglycerols. The saponification step that follows (generally either overnight at room temperature or by refluxing at 70 °C, using an antioxidant that protects the sample from oxidation) renders liberated fatty acids from the triacylglycerols insoluble in an organic solvent (because they now exist as soap, typically as a potassium salt), but the fat-soluble vitamins remain soluble. These vitamins are then re-extracted with a hydrophobic organic solvent and concentrated as needed.
20.1.5 Overview of Methods
- 1.
Bioassays involving humans and animals
- 2.
Microbiological assays making use of protozoan organisms, bacteria, and yeast
- 3.
Chemical assays that include spectrophotometric, fluorometric, chromatographic, enzymatic, immunological, and radiometric methods
In terms of ease of performance, but not necessarily with regard to accuracy and precision, the three systems follow the reverse order. It is for this reason that bioassays, on a routine basis at least, are very limited in their use to those instances in which no satisfactory alternative method is available.
The selection criteria for a particular assay depend on a number of factors, including accuracy and precision, but also economic factors and the sample load to be handled. Applicability of certain methods for a particular matrix also must be considered. It is important to bear in mind that many official methods presented by regulatory agencies are limited in their applicability to certain matrices, such as vitamin concentrates, milk, or cereals, and thus cannot be applied to other matrices without some procedural modifications, if at all.
Because of the sensitivity of certain vitamins to adverse conditions such as light, oxygen, pH, and heat, proper precautions need to be taken to prevent any deterioration throughout the analytical process, regardless of the type of assay employed. Such precautionary steps need to be followed with the test material in bioassays throughout the feeding period. They are required with microbiological and chemical methods during extraction as well as during the analytical procedure.
Just as with any type of analysis, proper sampling and subsampling as well as the preparation of a homogeneous sample are critical aspects of vitamin analysis. General guidelines regarding this matter are provided in Chap. 5 of this text.
Commonly used regulatory methods for vitamin analysis
Vitamin |
Method designation |
Application |
Approach |
Fat-soluble vitamins |
Vitamin A (and precursors) |
AOACa 992.04 |
Vitamin A in milk and milk-based infant formula |
HPLCb 340 nm |
Retinol |
Retinol |
AOAC 2001.13 |
Vitamin A in foods |
HPLC 328 or 313 nm |
All-trans-retinol |
AOAC 2011.07 |
Vitamin A in infant formula and adult nutritionals |
UHPLCc 326 nm |
All-trans-retinol |
EN 1283-1 [3] |
All foods |
HPLC 325 nm or |
13-cis-retinol |
Fluorescenced |
E x λ = 325 nm |
E m λ = 475 nm |
β-Carotene |
AOAC 2005.07 |
β-Carotene in supplements and raw materials |
HPLC 445 or 444 nm |
β-Carotene |
EN 1283-2 [3] |
All foods |
HPLC 450 nm |
Vitamin D |
Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol |
AOAC 936.14 |
Vitamin D in foods |
Bioassay |
Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol |
AOAC 995.05 |
Vitamin D in infant formula and enteral products |
HPLC 265 nm |
Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol |
AOAC 2002.05 |
Vitamin D in selected foods |
HPLC 265 nm |
Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol |
AOAC 2011.11 |
Vitamin D in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol |
AOAC 2012.11 |
Simultaneous determination of vitamins D2 and D3 in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
Cholecalciferol Ergocalciferol |
EN 1282172 [5] |
Vitamin D in foods |
HPLC 265 nm |
Vitamin E |
All-racemic α-tocopherol |
AOAC 2012.10 |
Simultaneous determination of vitamins E and A in infant formula and adult nutritionals |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 280 nm |
E m λ = 310 nm |
α-tocopherol |
AOAC 2012.09 |
Vitamins A and E in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 295 nm |
E m λ = 330 nm |
R,R,R – tocopherols |
EN 12822 [6] |
Vitamin E in foods |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 295 nm |
E m λ = 330 nm |
Vitamin K |
Phylloquinone |
AOAC 999.15 |
Vitamin K in milk and infant formulas |
HPLC postcolumn reduction, |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 243 nm |
E m λ = 430 nm |
Phytonadione (K1) |
AOAC 2015.09 |
Trans-vitamin K1 in infant, pediatric, and adult nutritionals |
NP-HPLC postcolumn reduction, |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 245 nm |
E m λ = 440 nm |
Phylloquinone |
EN 14148 [7] |
Vitamin K in foods |
HPLC postcolumn reduction, |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 243 nm |
E m λ = 430 nm |
Water-soluble vitamins |
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Ascorbic acid |
AOAC 967.21 |
Vitamin C in juices and vitamin preparations |
2,6-dichloroindophenol titration |
Ascorbic acid |
AOAC 967.22 |
Vitamin C in vitamin preparations |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 350 nm |
E m λ = 430 nm |
Ascorbic acid |
AOAC 2012.21 |
Vitamin C in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
HPLC 254 nm |
Ascorbic acid |
AOAC 2012.22 |
Vitamin C in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
UHPLC 254 nm |
Thiamine (vitamin B1) Thiamine |
AOAC 942.23 |
Thiamine in foods |
Thiochrome Fluorescence |
E x λ = 365 nm |
E m λ = 435 nm |
Thiamine |
AOAC 2015.14 |
Total vitamins B1, B2, and B6 in infant formula and related nutritionals |
Enzymatic digestion and UHPLC-MS/MS |
Thiamine |
EN 14122 [9] |
Thiamine in foods |
Thiochrome |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 366 nm |
E m λ = 420 nm |
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Riboflavin |
AOAC 970.65 |
Riboflavin in foods and vitamin preparations |
Fluorescence |
Ex λ = 440 nm |
E m λ = 565 nm |
Riboflavin |
AOAC 2015.14 |
Total vitamins B1, B2, and B6 in infant formula and related nutritionals |
Enzymatic digestion and UHPLC-MS/MS |
Riboflavin |
EN 14152 [10] |
Riboflavin in foods |
Fluorescence |
E x λ = 468 nm |
E m λ = 520 nm |
Niacin |
AOAC 944.13 |
Niacin and niacinamide in vitamin preparations |
Microbiological |
Nicotinic acid Nicotinamide |
Nicotinic acid Nicotinamide |
AOAC 985.34 |
Niacin and niacinamide in ready-to-feed milk-based infant formula |
Microbiological |
Vitamin B6 |
AOAC 2004.07 |
Total vitamin B6 in infant formula |
Pyridoxine Pyridoxal Pyridoxamine |
HPLC Fluorescence E x λ = 468 nm E m λ = 520 nm |
Pyridoxine |
AOAC 2015.14 |
Total vitamins B1, B2, and B6 in infant formula and related nutritionals |
Enzymatic digestion and UHPLC-MS/MS |
Pyridoxal |
Pyridoxamine |
Folic acid, folate |
AOAC 2004.05 |
Total folates in cereals and cereal products – trienzyme procedure |
Microbiological |
Total folates |
Total folates |
AOAC 2011.06 |
Total folates in infant formula and adult nutritionals |
Trienzyme extraction and HPLC-MS/MS |
Folic acid |
AOAC 2013.13 |
Folate in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
Trienzyme extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS |
5-methyl tetrahydrofolic acid |
Vitamin B12 |
AOAC 986.23 |
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) in milk-based infant formula |
Microbiological |
Cyanocobalamin |
Cyanocobalamin |
AOAC 2011.10 |
Vitamin B12 in infant and pediatric formulas and adult nutritionals |
HPLC 550 nm |
Cyanocobalamin |
AOAC 2014.02 |
Vitamin B12 in infant and pediatric formulas and adult nutritionals |
UHPLC 361 nm |
Biotin |
USP29/NF24, dietary supplements official monograph [11] |
Biotin in dietary supplements |
HPLC 200 nm or microbiological |
Biotin |
Pantothenic acid |
AOAC 992.07 |
Pantothenic acid in milk-based infant formula |
Microbiological |
Calcium pantothenate |
Calcium pantothenate |
AOAC 2012.16 |
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula |
20.2 Bioassay Methods
Outside of vitamin bioavailability studies, bioassays at the present are used only for the analysis of vitamins B 12 and D, and even for them, the bioassays have very limited use. For vitamin D, the bioassay reference standard method (AOAC Method 936.14) (specified for milk, vitamin preparations, and feed concentrates) is known as the line test, which is based on bone calcification. Rats are initially fed a diet that depletes rats of vitamin D and then groups of the rats are fed a diet with known (for standard curve) or unknown (sample) amounts of vitamin D. The rats are then sacrificed, and the sections of specific bones are stained to show the extent of bone calcification.
20.3 Microbiological Assays
20.3.1 Principle
The growth of microorganisms is proportional to their requirement for a specific vitamin, if all other nutritional needs of the microorganisms are met. Thus, in microbiological assays the growth of a certain microorganism in an extract of a vitamin-containing sample is compared against the growth of this microorganism in the presence of known quantities of that vitamin. Bacteria, yeast, or protozoans are used as test organisms. Growth can be measured in terms of turbidity, acid production, gravimetry, or by respiration. With bacteria and yeast, turbidimetry is the most commonly employed system. If turbidity measurements are involved, clear sample and standard extracts vs. turbid ones are essential. With regard to incubation time, turbidity measurement is also a less time-consuming method. The microorganisms are specified by ATCC™ numbers and are available from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC™) (10801 University Blvd., Manassas, VA 20110).
20.3.2 Applications
Microbiological assays are limited to the analysis of water-soluble vitamins. The methods are very sensitive and specific for each vitamin. The methods are somewhat time consuming, and strict adherence to the analytical protocol is critical for accurate results. All microbiological assays can use microtiter plates (96-well) in place of test tubes. Microplate usage results in significant savings in media and glassware, as well as labor.
20.3.3 Niacin
The microbiological analysis of niacin and nicotinamide, as an example of such an assay, is briefly described here (AOAC Method 944.13, 45.2.04) [2, 13]. Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC™ 8014 is the test organism. A stock culture needs to be prepared and maintained by inoculating the freeze-dried culture on Bacto Lactobacilli agar followed by incubation at 37 °C for 24 h prior to sample and standard inoculation. A second transfer may be advisable in the case of poor growth of the inoculum culture. The final inoculum is added to tubes of niacin assay medium, that contain added known amounts of a USP niacin reference standard (for standard curve) and unknown amounts of niacin (food sample extract). The tubes are incubated at 37 °C for 16–24 h. The percent transmittance at a specific wavelength is measured to determine microbial growth as indicated by turbidity. Using Lactobacilli sp. as the test organism, acidimetric measurements could be used instead of turbidity, but the required incubation time would be 72 h.
20.4 Chemical Methods
20.4.1 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Overview
Because of their relative simplicity, accuracy, and precision, the chemical methods, in particular the chromatographic methods using HPLC/UHPLC, are preferred (see Chap. 13). Numerous vitamins are now commonly measured by HPLC (e.g., A, D, E, K, C, various B vitamins), many as official methods and some unofficial. Liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) (see Chap. 11) has added a new dimension to vitamin analysis. In general, LC-MS or electrospray ionization (ESI) LC-MS/MS methods are available for each fat- and water-soluble vitamin. Detection by MS leads to increased sensitivity as well as unequivocal identification and characterization of the vitamin. The LC-MS assays have become a mainstay of accurate, cost-effective vitamin analyses. For example, LC-MS is commonly employed for verification of vitamin D content of products with difficult matrices (i.e., comparing results to those with standard LC analysis, e.g., AOAC Method 2012.11, Simultaneous Determination of Vitamins D2 and D3 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula) and LC-MS/MS for folate (AOAC Method 2013.13, Folate in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula by a UHPLC-MS/MS assay vs. the microbiological method).
Standard HPLC is commonly employed as an official method of analysis for vitamins A (e.g., AOAC Method 992.04, 50.1.02), E (e.g., AOAC Method 992.03, 50.1.04), and D (e.g., AOAC Method 2002.05, 45.1.22A) and as a quality control method for vitamin C. While HPLC/UHPLC involves a high capital outlay, it is applicable to most vitamins and lends itself in some instances to simultaneous analysis of several vitamins and/or vitamers (i.e., isomers of vitamins). Implementation of multi-analyte procedures for the analysis of water-soluble vitamins can result in assay efficiency with savings in time and materials. To be useful, a simultaneous assay must not lead to loss of sensitivity, accuracy, and precision when compared to single-analyte methods. In general terms, multi-analyte methods for water-soluble vitamin assay of high-concentration products including pharmaceuticals, supplements, and vitamin premixes are quite easily developed. Though the applicability of HPLC has been demonstrated to a wide variety of biological matrices with no or only minor modifications in some cases, one must always bear in mind that all chromatographic techniques, including HPLC, are separation and not identification methods. Therefore, during adaptation of an existing HPLC method to a new matrix, establishing evidence of peak identity and purity is an essential step of the method adaptation or development. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light, air (and any prooxidants, for that matter), high temperatures, and moisture. Therefore, steps must be taken to avoid any adverse changes in this vitamin due to such effects. Steps include: (1) using low actinic glassware, nitrogen, and/or vacuum, (2) avoiding excessively high temperatures, (3) working in subdued artificial light, and (4) adding pyrogallol as an antioxidant prior to saponification.
HPLC methods are considered the only acceptable methods to provide accurate food measurements of vitamin A activity. For example, in the HPLC method of vitamin A (i.e., retinol isomers) in milk and milk-based infant formula (AOAC Method 992.04, 50.1.02) [2], the test sample is saponified with ethanolic KOH, vitamin A (retinol) is extracted into organic solvent, and then concentrated. Vitamin A isomers – all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol – levels are determined by HPLC on a silica column (i.e., normal phase). Vitamin A also can be analyzed using reversed-phase HPLC columns. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is typically analyzed by HPLC with a UV-Vis detector (some version of AOAC Method 2002.05) but by HPLC-MS for verification of analyte presence, as needed. Protection against oxidation is done as described for vitamin A above. For the HPLC-UV-Vis analysis, an internal standard (vitamin D2) is added to the sample that is subjected to basic hydrolysis then saponified in ethanolic KOH. This sample is extracted with heptane, and the heptane organic phase is evaporated to dryness. The reconstituted sample is subjected to a semi-preparative normal-phase HPLC column, from which the fractions are collected, concentrated, and diluted in acetonitrile-methanol. These samples are subjected to a reversed-phase HPLC column with UV detection to quantitate the D3. A separate sample is tested in parallel to confirm the absence of endogenous D2. Vitamin E (Tocopherols and Tocotrienols)

Chromatogram of rice bran oil showing tocopherols and tocotrienols
20.4.2 Other Chemical Methods Vitamin C
The vitamin (l-ascorbic acid and l-dehydroascorbic acid) is very susceptible to oxidative deterioration, which is enhanced by high pH and the presence of ferric and cupric ions. For these reasons, the entire analytical procedure needs to be performed at low pH and, if necessary, in the presence of a chelating agent. Mild oxidation of ascorbic acid results in the formation of dehydroascorbic acid, which is also biologically active and is reconvertible to ascorbic acid by treatment with reducing agents such as β-mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol. Two AOAC official methods for vitamin C are described below, but vitamin C also can be analyzed in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula by HPLC with UV detection (AOAC Method 2012.21) and UHPLC with UV detection (AOAC Method 2012.22). 2,6-Dichloroindophenol (DCIP)Titrimetric Method

Chemical reaction between L-ascorbic acid and the indicator dye, 2,6-dichloroindophenol Microfluorometric Method
The vitamin C AOAC microfluorometric (AOAC Method 967.22, 45.1.15) assay is specified for vitamin preparations, but a semiautomated fluorometric AOAC method (AOAC Method 984.26, 45.1.16) is specified as applicable to all food products in the absence of erythorbate [2, 15]. The microfluorometric method measures both ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid. All ascorbate forms are oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid (using a boric acid-sodium acetate solution), and then the dehydroascorbic acid is reacted with o-phenylenediamine to produce a fluorescent quinoxaline compound. The amount of fluorescence in the sample (compared to a standard and corrected with blanks) is used to quantitate the amount of vitamin C. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Thiochrome Fluorometric Method
While thiamine can be quantitated by HPLC, it is still commonly analyzed by the longtime official thiochrome fluorometric procedure (AOAC Method 942.23) [2]. Following sample extraction with dilute acid, enzymatic hydrolysis of thiamine’s phosphate esters, and chromatographic cleanup (i.e., purification), thiamine is oxidized to thiochrome, which is fluorescent. This method is based on the fluorescence measurement of thiochrome in the test solution compared to that from an oxidized thiamine standard solution. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Fluorometric Method
Like other B vitamins, riboflavin can be analyzed by HPLC, but its natural fluorescence allows for measurement based on this characteristic. Following sample extraction, cleanup, and compensation for the presence of interfering substances, riboflavin is determined fluorometrically, compared to a riboflavin standard (AOAC Method 970.65, 45.1.08) [2].
20.5 Comparison of Methods
- 1.
Method accuracy and precision
- 2.
The need for bioavailability information
- 3.
Time and instrumentation requirements
- 4.
Personnel requirements
- 5.
The type of biological matrix to be analyzed
- 6.
The number of samples to be analyzed
- 7.
Regulatory requirements – Must official AOAC International methods be used?
At present, the applicability of microbiological assays is limited to water-soluble vitamins (most commonly niacin, B12, and pantothenic acid). Though somewhat time consuming, they generally can be used for the analysis of a relatively wide array of biological matrices without major modifications. Furthermore, less sample preparation is often required compared to chemical assays; yet, with more and more official methods being developed for HPLC and UHPLC, the employment of these microbiological assays is expected to decrease with time.
When selecting a system for analysis, at least initially, it is wise to consider the use of official methods that have been tested through interlaboratory studies and that are published by such organizations as AOAC International [2], the British Standards Institution [3–10], the US Pharmacopeial Convention [11], or the AACC International [16]. Again, one must realize that these methods are limited to certain biological matrices.
20.6 Summary
Three types of methods for the analysis of vitamins – bioassays and microbiological and chemical assays – have been outlined in this chapter, with emphasis on the chemical methods. The methods are, in general, applicable to the analysis of more than one vitamin and several food matrices. However, the analytical procedures must be properly tailored to the analyte in question and the biological matrix to be analyzed; issues concerning sample preparation, extraction, and quantitative measurements are also involved. It is essential to validate any new application appropriately by assessing its accuracy and precision. Method validation is especially important with chromatographic methods such as HPLC, because these methods basically accent separations rather than identification of compounds. For this reason, it is essential to ensure not only identity of these compounds but also, just as important, their purity.
20.7 Study Questions
- 1.
What factors should be considered in selecting the assay for a particular vitamin?
- 2.
To be quantitated by most methods, vitamins must be extracted from foods. What treatments are commonly used to extract the vitamins? For one fat-soluble vitamin and one water-soluble vitamin, give an appropriate extraction procedure.
- 3.
What vitamin must be listed on the US standard nutrition label as of 2018 (see Chap. 3, Sect., and what would be an official method for its analysis?
- 4.
Explain why it is possible to use microorganisms to quantitate a particular vitamin in a food product, and describe such a procedure.
- 5.
There are two commonly used AOAC methods to measure the vitamin C content of foods. Identify these two methods; then compare and contrast them with regard to the principles involved.
- 6.
Would the vitamin C content as determined by the 2,6-dichloroindophenol method be underestimated or overestimated in the case of heat processed juice samples? Explain your answer.
- 7.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using HPLC for vitamin analysis?
20.8 Practice Problems
Please refer to the fourth edition of this Food Analysis textbook for practice problems.
The author of this chapter wishes to acknowledge W.O. Landen, Jr., who was a coauthor of this chapter for the second to fourth editions of this textbook.

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