and Tamurlane’s conquest, 282–4
Damascus Gate, 110, 134, 135n, 138, 152n, 157, 208, 211, 226, 270, 304, 364–5, 379, 395, 397, 467, 479, 518
Damasus, Bishop, 151
Damietta, 265
Dan, 30
Daniel the stylite, 154
Danube, river, 343
Danzig, 513
Darius III, King of Persia, 53
d’Aubeny, Philip, 422n
David, King, xix, xxiv, 7, 10, 13, 19–25, 32n, 40, 46, 67n, 86, 133, 140, 304–5, 374, 491
and Charlemagne, 189
relics of, 152
David el-Rey, 240n
David’s Tomb, see Mount Zion, Cenacle
see also Yom Kippur War
and Orde Wingate, 451–2
and Six Day War, 493–8
D-Day, 459
Debussy, Claude, 423
Delhi, 283
Demetrius II, King of Syria, 67n
Deraa, 419
Descent of the Holy Fire, 198, 228, 230, 300, 305, 328, 348, 361, 367, 388, 519
desert monasteries, 154
Deuteronomists, 45n
Dickie, Archibald, 390
Digness, Mendel, 335
Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 240n, 324–5, 352, 362, 409, 411, 424
Dome of Solomon, 265n
Dome of the Ascension, 165n
Dome of the Rock, 27n, 148, 181–5, 188, 190, 197, 250, 304–5, 400, 408, 424, 480
and Crusaders (Temple of the Lord), 212–13, 217, 219, 227–9, 241, 270
daily rituals, 519–21
Israeli shootings, 503
and Parker fiasco, 391
regilding of, 491
Donmeh sect, 303n
Donner, Fred M., 174n
Dorr, David, 347
Dreyfus Affair, 373
Drusus, 111
Eban, Abba, 493–4
Ebenezer, Battle of, 18
Ebionites, 140n
fall of, 233–4
Edict of Milan, 144
Edwiga, Abbess, 201
Egeria, 152
Egypt, 13, 19n, 22, 26, 44n, 109n, 133, 135, 138, 422, 468–70
and desert monks, 154
Israelites in, 16–17
Jewish community, 194–5
killing of dogs and cats, 198
and peace deal, 502–3
and Turkoman conquest, 202
and UAR, 490–1
and Yom Kippur War, 505
Eichmann, Adolf, 487
Eilat, 493
Ekron, 20
El Alamein, Battle of, 460
Eleazar the Galilean, 130
Elgar, Sir Edward, 321n
Elijah, prophet, 197n
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, 378
Elizabeth I, Queen, 299
Elizabeth II, Queen, 454n
Elyashar, Menache, 418
Emesa, 88n
Emmaus, 163
English Hotel, 344
Ephraim, 24
Essenes, 100n
Euclid, 190n
Eudocia, Empress, 153–7
Eudocia’s Wall, 69n
Eugénie, Empress, 355
Eugenius II, Pope, 234
Euphemius, 156n
Eustace of Grenier, 221
Eustochium, 151
Eutropia, 146n
Execration texts, 14n
see also crucifixion; stoning
Exodus, 460
Ezekiah, 74
Ezion-Geber, 26
Fabri, Felix, 286
Faisal II, King of Iraq, 490
Falashas, 157n
Faraj, Sultan, 283–4
Farran, Major Roy, 465–7
Farrukh, 297
al-Fatat, 403
Fellowes, Cornelius, 347n
Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 293–4
Filastin, 394
Fisk, Pliny, 337
flagellation, 106–7
Fleming, James, 228n
Florence, 207n
Flourishing Edifice, 293
Ford, Henry, 423n
Forster, E. M., 443n
and division of Middle East, 405, 407, 411, 414–15, 420–1, 424, 426, 431, 433
fall of, 454
and Suez crisis, 487
and Zionism, 414–15
Francis I, King of France, 355
Frankish customs, 230–1
Franklin, Benjamin, 336
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 395
Franz Joseph, Emperor, 355–6
Frederick Barbarossa, Emperor, 256
Frederick of Regensburg, 228n
Frederick of Swabia, Duke, 256
Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden, 376
Fuad Pasha, Grand Vizier, 356
Fulcher of Chartres, 212–13
Fulk, Viscount of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, 221–5, 229, 233, 235n
Gabriel, Archangel, 169–70
Galen, 190n
Galerius, Emperor, 140
Gallipoli, 402
Gallus Caesar, 149–50
Galveston Plan, 382
Gamaliel VI, 154
Ganzak, 163
Garabedian, Yessayi, Armenian Patriarch, 363
Garden of Eden, 17
Garden Tomb, 365
Gate of the Cotton-Merchants, 280
Gate of the Divine Presence, 264
Gath, 19–20
Gaza, 49, 57n, 67, 70, 79n, 172, 240, 272, 302, 307, 407, 416, 433, 447n, 466
Geba, 84n
Gemaraiah, son of Shaphan, 41n
Gemellus, 111–12
Geneva, 482
Genseric, King of the Vandals, 130n
St George’s Cathedral, 363
George II, King of Greece, 456
Georgia, 156n
Germanicus, 112
Gerold, Patriarch, 268
Gessius Florus, 121–3
al-Ghadiya, Abdel Latif, 308
al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, 203n
Ghosh,Jaber Abu, 330
Glaphyra, 93
Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, 208, 210–12, 214–15, 227, 249, 320
Goedsche, Hermann, 380n
Goitein, S. D., 199n
Golden Calf, 198
Golden Gate, 164, 165n, 184, 185n, 195, 213, 227, 265n, 347, 388, 522
Goldsmith, Frank, 441
Goliath, 19
Goliath’s Spring, 275
Goodman, Alan, 503
Gordon, General Charles ‘Chinese’, 365
Gort, Field Marshal Viscount, John, 462
Gospel of Judas, 139n
Gospel of Peter, 109n
Gospel of Philip, 139n
Goths, 139
Grammar School, 265n
Grand Mufti, see Husseni, Amin
Grand New Hotel, 363
Grant, President Ulysses S., 357n
Gray, Colonel Nicol, 466
Greek language, 55
Greek love, 134n
see also Orthodox Church
Greenberg, Raphael, 511n
Gregory IX, Pope, 267
Grodno, 307
Gulf of Aqaba, 26
Gur, Colonel Motta, 496–7
hadith, 184
Hafiz Pasha, 346
Haganah, 430, 438–9, 450–3, 456–7, 463, 465, 468–72, 478–80, 486, 503n
Haggai, prophet, 49
Hajim Bey, 419–20
Halevi, Judah, 230
Hama, 405
hammam bathhouses, 360
Hammurabi, 14
Hamza, 177
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 42
Haram al-Sharif, 87, 176n, 184, 188n, 193n, 197, 219, 354n, 437, 488, 498
archives, 284
daily rituals, 519–20
Husseini burials, 505n
negotiations and access, 515
and Parker fiasco, 391
al-Harawi, Ali, 230
Haredim, 486–7
Harff, Arnold von, 286
al-Harizi, Judah, 265
Harold, King, 201
Haroun al-Rashid, Caliph, 189–90
Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur, 450
Hasidic Jews, 22, 64, 100n, 359, 375n, 364, 375n, 399, 479, 486, 487n
Hazael, King of Damascus, 32n
Hebrews, 15–17
Hebron, 16, 21, 24, 65, 137, 270, 288n, 329, 333, 346, 438, 449, 483
Heine, Heinrich, xx
Helena, Queen of Adiabene, 100–1
Henry VI, Emperor, 263n
Henry IV, King, 285n
Henry V, King, 285n
Henry, King of the Romans, 270n
Hensmans Hotel, 457
Heraclius, Patriarch, 219n, 244, 245n, 246, 249–50, 254, 256
Hermann of Salza, 270
Herod the Great, King, 3, 5, 9, 14, 27n, 67n, 71, 74–92, 111, 123, 146n, 185
his death, 90–2
and massacre of the innocents, 91
rebuilding of Jerusalem, 82–7
Herod Antipas, Tetrarch, 90, 92–6, 98–100, 104–5, 110–12, 119, 122
Herod, King of Chalcis, 115–16
Herod’s Tomb, 92n
Hershell, Rabbi David, 345
Hess, Moses, 374
Hess, Rudolf, 411n
Hethoum II, King of Armenia, 279
Hezekiah’s Wall, 69n
Higher Arab Committee, 448
Hilkiah, 40
Hill of Evil Counsel, 440
Hillel, 149
Hindenburg, Field Marshal Paul von, 439n
Hindenburg (Allenby’s horse), 419–20
Hindu Kush, 50
Hippocrates, 190n
Hiram, King of Tyre, 26
Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 382
Hitler, Adolf, 65n, 270n, 382n, 400, 423n, 436, 447, 450, 452–5, 459, 461
meeting with Grand Mufti, 454–5
rise to power, 439–41
Hoess, Rudolf, 408
Hoffenstahl, Captain, 389–90
Holland, 294–5
survivors, 463–4
Holy of Holies, 3, 6–7, 27, 62, 72–3, 85–7, 112, 125, 129–30, 510
Holy Sepulchre, see Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Homer, 45
Homs, 405
Hood, Lord, 322
Horn, Father Eleazar, 309–10
Hoshayahu, 42n
Hugh, Count of Jaffa, 222
Hungary, 342
hunting, 233
Hurcombe, Sergeant Fred, 418
Hussars of Israel, 343n
Hussein, bin Ali (grandson of the Prophet), 180
Hussein, King of Hejaz (Sherif Hussein), 402–3, 405–6, 415, 432
Hussein, King of Jordan, 477, 484–5, 488–90, 505, 507–8, 515
and Six Day War, 490–6
Husseini family, 308–9, 329, 360–2, 364, 394, 423, 429, 434, 439, 483, 489, 491
Adnan al-Husseini, 519n
Hussein Effendi al-Husseini, 385, 391, 399, 401, 417–18, 420
Ismail al-Husseini, 385
Jamal al-Husseini, 453
Kamal al-Husseini, Grand Mufti Muhammad ibn Mustafa al-Husseini, 307–8
Musa al-Husseini, 481–2
Rabah Effendi al-Husseini, 364–5
Rafiq al-Husseini, 518n
Said al-Husseini, 468
Umar al-Husseini, 362
Uthman al-Husseini, 385
al-Husseini, Grand Mufti Haj Amin, 418, 429–31, 435–9, 441, 443, 445–55, 468–9
and Arab revolt, 448–54
meeting with Hitler, 454–5
Huxley, Aldous, xix
Ibn al-Qaysarani, 233
Ibn Asakir, 183
Ibn Battutah, 281
Ibn Ishaq, 172n
Ibn Taymiyya, 281
Ibn Tulun, Ahmed, 190–1
Ibn Unain, 253
al-Ikhshid, Muhammad Ibn Tughi, 191
Ikhshid tombs, 193n
Industrial Revolution, 331
Iraq, 30, 36, 64, 73, 101, 134, 150, 180n, 186, 218, 234, 236, 382n, 404
Ireland, 409
Ireneos, Patriarch, 520–1
Irgun Zvai Leumi, 439, 450, 453, 457–60, 464–7, 470, 472, 475, 479, 503n
Isaac Angelus, 263
Isabella, Queen of Castile, 293–4
Isfahan, 283
Ishbosheth, 21
and offers of conversion, 248–9
Ismail, Imam, 194
Ismail, Shah, 288
and Assyrian conquest, 31–4
and dysfunctional democracy, 511n
and the Maccabees, 65n
and Six Day War, 492–8
and Suez crisis, 490
Israelovsky Regiment, 311n
Israfil, Archangel of Death, 185n
Israiliyyat, 176
Istanbul, 293, 295–6, 302–3, 306, 311, 315n, 327, 330, 333–5, 342–3, 356, 360–1, 370, 377, 389, 393–4, 400, 402, 405n, 416n, 454n
Italian Jews, 454
Iturea, 69
Ivan the Terrible, 146n
ivory, 28
Izzat Bey, 417
Jabiya, 174
Jacob (Israel), 16
Jacob Baradeus, 157n
Jacobs, Julius, 426n
Jaffa, 268, 271, 310, 329, 339, 355–6, 363, 394, 418, 448, 450
and Jerusalem railway, 348–9
and Parker fiasco, 391–2
see also Joppa
Jaffa Gate, 104, 208, 268, 288, 292n, 319, 343, 347, 349, 356, 363–4, 377, 384, 397, 400, 418–21, 424, 441, 444, 451–3, 469, 473, 479, 519
St James the Just (James, brother of Jesus), 107, 109–10, 115, 117–19, 124, 144
James I, King, 300
James, King of Aragon, 279
James, brother of Jesus, see St James the Just
Jameson Raid, 389n
Jamra, 188
al-Jarallah, Sheikh Husam, 481 see Jarallah
Jason, 61
Jawhariyyeh, Wasif, xxv, 384–5, 388, 390, 395, 397–401, 417, 419–20, 429, 435, 444–5, 449, 453, 456–7, 471–4
Jawhar al-Siqili, 193
Jazzar Pasha, Ahmet, 315–18
Jefferson, Thomas, President, 336
Jeharah, King of Judah, 31
Jehoash, King, 32–3
Jehoshaphat Gate, 240
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 337n
Jehu, King, 32
Jem Sultan, Crown Prince, 288
Jericho, 13–14, 17n, 43, 71, 79–80, 84n, 90–1, 125, 163, 210, 276, 363, 465, 479
Jeroboam, 29–30
Albanian conquest, 326–30
and Assyrian threat, 36–8
British conquest, 416–26
British withdrawal, 465–71
Byzantine city, 159–60
canine pogrom, 307–8
Crusader conquest, 203–20
David’s conquest, 21–23
divided city, 481–9
evangelists and visitors, 331–58
Fatimid conquest, 193–5
and Grand Mufti’s revolt, 448–54
Hadrian’s city, 135n
Hellenization, 59–62
Herod’s rebuilding, 82–7
Hezekiah’s city, 35
Islamic city, 264–5
and Israeli rule, 503–23
Kaiser’s visit, 377–80
and life of Jesus, 98–106
modern life, 515–20
modernist city, 440–5
nineteenth-century city, 359–66
Ottoman conquest, 291–3
Persian conquest, 161–4
Persian rebuilding, 49–51
Roman destruction, 1–10
Roman suppression, 134–9
situation and name, 13–14
and Six Day War, 492–5
Tartar conquest, 271–2
theocracy and power struggle, 58–9
and Three Pashas, 394–401
and Turkoman conquest, 202–3
Jerusalem Chapels, 285
Jerusalem Chess Club, 424
Jerusalem Emergency Committee, 474
Jerusalem Families, xxiv, 177, 316, 329, 351, 370, 384, 398–9, 420, 442, 472, 474, 508n, 518, 521
Jesse, of Bethlehem, 19
Jesus, prophet, 120–1
Jesus Christ, 4, 10, 34, 48n, 87, 90, 135, 148n, 150, 165n, 427, 461
his circumcision, 222
and Gnostics, 140n
and icons, 229
and Manichaeanism, 144n
and William Blake, 321n
Jewish Auxiliaries, 452
Jewish calendar, 27
Jesus and, 97–8
Jewish Quarter, 8, 35n, 36, 43, 159n, 191, 255, 286, 295, 298, 308, 335, 345, 511, 518
and Buraq Uprising, 438
restoration of, 503–4