(Monday, August 13; 10
Late that night Markham and Heath and
I were sitting with Vance on his roof-garden, drinking champagne
and smoking.
We had remained at the Stamm estate
only a short time after Stamm's death. Heath had stayed on to
supervise the detail work which closed the case. The pool had been
drained again, and Stamm's body had been taken from beneath the
rock boulder. It was mutilated beyond recognition. Leland, with
Miss Stamm's assistance, had taken charge of all the domestic
Vance and Markham and I had not
finished dinner until nearly ten o'clock, and shortly afterward
Sergeant Heath joined us. It was still hot and sultry, and Vance
had produced a bottle of his 1904 Pol Roger.
"An amazin' crime," he remarked, lying
back lethargically in his chair. "Amazin'—and yet simple and
"That may be true," Markham returned.
"But there are many details of it which are still obscure to
"Once its basic scheme is clear,"
Vance said, "the various shapes and colors of the mosaic take their
places almost automatically."
He emptied his glass of
"It was easy enough for Stamm to plan
and execute the first murder. He brought together a house-party of
warring elements, on any member of which suspicion might fall if
criminality were proved in connection with Montague's
disappearance. He felt sure his guests would go swimming in the
pool and that Montague, with his colossal vanity, would take the
first dive. He deliberately encouraged the heavy drinking, and he
himself pretended to overindulge. But as a matter of fact, he was
the only member of the party, with the possible exception of Leland
and Miss Stamm, who did no drinking."
"But Vance—"
"Oh, I know. He gave the appearance of
having drunk heavily all day. But that was only part of his plan.
He was probably never more sober in his life than when the rest of
the party left the house for the swimming pool. During the entire
evening he sat on the davenport in the library, and surreptitiously
poured his liquor into the jardinière holding the
Markham looked up quickly.
"That was why you were so interested
in the soil of that plant?"
"Exactly. Stamm had probably emptied
two quarts of whisky into the pot. I took up a good bit of the soil
on my finger; and it was well saturated with alcohol."
"But Doctor Holliday's report—"
"Oh, Stamm was actually in a state of
acute alcoholism when the doctor examined him. You remember the
quart of Scotch he ordered from Trainor, just before the others
went down to the pool. When he himself came back to the library,
after the murder, he undoubtedly drank the entire bottle; and when
Leland found him his state of alcoholic collapse was quite genuine.
Thus he gave the whole affair an air of verisimilitude."
Vance lifted the champagne from the
wine cooler and poured himself another glass. When he had taken a
few sips he lay back again in his chair.
"What Stamm did," he continued, "was
to hide his diving outfit and the grapnel in his car in the garage
earlier in the day. Then, feigning a state of almost complete
drunken insensibility, he waited till every one had gone to the
pool. Immediately he went to the garage, and drove—or perhaps
coasted—down the East Road to the little cement path. He donned his
diving suit, which he put on over his dinner clothes, and attached
the oxygen tank—a matter of but a few minutes. Then he put the
board in place, and entered the pool. He was reasonably sure that
Montague would take the first dive; and he was able to select
almost the exact spot in the pool toward which Montague would head.
He had his grapnel with him, so that he could reach out in any
direction and get his victim. The water in the pool is quite clear
and the flood-lights would give him a good view of Montague. The
technique of the crime for an experienced diver like Stamm was
dashed simple."
Vance made a slight gesture with his
"There can be little doubt as to
exactly what happened. Montague took his dive, and Stamm, standing
on the sloping basin opposite the deep channel, simply hooked him
with the grappling-iron—which accounts for the wounds on Montague's
chest. The force of the dive, I imagine, drove Montague's head
violently against the metal oxygen tank clamped to the breast-plate
of Stamm's helmet, and fractured his skull. With his victim stunned
and perhaps unconscious, Stamm proceeded to choke him under the
water until he was quite limp. It was no great effort for Stamm to
drag him to the car and throw him in. Next Stamm replaced the
board, doffed his diving suit, hid it in the old coffin in the
vault, and drove to the pot-holes, where he dumped Montague's body.
Montague's broken bones were the result of the rough way in which
Stamm chucked him into the rock pit; and the abrasions on his feet
were undoubtedly caused by Stamm's dragging him over the cement
walk to the parked car. Afterward Stamm drove the car back to the
garage, returned cautiously to the library, and proceeded to
consume the quart of whisky."
Vance took a long inhalation on his
cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly.
"It was an almost perfect
"But the time element, Vance—" Markham
"Stamm had plenty of time. At least
fifteen minutes elapsed before the others had changed to their
bathing suits; and this was twice as much time as Stamm required to
coast down the hill in his car, slip into his diving suit, put the
piece of lumber in place, and station himself in the pool. And,
certainly, it took him not more than fifteen minutes, at the most,
to replace the board, hide his diving suit, deposit his victim in
the pot-hole, and return to the house."
"But he was taking a desperate
chance," Markham commented.
"On the contr'ry, he was taking no
chance at all. If his calculations worked out successfully, there
was no way in which the plot could go awry. Stamm had all the time
necess'ry; he had the equipment; and he was working out of sight of
any possible witnesses. If Montague had not dived into the pool, as
was his custom, it would have meant only that the murder would have
to be postponed. In that case Stamm would simply have walked out of
the pool, returned to the house, and bided his time."
Vance frowned wistfully and turned his
head lazily toward Markham.
"There was, however, one fatal error
in the calculations," he said. "Stamm was too cautious—he lacked
boldness: he covered his gamble, as it were. As I have said, in
planning the house-party he invited persons who had reason to want
Montague out of the way, his idea being to supply the authorities
with suspects in the event his scheme did not work out. But, in
doing so, he overlooked the fact that some of these very people
were familiar with diving apparatus and with his own under-sea work
in the tropics—people who, having this information, might have
figured out how the murder was committed, provided the body was
found. . . ."
"You mean," asked Markham, "that you
think Leland saw through the plot from the first?"
"There can be little doubt," Vance
returned, "that when Montague failed to come up from his dive,
Leland strongly suspected that Stamm had committed a crime.
Naturally, he was torn between his sense of justice and fair play,
on the one hand, and his love for Bernice Stamm, on the other. My
word, what a predicament! He compromised by telephoning to the
Homicide Bureau and insisting that an investigation be instigated.
He wouldn't definitely expose or accuse the brother of the woman he
loved. But, as an honorable man, he couldn't bring himself to
countenance what he believed to be deliberate murder. Y' know,
Markham, he was infinitely relieved when I told him this afternoon
that I knew the truth. But meanwhile the man had suffered no
"Do you think any one else suspected?"
Markham asked.
"Oh, yes. Bernice Stamm suspected the
truth—Leland himself told us so this afternoon. That's why the
Sergeant, when he first saw her, got the impression she was not
primarily worried about Montague's disappearance.—And I feel pretty
sure that Tatum also guessed the truth. Don't forget, he had been
on the trip to Cocos Island with Stamm and was familiar with the
possibilities of diving suits. But the present situation no doubt
seemed a bit fantastic to him, and he couldn't voice his suspicion
because there was apparently no way of proving it.—And Greeff, too,
having helped to equip some of Stamm's expeditions, undoubtedly had
a fairly accurate idea as to what had happened to Montague."
"And the others also?" asked
"No, I doubt if either Mrs. McAdam or
Ruby Steele really suspected the truth; but I think both of them
felt that something was wrong. Ruby Steele was attracted by
Montague—which accounts, perversely, for the antagonism between
them. And she was jealous of Bernice Stamm as well as of Teeny
McAdam. When Montague disappeared, I have no doubt the idea of foul
play did enter her mind. That's why she accused Leland: she hated
him because of his superiority."
Vance paused a moment and went
"Mrs. McAdam's mental reactions in the
matter were a bit subtler. I doubt if she entirely understood her
own emotions. Unquestionably, however, she too suspected foul play.
Although the fact that Montague had faded from the scene would have
favored her personal ends, I imagine she had some lingerin'
sentiment for the chap, and that's why she handed us Greeff and
Leland as possibilities—both of whom she disliked. And I imagine
also that her scream was purely emotional, while her later
indifference indicated the dominance of her scheming mind over her
heart. The horror of the possibility of Montague's having been
murdered accounted for her violent reaction when I told her of the
splash in the pool: she pictured terrible things happening to him.
The old feminine heart at work again, Markham."
There were several moments of silence.
Then Markham said, almost inaudibly, as if stating to himself some
point in a train of thought:
"And of course the car that Leland and
Greeff and Miss Stamm heard was Stamm's."
"Unquestionably," Vance returned. "The
time element fitted exactly."
Markham nodded, but there was a
troubled reservation in his frown.
"But still," he said, "there was that
note from the Bruett woman."
"My dear Markham! There's no such
person. Stamm created Ellen Bruett to account for Montague's
disappearance. He was hoping that the whole affair would simply
blow over as a commonplace elopement. He wrote the rendezvous note
himself, and put it in Montague's pocket after he returned from the
pool that night. And you remember that he indicated where we could
find it, when he opened the clothes-closet door. A clever ruse,
Markham; and the sound of the car on the East Road bore out the
theory, though Stamm probably didn't take the sound of the car into
consideration at all."
"No wonder my men couldn't find any
trace of the dame," grumbled the Sergeant.
Markham was gazing at his cigar with a
thoughtful abstracted look.
"I can understand the Bruett factor,"
he remarked at length; "but how do you account for Mrs. Stamm's
uncannily accurate prophecies?"
Vance smiled mildly.
"They were not prophecies, Markham,"
he replied, with a sad note in his voice. "They were all based on
real knowledge of what was going on, and were the pathetic attempts
of an old woman to protect her son. What Mrs. Stamm didn't actually
see from her window, she probably suspected; and nearly everything
she said to us was deliberately calculated to divert us from the
truth. That's why she sent for us at the outset."
Vance drew deeply on his cigarette
again, and looked out wistfully over the tree-tops.
"Much of her talk about the dragon was
insincere, although there is no question that the hallucination
concerning the dragon in the pool had taken a powerful hold on her
weakened mind. And this partial belief in the existence of a
water-monster formed the basis of her defense of Stamm. We don't
know how much she saw from her window. Personally, I think she felt
instinctively that Stamm had plotted the murder of Montague, and I
also think that she heard the car going down the East Road and
suspected what its errand was. When she listened at the top of the
stairs that first night and heard Stamm protesting, the shock
produced by the realization of her fears caused her to scream and
to send for us later to tell us that no one in the house was guilty
of any crime."
Vance sighed.
"It was a tragic effort, Markham; and
all her other efforts to mislead us were equally tragic. She
attempted to build up the dragon hypothesis because she herself was
not quite rational on the subject. Moreover, she knew Stamm would
take the body away and hide it—which accounts for her seeming
prophecy that the body would not be found in the pool. And she was
able to figure out where Stamm would hide the body—in fact, she may
even have been able to tell, from the sound, approximately how far
down the road Stamm drove the car before returning to the garage.
When she screamed at the time the pool was emptied, she was simply
making a dramatic gesture to emphasize her theory that the dragon
had flown off with Montague's body."
Vance stretched his legs and settled
even deeper into his chair.
"Mrs. Stamm's prognostications of the
second tragedy were merely another effort toward foisting the
dragon theory upon us. She undoubtedly suspected that her son,
having succeeded in murdering Montague, would, if the opportunity
presented itself, also put Greeff out of the way. I imagine she
knew all about Greeff's financial plottings, and sensed Stamm's
hatred for him. She may even have seen, or heard, her son and
Greeff go down toward the pool last night and have anticipated the
terrible thing that was going to happen. You recall how frantically
she endeavored to bolster up her theory of the dragon when she
heard of Greeff's disappearance. I had a suspicion then that she
knew more than she would admit. That was why I went directly to the
potholes to see if Greeff's body was there. . . . Oh, yes, that
tortured old woman knew of her son's guilt. When she begged Leland
to bring him back into the house this afternoon, saying that some
danger was lurking in the pool, it wasn't a premonition. It was
only her instinctive fear that some retribution might overtake her
son at the scene of his crimes."
"And it did overtake him," mumbled
Markham. "A curious coincidence."
"He sure had it coming to him," put in
the practical Sergeant. "But what gets me is the trouble he took to
avoid leaving footprints."
"Stamm had to protect himself,
Sergeant," Vance explained. "Any noticeable imprints of his diving
shoes would have given away the entire plot. Therefore, he took the
precaution of placing a board over that patch of ground."
"But he took no precaution against his
footprints on the bottom of the pool," Markham submitted.
"True," Vance returned. "It had not
occurred to him, I imagine, that the imprints he made under the
water would remain; for he was certainly a frightened man when the
marks of his diving shoes came to light: he was afraid they would
be recognized for what they were. I admit that the truth did not
occur to me at the time. But, later, a suspicion of the truth
dawned on me; and that is why I wished to verify my theory by
searching for a diving suit and shoes and gloves. There are but few
companies that make standard diving equipment in this country, and
I had little trouble in locating the firm from which Stamm had
acquired his outfit."
"But what about Leland?" Markham
asked. "Surely he would have recognized the tracks."
"Oh, to be sure. In fact, the moment I
mentioned those strange tracks to him, he suspected immediately how
they had been made; and when he saw Snitkin's drawings he knew the
truth. I think he rather hoped that we also would see it, although
he could not bring himself to tell us directly because of his
loyalty to Bernice Stamm. Miss Stamm herself suspected the
truth—you recall how upset she was when I mentioned the queer
footprints to her. And Mrs. Stamm, too, knew the significance of
those imprints when she heard of them. But she very cleverly turned
them to her own purpose and used them to support the theory of the
dragon that she was endeavorin' to instil in us."
Markham filled his glass.
"That part of it is all clear," he
said, after a short silence. "But there are certain points
connected with Greeff's murder that I don't yet understand."
Vance did not speak at once. First he
lighted a fresh cigarette slowly and meditatively. Then he
"I can't make up my mind, Markham,
whether Greeff's murder was planned for this particular week-end,
or was suddenly decided on. But the possibility unquestionably was
at the back of Stamm's mind when he planned the party. There can be
no doubt that he detested Greeff and also feared him; and, with his
perverted mind, he saw no way of eliminating the menace presented
by Greeff except through murder. What led Stamm to his decision to
do away with Greeff last night was undoubtedly the amazin' amount
of dragon talk that followed the finding of the imprints on the
bottom of the pool, and the claw-like tears down Montague's chest.
He saw no reason why he should not continue to build up this
outlandish theory of the dragon. As long as the circumstances of
Montague's death appeared entirely irrational and fantastic, Stamm,
no doubt, felt safe from apprehension; and in this state of false
security, he sought to repeat the irrationality of Montague's death
in Greeff's murder. He argued, I imagine, that if he were safe from
suspicion as a result of the dragonish implications in Montague's
murder, he would be equally safe from suspicion if Greeff were
disposed of in a similar manner. That's why he duplicated the
technique so carefully. He struck Greeff over the head to make a
wound similar to the one on Montague. He then strangled Greeff, in
order to reproduce the throat marks; and, that accomplished, he
used the grapnel on Greeff's chest, thus reproducing the supposed
dragon's claw-marks. He then carried the murder to its logical
extreme—or, rather, to its reductio ad
absurdum—by chucking the fellow into the pot-hole."
"I can see how his mind was working,"
Markham admitted. "But in Greeff's case he had to create the
opportunity for the crime."
"Quite so. But that wasn't difficult.
After Stamm's vicious outburst Saturday night, Greeff was only too
glad to accept the reconciliation Stamm offered him last night in
the library. You recall that Leland told us they sat for hours
talking amicably before retiring. What they probably talked about
was the prospect of a new expedition, and Greeff was delighted to
be able to offer his help. Then, when they had gone up-stairs,
Stamm undoubtedly invited Greeff into his own room for a last
drink, later suggesting that they go for a walk to continue the
discussion; and the two went out together. It was at that time that
both Leland and Trainor heard the side door being unbolted."
Vance again sipped his
"How Stamm inveigled Greeff into the
vault is something we'll never know. However, it's a point of no
importance, for certainly Greeff was in a frame of mind to
acquiesce in any suggestion Stamm might have made. Stamm may have
told Greeff that he was able to explain Montague's death if the
other would go into the vault with him. Or, it may have been a more
commonplace invitation—the expression of a desire to inspect the
masonry after the heavy rains. But whatever the means used by
Stamm, we know that Greeff did enter the vault with him last night.
. . ."
"The gardenia, of course—and the
bloodstains," Markham murmured.
"Oh, yes; it was quite evident. . . .
And after Stamm had killed Greeff and mutilated him exactly as he
had mutilated Montague, he took him down to the pot-holes in the
wheelbarrow, over the sandy ground along the foot of the cliff,
where he would not attract the attention of any guard that might
have been stationed on the East Road."
Heath gave a gratified grunt.
"And then he left the wheelbarrow in
that bunch of trees, and pussy-footed back to the house."
"Exactly, Sergeant. Moreover, the
grating metallic noise that Leland heard was obviously the creaking
of the rusty hinges of the vault door; and the other sound which
Leland described could have been nothing but the wheelbarrow. And,
despite all Stamm's caution on re-entering the house, both Leland
and Trainor heard him throw the bolt."
Vance sighed.
"It was not a perfect murder, Markham,
but it had the elements of perfection in it. It was a bold murder,
too; for if either of the murders were solved, both would be
solved. It was a double gamble—the placing of two chips, instead of
one, on a selected number."
Again Markham nodded sombrely.
"That part is clear enough now," he
said. "But why should the key to the vault have been found in
Tatum's room?"
"That was part of Stamm's fundamental
mistake. As I have said, Stamm was overcautious. He didn't have the
courage to carry through his plot without building bridges. He may
have had the key for years, or he may have secured it recently from
Mrs. Stamm's trunk. But really, it doesn't matter. Once he had used
it for his purpose, he could not throw it away, for obviously he
intended to remove the diving suit from the vault when the first
opportunity offered. He could have hidden the key in the meantime;
but if the diving suit had been discovered in the vault by some
one's tearing down a wall or breaking in the door, suspicion would
immediately have fallen on him, as it was his own diving suit.
Therefore, in an effort to protect himself in this remote
eventuality, he probably put the key first in Greeff's room, to
point suspicion to Greeff. Then, when the opportunity to murder
Greeff arose, Stamm planted the key in Tatum's room. Stamm liked
Leland and wanted Bernice to marry him—which, incidentally, was the
primary motive for his getting rid of Montague—and he certainly
would not have tried to throw suspicion on Leland. You will
remember that I first searched Greeff's room—I thought that the key
might be there, inasmuch as there was a possibility we would think
that Greeff had merely run away. But when it was not there I looked
for it in Tatum's room. Luckily we found it and didn't have to
break into the vault—which I would certainly have insisted upon if
there had been no other means of entering."
"But what I still don't understand,
Vance," Markham persisted, "is why the key should have interested
you in the first place."
"Neither do I—entirely," Vance
returned. "And it's much too hot tonight to indulge in
psychological analyses of my mental quirks. Let's say, for brevity,
that my idea about the key was mere guesswork. As you know, the
vault fascinated me because of its strategic position; and I
couldn't see how else the first murder could have been so neatly
accomplished unless the vault had been used in some way. It was
most convenient, don't y' know. But the entire matter was far from
clear in my mind. In fact, it was dashed vague. However, I thought
it worth determining, and that's why I went to Mrs. Stamm and
demanded to know the hiding-place of the key. I frightened her into
telling me, for she didn't associate the vault with Stamm's
machinations. When I discovered that the key had disappeared from
its hiding-place, I was more convinced than ever that it was a
factor in the solution of our problem."
"But how, in the name of Heaven,"
asked Markham, "did you first hit upon the idea that Stamm was the
guilty person? He was the only person in the house that seemed to
have a good alibi."
Vance shook his head slowly.
"No, Markham old dear; he was the only
member of the party who did not have an
alibi. And it was for that reason that I had my eye on him from the
first—although I admit there were other possibilities. Stamm, of
course, thought that he had built up a perfect alibi, at the same
time hoping that the murder would pass as a mere departure. But
when Montague's murder was established, Stamm's position was really
weaker than that of any of the others; for he was the only one who
was not standing beside the pool at the time Montague dived in. It
would have been difficult for any one of the others to have
murdered Montague in the circumstances, just as it would have been
impossible for Stamm to have murdered him if he had actually been
in a state of acute alcoholism. It was this combination of
circumstances that gave me my first inkling of the truth.
Naturally, Stamm couldn't have gone to the pool with the others and
still have accomplished his purpose; and, reasoning from this
premise, I arrived at the conclusion that it was possible for him
to have feigned drunkenness by secretly disposing of his liquor,
and then made his drunkenness a reality after he had returned to
the house. When I learned that he had spent the entire evening on
the davenport in the library, I naturally became interested in the
jardinière holding the rubber-plant at the head of the
"But, Vance," protested Markham, "if
you were so certain from the first that the crime was rational and
commonplace, why all the silly pother about a dragon?"
"It was not silly. There was always
the remote possibility that some strange fish, or sea-monster, had
been responsible for Montague's death. Even the greatest zoologists
understand but little about aquatic life: it is positively amazin'
how meagre our knowledge of under-water creatures really is. The
breeding of the Betta, for instance, has been going on for decades,
and with all our experimentation with this labyrinth family, no one
knows whether the Betta pugnax is a
nest-builder or a mouthbreeder. Mrs. Stamm was quite right when she
ridiculed scientific knowledge of submarine life. And you must not
forget, Markham, that Stamm was an ardent fish hunter, and that he
brought back to this country all kinds of rare specimens about
which practically nothing is known. Scientifically, the
superstition of the pool could not be ignored. But, I admit, I did
not take the matter very seriously. I clung childishly to the
trodden paths, for life has a most disappointin' way of proving
commonplace and rational when we are hopin' most passionately for
the bizarre and supernatural. Anyway, I thought it worth while to
inspect Stamm's collection of fish. But I was more or less familiar
with all his exhibits; so I descended to the realm of simple,
understandable things, and tested the soil in the
"And incidentally," Markham commented,
with a slow smile, "you lingered over the fish and the other plants
so as not to give Stamm any idea of what you were really after in
the rubber-plant pot."
Vance smiled back.
"It may be, don't y' know. . . . How
about another magnum of Pol Roger?" And he rang for Currie.
It was less than a year after these
two sinister murders at the old Dragon Pool, with their sequence of
tragedies, that Leland and Bernice Stamm were married. They were
both strong and, in many ways, remarkable characters; but the
memory of the tragedies affected them too deeply for them to remain
in Inwood. They built a home in the hills of Westchester, and went
there to live. Vance and I visited them shortly after their
The old Stamm residence was never
occupied again, and the estate was acquired by the city and added
to what is now Inwood Hill Park. The house was torn down, and only
the crumbling stones of its foundation remain. But the two square
stone posts of the entrance gate, which marked the beginning of the
driveway from Bolton Road, are still standing. The old Dragon Pool
exists no more. The stream that fed it was diverted into Spuyten
Duyvil Creek. Its semi-artificial bed has been filled in, and what
was once the basin of the Dragon Pool is now overgrown with wild
vegetation. It would be difficult today even to trace the course of
the old stream or to determine the former boundaries of that
sinister and tragic pool.
After the final tragedy and the
breaking up of the century-old traditions of the Stamm estate, I
often wondered what became of Trainor, the butler, when the doors
of the ancient mansion had been closed for all time. Why the memory
of the fellow should have remained in my mind, I cannot say; but
there was in him something at once ghost-like and corporeal,
something both pathetic and offensive, which made a strong
impression on me. I was, therefore, glad when I recently ran into
Vance and I were visiting a
tropical-fish shop in East 34th Street; and there, behind the
counter, half hidden by the tanks, was Trainor.
He recognized Vance at once, and shook
his head lugubriously as we approached him.
"I'm not doing so well with my
Scatophagus here," he repined. "Not the
proper conditions—if you know what I mean, sir."